Emerald Rain

By OhNoMySphaghettiOs

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Ever wonder how the events in Fire Emblems Three Houses would have unfolded if Byleth had never been offered... More

The Beginning:
Three Houses:
The Blue Lions:
The Mock Battle:
A Day of Monastery Life
Eliminating the bandits:
Garland moon:
Castle Gaspard:
The Holy Mausoleum:
The Rite of Rebirth:
The Crest of Flames:
Into the Abyss:
Verdant Rain Moon:
Conand Tower:
Horsebow Moon:
The Battle of The Eagle and Lion:
Zanado Canyon:
Remire Village:
The White Heron Cup:
The Ball:
The Holy Tomb:
Path of Thorns:
Reunion at Dawn:
The one-Eyed Beast:
Protecting Garreg Mach:
The Beast:
Ailell, The Valley of Torment:
The Master Tactician:
The Great Bridge of Myrddin:
Great Tree Moon:
To Gronder Field, Part One:
To Gronder Field, Part Two:
Gronder Field, Part One:
Gronder Field, Part Two:
The Aftermath of War:
Preparing for Derdriu:
Alliance in Peril:
Protecting Derdriu:
On Trek to a New Dawn:
Rumors of a Reaper:
The Sealed Forest:
The Baron Dominic:
Strategy meeting:
Preparing for Fort Merceus:
The Battle at Fort Merceus:
Javelin of Light:
To Garreg Mach Monastery:
Jeritza Von Hrym:
Enbarr Strategy Meeting:
A Day at the Monastery:
To Enbarr:
Enbarr the Imperial Capital:
The Fall of the Adrestrian Empire:
Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown:
A United Front:
The Dragon that Lurks in the Shadow:
Two Sides of the Same Coin:
The Church of Seiros:
The Princess of Brigid's request:
The Foreign Land and Sky
A Prince's Proposition:
Arianrhod Part One:
Arianrhod Part Two:
Love and War:
The Cool Before the Storm:
Tailtean Plains
Reclaiming Fhirdiad:
The Beginning of the End:
One Year Later:
The Return:
Those Who Slither in the Dark:
For the Freedom of Fodlan:
The End!

The Chalice of Beginnings:

576 15 11
By OhNoMySphaghettiOs


Byleth jolted up from her sleep, she panted out of breath, crap she thought out of all the times for this dream resurface it chose now? Byleth had never been one to get bothered by really anything but there was this one dream that she had for as long as she could remember about a war, it's not your average run of the mile type of fighting this was countless men and women fighting one another for the sole reason being survival. It was absolutely gruesome, bodies of the fallen soldiers littered the floors while their leader, this green haired woman led them, was set on annihilating the opposing army. In the background of this all there are these massive beams of energy that are falling from the sky which causes the death toll to skyrocket. The green haired woman comes faced to face with a man and they begin their fight, his blade... No that can't be right, Byleth thought. The woman manages to disarm the man and then knocks him to the ground. She calls out his name "Nemesis" Nemesis?! and she proclaims that he must die before she takes his life. Afterwards she cradles the sword of the man in her arms and calls it mother. Byleth tried hard to shake the dream out of her mind but she couldn't help but think about it especially given that the sword she now wields is the same as that man Nemesis, she wondered if her dream had been sheer coincidence or was something along the lines of fate. Byleth sighed and went into what she thought would be an empty Ashen Wolves classroom, but to her surprise Aelfric was in there. Byleth tried to leave before she was noticed but it was too late.

"Ah, Byleth, To what do I owe this pleasure?" Aelfric turned towards Byleth and asked.

"I couldn't sleep," Byleth stated. "Also I wanted to hear more about my parents," she told Aelfric.

"Ah yes, of course you do. I will gladly tell you all that I know" Aelfric said "Where to begin..." he mumbled "If you have something in particular in mind , please ask and I shall answer as best as I can" Aelfric added.

"Tell me about my Mother" Byleth said, she had never had the chance to meet her so she was most curious as to who she was.

"Kind, and wise. I would often see her in the library with her nose buried in a book" Aelfric said.

"What was my Father like back then?" Byleth asked.

"Jeralt was... very much then as he is now, his knights would have done just about anything for him" Aelfric said "Whenever he had time to spare, he would instruct the children of the monastery in combat and tactics" he reminisced fondly "Just like those wide-eyed youngsters, your mother and I made a hero of him in our minds" he said "When I heard that Jeralt and Sitri were to be married, I was quite surprised" Aelfric said with a hint of bitterness. Oh no Byleth thought he had the hots for my mom, "Back then, Jeralt was something of a mentor to me" he continued on "As for Sitri... she found it difficult to express her emotions" Aelfric said sadly. He proceeded to tell Byleth that her Mother only found joy in her Father's company since she was too weak to leave the monastery and his stories brought her a great deal of comfort. Aelfric then continued on to tell her about how he wished to be like Jeralt but never could, he scooted closer to Byleth "Forgive me for overstepping, but do you not regret forgoing your travels to take up residency here? he asked.

Byleth began to feel uncomfortable around him "No, I enjoy going to school here" she stated.

"Heh heh, well then! I suppose I have no choice but to assist you as best as I can" Aelfric was about to continue on talking when a voice called from the entrance of the room.

"Hey am I interrupting anything?" Byleth looked over and saw Claude, she felt revealed. "Sorry Aelfric but I need to borrow my friend here we have important research to do" Claude said while walking over to them and grabbing Byleths arm "Well see- ya!" Claude laughed while they exited the room.


Claude led Byleth to the library from the classroom that he had found her in. The walk there was awkward, needless to say, Claude tried to think of something to say but his mind ran blank, Byleth ended up being the one to break the silence. "Thank you, Claude" she whispered.

"Don't mention it" Claude said with a wink, he peaked over at her face and her face was blank. Jesh Claude thought nothing gets to her huh? "So as I'm sure Linhardt already filled you in on this place has a library" Claude said an Byleth nodded "A library that is unrestricted, filled to the brim with books that the monastery wouldn't dare put in it's shelves" he said excitedly "I think this would be the perfect place to continue on with our research on the immaculate one" Claude enthused.

"I agree" Byleth said "I had the very same idea earlier" she added, great Claude thought they were on the same page as to trying to figure out just what exactly the immaculate one was. After a while of looking at books through the library, Claude heard footsteps outside of the door, Byleth's head shot up to catch a glimpse of the person who was entering the room.

"Sorry I'm late" Claude turned and saw Linhardt along with Dimitri, "I brought help" Linhardt said while gesturing towards Dimitri. Claude saw his eyes immediately fall to Byleth who was sitting cross cross on the floor surrounded by a pile of books, a hint of jealousy briefly fell over the prince's eyes but he brushed it off quickly.

"What can we help with?" Dimitri turned to Claude and asked.

"Just pick up a book and get reading" Claude responded, and Dimitri proceeded to go to Byleth to help with her pile of books. After a while of searching Byleth called them over to her.

"Take a look at this" Byleth said while showing them a book that suffered heavy burns, it was titled "Romance of the World's Perdition".

"Byleth, now isn't the time for romance books" Claude joked with her, she made a disappointed face at him then diverted her attention back to the book.

"No Claude" Byleth groaned "Look at what it says" she added.

Linhardt grabbed the book and read it out loud:

"In the land of Thinis, where the old Gods are said to live, the false God has awakened. It's looming, heteromorphic vessel was resurrected to sink the world to the depths of the ocean. It will bring extinction to all children of men, and salvation to all beasts of the land, sky, and sea. For the children of men who spilled too much blood of life, it promises only cruel retribution."

"The false God must be defeated before the world sinks into a watery grave. To this end, the children of men have erected pillars of light upon the land. Thinis, Malum, Septen, and Llium were utterly destroyed. Those lands have vanished from this world. Yet even still, the False God stands. And soon, a flood aptly named despair will drown this world."

"The children of men fled to the depths of the Earth, beyond sight of the false God, beyond the embrace of the sun, and beyond the reach of the waters of Despair. They swore a fervent oath of revenge against the surface world, ruled by beasts, and against their tormentor, the False God."

"That is something alright" Linhardt mumbled, "I see why the church would have this locked away" he added "I think the heteromorphic vessel might be the immaculate one" Linhardt said quietly.

"I agree" Claude said "Ruled by beasts?" he murmured "As in mankind?" Claude questioned "Wait, so does that mean the false God is the Goddess?" he said in shock. The others sat in silence, this was most definitely not something they should have ever stumbled upon and it raised more questions than it answered.

"If we were referred to as beasts..." Byleth said "Then who are the children of men?" she asked.

"I'm afraid we don't have those answers" Linhardt said "Also not to mention this source might be unreliable, so I would take the information with a grain of salt" he added trying to get the awkward tension in the air to die down.

"I think it might be best if we end here for the day" Claude suggested to the others.

Dimitri rubbed his face and yawned "Yeah that might be for the best" he said, the four of them walked back to the sleeping quarters and parted ways with Byleth once they reached them. Claude, Dimitri, and Linhardt entered their room. Linhardt fell asleep right as soon as his head hit the pillow. Claude and Dimitri sat in silence for a moment.

"So you're not going to ask are you?" Claude said to Dimitri "I bet curiosity is eating you up, isn't it" he laughed.

"I'll admit I am curious as to why Byleth had been with you in the library before hand" Dimitri mumbled "However I regret my actions from the other day, I shouldn't have been so presumptuous" he said with remorse, "So I won't ask" Dimitri added.

Claude felt a little bad for him "Oh that" he said "I had already forgotten about it" he said, and Dimitri looked at him in shock. Claude proceeded to tell Dimitri about how he had seen Aelfric in the Ashen Wolves classroom with Byleth, and how he seemed to be getting a little too comfortable so Claude stepped in. Dimitri seemed surprised by what Claude had told him, they discussed it a bit more then both agreed that they should be getting to sleep.


The students of the academy spent about a week there and things kept taking weird twists. It turned out that the reasoning behind the recent attacks on the Abyss was because of some unidentified person searching for a relic called the Chalice of Beginning. Next thing they knew they received a threat that Aelfric was kidnapped and they had to deliver the Chalice to them if they ever wanted to see him again, and that they must not involve the church. The students however decided to seek help from the church and they gave aid in helping finding Aelfric. The students managed to retrieve the Chalice to trade for Aelfric but before they did so Yuri met with Byleth to discuss something important in regards to handing over the Chalice. The students then went to trade the Chalice for Aelfric, but rather than surrendering the Chalice they fought the kidnappers for Aelfric. However once the fighting was finished it was revealed that Aelfric was the bad guy, and Yuri was his accomplice the whole time. Yuri attacks Byleth and Aelfric disappears with the four Ashen Wolves.

"Byleth!" Dimitri shouted, running up to Byleth with Claude and Edelgard on his tail. "Are you injured?" he asked with concern.

"It's nothing to worry about..." Byleth said.

Edelgard sighed "I see your well enough to make light of a serious situation. but surely you suffered a wound" Edelgard said.

"I didn't," Byleth responded.

"Ah, I get it" Claude responded "He only pretended to attack you, didn't he? he asked "So you were just playing a part in this grand performance. But was that really the smartest decision here?" Claude asked.

"Byleth! are we too late?" The students turned in surprise and saw Lady Rhea shouted as she came running towards them. She began to tell them how she started investigating the Ashen Wolves and found forged documents, and tells them how the Ashen Wolves are going to be used as sacrificial lambs in the ritual to revive someone who has deceased since they carry the same crests as the four Apostles who initially did the ritual.

Dimitri frowned "So Aelfric's aim must be to carry out the Rite of Rising... at the expense of the students..." he said with disgust "Lady Rhea... What precisely is the purpose of this ritual?" Dimitri asked.

"It can breathe life into a body, but it cannot return a spirit that has already departed" Rhea said "ultimately, it is a tool to return the goddess to her physical form" she said and glances at Byleth "Her spirit is omnipresent, but her flesh is no more" Rhea added, she proceeded to tell them that Aelfric is more than likely planning to perform the ceremony. Alois then comes running to Rhea and informs her that the village surrounding Garreg Mach is being attacked and she takes off to assist.

"Byleth? you look like you've got something to say" Claude says and Byleth proceeds to tell him about Yuri telling her to meet him in the Holy Mausoleum after midnight. "He told you to meet him at the Holy Mausoleum?" Claude asked and Byleth nodded, Claude sighed "You never run out of secrets do ya Byleth"

"I'm certain that Yuri had his reasoning to set up this meeting" Dimitri chipped in, he turned to Byleth "He took the time to speak with you, however cryptically before he left" he added.

"Fair point Dimitri" Edelgard sighed "I do wonder why he told you it needed to be after midnight. wouldn't it be better to rush to their aid immediately?" she asked.

Claude jumped in and said "Yuri's no fool, there's a method to his madness...".

The students waited till midnight as Yuri had told them and then entered the Holy Mausoleum. There they found the four Ashen Wolves in a vortex that was draining their essence with Aelfric in the back of the room where Byleth received the Sword of the Creator. It was time for the battle to commence. Byleth thought while looking around the room, there were a lot of mages. "Really the mages are what you're worried about" Sothis laughed "You never cease to amaze me" she sighed.

(After the battle)

"Byleth, you would raise your sword against me?" Aelfric said as he barged into the Holy Mausoleum. "Your Mother lies here, waiting for us, Waiting for you! Don't you want her back?" he shouted at Byleth.

Claude turned to Byleth "Is that true, or is he just trying to freak us out? if so... it's kinda working" Claude said.

"My Mother died giving birth to me..." Byleth said sternly.

"There is no room for doubt" Aelfric shouted "I know her appearance better than anyone, This... is her" he yelled "An upstanding nun who married Jeralt, she died 21 long years ago..." he said.

"You cannot expect us to believe that someone who died two decades ago is still in such pristine condition..." Dimitri said. And Aelfric went on a tangent about how it may be to some secret that only she knows, that she is left untouched by time. As he says that Lady Rhea enters the Holy Mausoleum.

"Halt, Aelfric" Rhea shouts.

"Rhea!" Aelfric spat like venom "You are the cause of this! It was you who killed her! When she gave birth to a child who made no sound" he hissed "Tell me what you've done to her! Why does her body remain while her spirit does not?!" Aelfric demanded.

Lady Rhea sighed "I owe you no words on the matter. But I will tell you this..." Rhea said glancing towards Byleth "She made the choice to die, that her offspring might live" she said "I respected her will, nothing more" Rhea added. Then she proceeded to beg him to stop with the ritual.

Rhea's words did little to help in fact they angered Aelfric even more "Rhea, I am finished with you. The only thing left to do is complete the ritual" Aelfric said before he warped away.

"Hurry, he cannot have gone far" Rhea said.

"Let's end this," Byleth shouted. Edelgard agreed with her and Dimitri checked in on the Ashen Wolves making sure that they were good to fight, the four of them assured that they would be able to fight and after a little heart to heart with the Ashen Wolves they took off after Aelfric.

They found him kneeling at her mother's body in the Cathedral "Aelfric Cease this at once" Lady Rhea shouted, "The Chalice cannot return her soul Aelfric, It is incapable even of returning the body to life.

"Please, you must stop," Byleth shouted.

"Be not afraid, Today your Mother returns to us" he said madly, "The time has come" he whispered to Sitri "Perhaps I am not an equal man to him"Aelfric said "But I am here by your side Sitri" he added. Byleth watched in horror as the Chalice absorbed both Aelfric and her mother turning them into a beast.

"So I see... It is just as the last time the ritual was performed" Lady Rhea said, she turned to the students "Everyone who is capable must fight this beast- now" she commanded. The students all went around giving their pledges to help. "Please, act swiftly but with great care" Rhea said "By my order, stop the umbral beast- stop Aelfric!" Rhea shouted, and with that they charged at the beast before them.

(After the battle)


After the battle the Ashen Wolves were disbanded, and the four of them were no longer bound to remain in the Abyss, They were free to do whatever they felt like doing. Byleth and the three house leaders made a promise to Yuri to look after the Abyss, after the Ashen Wolves left to move on with their lives Byleth made her way to Lady Rhea, it was time she knew about her mother.

After Byleth left from talking with Rhea she found herself in the training grounds. "Byleth?" a voice called out, Byleth turned to come face to face with Edelgard

"Oh hello Edelgard" Byleth said "What brings you here?" She asked.

"I came to check up on you" Edelgard said, this caught Byleth off guard, she expected that from Dimitri or maybe Claude but not really Edelgard. "I'm sure you must be feeling not too well after all that has happened today" she sighed "I'm sure it was a lot to take in" Edelgard added. Byleth nodded and thanked her for coming to see her. "It was no trouble" she said "Well I'll leave you be for the night" Edelgard said before turning away

"Wait" Byleth said, Edelgard turned around. "Last time we spoke you mentioned me joining your class" Byleth stated "I have to decline your offer, but I would like to join your class for your next mission, if that's alright?" Byleth asked.

"Of course!" Edelgard said "Although it is a shame you won't join us permanently, I would love to have you with us even if it's only temporary" she said "However you will have to attend our lectures for the month to ensure you are prepared for the month's mission" she added "Don't worry I'll tell professor Manuela and she'll handle everything" Edelgard enthused. "Well goodnight Byleth" Edelgard said and then left.

Byleth left from the training grounds tomorrow is going to be a big day she thought. "Aren't you worried how the prince will react?" Sothis asked, Byleth felt a pang of guilt, she hadn't even thought of him. Sothis this is the only way I can accomplish what I need to right now, Byleth thought. The Blue Lion house is too distracting at the moment. I have to be focused to find out what Rhea's intentions are, she added. "Hmm, I see, as long as you are sure that this is what you need to do," Sothis said. It is, Byleth responded as she entered her room and went to bed.

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