W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (C...

By Naumaan333

590 145 31

"I saw you and you were just standing there. I started walking towards you and you-just-just stood there." St... More

1-The Land Of Opentam
2-In 500 years
4-The Future
7-Rest In Peace
8-An Ordinary Morning
11-The Rift
14-Linked Subconciousness
17-Out of Sync
19-The Marker
28-An Arduous Journey
30-The Snake's Eye


9 5 0
By Naumaan333

"You have to go. Run!" She said, practically pushing us out on to the street. She gave Jess a bag with some supplies- shoes and clothes. Methaya was here, according to Carol. Her powers messed with our frequency causing ours to act up. It was like a domino- where we all just affected each other.

"What about you Aunt?" Asked Lexi, as she narrowed her eyes.

"I-I have to stay here. I need to do something. You guys work better when you're united.
N- now go. She said, waving, as she fought back tears.

"No. I'm not going to leave you here- not when she can come for you too." I said firmly.

"I'll be fine. You have to go now. Just go- nature will help you. It sounds stupid but nature is the reason why everything is so easy for us. We are bonded by nature." She said rapidly. "But if anything happens to me- I love you. All of you." She said; Voice cracking.

"Aunt." Whimpered Kai.

"Go." She mouthed. We nodded and started to run away from the house.

"And Ember!" She called out. I turned back quickly. "You've got this!" She said with her thumbs in the air.

I laughed heartedly while continuing running.
The safest place we could've gone was to the woods, near our house. We knew that it had a shelter and frankly- it was the only place we knew of.

We arrived to the woods- nearby our house. I say nearby, when in reality it's a bit far. See our house is planted in the middle of a field. There's a couple of hills where past it, is the woods. Behind the house is a single road which leads to the motorway, the city or the fields.

We were running through the trees- not looking back- not talking- and not stopping.
"She's here." That terrified us.

While I ran past the trees. I quickly stopped to look at them but swiftly continued while Kai ran past me. The trees were all grown back. They had withered before. Yet now it was more plentiful and grown.

I ran as grass and branches slapped my face. I couldn't see nothing but I felt pure anxiety. Carol was all behind, by herself- granted I know she wasn't the best yet she's our Aunt. If something were to happen to her-

Lexi called back. "We can't keep on running. We need a plan."

Kai heard and he came back. We were all standing near each other, lacking stamina.

"Shall we go here?" Enquired Lexi, pointing towards an emerald bush- smothered with the faint darkness. It was getting dark again.

"W-w-We-" Jess sank to the ground. "We can't go there. We can't do anything." She said, breaking down.

"Jess.." Consoled Stiles, as he knelt down.

"It's going to be fine." Declared Lexi gently, patting her on the back.

"I-I had so m-much dreams. Yet now it's- I-I'm going- we're going to die." Jess bawled.

"It's getting dark guys, we need somewhere to go and it can't be the fucking jungle." I said, trying to hurry them up.

"There's somewhere we can go. Somewhere we've even slept before. Somewhere- empty."
Said Lexi.

"The forgotten building. The one marked on the map." Said I.

We didn't have the stamina to run. It felt even-longer, the journey. Having to trudge in the darkness.
Jess had finally stopped crying. Yet instead, we all just remained silent. Didn't even bother to look at each other because if we did- it meant that we would have to talk about-it.

A branch snapped from behind us, which commenced Stiles squealing. "There's someone here-" He yelled before running.

Of course we all started running again.
I got slapped by a branch and then I bumped into someone in front of me. It was Stiles. He was standing- speechless dumbstruck. He had a golden light bouncing off of him.
I understood why.

In the horizon. I could see twin peaks. Golden. They reached up to the purple sky and it glowed luminously.
I looked up to the sky.

"Look at the sky." I said

"It's violet." Muttered Lexi. She stared at me and then looked up again.

"It's purple actually-" Corrected Jess.
"The gate between the dimensions must be fully open. If we don't close it then the dimensions could clash with each other."

"How do we close it?" Asked Stiles.

"I'm guessing once we kill Meth-" Stopped Jess
"...I don't know."

As we approached the building that was in place of that dusty old house, we stared at its beauty. It was becoming more like a castle. The broken rooftop had sprung into marble pillars.
The shattered windows that reflected dust, had turned into stained glass, full of colour.

"This is bad-really bad." Said Stiles slowly, as he comprehended what was going on.
He was always pretty slow.
"But also really- really- good." He whispered

We walked down to the massive golden door.
As we tried pushing it open, it remained sturdy and locked.

"Maybe we can use our powers?" Said Kai rhetorically.

"Ahem." Said Lexi, as she hinted towards Stiles.

"Oh-you mean me." He said gleefully.
He tried punching it with his strength yet instead all he did was hurt himself, so he sulked at the back.

"Lemme try something." I said. "Come here guys." I had an intuition. I saw it one of the Netflix movies I watched. I grabbed each of their right hands. I walked towards the golden door, ignoring their confusion and placed each of their hands on the door, including my own.

Then suddenly, the wind from the door opening, whipped our faces, as we were filled with awe.

Although the building from outside had took its Opentam shape. The inside was still empty. Full of nothing. Yet it was still beautiful. The floor was golden with crystal. It was a lot bigger than the dream and more luxurious. Yet it also had no upstairs. So picture a ginormous empty room.

So we just sat there on the cold floor. Trying to sleep- yet failing to do so. We had gotten dressed in some more appropriate clothings. We changed footwear, right before entering the woods, yet we didn't have time to change clothes so we had to wear our nightwear- which was totally ruined- now.

It must have been hours. We still hadn't really spoken much. We were all just nervous. And sad. Really nervous and sad.

"Hey guys?" Said Stiles. "I just realised something." As he got up. "Methaya and the marker must be different beings."

"What do you mean Stiles?" Asked Jess curiously.

"Well Methaya is said to be 'faceless', right?"
We nodded.

Kai made an "ohh" noise and he continued. "Well the marker, although covered by a cloak, isn't faceless. As during my vision- in the beginning. I saw a face. I don't know how to put it. It was a feeling. Like you know there was a face." Recalled Kai. "Stiles YOU GENIUS!"

Stiles giggled happily. "I'm a genius." He whispered to himself.

We all just looked at him, not sure whether to believe him fully. I mean it's not that he's not trustworthy, it's just that his proof wasn't-good.

"Yeah. Also, the marker seems more like a puppet. Whereas Methaya, could've as easily turned us to stone, therefore maybe they're working together." Said Jess, who sort of smiled. She was, always her best when using her brain. "The marker led us to the rift, which inevitably led Methaya out."

"Argh." Lexi said, as she quickly grasped her arm. She pulled her sleeve up. The mark was burning. "It hurts.."

It was then, when all of us, simultaneously gripped the place where the mark was.

"S-same- it burns." I said.
You would think it wouldn't hurt for me- yet in fact. I think I was hurting the most.

"What does this-mean?" Asked Lexi, flinching to the most unbearable pain.

"-I think." Hissed Jess in agony, who was stretching her ankle.

"I think we're dying..."

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