By aleiawritesss

11.9K 665 23

fear of losing someone you love- thantophobia love is what you called philo kalopsia is one of the scariest t... More

26 (21+)
43 (21+)
47 (final)
author's note 💞


240 13 0
By aleiawritesss

Third Person POV

Today is their second day of vacation. Suho's hanging out with Chanyeol while Chorong is with Eunji. Well, Namjoo isn't feeling well, that's why she decides to stay in the house. After having their breakfast together, Chorong and Eunji walk together to tour around the beautiful city.

Chorong POV

We are walking together, looking at the beautiful and clean surrounding of this city of love. We stop and sit on the bench provided by the government.

"So, unnie. How're you doing with oppa?"

I am shock with the sudden question from Eunji. Hesitating, I start to think. Urm, how do I say this? "We're fine. Well, still fighting over some childish matters"

Eunji giggles. "Do you love him, by any chance?" she looks at me. What's with the sudden question? Aish, this girl. I press my lips into a thin line, thinking. How can I even know when I don't even know how love feels like.

Well, I dated before only because that boy confessed to me. It's not like I love him, maybe I just like him but I thought I love him. Do I love Suho? Haha, I don't know.

"Urm, why are you asking?"

Eunji smiles. "Because the way you talked about him is really something. You're always happy when you're with him and you smiled the whole time when you told me about him. You don't even hate him and you don't know how do you feel towards him. So.. do you love oppa, Unnie?"

"I.. don't know"

I look away, thinking. Do I love him? If I love him, will he love me back? If I love him, will he be happy? I thought of Hyorin. No, I shouldn't love him. Hyorin is going to kill me. I look at Eunji when she raised her voice, calling me.

"You seems deep in your thoughts. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am" I lie.

"So.. do you love him?" I look at Eunji, still thinking. Why do I have to care about Hyorin? Suho's my husband while she's just his ex. Who asks her to leave him?

We're in a good condition. We will just fight about some small matters. I really want him all by myself. Even when he's talking to Irene and Solar, I'll get jealous. I think I do love him. "I love him, Eunji-ya"

Eunji looks at me with shock. She hugs me with a smile. "That's it, unnie. At least you realized you got feelings for oppa. I'm sure oppa is going to love you too, you know"

"Really?" I look at Eunji in disbelief. I'm not even rich, why would he love me back? I sigh, looking down. Eunji looks worried.

She pats my back. "Unnie, what's wrong?" she asks me, being caring as always. Chanyeol is so lucky to have a girlfriend like her. I smile at her.

"He won't, Eunji. I'm not rich"

I can hear Eunji sighs. She hugs me. She's like a sister for me. "Unnie, I believe Suho oppa's not like that. After all, why would he need a rich wife when he himself can afford to buy two expensive apartment buildings? Suho oppa is rich but I know deep down in his heart, he still wants to fall in love"

I am shock. What does that mean? "Suho had never fall in love?" I ask, bluntly. Eunji chuckles. She's expecting this. She smiles at me.

"No, Chanyeol oppa told me. He dated them just because he wanna play. He's still not ready to fall in love and he closed his heart for girls after Hyorin left him. That's what Chanyeol oppa told me"

He closes his heart for girls. I love him. Will he open his heart again just for me? Eunji pats my shoulder. "Grab, unnie. Be selfish, Suho oppa is yours. Don't let him fall for another girl"

I smile and thank Eunji. Yes, I love him. I love Kim Junmyeon so much and I don't want to lose him. Be selfish, Park Chorong. No. I'm Kim Chorong now.

Suho POV

I fix my hair on the mirror. I smile to myself, looking at my reflection on the mirror. Well, it's good that mom and dad got this handsome son.

Tonight, I'm not joining dinner with our family instead I'll be going on a date with Chorong. I wanna confess to her my feelings and to be real, I'm nervous.

Seriously, I don't care if she doesn't say I love you back. I know it'll be shocking and she still need time. "Chorong, I'll be waiting outside"

I walk out from our room and sit on the sofa. I take my phone as I wait for Chorong to get ready. I don't tell her yet that we'll be having a date tonight. "Suho?" Chorong calls me.

I turn to my back and see Chorong looking so beautiful in her dress. I am amazed, I never know a potato can look so beautiful like this. Well, she's my potato. "How do I look?" She asks. I smile.

"You look beautiful"

"Urmm.. thanks"

Chorong's dress

"Let's go" I say. We walk to the elevator and reach the main lobby. We take the cab, heading to a fancy restaurant. Chorong suddenly hold my hands. I look at her.

"Aren't we supposed to join the others?"

I smile. She's asking about this. I caress her cheeks. "There's no use on going for honeymoon if we still need to eat with the others. After all, I wanna have a dinner date with you"

Chorong's cheeks blush as she hears the word date. Well, it's no wrong for us. We're a married couple and this date, I'm going to confess my real feelings.

I smile. Yes, I love her. I love Park Chorong. No, she's Kim Chorong right now. I love my wife. I pull her closer as we have some random talk.

After 30 minutes, we arrive at the restaurant. We walk into the restaurant and Chorong smiles as she hugs me. I am shock at first. "You like it?"

She looks at me with a smile. "I love it, Suho. This is so beautiful" she says. I caress her cheeks and we walk together to our seats.

After eating our food, I ask her to dance with me. She gladly accepts it and I'm like the happiest man on Earth. We dance together.

I am lost in her eyes. She looks so beautiful and breathtaking. If only I could realize my feelings earlier. "Chorong" I call her name.

"Yes?" She replies as we continue dancing with me. We don't even care about the change of the rhythm. I place my arms around her waist, smiling at her.

"I love you"

She looks so shock. Why? Is it wrong? Isn't she going to say she love me back? I know she feels the same for me. Oh, Suho. You're being greedy.

"Suho.. I.."

"Chorong, it's okay. I just want you to know about my feelings. It's okay if you can't say it now, I'll wait" I smile as I look at her. I kiss her forehead, lovingly.

"Thanks, Suho" she smiles and kisses me on my lips. I smile. Even if she doesn't love me now, I will never stop at making her mine. I reply to the kiss and slowly it becomes a sweet and soft kiss.


We arrive home at 11.30 pm. I don't even realize the time we spent together until the waitress says that they need to close the restaurant. Done changing my outfit, I call Chorong.

She walks into our room to change into her PJ. Even if we're married, I know she's still not ready to show herself to me. It's okay, I'll wait.

I walk back into the room as I think Chorong's already finish changing. I sit on the bed as Chorong is busying herself in front of the dressing table, removing her makeup.

Even without makeup, she still looks so beautiful. "Why are you looking at me like that, Suho?" She asks without even looking at me. How does she know?

I smile as I walk to hug her from the back. She seems startle at first and I laugh. "Nothing. I'm just waiting for my wife. I wanna sleep with my wife"

Chorong looks at me and she looks guilty. I guess she knows what's in my mind. I want her, but I know she's not ready and she didn't even tell me her feelings yet. "Suho, can't you wait? Give me few days please. We still have 5 days to spend before going back to Korea" she says, looking guilty.

I smile. "2 days? How's that?"

"Okay, then" she agrees and we walk to the bed. After talking for some moment, we fall asleep. I'm so happy because now I'm sleeping with my love in my arms.


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