My Life As An Escort ~ Book...


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Copyright © 2015 by VICMAD -All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or us... More

Dear Diary
Chapter 1 ~ Complications
Chapter 2 ~ Daydreaming
Chapter 3 ~ Cadence's Heart
Chapter 4 ~ Sneaking Out
Chapter 5 ~ No Cooperation!!
Chapter 6 ~ Old Acquaintances
Chapter 7~ Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Chapter 8 ~ You Said What?
Chapter 9 ~ Feelings
Chapter 10 ~ Missing Pieces
Chapter 11 ~ Star-Crossed Lovers
Chapter 12 ~ My Home, My Heaven
Chapter 13 ~ Time is Ticking Away
Chapter 14 ~ Making Choices
Chapter 15 ~ Heart to Heart
Chapter 16 ~ Darkness of Indecisions
Chapter 17 ~ Love Me Tender
Chapter 18 ~ Bad News
Chapter 19 ~ Breaking Free
Chapter 20 ~ Mr. Moore
Chapter 21 ~ The Afterglow
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 23~ Secrets
Chapter 24 ~ Hiding
Chapter 25 ~ Reality
Chapter 26 ~ No More Fighting
Chapter 27 ~ Mine, Yours & Ours
Chapter 28 ~ Turning the Tables
Chapter 29 ~ To Protect and Serve
Chapter 30 ~ Calling in the Calvary
The Real Epilogue

Chapter 22 ~ Getting Down to Business

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"Yaz don't do this! Please I'm begging you don't hurt her!" Evan said with tears running down his face as he tried to reach for me.

"Evan you had your chance. Tell her goodbye," Yaz said looking between him and me.

Evan looked at me with tear stained cheeks. "Til death do us part I will always love you," he said as I heard the first shot fired. I jumped as I saw Evan grab his stomach and blood flowed from his hand. I looked up to see Marquis with a smoking gun.

I yelled at the top of my lungs as I heard another shot. I heard a whistle as I felt something pierce me below and pain spread through my midsection. My breathing became ragged as everything around me began to spin.

"Die bitch die," I heard Yaz laughing and raising her hand in the air with her smoking gun.

"That's right, you, Evan and those bastard ass babies will die. Goodnight stupid hoe!"

I heard sirens in the background as darkness overtook me.

I woke up in a panic, my chest was heaving, and sweat covered my body causing my gown to stick to my skin. Darkness was all around me and I grabbed the sheets as my body trembled not knowing if this was real or not. I grabbed my stomach in fear and I couldn't help the tears falling from my face.

"You okay," I heard Jacob raising up pulling me in his embrace. I put my head on his shoulder as I tried crying away the nightmare I lived so long ago.

"It's okay. I'm right here," he said stroking my hair. It pained my heart that even after three years, Yaz still haunted my dreams.

"Why won't these dreams go away?"

"I don't know."

"I keep having the same dream every night of the shooting. This is just too much."

He rubbed my back and kissed me on the forehead. "I think it's because you really want to talk to him and you haven't; who knows but maybe you may need to go see Dr. Sims."

"Maybe you're right. I can't keep going like this. I'm exhausted and waking up to these dreams makes me a nervous wreck."

"Hey why don't you lay down and I will make you some warm tea."

"Sounds good, thanks." I gave him a kiss and he strolled into the kitchen.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the television. Looking at the nightstand my phone was lying on top. Reaching over I pushed it closer to me and dialed.


"Hey there," Ben said sounding half asleep.

"Are the twins sleep?"

"Yes. Lilly and I took them horseback riding and we had a picnic. They wanted to stay until Monday if that's okay with you?"

"That's fine."

"Good we were going to the Children's Museum and Lilly wanted to take them to some event. They told me they saw Kara last weekend and were excited."

"She and Dorothy stopped by and they took them out for a few hours because they were leaving later on that night. Since Kara's modeling, she and Dorothy don't get to see them very much."

"What's wrong Cad? Are you having those dreams again?"

"Why would you say that?"

"You sound exhausted."

"Yes if you must know."

"The girls are fine. Evan is still alive as he called the girls earlier. I think he's in New York."

"I know but since I can't touch them or him, I worry."

"Do you need me to come over?"

"No I'll be okay, thanks though."

"Drink some warm milk and get some rest. Maybe a hot bath will do you some good."

"Okay, thanks," I said hanging up. Jacob walked in with a hot mug of tea. He reached it over to me and I took a sip. Jacob's phone went off and he answered it.

"I need to take this," he said kissing me on top of my head walking out the bedroom. I got up and ran some bath water.

I looked in the mirror with puffy red eyes and my skin looked pale. I brushed my hair back with my fingertips inspecting my appearance. Dapping my face with cool water I was hoping I could wish all the bad memories away.

I heard the bath water being turned off as I must have dazed off for a moment. I looked through the mirror and saw Jacob. He was shirtless with black pajama shorts on. Since the girls were at Lilly's for the night, Jacob and I cooked dinner together and watched a movie. We laid up on the sofa enjoying being together and had gone to bed a little later.

He leaned against the wall and looked back at me with his arms folded. I in turn looked back at him gripping the counter.

"It doesn't matter what you look like, you're still the most beautiful woman I know Cad."

He came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist molding his body against mine. Resting his chin on my shoulder, I leaned my cheek against his. I felt so safe in his arms as we just stood there relaxing in the moment. It didn't matter how much I questioned myself, I was unequivocally in love with Jacob Moore.

"I wonder if the dreams will ever go away. They are draining me of not only energy but a piece of me seems like it dies every time, why can't I make them go away?

"I wish I had the answer sweetheart?" he said slowly rocking me. Just to have him this close helped me to relax. I wanted to start crying again, the nightmare began to play over and over in my head. Evan and I get shot, there are three coffins and Jacob comes to get me as I watch the three coffins get buried in the ground. The pain in my abdomen still hurts every time I think about Yaz putting that bullet in me. I hated her so much for what she had done to me.

I looked back at our reflection in the mirror with his hands around my waist while tears rolled down my eyes. The indescribable feeling I get when I'm with him was starting to flicker. I needed him so bad to help take the tainted thoughts away so I took his hand and raised it up from my stomach to my breasts. He caught on quickly and I turned to face him.

I looked into his eyes as he wiped my tears away. He slowly brought his lips to mine not realizing I needed this more than anything. I leaned into his touch. Kissing me along my neck and collarbone, my gown fell from my shoulders. I ease out and he lifted me on to the counter. My hands touched the sides of his face enjoying the pleasure.

It didn't take long before we were in the tub and I slid down on his solid rock-hard muscle. Grabbing onto the sides of the tub our bodies rocked against one another. The electric sensations only insinuated that I needed him. I just wanted to forget. I wanted to live in the moment.

Raising up capturing one of my breast, I lost it as he pulled and the sensation went straight to my core. I couldn't stop it even if I wanted too.

"Ah Jac...ob..."

He kissed me on the side of my mouth as I moaned out my pleasure. His breathing slowed and I felt his release. The warm water mixed with his release had me bucking and he wrapped his arms around me.

"God I love you," he said putting his face in the crook of my neck. My breathing had finally come back to normal and I kissed the top of his head. We ended up showering causing another explosive rendezvous.

I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. Jacob held me tight and I stared at the wall. I was afraid to close my eyes. I was scared I would dream of that night so I watched the clock tick by until I eventually fell asleep.


Cad wasn't herself. She was an emotional wreck. She laid there staring at the wall no telling what was going through her mind. I rubbed her back hoping she could relax and fall asleep while I held her. Eventually she did but I wasn't sure how long that would last.

My phone vibrated and I quickly picked it up. Looking at the number it was Steven. I quickly got out of bed and walked into the living room closing the bedroom door behind me.


"They are headed to Nepal. We found Natalie she's in LA. She's changed her name to Christy Hamilton and cut her hair. I am sending the pics to you now."

"Has Garrett and Lacey left yet?"

"No, but they are expected to leave in about a hour. I called a few people that can take care of your problem. They are expected to be here in thirty."

"Perfect I'm on my way," I said hanging up. I looked at the pictures of Lacey and Garrett along with Nat. How did things come to this where my ex-best friend and ex-girlfriend wanted to kill me?

Garrett and I had been childhood friends. We played little league football, baseball and soccer, hell we even started our real estate business together. We had done things that would cause a priest to confess for our sins, he was the man that was supposed to be my best man in my wedding. His betrayal cut deep.

Then there was Lacey. The woman that convinced me to shared her with Garrett. I wondered if I was ever or would have been enough for her. Or was it just a ploy? What had I done so badly to her to conspire with Garrett? I looked at their pictures and anger started to boil up inside. I would use this anger to settle the score.

For weeks I had gathered information on the three of them. It wasn't a pretty picture. They were crooks, manipulators and they had opened Pandora's Box. Hatred filled me when it came to them and now tonight the ultimate revenge would take place. I couldn't just leave Cad here alone so I called Lena.


"Lena this is Jacob, I need a huge favor."

"Which is?"

"I have to take care of some business tonight and I don't want to leave Cad alone. She's having those dreams again."

"I'm on my way," she said hanging up. Lena was still warming up to me because I had this feeling she wanted Cad with Evan.

I walked back in the room and Cad was sleep. My clothes were on the chair and I quickly put them on trying not to wake her.

"Where are you going?" she asked groggily waking up. I was trying to get in and out and back before she knew it.

"I need to handle something."

"At midnight?" she asked looking at the clock.

"Steven has found Garrett and Lacey. I need to stop them before they leave the country."

"What are you going to do?"

"Stop them."

"Jacob let the police handle it. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you. Please don't go."

"I have to. I promise to be back in one piece. Lena is on her way so you won't be alone. I will be back as soon as I can.

"Since I can't change your mind please be careful," she said worriedly sitting up.

"I will." I kissed her on the lips, grabbed my coat and headed out the door. I got in my car and pulled out my berretta. I locked and loaded it headed to the airport. My heart was racing along with my mind. They had to pay for what they had done. I finally made it to the airport and pulled up next to Steven. My nerves were on edge.

"Lacey doesn't know that the deal for her company didn't go through. Whatever you told Fargo worked," he said handing me a folder.

A week ago I had contacted Fargo and he mentioned buying Lacey's company. I offered my financial skills by reading over her profits and realized she was in the red. Investing in her company would cost Fargo over a million dollars in lost revenue, so I told Fargo this along with how she tried to kill me. Come to find out she was trying to sell because she owed millions to three international banks using three separate names. I looked over the few sheets of paper that Steven gave me along with multiple pictures. Everything I needed was right in front of me.

"Are they on the plane?"

"Yes. They just got on."

"Everything is set?"

"Once you step off it will be over."

I shook his hand and headed for the plane along with my folder. The pilot looked out the window and nodded. The door of the plane opened and I waited patiently to get on. I would be calm, cool, and collected but I knew this little meeting wouldn't end well. I got on and took a look around. They were definitely riding in style on someone else's dime.

I heard voices as I walked closer towards the middle of the plane. Garrett was taking a shot of whiskey, but suddenly stop as he looked my way.

"Jacob?" he asked clearing his throat and Lacey paused suddenly as she was giving him a blow job. His fingers were twisted in her hair and his pants were around his ankles. She was topless and her black miniskirt was raised around her waist showing a black thong. I assumed I was interrupting their playtime. On the table were four rows of cocaine along with a bottle of wine and whiskey for Garrett.

"I wasn't invited to the party," I asked looking around taking a seat. I stretched out my arms across the top of the chair and crossed my legs. I decided to make myself at home.

"We could really get it started since you're here. I remember back in the day, we use to party all the time. The three of us would stay and watch the sunrise or fall, that was if we weren't doing other things," Lacey said laughing. She stood up and came to sit on my lap. Nuzzling against my neck she started to unbutton my shirt but I quickly stopped her.

"I remember when you and I would do things that would leave me breathless. You don't need that half-breed, she can't offer you what I can."

"You're right, she offers so much more."

"She was just like me. Just because she is Lilly Monroe's granddaughter, she was still a whore until the truth came out. You have always been attracted to whores since I've met you whether you paid for the services or not." She took my hand and rubbed it across her nipple. I quickly pulled back.

"I wouldn't want you if you were the last woman on earth. Now get your stank ass off me before I push you off."

She raised up disappointed and sat back next to Garrett. I saw her blouse on the floor and threw it to her. She flinched, but put it on and leaned back in her seat as she started playing in Garrett's hair.

"Jacob, I've heard you've been sick. I hope everything is okay," Garrett said before snorting a line.

"Made a full recovery. I was so hoping you would have come and visited but I'm sure you were too busy to be concerned about me."

"I wasn't aware until after you were out. I always have time for you Jacob," he said winking. I had to keep control, but I wanted to punch him.

"We have been best friends since we were children so of course I would be concern."

"We have always been acquaintances because best friends don't try to destroy each other."

"Why are you really here Jacob? Your new playtoy figured out that you are not the person you claim to be. She doesn't know all your dirty little secrets? Maybe she should know."

"Fuck you. I'm not that person anymore."

"Please. You've eaten and fucked more pussy, then most men will in a lifetime. You remember all the good times we had at Lilly's parties? Women would be waiting for us to arrive, shit we owned that place. Lilly should have been paying us to come."

"We were young and stupid back then. If I could go back I would have never done some of the things I've done. Especially get involve with you," I said looking at Lacey.

"Our plane is about to take off, get on with whatever you came here for," Garrett said taking a shot of whiskey.

"I heard you were leaving the country and I wanted to wish you safe voyage. I heard Lacey sold her company and is ready to start a new life. I stopped by to say congratulations on the marriage. I hope you two have many happy memories together."

"How did you know we were married," Lacey asked looking surprised. "We just got married last night."

"Probably because you married a deadbeat. Garrett hasn't had a real job in over four years when I bought him out of my company. His parents officially cut him off years ago and he owes tons of money to loan sharks that he can't pay."

"Is this true Garrett?"

"No, I love you Lacey and have for a very long time. He's lying."

I laughed. Lying was what Garrett did best. He bent down and kissed Lacey. She was stupider than I thought if she couldn't see the writing on the wall.

"He's lying to you Lacey. I have never lied to you before or even after we were no longer together. Have I?"

She looked at me and back to Garrett.

"Please tell me Jacob is lying?"

"He's lying."

"Lacey look at me. He doesn't love you. He married you to cover up his lust for men and to use you for your money," I said pulling out pictures of Garrett with other men in very compromising positions. Her face had shock and distaste written across it.

"At one time he was in love with me. He has always been jealous of what you and I had. I thought you loved me, but you had fallen for a guy that wasn't just interested in you but me too."

"Jacob shut the fuck up!" Garrett yelled out. "You wouldn't know what love was even if it bit you on the ass. You ruined me!" He said getting up walking back and forth. His anger was boiling up so I switched my attention to Lacey.

"Lacey is not a saint either. Her company is bankrupt and the deal that Fargo agreed to has fallen through. As of midnight, your company will no longer be in existence."

"What?!" Lacey yelled whipping her neck at me.

"There is no deal with Fargo. He and I go way back. The profit numbers that you doctored up were false and Fargo would have lost a lot of money. I told Fargo what you and your band of merry men did to me. Big mistake because he knows Zealand Richard's, the President of Holland Bank, one of the banks you borrowed over a half of million dollars from. Zealand was very interested in what Fargo had to say and asked that he send those documents to him, which in terms he sent the FBI Fraud Department. I'm so sorry to say that committing international bank fraud will cost you at least twenty years while the attempted murder charge could cost you life in prison."

"You have no proof of me trying to kill you and how dare you get involve in my life!"

"If I'm not mistaken, I was the one that almost lost their life because of your greed. I've never done anything to either of you and you took my kindness for weakness. I loved you at one time Lacey and was ready to give you the world. And you Garrett, the person that knew everything about me, you were like a brother. I loved you like one but you let your rapacity of an ego stand in the way of true friendship."

"You have no proof that we did anything to you," Garett said turning around to face me.

"Oh but you're wrong. Natalie sang like a bird when I offered her money that you two lied about paying her. She told me everything," I said laughing. "She told me how you and Garrett plotted to take me out. I know about the policy Garrett forged my name to at the time we started our business all those years ago. So let me guess, you kill me and you collect the five million dollar policy?"

Garrett looked at me with shock on his face.

"Damn I was so naive. Stupid me for trusting a friend." Although I hadn't spoken to Natalie, Steve had a taped conversation with the three of them on it.

I saw Garrett get up ready to charge and I raised my gun up. He raised his hands up and sat back down.

"We didn't do anything."

"You can make this easy or difficult. Your choice. The way I see it, you want what I have, except I worked my ass off to get it."

"Yeah right. You and your family own half the city along with Lilly Monroe. You have no idea what working is. I carried you rich boy. Without me your life was boring and dull. I brought the excitement to your miserable life. If it wasn't for me telling you about Madame Lilly, you would have never met Lacey or your beloved Cadence. You should be thanking me, better yet you should be on your knees showing your appreciation."

I laughed. This sick son of a bitch had lost his mind.

"I will tell your Cadence everything. Every single horrid detail of your past life. Do you think she will stay after I tell her, the man she loves is a womanizer? Or that you made Lacey have not one but two abortions because your family would have disowned you for having a baby with a prostitute. I remember when your parents owned you and you didn't have a say. So cut out the sad little tale that we weren't friends, because I was there when your other sister died, helping you through that traumatic time."

I stared at the both of them. I was trying to wrap my brain on how I ended up with the two of them.

"You're right. You were there for me and now I will return the favor," I said getting up. I picked up my phone and dialed Steve's number.

"I'm done," I said as the door to the plane opened up. I heard footsteps coming towards us.

Garrett's face went from satisfaction to horror in a matter of seconds.

"You tried to get away from me knowing you haven't paid your debts? I have been looking for you for weeks," Rocci deBennet, one of Garrett's loan-shark said.

Rocci wasn't one to play with. He was Italian, stood almost at seven feet and he always wore his leather coat year around. He walked in with three huge guys. One had a rope and the other two had guns.

"And he was running from me too," Big Quen, one of New Orleans biggest drug dealers in town said walking in after Rocci.

Quentin, or Big Queen as he was known on the streets, was a tall light-skin man with muscles that sat on top of muscles. He was no nonsense and I had heard, he took torture to a new level when you stole from him.

Garrett face went pale. I could tell he was going to be sick. Lacey looked from Garrett, to the two larger than life men and back to me. I could see fear written across her face.

"Well you gentlemen have a lot to talk about so I will leave you to your business."

"Jacob please don't leave me!" Lacey yelled out as she tried to break through the crowd, but one of Rocci's men grabbed her.

"Shut her up. I can't stand whiney bitches," Rocci said and I saw them grab Lacey and throw her on the sofa, covering her mouth and tying her up in rope. I heard Garrett begging but heard Rocci saying something in Italian.

"We got it from here," Quentin said walking up to me. I nodded as I stepped off the plane and didn't look back. The door raised up as soon as I was out in the distance.

The engines began to scream alerting me that it was time to say goodbye. Rocci's men along with Quentin's guys blocked the windows. Moments later the plane began to roll and before I knew it the plane was in the air headed to whatever destination that would be Garrett's and Lacey's resting place.

"We should have confirmation soon. Lacey was going to spill the beans on Lilly and the escort business. The FBI is looking for Lacey but they will never find her body. Marci doesn't know about Garrett and we want to keep it that way. Garrett has been estranged from Frank for months, so he probably thinks he's missing. There is only one loose end and that is about to be tied."

"Thank you."

"Just take care of Cadence. She deserved happiness. You do need to tell her about your past and I think she won't hold it against you. When you love someone you take the bad with the good."

I shook Steven's hand and got in my car. He was right I needed to tell her about the things in my past because I couldn't afford to lose her again.

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