WWE: Ring Around the Love Tri...

By LlamaSuperHero

24.5K 718 39

Jessica wanted nothing more than to finally wrestle in the WWE. But after an unwelcome superstar shows up at... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29

Part 3

952 31 1
By LlamaSuperHero

It was finally time to go out for some drinks. I’ve been waiting for it all day. It was finally going to be the moment where I talk to the man of my dreams! I mean actually talk, not just him asking me where Jeff went like earlier…. I’m excited. I was back in my hotel after a long day of sweating and being active.

My phone has been buzzing like crazy. Apparently someone took a video of me fighting Rosa Mendes, and it was put on Facebook. Brandi got it and sent it to me, and now people won’t stop messaging me about it. I’ve been getting kudos all day, and I’ve had people telling me to put it on YouTube. I don’t understand other people’s fascinations with what happened. Although I’ll admit, it did feel really good doing it!

Finally my phone was ringing, which meant a phone call. “Hello?”

“Hey Jess, we’re going to come by with the limos soon, so you should probably wait downstairs. You’re at the Hilton downtown right?”

“Yeah, and what do you mean by limos?” I made sure to emphasize the pluralized limos. What did she really mean by that? Does everyone get their own limo when they’re superstars? What’s the deal with that!

“Nothing babe, we’ll be there soon!” Just like that, she hung up the phone. I know she’s hiding something, but I’ll find out soon enough. I did what she told me. I gathered my things, made sure my makeup was nice. My outfit was cute enough (I hope…) and had my phone charged. I had everything that I needed for the night. I grabbed my purse, and I headed downstairs.

It wasn’t long before Brandi showed up. She got out of her limo and wandered over towards me. Then a second limo showed up. Jeff Hardy and John Cena popped out of that one. They also walked over to us.

Brandi smiled at me. “Jessie, I don’t think that you’ve had the actual opportunity of meeting John Cena.” She grabbed my hand, and she grabbed his hand and we shook hands. I was shaking the hand of the greatest WWE superstar of all time! “Jessie this is John. John this is Jessie.”

“Hi,” we both managed to say at the same time. He smiled at me casually. He had a very dazzling smile that caused me to get lost. I really felt like I was swimming in his eyes. But I snapped back to reality. I remembered that I wasn’t going to embarrass myself tonight in front of him. I took my hand back, and he took back his.

“So Jess, here’s what’s going to happen: you’re going to ride with Cena to Firestone’s. Does that sound good?”

I was shocked. “You mean, I’m riding with…” My voice trailed off.

John took a small bow at me. “Yes, you’re riding with me. Is that okay with you, or do you wanna leave me by myself and ride with your friend?”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or accept his offer. But Brandi knew what to say. “John it’s fine, she can ride with you! I know she’s just dying to ride with you tonight.” She smiled at me. I think she knew how much I wanted to smack her right now! She knows I’m going to overreact. He was dressed so nicely! He was wearing a dark grey suit (without a tie). He looked good…amazing.

“Are you sure about that? She looks like she’s gonna be sick. Brandi are you honestly and for real, sure she’s going to be fine with this? I can already hear how excited she is!” John Cena started laughing. He was mocking me! I couldn’t help but smile at his silly words! I started to walk towards his limo, just to prove everyone wrong…more like to show everyone that I COULD ride in a limo with the love of my life!

I brushed past him, touching my arm to his, and I reached my hand down to grab his, and I dragged him a little bit behind me. I let go right away.

“It looks like she changed her mind!” John Cena was still mocking me as we walked away. Brandi and Jeff were climbing into their limo, and John was helping me into ours. This was already awkward, considering I haven’t said more than two words to this man. What were we going to talk about for a fifteen minute car ride?

We sat there for a couple minutes not saying anything.

“So you live back in Georgia?” There was the lame conversation starter, but at least it was something.

I couldn’t keep my legs from shaking, but at least I wasn’t right next to him, so he couldn’t notice. “Yeah, I’ve lived there since I was 19. It was a place that I just really wanted to live. My uncle lived down there and my family would vacation there to stay with him. Have you been there? Of course you have, that was a stupid question….” My thoughts trailed off, and I noticed that I embarrassed myself. My cheeks grew red and hot. “I’m really sorry; I’m rambling right now. I hate it when I do that. I just get really nervous when I don’t know someone, and you’re someone that I’ve always wanted to meet for my entire life and I’m just so nervous that I feel like I’m going to embarrass myself, but then again I already have, and I’m rambling again and creating a really long sentence, and I think it’d be best if I just shut up now.” Brandi would be hitting me right now. She would never let me embarrass myself this bad. I KNOW she wouldn’t! Crap.

John Cena was staring at me. He probably thinks I’m a goon. Crap! “Am I allowed to say something now?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but then nodded instead.

“Okay. Starting with what I was asking you, Georgia is a very nice place, and you’re right. I have been there many times. The industry has traveled there for many years and well...I have actually lived in Georgia myself for a couple of years with some of my close friends. I lived in Savannah.” He went silent. He was still smiling at me, and I wasn’t sure why. He was almost smirking at me.

We were almost at the bar, so I wasn’t worried about how much worse I could embarrass myself. There was too little time for me to do so anyway.

“Can I ask you something?” I looked at him curiously.


“How exactly did you get into the industry?”

He paused for a small moment, and then opened his mouth. He shut it right away though, which told me that he wasn’t entirely sure how to answer. He looked out the window, and my eyes followed. We were at the bar. “I’ll get back to you on the question. Let’s go have some fun.”

I nodded. I waited patiently for the limo to come to a stop. I could see Brandi’s limo in front of us. They were already getting out of theirs.

I could hear through the thin wall, our limo driver getting out of the vehicle. I saw him walk past the window, around the back, and over to the side door, opening it slowly. There were already flashing lights coming from outside. The door opened and John Cena was getting out. I was nervous to get out of the limo. There were cameras everywhere! I’ve never seen so many flashes before in my life! Not even on the day that I won my (not very important) championship belt that I beat Rosa for.

John poked his head back in the limo, catching me by surprise.

“Are you coming out anytime soon? You know we have a table waiting, right?” He reached out his hand further, and I took it. I halfway stood up in the limo to get over to the door. I was trying so hard not to trip, but when I’m in really nervous situations, I stumble a lot…except when I’m wrestling. Wrestling is the only time when I’m not nervous. I was still holding on to John’s hand as he helped me out of the limo. There were cameras flashing everywhere at the two of us. There were people shouting all around me!

The only thing that I could think of at this time was, at least I look good tonight.

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