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Soo Ah is getting her own happily ever after with the handsome cook who barged in her life like a wave. It ro... Еще

Strings of Fate (teaser)


152 6 1

Jang Geun Won's POV

It has been 3 weeks since his first day. He is not the main chef, just the extra help in the kitchen as Soo Ah insisted to borrow the main chef from Seok Chon's other restaurant. She even refused to taste whatever he cooks and asked Seok Chon to be the taste tester instead. Seok Chon said his foods are very tasty. But Soo Ah brushed it off saying that means the food is just good enough for him to be the helper only, not the main chef. That Seok Chon protested a bit saying Soo Ah have publicly bragged that her taste buds are much classier than his.

He just shrugged it off. He barely mastered it in the prison for just one year back. He acknowledged that its not his forte to begin with.

He would casually sneak a peek to the main eateries area and catch a glimpse of Soo Ah in all her glory. Her sweet smiles everytime she greets customers and caters to their feedbacks. Her confident strides. He didn't know when did his feeling for her became deep like this. Was it always like this? Since high school? Guess he would never know. Heh...he smiles and smirks to himself.

"Woah...hyung...You smile!" suddenly that Myeong Do kid said it aloud and tap his shoulder.

"Who did you see? Ah.... Our pretty Sajangnim. Nice to look at but she's taken." Myeong Do said this while putting his hand on Geun Won's shoulder while playfully stroking his own chin, pretending to be deep in thought and nods a few times.

That is something he does not expect. Is Park Saeroyi still in a romantic relationship with Soo Ah? Isn't he married to take psycho girl?

"Our Head Chef is so otherworldly handsome that only few men can challenge to that. Our pretty Sajangnim only smiles and laughs freely around him. People like me stands no chance at all. But you," Myeong Do is now circling him while looking at him up and down. Geun Won gives a quizzical looks to him. "Might be able to." He finishes his sentence.

Geun Won lets out an amused chuckle. This kid really knows nothing. If he does, he might know that he has a higher chance to tackle Soo Ah's heart than him.

"Myeong Do- ya... Our customers is waiting their order. Stop playing around and do your work!" Yoon Ha, the borrowed Head Chef from Seok Chon's restaurant reprimands that youngster.

"Okay, hyung~ Customer-nim, this handsome waiter is coming~" and he went out just like that with the order.

Geun Won keeps himself busy throughout the day and stops looking at Soo Ah. He realized her effect on him. She somehow makes him starts hoping, just by looking at her smiles.

His shift is going to end soon. The pub is making quite a lot of money today considering the orders they got from the front. So he feels a bit tired. He wasn't someone easily tired like this. But his divine punishment has taken a toll on his physique. It's eating his body slowly but surely.

The workers are starting to bid goodbye to each other when suddenly Soo Ah barged in the kitchen area. He froze at his place. Then slowly folds the apron and put it aside.

Soo Ah is folding her arms and look at him straight.

"The rest can go back and leave us alone." The whole kitchen became silent as everyone is frozen at their place. Their pretty boss has never been like this.

"Let's go back...its late already. Come..come.." Yoon Ha herded the busybody onlookers out of the kitchen.

Soo Ah is still looking at her intensely until all the kitchen staffs have emptied the area. He wondered what did he do wrong already. He wished Soo Ah could be faster as he have been getting more tired.

She took something out from her pocket and showed him. "What. Is. This?" She said those words each with a gritted teeth.

Geun Won is so shocked and starts panicking. Where did Soo Ah get the bottle? He touched his side pocket and its empty. Damn it! It must have slipped when he went to change his dirty pants in the staff locker room. One of the staff accidentally bumped into him and the gravy have smeared his pants. Luckily he kept a spare pants in the locker.

"Its..."He could not finish his words when Soo Ah suddenly opens the bottle and throw it in rage. The bottle is still in her hand.

"No!" he panicked and tried to stop her but its too late. Now all the white pills are scattered on the floor. He looked at it devastated. He needs it tonight.

"When will you start to get a grip on your life, huh?! Did you still take this shit? What if this is known to my customers? What you will do?" She is half yelling when she said this. Afraid there might be someone else hear it outside. Her chest puffed out with fast breathing. Just when her life is getting much happier, this devil always comes and crash it. Damn this Jang Dae Hee's son!

He took each and every word from her bitterly. Didn't she even try to read what is written on the bottle before throwing it like that? Darn it. He still have 2 weeks before his next appointment.

"That is not ecstasy." He said it flatly.

"Liar!" Soo Ah cuts him off.

"Up to you. But if you want to fire me, keep this in mind. You already hired me. If you fire me, I'll make sure everyone in Korea knows that you have allowed a druggie to cook their food in your pub."

Slap! His head is ringing and he couldn't focus his sights. He could see two Soo Ah in front of him. Soo Ah is yelling another words and grabbed him by his collar but he couldn't decipher her words. He took one step back but he feels tipsy. He grabs Soo Ah's hands and trying to focus on what she said. He struggles to open his eyes and utter something.

"Its not..ecs..." and he completely lost his balance now.

He could see Soo Ah's silhouette froze while he felt like he had a brief flight before thudding the floor.

He could still see Soo Ah standing in front of him. Her pair of shoes move closer to him. He could see her but cannot move. He could feel that his breath have become heavier. Soo Ah's face is in front of his now. Trying to call his name, he thinks.

Soo Ah's POV

"You so dared to use his name to get this job, yet you behave like this? How dare you?!" Soo Ah grabbed his collar with all her hatred. Its her limit already. She cannot take this anymore. She felt bullied by Geun Won. 

"I swear I'm gonna kill you someday! You piece of trash! Why didn't you just die?! Die!!!" She said this with all her might, half-whispering, half-yelling.

To her horror, suddenly he collapsed. She let go of the collar and look at Jang Geun Won's delirious state.  He can't seem to focus. He's sweating and almost hyperventilating.

"Geun Won! Jang Geun Won!" Soo Ah frantically calling his name. She shakes his shoulder and tries to wake him up. Geun Won looks delirious now, unable to focus. Did she do this? What's wrong with this guy?

She's more panic now that she could hear his laborious breathing.

"Otteoke~Jang Geun Won! Wake up!" suddenly she sees Geun Won's hand moves slowly as if looking for something. He tried to utter something but unable to do so.

"Myeong Do! Myeong Do ya!!" luckily that kid is still here to help her close the account.

"Yea... Sajangnim, why? Why? Oh Gosh! Hyung!" Myeong Do rushed to Geun Won's side and tried to make him sit. Myeong Do supports his back to help him breath better.

"Th..the..pp..pills" finally Geun Won managed to utter something.

"Huh? Hyung, what pills? Oh, these white things? But its been on the floor, hyung!" Now its Myeong Do's turn to panic.

Soo Ah remembers she still have the bottle. Luckily there's few pills left inside. This is her first time reading what's on the cylinder. Its just a painkiller?

" that the pills, hyung? Boss, ppalli ppalli...fetch some water. Ah ppalli!!!" Myeong Do shouted at her and makes her realize the situation.

"We bring him to the couch first." Soo Ah gives him direction.

"Yes. Boss, you help me first." Both of them help Geun Won to the couch near the office and lay him there. Myeong Do quickly grab the clean towel from nearby tray and wipes the cold sweat from Geun Won's face while Soo Ah quickly came back with a glass of water.

She passed both pills and water to Myeong Do and the kid quickly helps Geun Won with it.

His breathing slowly become even and calmer. Not less than 2 minutes, he have slept soundly on the couch.

She asked Myeong Do to clean up the mess at the kitchen. Myeong Do then asked if there's anything else she needs or does he need to wait there with her. She just asked him to go back and assured him that Geun Won might wake up in a few moments.

When the kid went back, Soo Ah took the liberty to search the painkiller name on the bottle from internet. Nothing suspicious. Its just...a very high dose of painkiller? What is this now? Why does he need such a high dose?

She comes closer to Geun Won. Looking at him sleeping soundly like that makes him look...normal. The even rise and fall of his chest makes him look just like any other normal human who lives life normally. What are these pills?

As if on queue, he wakes up suddenly.

AN: Sorry~ Was it too disturbing? 

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