Dere's Boyfriend Scenarios (D...

By AshlenEverstorm

117K 1.8K 1.4K

(NEW) Hey before you click on this book I want to say that this book is discontinued the reason and my 50k sp... More

~How you guys met~
~The second meeting~
~When they realized their feelings~
~ Author's Note~
~ Author's Note~
~They confess their feelings to you~ part-1
~Authur's Note~
I'm sorry
~They confess their feelings to you~ part-2
Hold up wha...?
~They confess their feelings to you (final)~
Special 1k Q&A!!
~First Date~
Holy sh-
Important! Please read!
I'm back on track!!
Quick question
~Contact Names~
~His Little Secret~
~Him as a bnha character~
~Him as a Haikyuu character~
~When you get sick~
~When he's jealous~
Hewow dear readers!
This update is for people who didn't click on the link lol

~When he gives something to you~

4.2K 61 40
By AshlenEverstorm

hi hello your lazy author finally updated even though it is quarantine time cuz of stopid corona she could of make more scenarios because she has more time but! Because of her lazy butt she ain't doin' and I am sorry 'bout it the reason why I am hype and making an update cuuzzzzz it's 4th may! my birthday yaaay *ahem* anywhooo enjoy the scenario my dudes!

Hiroto Hajime (Tsundere)

⤣𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍⤤
'Haaa... thank god math class is over I'm pretty sure I was on the edge of passing out's a good thing it's lunch time goooodd I'm hungrryyy!!!' I said to myself as a started to walk to my locker to put my stuff and to grab my lunch for today- "e-eh..?" I said as I stared at my locker as I saw I have forgotten to bring my lunch box again "Aaahhh what am I gonna do now?!" I yelled of frustration as then a voice yelled out at me- "Oi!" I then immediately recognise the voice as I looked up to the person and saw that my thinking was right as a the person who was standing in front of me is non other than my Tsundere boyfriend Hiroto.

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"Oh Hiroto! Why are you here?" (Y/n) questioned the pinkish red haired boy "*sighs* did you forget already?? We already planned to have lunch together like we usually do! Seriously! How much of a forgetful idiot are you??" The boy said as he ruffled his hair as he stared angrily at the (h/c) haired girl "Oooohhhh so that's why I had a feeling that I had forgotten something..." (y/n) said as she remembered "Ugh anyways come on before lunch time runs up" Hiroto said as he started to walk to your usual place to eat "w-wait!" You yelled at the boy as he stopped "What?" He said harshly "w-well as you knowww... I was late for school todaayy..." you said nervously "mhm..?" He hummed "I maaayy... Or may not! Forgot to bring my lunch box for todaaay... hehe.." You said as you chuckled nervously. Hiroto then face palmed and stares at you for awhile then walked up to his locker and grabs a bento box and then walked up to you again "h-here you dumbass! Just be lucky that I already had a feeling that you'd do this!" He said while giving you his other bento box "huaaa! Arigatou Hiroto!" [Thank You Hiroto!] you said happily while smiling at him. His face then began to redden "whatever! Just don't forget to bring your lunch again idiot!" He said as began walking towards the stairs "hey! Wait up!" You yelled out to him catching up to him.

Yuri Sakurano (Dandere)

⤣3𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕆𝕍⤤
It was a lovely day outside... a perfect day to spend time with your cute and shy boyfriend.
Yuri and you were actually outside reading a book together, as you were reading you phone start to vibrate telling there's a notification (Obviously XD) you then turn on your phone to see as you look you saw that your friend (friend/name) has texted you that there was going to be a concert of you favourite band (f/b) is coming to town to perform. You were clearly hype but you sadly remember you still gotta save up some money for other things but with you not noticing you shy boyfriend saw your text to your friend about you couldn't make it cause you didn't have enough money he then suddenly had an idea.

~Time skip to a couple of days later~

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'Huaaaa this is so not fair tomorrow is already the day of the concert of (f/b)!! And I can't make it cause I don't have enough money! Aahh!! (F/n) aahh you're so lucky you get to go!!' I thought in my head. 'Sigh.. i guess there's always next time..' I thought sadly (man I am not good at writing the words for a story (c" ,_) ) "(Y/n)!" I heard someone say my name "yes...?" I said as I look at the person that called my name and only to see my boyfriend "oh Yuri do you need something?" I ask with a fake smile "not really but I wanted to ask you something" Yuri said to me while I was curious on what will he ask "well what is it?" I ask. I then see he takes a breath and letting it lose and pulls out something...

⤣𝕐𝕦𝕣𝕚'𝕤  ℙ𝕆𝕍⤤
I then pulled out two tickets to the (f/b) concert "will you go to the (f/b) concert with me?" I ask with a proud smile I then see her smiling widely and quickly hugged me "yes!! Of course I'll go with you!!" She said as she looked at me I then smiled at her and was happy that she was finally happy.

Minato Mikotoba (Deredere)

⤣3𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕆𝕍⤤
I was outside admiring the view of the empty field that now has some birds there 'haaa peace and quiet..' you thought as you lay you head on the grass..

• • • •

"Hey sugarplum!" Your boyfriend Minato said as his face appeared in front of you.

"AHH! Minato! You scared the living soul out of me!" You screamed as you sat up from the grass. "Hehe sorry I just wanted to give you this!" He said while giving you a gift box. "Hm? What's this for?" You asked as you take the box in your hands "well go ahead and open it!" He said as he sat in front of you. You then opened the box and saw that was a plushie of your husbando (favourite/guy/character), chocolates, and some other snacks that you like. "Oh my god thank you so much Minato!" You said as you hugged him tight "hehe no problem besides this is a thank you for everything you've done for me! So I thought I'd give ya this!" He said in his childish way of talking.

I kno it's short deal with it

I'm so sorry XD

Tatsumi Shodo (Oujidere)

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You were just running around trying not to be caught by you best friend (f/n) "oop this bish ain't gonna catch me! Not today (f/n)" you said to yourself "(y/n)!!! Get yo ass back here!! How dare you insult my husbando like that!!" She yelled at you whilst trying to catch you "WELP YOU AIN'T THE BOSS OF ME YA WEEB" you yelled back as your pace is getting faster.

~Time skip to you accidentally breaking your earphones because it fall down to on the floor and you accidentally stepped on it oof~

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"Goddamn it.." You cursed as (f/n) was laughing in the background "HAHAH that's what you get from insulting ma senpai now excuse me I'll go back admiring my husbando now!" She said as she walked back where she was admiring her husbando "welp it can't be help" you said as you put the broken earphones into the trash "did you seriously broke them again?" You heard someone say "huh? Oh yeah I did whoops" you said as you saw it was Tatsumi le smartass ""sighs" you're so reckless don't you know?" He said as he scolded you "yeah yeah whatever dad" you said as you started to walk away "oi" you heard him and faced him "hm?- woah! " you yelped as he throws a box of airpods to you "hey don't just throw these at people!! You could've broke it!" You yelled at him but her just rolled his eyes "then I can buy another one anyways that's for don't break them this time" he said as he walked away "e-eh? Well thanks tatsu!!" You said as you smiled "yeah yeah you're welcome dear" he said as he waved.

Kuro Ryoka (Yandere)

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It was lunchtime currently by myself in my classroom playing with my phone while listening to music with your earphones then you felt a tap on your shoulder you then toke on one of your earphones and looked at the person "hmm? Oh Kuro hi there" you said as you see it was you dear boyfriend "hello darling I was just here wanted to give you a gift" he said while smiling "oo what is it?" You asked curiously "close your eyes" he said with his deep and attractive voice and you obeyed you then felt something cold on your neck "okay open" he said you then opened your eyes to see that there was a beautiful necklace that is shaped as a heart with both of their names on it "Kuro it's beautiful.." you said as you admire the necklace "like you dear" he said as he kisses you forehead.

Takashi Satomi (Kuudere)

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You were going to hang out at Takashi's place since you guys like to have movie nights at each others homes and this time is going to be at your boyfriends house you were just at his door now knocking as you waited the door opened to reveal you tall ass boyfriend standing at the door "go ahead and come in I already have the movie set" he said as he gestured you to come in you the come into his house putting your shoes at the door and follows him to his room. His room was pretty normal a bed, a closet, a desk to study at, a tv, a small table, and some other things. As both of you sit down he then grabbed something out of a bag and it revealed a cute little (f/g/c) plush "here you said you wanted this plushie so I thought I could buy it for you" he said as he blushes a bit "o-oh! Thank you very much Takashi! I really appreciate it!" You said as you smiled warmly at him he then begin to smile as well and then both of Continued both of yours movie night.

Ryouma Rio (Bakadere)

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It was lunchtime you were really hungry but was to lazy to go anywhere you were quietly suffering until your boyfriend Ryouma came and gaved you a bag of food to eat with each other you were so happy you jumped towards Ryouma and hugged him tightly as he hugged you too. Aahh such a cute couple.

Yes it was short I'm sorry well see ya soon on the next chapter peace out!

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