Curves | ONC 2020 Shortlist

By Zoe_Blessing

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When your girlfriend gives you a gym membership for your birthday, your relationship is probably doomed. Too... More

1. Jenny, Downtrodden
2. Enter Juliana
3. Jenny's First
4. Juliana, Totally Not a Stalker
5. Jenny, Falling
6. Juliana to the Rescue
7. Jenny Meets the Trainer
9. Jenny and the Business Card
10. Juliana, Not an Inappropriate Weirdo
11. Jenny Seeks Advice
12. Juliana Tries Not to Fangirl
13. Jenny, Mesmerized
14. Juliana Contemplates the Line
15. Jenny Contemplates Kettle Bells
16. Juliana and the Ghost
17. Jenny in Shock
18. Juliana Learns the Truth
19. Jenny Consults Mom Again
20. Juliana Makes a Tough Decision
21. Jenny Gets Voicemail
22. Juliana Asks Questions
23. Jenny Learns Something
24. Juliana, Revealed
25. Jenny, Triumphant
26. Juliana vs. Nerves
27. Jenny Meets Noah
28. Juliana, More Than a Pretty Face
29. Jenny Wrestles with Esteem
30. Juliana and Biscuits and Gravy
31. Jenny Fights Her Tongue
32. Juliana, Silenced
33. Jenny, the Courageous

8. Juliana, Tongue-Tied

10.1K 952 176
By Zoe_Blessing

"Here it is." Jenny fished the keys out of her gym bag.

"I always liked hatchbacks," Juliana remarked, wondering if she sounded lame. I like hatchbacks? Who says that?

"Me too. It's never let me down." Jenny opened the hatch and threw her gym bag in, then limped around to the driver's side. She eased herself into the bucket seat, then looked back up to Juliana. "Well, thank you so much for all your help. And thanks also for not scolding me and making me feel like an even bigger idiot."

Juliana waved her hand. "Oh, this sort of thing happens all the time."


She gave Jenny a guilty grin. "Not really. That was a spectacular wipeout."

Jenny laughed and closed the door, rolling the window down.

Juliana loved her smile. Her whole face lit up. "Will you be okay driving home?"

"Yeah, I think so. Though I don't look forward to getting out of the car."

"Oh, you should put that ice pack on the pulled muscle while you drive, then hopefully it'll be less painful when you get home."

"Good idea." Jenny pushed her keys into the ignition. "Well... I guess I've held you up long enough."

Juliana wasn't ready to say goodbye yet. Jenny was funny and sweet, and the connection she had only wondered about before felt very real to her now. Did Jenny feel it too? Juliana had to see her again. Another chance like this might never come up. "Wait!"

"Yes?" Jenny let go of the keys and looked at Juliana, blue eyes expectant and mouth parted.

Could it be that Jenny didn't want it to end either? That gave her some courage. "Um..." What do I tell her? Do I ask her out? Or do I keep it professional? She may not even be gay.

Jenny waited patiently, seemingly eager to hear what she had to say.

"I was wondering if..." Wait, is this even ethical? Employees aren't supposed to hit on guests, no matter what Tasha says. She cleared her throat. "If you aren't going to see a doctor, you could come by the gym again and I can take a closer look. I studied kinesiology and can help you with most basic injuries."

Did Jenny just droop a little? Was she disappointed? Those eyes were so expressive.

Damn. I'm doing something wrong.

"You don't have to do that," Jenny said carefully. "I'm not going to sue the gym or anything."

"What? No, I wasn't thinking that at all." Juliana wanted so much to shout, I think you're cute and I want to ask you out!  "Just want to make sure you heal up okay," she said instead.

"Thanks, but I think I'll be all right." Jenny's voice was polite, no hint of teasing like earlier.

What happened?

All those weeks of silently watching this woman from afar, and her one shot was going to end like this? She had to do something.

"Did you know that all gym memberships come with one free week of personal training?" she blurted. "Have you redeemed yours yet?"

Juliana held her breath. If Jenny already did, then all was lost. It was back to spectating.

Jenny blinked at the sudden change of topics. "I, uh, not yet."

She nearly whooped with joy, but managed to contain herself. She reached into her pocket for a business card. "Here. Make an appointment. I'd love to work with you."

Jenny took the card, confusion clouding her eyes. "You would?"


"Thanks," she said slowly, eyeing the card like it might vanish in a puff of smoke. "I'll think about it."

Juliana placed a hand in the windowsill. "You do that."

Jenny looked at the hand and then back up to her, a small smile on her lips.

How Juliana wished she could hear what was going on in that captivating head of hers.

"Well, I should get going."

"Me too. Back to work, I mean."

Jenny started the car and waved goodbye.

Juliana backed away, allowing the car to reverse out of its spot. She continued standing there, hand raised in farewell as the other woman drove away.

She'd finally met Curves. Curves was Jenny. And Jenny was as cute in person as she was from afar. She hoped the girl would call. She had to call. But even the thought of her not calling couldn't dampen the good mood she was in. Or the stupid-happy grin on her face.

All this smiling is making me smile. And when I'm smiling I like to vote. Don't you?

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