Death. Is Just Forever Sleep...

By bleachedgoldfish

367 105 0

A serial killer, a girl, a doctor/detective. Are we really ourselves? Masks do not conceal monsters. Eyes are... More

Percy Night
Pandorra's box
Ballpoint pen
Forza di un uomo
Do you recognize me?
Floor plan
Paris Covington
Sotto lo stesso cielo
Putting on the same clothes
The strings
Jim Henson/Puppet
All the wrong things
22 minutes
An orange breakfast
i. Letter for Paris
ii. Lion
iii. Open your box, Pandorra.

Full colours

23 5 0
By bleachedgoldfish

"Can you please stop recording the meeting? I don't care if it's for a documentary." Pandorra pushed her hair back in frustration. "Leaf, the security footages, they cannot be used." Pandorra showed him the printed snapshots of the video.

"The light inside the restaurant reflects on the camera lense through those mirrors. So we're on a dead end. We can't see shit in here. A change of angle,"

"What angle?"

"Scent." Pandorra looked at Leaf, expecting to see an enlightened face off him but he's confused. "Police Head, we need your canine units to track down 'mirror man'. His scent might have left fragments of it on the restaurant." Pandorra continued to watch the footage while Mr. Leaf contacted his officers-in-charge.

Pandorra was fascinated by Percy. She noticed his calmness and wit, it must've felt good to him, she thought. He was graceful, fast and unstoppable. And the mirror which only shows the faces of the victim makes him even more scarier.

"It's a massacre. Only by one man? Not even Ted Bundy cou-"

Mr. Leaf stood from his chair, "We're leaving right now."

"Wow that was fast." Pandorra chuckled, ready to be in business.

They arrived at the scene with tiger-sized dogs that can kill you with just a snarl. They went inside the restaurant, "Wait. Don't let go of the dog." She inspected each dead body on the floor. They don't smell like blood. They smell like salt, she thought.

"Don't touch any knife. Anything. Just freeze." Pandorra ordered the policemen on duty with them. "Richard, slowly let go of the dogs." Pandorra approached the beasts and sprinkled salt in front of them.

The dogs quickly scoured the place. The dogs then found the butchering knife. "Hmm, interesting." The knife did not have any hint of blood. But in the footage, their guts were near destroyed.

One of the shepherds smelled Pandorra's hand. Licked it, and seemed to follow a smell. Richard followed that particular dog. And on the back alley, a full black suit near the door was laying down like skin.

"This-this is the costume." Richard gasped. He called Pandorra immediately. 

"You don't call a serial killer's suit a costume. It's a persona." The dogs were barking on it. Pandorra picked it up carefully. She took a quick whiff of her hand once and smelled the suit. "It's fish food." She recalled how she fed her 3 betta fish.

Pandorra was fascinated. What is this man? Or conveniently, what is Percy?

"Stand up Pandorra. We should go to the mayor's office."

"What are we gonna do to that useless scum's office?" Richard did not answer. "Pack up the evidences. Make sure to use sanitized gloves." Pandorra ordered the policemen on duty.

The drive was not very long. It was a brief air of uncertainty.

"Sit down Richard. Welcome back to my office, Pandorra." The mayor let out a wide smile. His charismatic stature overflows, but Pandorra isn't the type to be driven by it. "Good morning." Pandorra greeted.

"How's the investigation going?"

"We found his suit. Crime suit."

"Does it give you any lead?"

"Well if you haven't called us here then we're probably near finished." Pandorra retorted.

"Ah," the mayor chuckled. "I'm going to introduce you to a great friend of mine. He's here actually." The mayor pointed to his right and a man was there, sleeping. "Excuse him. He's swordtail. Quite old but a very good detective."

Pandorra knew who he was. He is British but has a little funny accent. Carries a strong instinct, hence swordtail. But Pandorra is having none of his stuff.

The mayor is up to something big. He had planned to solve the case first than these useless police force. In this way, if he manages to catch the killer, he'll get all the praise, the recognition.

But it isn't going to be a piece of cake if Pandorra is around. Swordtail is the man for the job. Very crafty, very silent.

Pandorra went outside for 'fresh air'. She knew Richard and the mayor have some shady business. The mayor was looking at Richard with a strong color. And Mr. Leaf was stiff.

She placed a recording device on the office window from the outside. "This is easy. Why would the mayor's office be on the ground floor?" After 10 minutes, she removed it and went to the car. She messaged Richard.

I'm in the car. Make it fast.

Richard, being the punctual man, went back to the car with her. "What happened to you?" He asked Pandorra.

Pandorra needed his phone. She felt like if the mayor does something, she needs a bullet.

"Richard. Do you miss the old times?"

"What do you mean?"

"College." Richard knew what Pandorra meant. "Not now Pandorra."

Pandorra sat beside him. Approached him slowly. And Richard was then lulled again into her manipulation.

Who wouldn't fall for her charisma? Soft skin and her slender figure, a pretty face and a bright smile. And as their lips locked, Richard suddenly forgot control.

Pandorra's hands travelled everywhere. But her main destination was his front pocket. In which she successfully got his phone. She did not break it immediately.

Richard's hand travelled to her chest. "I thought you don't want it right now?" Leaf smiled, "I changed my mind."

"Drive me home first. We'll do it there." Pandorra ordered him. And Leaf, who has now been lulled into his desire, happily complied.

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