Run away, little blue (TMNT)

Oleh jackxmarktrash

33K 1K 314

The teenage mutant ninja turtles are smart, amazing and dedicated ninja, who always come out on top- "Then ho... Lebih Banyak

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
First day on the job,
The Talk
'~,Totally Original Chapter Name,~'
'--,What do we do?,--'
Where did they all go??


1.5K 36 19
Oleh jackxmarktrash

Honestly the more I look at the latest versions of TMNT (ROTTMNT) It makes me wonder if they read this fanfic or something and were just like 'eh okay we can make it work' and threw that show at us, because Splinter gives Leo literally ALL the nicknames I give him here, and Leo isn't the oldest and just- 

So many coincidences - I can't be the only one here? Where's my share of the profit, guys? lmao

Quick note - after rereading my old chapters, I actually hate the way I portray Leo as a turtle who instantly 'falls into role' once he finds out he's the youngest - I might go back and add a chapter or rewrite a few in order to make it a gradual decent into his carefree mindset and who knows - I might look at making the end of this book almost like the beginning of ROTTMNT (not exactly in a way, but the idea of them exploring the world again sounds nice, does it not?) But you'll have to find out! Maybe I won't be so nice...

Also also - I wonder if any of y'all have noticed the improvement in my writing? I change my style almost every time I write, but in this book, you can see how far I've come. I'm impressed with myself, for once.


Leonardo awoke to pain - a splitting headache that felt the rest of this body numb and cold, all the pain focused in on his skull, threatening to split him in two. He attempted to reach a hand up to claw at his face, but something held him down. Groaning, he shifted, and found out quickly that he was being supported up by Raphael, who had a panicked, worried hand enclosed around his fist, the one that he'd been planning to yank at his face with. 

"Leo?" His voice was soft, gruff, but soft. Unusually so, in fact. "Leo don't touch your face, alright?" Raph's other hand lay on top of his forehead, and was swiftly brought away with a hiss. "Shit you're burning up. Can you hear me? Leo?"

"I hear you, I hear you." He garbled, whimpering when he cracked open an eye, only to be met with blinding lights. Curse headaches - curse migraines; curse any head-related injury. Leo hated this, and for once in his life, he felt truly vulnerable. Even with Raphael here to protect him, he was completely open to a planned human attack; and after being taken away from his brothers multiple times before, he wasn't planning on leaving today. Not again. 

"-not even listening - Leo?" 

His shaking body was maneuvered so that he lay on the soft bedding, Raphael worming his way next to him, placing a firm hand onto Leo's chest. "Listen, okay? I need you to listen." 

"'Kay." He ground out, lifting a trembling hand of his own to lay comfortingly on top of his elder brother's hand. "'M tryin'."

"I know you are, I know." Raphael sounded hurt and worried, and Leonardo felt a rising pit of guilt coil in his stomach. "Okay - I need to find a way to tell them to check up on you. I-I don't want you to leave either." His hand turned to tighten against his clammy one rather then to push on his plasteron. "But we've got to, okay? I don't want you to die." 

"'M not gonna die, Raphie..." 

What sounded like a strangled, half-choked laugh came from the elder brother, and he swished a three-fingers hand over his forehead. "Says the guy who gets himself into the worst situations constantly." He flicked a finger onto his skin in warning, however Leonardo barely felt it. Raphael's eyes narrowed once more, filled to the brim with anxiety. It was the worst Leo had ever seen his brother. Truth be told, all he'd done was worry his siblings since they'd arrived, and even without meaning to here they were again, worrying over him. Heck, even with Donnie and Mikey not with them, Raph was still concerned over him. "Hey Leo?"

Leo didn't realize he'd closed his eyes, nor that they had filled with unshed tears - he blinked them away, feeling a few splatter onto his cheeks and run down his face. Be it from the fever, the pain, or the immense guilt, he had no idea. "Yeah?"

A hand covered his eyes, resulting in a calming blackness soothing itself over him. He let out a shaky sigh. "I need you to sleep, okay? I really think you should sleep."

Despite having been awake only moments ago, Leonardo felt his body begin to slip at the sound of Raphael's words. His fingers became numb, the one not holding onto Raphael's sliding down to rest among the nestled blankets. His legs were already out of the question, and the comforting darkness supplied by his brother's hand left the exhausted turtle in a state of sickly sleepiness anyway. "Don't want to..." His voice was slurred; he felt like he was getting further away from his brother, even if he had only been right next to him. "Don't want to... sleep."

The world turned black, and Leonardo felt nothing. 


He didn't awake to the same comfort he felt drifting off. 

Leo awoke strapped to a table, with what looked to be a vet inserting a needle into his arm, drawing some of his blood. He watched in dazed amazement at the blood emptied into the syringe, a sickly squilshing sound emitting from the containment as it sloshed against the glass. His headache was still there, but numb with whatever drug they had given him. The only thing he could truly feel were his eyes, shifting back and forth, taking in the new location with wide, drug-induced pupils. 

The bright light above him would have been an unwelcoming sight, but the glow barely bothered him as he began to search for his last-seen brother, feeling tears prick in his sensitive eyes when he came up empty. 

A hand fell onto his numb shoulder, and his head snapped right to take in what looked to be a young man, patting his shoulder in a soothing way as he bandaged something up - had Leo cut his arm earlier? "S'all right, Blue." He sounded tired, just as tired as Leo himself felt. His voice was a mixture of comfort and roughness, worn back by the years of using it, similar to Raph's, and Leo realized that this was the man from before - Casey, right? 

Or was it? Wasn't Casey supposed to be a guard of some sorts? He hadn't seen the man in ages - and vice versa, he presumed. His memory was hazy trying to recall previous events. He wasn't as easily distinguishable as April, who's hair easily caught her out. No, he was more laid-back, and tended to fit into the crowd. Leo was now doubting if this even was Casey. 

He quickly decided that, Casey or not, all he wanted were his brothers. Squirming, even despite the fact he couldn't even feel his limbs, he tried desperately to yank himself off the table - to fight the restraints halfheartedly biting into his skin. The man jumped atop of his body, trying to keep him pinned to the table. "Hey, hey woah, B, woah. Calm down, it's okay." 

Leo wanted out. He'd had enough of this; it was always him to be strapped to the table - always him to interact with the humans. He'd never wish it on his brothers, but he'd had enough. These past few days had been literal hell for him, and the worst situation he could've found himself in to top it off was actually happening. "Hey, Doc!" Casey yelled over his shoulder, voice strained - clearly he was feeling the same. 'All you have to do it let me go, Casey.' . He blinked rapidly, seeing multiple men moving towards him, one holding what looked to be a needle full of fluid. "Careful wit' 'im though, he's just scared - it's okay Blue."

The needle was quickly inserted through his upper thigh, and only moments later did Leonardo begin to feel his eyelids droop against his will. Casey let go of him, stepping back silently. They made eye contact, and Leo could only hope the man understood. 'I'm not afraid. I just want to go home.'


Donnie felt his spine crack as he stretched, leaning over slightly to poke his younger brother, Mikey, awake, easing his fingers into the soft spot just above his shell to cheekily tickle him. The orange-banded turtle's eyes bulged wide and he sprang up, face grumpy for a moment before he realized that yes, he was indeed being tickle-attacked by Donatello. "You couldn't have let me sleep a little longer?" He whined, feeling winded from the sudden movements. "You're so mean." 

"You love me really." His brother smiled, reaching behind him to grab something, bringing it forward to rest in between both hands. Mikey grinned at the object, turning his eyes to look back up at Don. He could see the happiness springing from such a simple item, and in turn, Donnie felt his chest lighten a little. "They gave us bread - I've already eaten but here." He extended the piece. "Enjoy." 

The scientist watched in fascination as Mikey's mouth watered, taking the quickly-cut slice and ripping a piece off, gulping it down within seconds. His stomach rumbled its thanks, and Michelangelo grinned harder, plopping another piece into his waiting gob. "So." He spoke while eating, preferring to chew, talk, then chew again. "What are we doing today?" 

"Well..." Donnie took a look at their cell. It wasn't much - it was tiny, actually. Heck, it probably violated some sort of code with how small it was. A simple design too; nothing worth his intellect. Then again, nothing really was since they'd gotten here. He was almost impressed with their lack of brain cells - even if they were still trapped here. "there isn't much to do, Mike."

Mikey prodded his fingers against his chin, deep in thought before a loud - "I got it! I spy!" 

"If you haven't noticed, Mikey." Why couldn't Donnie have had Leo instead, or at least Raphael. This was pointless. "We're in a room with limited things - it would be far too easy."

"True." The second-youngest pouted, before instantly coming up with a new idea. His range of wacky never ceased to amuse those watching. "How about Hangman? You know how to play?"

Donnie pestered his brain for a moment; was it possible to even play Hangman without getting frustrated? Michelangelo had a way with words; that was definitely a known fact. Not just any words - imaginative words too; such as, well, Donnie didn't want to lose braincells even thinking about it. "Fine." He agreed, sitting himself up from where he'd pulled himself up out of the nest to strike at the second youngest. "As long as Yaldoterra, whatever that's supposed to mean, doesn't show up again."

"Oh come onnn D, that was one time." Mikey shifted so that the could lean against the cold wall. "Alright, so my first letter is..." 

The spent the next hour or so doing that infernal game (Mikey had definitely not complied to his-promises) before Donnie began to feel himself drift off. It wasn't unusual now due to the lack of mental-mobility and coffee that made him feel this way, but he couldn't help but feel guilty as Mikey neatly pushed him over to the nest, laying him down and curling against his chest in a cute fashion. It was one Don was familiar with - it was his infamous 'I'm here' hug. One that sent a shiver down his spine. 

"Are you even tired?" Don grumbled, wafting away a hand from touching his face. "Mike?"

"Nope! Just sleeping cause I don't wanna be alone!" Came the chirped response, the younger burring himself into Donatello's chest. "and cause who doesn't love a nap? Hey," A finger poked his face, indicating he was already beginning to drift off. "I bet this is like you gaining back all that sleep-debt, right? If so, you've got a long way to go!"

"You're one to talk." He muttered, poking him again, smiling when he heard that familiar giggly-shriek. "Don't think I didn't hear you either sneaking down for food, or painting late at night."

"Okay, okay, you got me." He pressed his smaller hands to Donnie's plasteron. "But the whole food thing -wasn't me man, you gotta believe me." 

"So who was it then?" Donnie asked, perplexed. 

They both stopped for a brief moment, before cracking up loudly.

"Raph." They both had simply said, before breaking out into giggle-fits more like young girls then teenage mutant turtles.

 "Raph the not-so-secret ninja." Mikey laughed, his voice gentle, aware of Donatello's need of recuperating in silence. "Oh I can't wait to hear his defense once we all meet up."

Don's mouth tilted up in a smile, closing his eyes and resting his chin on Michelangelo's head, long arms encasing around him. "If he even has one."


Not too long after they'd both fallen asleep, Donatello was awoken by something shuffling against him. He knew it was Mikey, however he also knew that his brother didn't usually do... that. 

Peeping open a bleary eye, he blinked in the direction of his brother's face, being met with one contorting in agony and fear, his own, baby-blue eyes clenched shut tight. Nightmare - they weren't uncommon. Usually, in most cases, it would be Leonardo to have the most nightmares, but after everything that he'd put himself through to protect his siblings, it was no doubt they'd have nightmares over it too. Donnie felt his heart clench, and he raised a hand to soothingly rub at the back of Mike's head, tracing patterns, shapes and the odd number in what he hoped was a comforting manner. He hadn't had to comfort anyone in, well, forever; the closest he ever got to a full panic-induced comforting session was comforting a distressed Leonardo from the time Raphael was stabbed by the foot, but that really bordered his abilities. Mikey was usually the stronghold of the situation, or Raph, depending on what had happened. 

But Mikey was here in front of him - and he wasn't the strong one this time.

But that was okay. Donnie was the second-oldest now (or well, he always had been) and it was his duty to comfort his siblings anyway. Drawing the smaller closer, the lanky turtle re-positioned himself so that Mikey was tucked against his plasteron, safe and secure. The movements swiftly ceased, surprisingly, and now, all he had was an exhausted, sleepy, turtle in his arms. A better improvement then one that looked as if Mikey was about to scream himself awake. 

"I gotcha little brother." He pushed his head into Michelangelo's head, breathing his scent in, which hadn't differed since they'd arrived; a comforting thought, and one he hoped was the same with him. "I gotcha." 

"I know you do." He thought he heard as he began to drift off again, jaw going slack and eyes fluttering shut. "I just hope you know I've got you too."


Ooooh a long Mikey and Donnie scene - I really think I don't write enough with them. I prefer/find it easier to write with Leo and Raph, but every once in a while I'll push myself to write a good ol' bonding moment with these two idiots. Also yeah - Leo seems to be snapping, Raph's becoming more emotional, Mikey's leaning on support for once and Donnie's stepping up to fill his role (not that he never did!) 

I hope you enjoyed - and like I said at the beginning, I might rewrite some chapters, so I'll let you know in future ones if I did, incase you would like to go back and reread it just to get a taste of that sweet nostalgia. 

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