𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱...

By BraedimusSupreme

17.9K 474 920

The year is 2065. Times have changed. The Planet of Remnant has evolved. Academies for training hunters and h... More

Chapter One: Prologue
Chapter Two: Bomb On The Fireflash
Chapter Three: Oil Rig Fire
Chapter Four: Mountain Rescue
Chapter Five: 30 Minutes Until Noon Pt1
Chapter Six: 30 Minutes Until Noon Pt2
Chapter Seven: Rescue in Space
Chapter Eight: Dark Forces At Play
Chapter Nine: Salvage at Sea
Chapter Ten: Ozpin, Kieron Ozpin
Chapter Eleven: Team RWBY Meets International Rescue
Chapter Twelve: Thunderbird Two Has Been Hit!
Chapter Thirteen: Repair and Recovery
Chapter Fourteen: Rock 'N Roll Inferno
Chapter Fifteen: RWBY With Thunderbirds
Chapter Sixteen: Thunderbirds Are Go
Chapter Seventeen: Space Mission Turns Deadly
Chapter Eighteen: Semblances and Weapons
Chapter Nineteen: Chain of Command
Chapter Twenty: Thunderbird Base Alpha
Chapter Twenty-One: Danger at Ocean Deep
Chapter Twenty-Two: Another Mountain Rescue
Chapter Twenty-Three: Kieron Is Gone?!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Finding Answers
Chapter Twenty-Five: An Airshow Gone Awry
Chapter Twenty-Six: Struck Without Warning
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Divide and Conquer
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Kieron is Alive?!
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Skyhook Fiasco
Chapter Thirty: Thunderbird X Is Go!
Chapter Thirty-One: Kieron's Rescue Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Two: Kieron's Rescue Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Three: Dealing with Parents
Chapter Thirty-Four: Leaving Remnant
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Survivor
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Got The Call
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Yamato Flies Again
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Project Zero-XL
Chapter Forty: Project Zero-XL Launch!
Chapter Forty-One: Fight For Survival
Chapter Forty-Two: Backup has Arrived
Chapter Forty-Three: Fight Or Flight
Chapter Forty-Four: Evil Red Rising Pt1
Chapter Forty-Five: Evil Red Rising Pt2
Chapter Forty-Six: Evil Red Rising Pt3
Chapter Forty-Seven: Evil Red Rising Pt4
Chapter Forty-Eight: Evil Red Rising Pt5
Chapter Forty-Nine: Evil Red Rising Pt6
Chapter Fifty: Atlas Thunderbirds
Chapter Fifty-One: Summer Rose?
Chapter Fifty-Two: Gators & Going Home
Chapter Fifty-Three: Families & Missing Rockets
Chapter Fifty-Four: Underwater Ambush!
Chapter Fifty-Five: Race Against Time
Chapter Fifty-Six: Mind Terrors
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Wedding Bells Ring
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Inferno and Bridges
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Bridges and Car Chases
Chapter Sixty: Interrogations
Chapter Sixty-One: Thunderbirds Go Fast & Furious Pt1
Chapter Sixty-Two: Thunderbirds Go Fast & Furious Pt2
Chapter Sixty-Three: The Imposters Pt1
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Imposters Pt2
Chapter Sixty-Five: Solar Station Disaster
Chapter Sixty-Six: An Unexpected Discovery Pt1
Chapter Sixty-Seven: An Unexpected Discovery Pt2
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Unstoppable
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Skyship One Flashback
Chapter Seventy: Volcano!

Chapter Thirty-Six: Ambush!

127 8 7
By BraedimusSupreme

A/N: I'd like to thank kieron0103 for helping me out on this.


"Alright. Well, let's do a check before we go." Kieron nodded in acknowledgement. "Let's go over the checklist. Navigation/Helm."

"Check." Sarah acknowledged, flipping some switches.

Kieron looked at Jonson. "Weapons."

Jonson nodded. "Ready." He looked to the console. "We'll be ready for whatever happens out here."

Kieron nodded. "Radar and Comms." He asked.

Apps smiled. "Check."

Kieron looked to Apps. "Airframe."

Apps checked over the main screens of the crafts loaded up into the Yamato. "All Thunderbirds are locked in and ready."

Kieron nodded. "Okay, then." The engines on the Yamato fire up at once, and the craft began to fly on through the depths of space, going through the asteroid belt towards the five planets.

Unbeknown to the crew, they were being watched by a small group of unknown ships. Something was about to happen.


The Yamato began to fly around, soon nearing the edge of the asteroid belt. The craft and crew soon passed by nearby planets. Their mission was complete; they have saved the person in danger, who turned out to be their mother Akira, and they were now on their way home.

Sarah pulled a lever next to her. "Cutting out sub-engines." She called, the two engines cutting out, the Yamato coming to a stop.

"Okay. Let's go over the checklist one last time." Kieron spoke up. "Navigation/Helm."

"Check." Sarah acknowledged, flipping some switches.

Kieron looked at Jonson. "Weapons."

Jonson nodded. "Ready." He looked to the console. "We'll be ready for whatever happens out here."

Kieron nodded. "Radar and Comms." He asked.

Apps smiled. "Check."

Kieron looked to Apps. "Airframe."

Apps checked over the main screens of the crafts loaded up into the Yamato. "All Thunderbirds are locked in and ready."

Kieron nodded, as the lights on the Bridge go blue. "Powering up the T-Drive engine. Going into blue alert."

Apps looked at the readings of the T-Drive. "T-Drive online."

Jonson checked on the gauges and screens. "All systems are still green."

Kieron nodded and smiled. "Sarah, when you're ready."

Sarah nodded. "Counting down in 5.... 4..... 3..... 2..... 1..."

Before anyone could say anything, a laser beam struck the Yamato, causing an explosion to go off at the stern, the ship shaking in response, as an alarm goes off inside of the Bridge.

Akira looked around in confusion. "What the heck?" She asked, just as a second explosion goes off.

Kieron looked around. "I do not know." He turned to the others. "Status report."

Apps looked to the radar. "Some unknown ships are coming at us from behind. At least 6 ships." He informed to Kieron.

Sarah checked on the systems. "T-Drive engine is offline. It's taken some damage. But, that's not all; decks 10 through 12 were destroyed. Now, we have a bull breach. Forcefields are in place and hold."

"Red alert! Turn us around, and lock on all weapons." Kieron ordered.

"Roger. Main guns one & two armed and ready." Jonson nodded, arming the main cannons. "Secondary guns and missiles ready."

Sarah started to turn the Yamato around, only for them to see a missile shooting straight at them.

"Sarah." Kieron called. "Roll the ship to starboard now!"

Sarah immediately forced the Yamato into a starboard roll, firing them main engine, the ship rolling to the right, barely missing the missile, as it sailed right by, exploding beyond the stern.

Akira sighed. "That was close."

Kieron nodded. "Sarah, take us out of the asteroid belt. There's not much room to move around here." He turned to Apps. "Where are those ships now?" He asked.

Apps looked at the radar. "Still following on our stern." He informed, just as a blip appear on the radar. "Another missile incoming."

Akira looked to Jonson. "The AA guns, Jonson."

"Firing AA guns now." Jonson called out.

The AA guns soon aim and start opening fire at the missile. The missile misses and bounces off the Yamato's shield, the missile exploding just above the ship.

"Good work, Jonson." Akira complimented.

"Thanks, boss." Jonson nodded. He then looked to Kieron. "Do we have a plan?" He asked, everyone looking to him.

"Yes. We stand and fight." Kieron then looked to Sarah. "But first... take us as close as you can to those 5 planets."

Sarah raised an eyebrow to this. "Alright?" She asked, not too sure why. But, she guess to make the Yamato turn towards the planets, leaving the asteroid belt.

Akira looked to her son. "May I ask why?" She asked him.

"Backup plan." Kieron replied to her. "In case we have to abandon the ship."

"INCOMING!" Apps yelled out.

Everyone looked to see a volley of missiles flying straight at them from all sides. "All guns, open fire!" Kieron yelled out.

The Yamato's guns, 3 triple 46cm guns, 2 triple 15.5cm guns, 12 twin 12.7cm guns DP guns, 162 2.5cm AA guns, plus 4 13.2mm AA machine guns, all take aim, and they began to open fire. The cannons open fire, making a wall of fire, stopping the missiles from getting close. The guns fired on without stopping as best as they could, while the ship shakes from the explosions.

Akira looked at one of the screens. "We're losing the shields." She informed.

Sarah looked to Kieron. "If we lose them, we've had it."

"Just keep on firing." Kieron said.

The Yamato's guns continue on to fire, taking out the missiles, only for the missiles to stop being fired.

A second later, a ship comes out the asteroid belt, but's it was only one, it guns locked on to the Yamato and started to open fire. The vessel was in black with purple highlights. It was much bigger than the Yamato itself. It has all sorts of weaponry from cannons to missiles, and in some ways, parts of the ship looked like that of a T-Rex.

The unknown vessel kept on firing, as the Yamato's shields finally go down, and the blasts pound against the Yamato's hull and body, the vessel being busted by the attacks. Onboard the shop, everyone was holding on for their lives, with sparks flying from some screens, the warning sirens going off in the Bridge.

"Status report." Kieron asked.

"Hull breaches all over the ship on all decks. T-Drive engine offline. Shields are offline." Akira informed. "The main guns are offline. The stack missiles are offline. Power is down to 50%."

Sarah looked to Kieron. "We can't hold out much longer."

Jonson looked to Kieron. "What do we do?"

Kieron thought for a second, then sighed. "The only thing we can do." He stood up. "Jonson, take Mum, and head off in Thunderbird Two to the 3rd planet. In the meantime, Sarah, take Apps and Thunderbird Three, and head off to the 2nd planet. Once there, land and keep low till help can come."

This was a shock to everyone. They were being told to abandon ship?

"No. No, we can't just..." Jonson spoke back.

Kieron looked to Jonson. "That is an order. I'll stay behind and keep them busy."

Akira looked to her son. "Kieron, no. We-"

"Sorry, Mum. This is my ship, and the Captain always goes down with the ship. Now, go." Kieron sat down in the Captain's chair, taking full control. "I SAID GO! NOW!" He yelled out.

Everyone nodded, and they ran out of the Bridge, with Kieron taking control. A missile shoots at them, the latter now managing to steer clear of the missile, exploding when hitting an asteroid. But, though Kieron managed to barely dodge the second, a nasty surprise awaits; a proximity fuse detonated the torpedo, showering the Yamato's hull with shrapnel.

As this happened, outside of the Yamato, one door panel opened up from the port side, as a set of sliding doors in the keel of the Yamato opened up. A giant robotic arm swung out, holding Thunderbird Three. Once the arm fully extended out 100ft, the clamps released, letting the Thunderbird go, the arm being blasted off by a missile. Thunderbird Two was lowered down by a set of clamps, reaching down 100ft, as the clamps released. Once the two craft were detached, the main engines on the two Thunderbirds fire up, and they power on ahead.

As both ships fly away, the crews onboard can see the Yamato taking heavy damage and attacks, the craft heading towards the 4th planet, with fire breaking out in sections of the vessel.

Jonson looked back. "Good luck, Kieron." He said, flying Thunderbird Two away from the Yamato.

15 minutes went by, before Akira broke the silence in the cockpit. "We're almost at the planet." She informed.

Jonson took a look at a scan of the planet, as they got closer. "It's an ice planet. It'll be hard to find somewhere to land." He informed.

Akira looked to the reader. "I may have something here." She pointed to the radar map.

Jonson looked. "Yeah. I see what you mean. Hold on. It'll be hard to land." He advised.

Akira sighed. "Do you think-"

Jonson nodded. "I know Kieron. He's strong, so he'll be fine." He reassured his mother, a tear falling from his eye. "I hope." He then prepped Thunderbird Two for the landing. "Coming in for landing."

Jonson pulled a lever. "Firing VTOL jets now." The four VTOL engines fire up, and Thunderbird Two began to slow down and hover in the air. The giant transporter craft was now covered in snow and ice, even with the sky being clear, letting beings look into space itself. Soon enough, Thunderbird Two makes a soft landing on the ice and snow, the engines winding down.

Jonson looked around. "There's not much we can do now."

Akira sighed. "What you mean is we're stuck all the way out here?" She asked.

"For now." Jonson clarified. "Before we left, I saw Kieron hit the S.O.S distress call button. That sent a ails back to Remnant. Lily will get the signal, and she and Dad will find a way to save us. For now, all we can do is wait." He then grabbed some blankets. "Might wanna wrap up. It's gonna get cold while we're here." He advised.

Akira nodded, wrapping one around her. "Yes." She sighed to herself, her and Jonson looking to the windows as they're covers in snow, wondering where the others were.


In the meantime, at one of the other planets, one that was green and seemed to be swampy all around, as well as a year-long mist that's encompassing the planet, Thunderbird Three seemed to be heading off towards the world.

Sarah was having trouble, fighting for control. "We've just lost the main engines." She informed.

Apps looked as sparks come off the console. "We're going down." He said.

Thunderbird Three soon began to fly through the atmosphere of the swamp planet, smoke coming off the rocket.

Sarah looked to see they were in a steep dive. "Brace yourselves. We're going to crash." She called. Apps nodded, and both he and Sarah brace for the crash.

Thunderbird Three sailed on through the planet's skies, ripping through trees and vines of some forests, then it crashed into a swamp, half of the ship and the stern sticking out of the swamp.

Apps shook his head, now seeing the damaged cockpit of the rocket. He turned to Sarah. "Sarah. You okay?" He asked.

Sarah nodded. "Yeah. I am, but we've crashed." She then saw water starting to leak inside. "Great. Just great. Come on. Let's get some gear, and head outside. Scans say the oxygen levels are normal. We'll be able to breathe without space gear."

Apps nodded, helping Sarah move some boxes out of Thunderbird Three. They soon set up camp on a rocky island nearby where the red rocket had crashed.

Sarah soon gets a mobile control unit out. "We'll be stuck here until help comes."

Apps nodded. "Yeah. You can say that again." He say down. "Well, I got all I can get out. We've got food and water to last us a month. That's it."

Sarah sighed. "You think the others are okay?" He asked.

Apps nodded. "Yeah. I do, and knowing Kieron, he's somehow called for help."

Sarah nodded, and sat down. "I hope so." She looked to the skies. "I do hope so."


Meanwhile, the Yamato had gotten struck by a long-rang laser beam, making a direct hit to the starboard side of the hull where Thunderbird One was housed, the Yamato now heading towards the 4th planet.

"Dammit. We're going down." Kieron muttered.

The propulsion systems on the Yamato have been damaged, and Kieron can't maintain the ship's position. With no other options; he raised the bow as the Yamato falls from the sky, and does his best to reduce the ship's speed, using the heavily-armoured underside to make contact with the ice surface, the icy breaking away on impact. Despite the hard landing, the Yamato eventually comes to a full stop.

Kieron sighed to himself. "Thank god we stopped." He said. He then takes a look at the radar, which had come to life and showing a powerful energy reading coming from above. "Oh, no..." He muttered.

A beam of energy then fired down at the Yamato from the enemy ship. The impact produced a large explosion causing the ship to port to port. Without any control, the Yamato's stern started to sink into the icy waters below, the whole body rolling over until the ship capsized, then the bow rises up skyward. After a brief moment upright, the mighty ship sunk below the wages, leaving nothing but a plume of water in its wake.

(A/N: Play the video at around 0.29, and then watch that up to the end of the video)

A/N: Could this be the end of the Yamato and Kieron's team? Will they somehow be saved by someone or are they all doomed? Find out next time.

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