A Maiden and Her Knight

بواسطة Renulen

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Sir Gabriel attempts to rescue a maiden who is being held captive by a great and powerful beast, or so the ru... المزيد

01: To Rescue a Maiden
02: The Start of a Journey
03: A Big Visit
04: Taking Care of a Dragon
05: A Night Out
06: Walk and Talk
07: An Overdue Visit
08: Knight of the Ale
09: Meeting the Family
10: A Family with History
11: The Ghost Bandit
12: A Well-Deserved Reward
13: Dummies and Mud
15: A Memorial
16: A Helping Hand
17: A Much Needed Break
18: Dealing with a Pack of Nuicances
19: At Her Most Vulnerable
20: A Rainy Day
21: Hunger Pains
22: Have Faith
23: An Urgent Delivery
24: Where There's Smoke There's Fire
25: An Anticipated Arrival
26: A Tight Squeeze
27: Crossing a Bridge
28: Pretty and Presentable
29: Little Playthings
30: Safe and Sound

14: An Unexpected Inheritance

362 4 3
بواسطة Renulen

    After a nice night's rest, Ashley is now starting to wake up. She scrunches her eyes, the light from the morning sun not entirely being a welcome sight for her. She would like to sleep a bit longer, still feeling a bit tired. But she does not want to waste the entire day sleeping, even though it would mean that she can continue holding the man she loves all morning long as a result. Deciding to get up, the maiden stretches her legs, pointing her feet forward and even spreading her long toes as she is starting to wake up.

     When the giantess finally opens her eyes, she is greeted by the sight of a clear, blue sky. This is a sight that she does like to see. Which means that it shouldn't rain. But there is something else that she would rather have as the first thing she lays her eyes on, or rather someone. She looks down to see that her knight, Sir Gabriel, is still in her embrace, having slept in her arms all last night. She smiles at him, glad that he is with her. She may have only met him a couple of days ago but she just can't imagine her life without him now.

     "I see that somebody is finally awake," Sir Gabriel says with a smile on his face. He did sleep rather comfortably in the maiden's loving arms. Until he met the loving maiden, he never once thought that he would be falling asleep in a woman's embrace. Instead, he has always pictured it to be the other way around, his arms around the woman he loves as they slept together.

     He remembers his first experience sleeping with Ashley like this. Finding the idea of being in her embrace as they laid down for the night as being odd. He did not dismiss the idea entirely, seeing as he has enjoyed every other form of affection the giant maiden has shown him so far. He is glad that he allowed her to hold him. It was the best night's sleep he has ever had, and last night was no different. Laying on her, with her arms wrapped around him, has been enjoyable for him.

     "How long have you been awake?" Ashley asks. She tightens her hold on the knight slightly so that she can hug him.

     "For an hour, at least," Sir Gabriel answers with a warm smile on his face. I tried to get up, but you are just so insistent on holding me."

     "Why didn't you wake me up?"

     "I tried to, but it seems as though you are a bit of a heavy sleeper." While Ashley was sleeping, Sir Gabriel did try his best to wake up the sleeping giantess. Nudging her, yelling her name, yet she slept through all of his attempts. This meant that he had no choice but to wait for her to wake up before he could get up for the day.

     "Either that or you are just too small to disturb me while I am sleeping." That is one thing that the knight did not consider. From her perspective, he has to wonder what any form of force from him would feel like. A considerable nudge may only feel like a light tap to her. He will have to get a bit more creative next time, should he need to get up before her.

     "Well, I am awake now," Ashley says as she begins to sit up. She maintains her hold on Sir Gabriel, refusing to let him go until it is necessary. "Which means we get to spend more time together." She raises the knight to her lips, planting a kiss right on his face to show her affection.

     "Ughhhhhh..." Sir Gabriel groans with a bit of a disgusted look on his face. It isn't the kiss that has caused such a reaction from him, but rather a foul smell that is coming from Ashley's mouth. "Morning breath."

     "Oops, sorry," Ashley apologizes, covering her mouth out of embarrassment. She starts to blush a little, realizing how it must have been for the knight. "I didn't realize it was that bad."

     "It's okay. I was just caught a bit off guard, is all. No reason to not kiss me in the mornings."

     "So glad you two are awake," Heather says. Sir Gabriel's mother is making her way to the couple, looking upwards just so she can see their faces. "I hope you two are hungry, I spent just about all morning making breakfast."

     "You didn't have to go through all that trouble." Ashley does feel a bit bad about Heather going through so much trouble to feed her. She is well aware of how much effort is needed just to prepare a satisfying meal for her.

     "It was no trouble at all, Dearie." Heather is smiling as she says this, brushing off what Ashley had said to her. "I enjoy feeding family, kind of like a hobby actually."

     "You already see me as  a part of your family?" Ashley says with a confused look. She can't help but smile a bit at hearing how Helena referred to her. "But Gabriel and I aren't married yet."

     "Not married, yet, " Heather repeats. "Now, I hope you like pancakes and eggs, I made sure to make plenty for you this morning."

     "That sounds delicious," Ashley replies.

     "Gabriel," Heather continues, "I made sure to make your favorite as well, pork jowls."

     "Thanks, Momma," Sir Gabriel responds. "Ashley and I will be sure to be at the table real soon.

     As Heather starts to walk away, Ashley looks down at Sir Gabriel. "Pork jowls?" She isn't asking the knight what they are, she is just a bit surprised. Most people only tend to eat pork jowl bacon over actual bacon since it does tend to be cheaper.

     "They tend to have more fat than bacon, but that is why I prefer them."

      Ashley stands up, still holding Sir Gabriel in her arms. "You are very reluctant to let me go, aren't you?" Sir Gabriel asks.

     "I love holding you," Ashley answers. "Don't you like being held by me?"

     "I do enjoy it very much, yes. But if you keep it up, you just might spoil me."

      "Then spoil you I shall." She finally stands up, keeping Sir Gabriel in her loving embrace as she makes her way to the Darrold's house.

     Once the giant maiden arrives at the table, which is outside of the house so that everyone can eat together. Being fifty-one feet tall, Ashley is unable to enter the Darrold's family home. She does feel somewhat guilty about everyone eating outside on her account. But Both Sir Olric and Heather did insist on it, claiming that everyone needs to eat together.

     The maiden sits on the ground and crosses her legs. Sitting in front of Ashley is a sizable platter with plenty of eggs and half a dozen large pancakes sitting on it. She does have to wonder how Heather was able to procure enough eggs to make her breakfast. Though she has heard Heather mention a chicken coop several times, threatening Laura that she would have to clean it should she keep on misbehaving. Do they have enough chickens to easily have such a large supply of eggs on hand? There is another plate next to hers, a small one. Though it would be a normal-sized plate to anyone else. She figures that this must be Sir Gabriel's breakfast. Reluctantly, she does let go of the knight so that he can sit at her spot.

     Sir Olric exits the family's home, making his way to the table where his breakfast is waiting for him as well. "Morning," he says to both Sir Gabriel and Ashley, sitting at his spot.

     "Morning," Sir Gabriel responds.

     "Good morning Sir Olric." Ashley sounds a bit cheerful as she greets the retired knight.

     "Laura!" Heather yells from just inside the front door. The volume of his wife's voice causes Sir Olric to cringe a little. His head is pounding, a result of the consequences from all the drinking he did last night and his wife yelling at their daughter is only making it worse. "Get up! This is the last time I am calling you! If I have to go in there to get you up, neither one of us is going to be happy about it. Do you hear me?!

     A loud groan can be heard coming from inside the house. "Alright!" Laura yells back, sounding very groggy. "I'm up! I'm up!"

      Heather steps outside, "Sorry about all that yelling. I swear, that girl sometimes." She leans in to kiss her husband on the cheek before she sits down next to. "Go ahead and eat, all of you. Don't let your breakfast get cold because Laura doesn't want to get up. Eat up, eat up."

     Ashley reaches down and starts to eat, very eager to taste the delicious-looking meal that is before her. She is very hungry, the two meals that she had yesterday were just barely enough for her large appetite. Shel has to use her hands to eat the meal that is before her, which she knows is not very ladylike. This is not by choice though, since there are no utensils that are large enough for her to use.

     Everyone's attention is turned to the door of the house as Laura finally steps out. Her eyes are half-closed as she has not fully woken up yet. Still in her pink nightgown and her hair a complete and utter mess, it is obvious that she has made no effort in attempting to get ready for the day. If Heather would allow it, she would end up sleeping in until noon.

     "It's about time you got up, young lady," Heather comments. "I thought I was going to need to grab you by the ankles and drag you out of that bed." Laura only groans in response, stepping out of the house in her bare feet as she makes her way to the table. From how she is moving, one does have to wonder if she is sleepwalking.

     This is the only time of the day when Sir Gabriel can be around his sister. Not being a morning person, she tends to be out of it for at least a couple of hours after she wakes up. Which means no unprovoked headlocks or rude comments from her. Though he still does need to be careful around her. The slightest provocation does have some terrible consequences.

     As Sir Gabriel grabs one of his pork jowls, Laura snatches it right out of his hand and starts to eat it. "Hey!" he protests, which is then immediately met with a swift slap upside the back of his head by his still tired sister.

     "Laura!" Heather yells.

     "Gabriel! Are you okay?" Ashley asks out of concern. She is quick to reach out and grab the knight, pulling him in close to her.

     "Yeah, I'm fine," Sir Gabriel answers. He is rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head. "Laura isn't exactly a morning person."

     Sir Gabriel knows just how mean his sister can be when she doesn't wake up naturally. With any action towards her taken by him usually being met with some form of physical retaliation. Which is why he tries not to say anything to her until she is fully awake.

     Ashley looks down at Laura, who is just going through the motions of eating her breakfast. "Laura," Ashley says in a firm tone. "I don't know what is going on between you and Gabriel but it needs to stop!" Sir Olric and Heather can only watch as the giantess is lecturing their daughter. They aren't so much surprised at what Ashley is saying, but rather that Laura is so out of it that she isn't even registering that the giantess is speaking to her.

     The rest of the breakfast is finished in silence, everyone enjoying the delicious meal that Heather had lovingly prepared. Though it is hard to tell if Laura is enjoying her plate due to her dead stare, who is still eating her breakfast slowly.

     "That was good. Thanks, Momma." Sir Gabriel pushes his plate away, content with what he has just eaten.

     "Aye, it was a delicious breakfast," Sir Olric adds. "I may have to find a way to thank you later, if you catch my meaning." This causes Heather to blush a bit, knowing exactly what her husband is saying. The two of them may have been married for many years, but their relationship has held strong because of the love that they still have for each other.

     "Heather, that was a good breakfast," Ashley compliments. "One of the best I have had in years."

     Heather looks up at Ashley, smiling at the maiden. "Why thank you dearie, and don't call me Heather. Please, call me Momma."

     "Momma?" Ashley repeats, sounding a bit confused.

     "I insist. No future daughter-in-law of mine is going to call me by my first name."

     Ashley looks down at Sir Gabriel, who just smiles at her. She then looks back at his mother, "Okay, Momma." This causes the woman to smile a bit, who can't help but feel that she is has been accepted, despite her size, and officially part of the family now.

     "So, Sir Gabriel," Sir Olric begins, "How long do you plan on staying today?"

     "Ashley does want to travel throughout the countryside and see Albion. That and I need to make my long overdue trip to the town of August. So I imagine that we will be taking our leave this afternoon when my armor is finished being repaired."

     "Wait?" There is a tone of curiosity in Ashley's voice, wondering what Sir Gabriel is talking about. "What do you have to do in the town of August? Is it another job?"

     Sir Gabriel turns and looks up at the maiden. "No, nothing like that. I try to visit my parents as often as my travels allow me to."

     "But I thought your parents were... Oh..." Ashley now realizes what the nature of Sir Gabriel's stop in August is.

     "Yeah. I stop by their gravesite and I just talk to them is all."

     Ashley reaches over to Sir Gabriel, picking him up and holding him close in her arms once again. She knows that the topic of his parents is a touchy one, able to see the pain in his eyes. She makes sure that her embrace is one of comfort, believing that he does need it. "Take all the time you need there. I am sure that they will want to hear everything from you."

     "Well then," Sir Olric says as he stands up, wanting to change the somber topic. "If you are going to be leaving soon, I have a nice parting gift for you." The old, retired knight stands up and starts to head for the house, limping a bit due to his bad knee. He doesn't go inside, but merely just reaches inside the front door, grabbing a long object that is wrapped in a burlap cloth. "Here, open it up." Sir Olric hands the item to his adopted son as he is lowered back to the ground, "I think you just might like it.

     Sir Gabriel takes the wrapped object and turns it over in his hands, examining it. There is a piece of twine tied around it to keep the cloth from coming off it. Holding it in his hands, he can tell from the weight and shape that it is a sword. He undoes the knot in the twine and unwraps the object, eager to take a look at this blade that he is being given. His eyes widen in disbelief as he recognizes just what it is.

     He was right by guessing that it is a sword, he just didn't know that it was Sir Olric's blade. The hilt of the blade itself has the head of a lion, it's mouth open as if it is letting out a mighty roar. Sir Gabriel looks up at Olric in disbelief, holding a blade that should not belong to him.

     "I-I can't take this." Sir Gabriel says as he tries to hand the weapon back to who he believes is the rightful owner. "This is your blade by right, I can't accept it."

     Sir Olric places his hand on the sword's scabbard. Not to grab it, but to push it back. "It is yours by right now, my boy. You were always going to inherit this blade someday. With me being retired now, I have no use for it anymore. I would rather see it in the hands of my son, a capable knight, than to see it just sitting in the house collecting dust."

    Sir Gabriel stands up stepping off of Ashley's lap. He pulls the blade out from its scabbard partially, seeing the word "HONOR" engraved on the blade itself. "Thanks, Sir Olric," Sir Gabriel says, still in a state of disbelief. He draws the sword fully, giving it a couple of swings to get a feel for it. "It is slightly heavier than my other sword, something I need to get used to."

     "Made from quality steel by a master blacksmith. It should serve you very well as you travel."

     Sir Gabriel sheaths the blade, looking at Sir Olric. "I will be sure to put it to good use." He looks up at Ashley, smiling at her. "I would love to say that I would be using it to protect you on our travels, but I highly doubt there are many things that could put you in danger."

     "There aren't that many, dangers that I need protecting from," Ashley says honestly." At her height, she highly doubts that anything could be considered a threat to her. "Though you do need to remember that you saved me from being lonely."

     Sir Gabriel takes a step closer towards the giant maiden, placing his hand on her knee. "Not my most impressive rescue, but it is a rescue that I am glad that I performed. It got me the woman who I love very much."

     "Awwww..." Ashley reaches down and wraps her fingers around the knight again. Both Sir Olric and Heather are watching how easily the giantess can lift their son into the air and to her face. She pulls him in closer, giving him another kiss, just as he kisses her lower lip. Pulling him away, she smiles at the knight.

     All Sir Gabriel can do is look at Ashley's smiling face, there isn't much else he can do in the loving woman's grip. He feels himself being lowered to the ground, Ashley still smiling at him. Sir Gabriel looks at the sword once again, seeing it as a good sign of how his journey with Ashley will be progressing.

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