The Licensed Mage

By SarahKlein367

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Dive into a world full of magic and modernization. It's 2218 and magic has been a part of the world since the... More

1 Claire
2 Detective
3 Failure
4 To Start
5 New Dawn, New Day
6 Meltdown
7 The Chase
8 Find Out
9 Teamwork
10 Harmony
11 Semblence
12 Legwork
13 Trust
14 Finishing
15 Discovery
17 Importance
18 Connections
19 Dreams
20 Catchers
21 Into The Darkness
22 Advice
23 Hurt
24 Wilks
25 Sight
26 Sam Wilkson
27 Acceptance
28 Turbelance
29 Sacrifice
30 Confession
31 Legislation
32 Shiya
33 Slyvan
34 The Girls
35 подключение
36 Trow
37 Talking It Out
38 Rescue
39 The Puritan Head
40 Emergency
41 Space
42 MKP

16 Necromancy

345 29 1
By SarahKlein367

        Claire stared at the young girl floating before her. They were in the parking lot of an abandoned warehouse in the industrial district. There was a perimeter of 5 feet taped off around the girl where no one dared step too close. The girl was a teenager, perhaps no more than 15 with dark brown hair, a pretty face wearing no makeup, jeans and long sleeve shirt. Her hair was matted with dirt and her clothing was torn. She was floating 3 feet off the ground with her head tilted as if she was hung, but the worst part was the magic coating her.

        She was shrouded in thick black magic which held her suspended and prevented anyone from getting near. The girl slowly turns in a circle and as her face came face to face with Claire she saw a look of pure horror frozen on the young child’s face. Claire felt her fingers tighten into fists as her anger and vile rose in her throat. Someone used Necromancy, the magic of the dead, on this girl and terrified her to death. Claire didn’t know what pissed her off more, the fact that Necromancy was used or that it was preventing even her from releasing the girl from its hold.

        Smoke burned Raven’s nose as he inhaled the smoke rising from his cigarette. He watched Claire closely as she stared at the victim. He saw her hands curl into fists and could feel her rage from behind her. He sighed as he threw out the butt and knew he couldn’t say anything to help her. He felt someone come up beside him and saw their new ME Tessa with her hand on her throat.

        “It’s horrible.”

        Raven pulled out another cigarette and lit it as he jammed his hands into his pocket hoarsely saying, “Yeah.”

        They watched Claire sigh as she threw out her hand. She said something to the holo fairy and turned to them when it flickered off. She stopped in front of Raven and held out her hand, “Give me one.”

        Raven raised an eyebrow not moving, “You want to smoke?”

        Claire sighed again, “No. But I have to do something.”

        Raven still didn’t move and Claire let her hand fall. She stared at the ground for a bit then crossed her arms as she looked back to the young girl. Tessa stepped forward and put her small hand on Claire’s arm.

        “Who did you contact?”

        Not taking her eyes off the girl Claire answered, “Dillon. We grew up together in the orphanage and he’s the only Necromancer I know. He’ll be able to get that stuff off her so we can get her down.”

        “Are you sure that’s wise?” Claire turned to stare at Raven, “If he’s a Necromancer than he’s a suspect.”

        Raven felt Claire’s eyes burn into his as she stared at him silently before she spoke, “The Guild has strict rules concerning Necromancers. They are monitored at all times and their magic is restricted. Whoever did this is not from the Guild.”

        Little Tessa squeaked, “So it’s a rouge mage?”

        Claire turned her eyes to Tessa’s, “Yes.”

        Just then a black cloud formed behind Claire and all the officers there jumped, pulling out their guns. Claire ordered them to stand down saying it’s not a threat as Dillon walked through the cloud. He stood eye to eye with Raven sporting the same jet black hair but it was even more prominent on him in contrast to his pale skin. His arms and legs were extremely long giving him the impression of being slinky and thinned frame but upon closer inspection muscles can be seen under his thick black shirt. Like Claire, Dillon shared the believe of training the body as well as the magic and they were occasional sparring partners.

        Dillon stepped onto solid ground and the cloud behind him dissipated as he looked around and locked eyes with Claire. Raven was taken aback at seeing his golden eyes and realizing that they were shinning, “Claire,” his voice cracked as if he doesn’t speak enough, “why am I here?”

        “Dillon I’m sorry. I know you’re busy but we need your help.”

        Before he could ask what for she gestured behind him and he turned to see the teenaged girl shrouded in black magic. He sighed as he stepped to her muttering under his breathe, “You poor girl, you must be in pain. Calm down, I’ll set you free.”

        When he came within 3 feet of the girl black whips formed from the magic and slashed at him. Dillon didn’t even flinch as his arms and neck were cut open and bleeding. He stepped before the girl and reached up a hand to her eyes. As his fingers moved closer the black whips slashed more franticly at him, cutting his legs and back. He paid no attention as he reached up and closed the girl’s eyes. Suddenly the whips stopped then crumbled as the black magic surrounding the girl sunk back into her body. Dillon held out his arms and gently caught the girl as she fell, laying her on the ground with incredible care. With her finally resting Dillon laid a hand on her forehead and said a few words in prayer in the Necromancy language. Finally he got up and walked back towards Claire, leaving red footprints behind him.

        “It is done. She is at rest.”

        “Can you tell what spell was used on her?”

        There was silence as he thought and Claire begun to heal his wounds as he did, “It will be sometime before I can speak to her…but I will find out.”

        With his healing done Claire sighed and flashed her first smile since they arrived, “Thanks D.”

        She gathered him close and hugged him tight as he numbly nodded. Without a word the black cloud appeared behind him and when Claire stepped back he silently walked through the cloud. Everyone was silent as the cloud disappeared, astonished at what they just witnessed. Even Tessa and Raven found it incredible what they just saw. Claire broke the spell by walking towards the girl and Tessa and Raven quickly caught up. Claire and Raven stood over the girl, studying her as Tessa kneeled down and begun her work.

        “No ID, no license, so she’s not a mage.”

        “She could have been. Her parents probably just couldn’t afford to send her to Training.”

        “Right.” Tessa nodded her head as she looked the girl over some more and Raven pulled out a thick clear plastic card from his pocket. He knelt down by the other side of the girl and grabbed her hand, placing her thumb on the card. The card scanned her thumb and pulled a fingerprint. Raven stood as he ran the print through the National database and Claire bent her knees to get a better look at the girl.

        “Got a hit. Emily Brown. 16. No record of any kind. She’s the only daughter of Bryan and Samantha Brown. They live in Northfork.”

        “We should tell them.”

        Raven looked down at Claire as she continued to stare at the girl’s face, “You sure you want to come? They will be angry when we tell them how she died and they could take that anger out on you.”

        “So be it.” Claire stood as she crossed her arms facing Raven, “We need to tell them. I need to be there. To comfort or a punching bag either one.”

        “Guys,” They both looked down at Tessa who was holding a scanner over Emily’s body, “She’s been dead for 2 weeks.”

        Claire felt the blood drain from her face as she dreaded what that could mean, “Please tell me there’s a missing person report on her.”

        Raven glanced at her, wondering why she seemed so shaken as he checked, “No, there’s not.”

        Claire felt tears stinging her eyes as she pinched her nose, feeling her own headache coming on. Before she could start crying she clamped her jaw shut and sucked her tears dry. Her eyes were red but under control when she turned to Raven, “Let’s go.”

        He silently looked at her as she stared back and finally consented, “Tess, let us know when you find anything.”

        Tessa agreed as they walked away, heading towards Raven’s car. Ever since that first week working together they made a deal to use the trans-port for one week then Raven’s car for the next week, switching back and forth. This week was Raven’s car and Claire has gotten so used to his driving that she was actually able to relax as they raced their way to the Brown’s.

        “You don’t have to say anything. You can let me do all the talking.”

        Claire didn’t look as she talked, “Thanks, but right now I’m just hoping that they’re there to even talk to.”

        Raven didn’t comment, knowing he’ll find out what she meant later as they pulled up to the address. The home was a picture of the American Dream with the white picket fence and green yard. It was a single story ranch home with an detached garage housing a family station wagon. There was a working vegetable garden and the roof was covered in solar panels showing that the family is financially sufficient. Claire got out of the car and studied the home as Raven walked around. He led her through the fence gate and she made her way up the steps and knocked on the door. She crossed her fingers and prayed that someone would be home.

        The door pulled open, “Yes? Can I help you?”

        Claire sighed with relief as the middle aged woman pulled the door open wider, “Hello. My name is Claire Dunsworth and this is my partner Raven Black. Are you Mrs. Brown?”

        The woman blinked, “Yes. Did you say partner? Are you the cops?”

        “Yes ma’am we’re with the MPF. May we come in?”

        Claire and Raven flashed their badges and Mrs. Brown stepped aside, “Yes, please.”

        They stood in the foyer as she shut the door and turned to them, “What is this about?”

        Claire twisted her hands as she thought of what to say when Raven spoke over her shoulder, “Is your husband home, ma’am?”

        “Bryan? Yes he’s out back. I’ll go get him.”

        She walked off and her footsteps receded as Claire studied the room. It was a typical family room with pictures celebrating their pride and joy, Emily. Claire’s heart broke as she thought of the news they were about to be given. Hurried footsteps sounded the hallway as a balding man at the same height as his wife stepped into the foyer.

        “Who are you? What’s this about?”

        “Mr. Brown,” Claire licked her lips as she tried to calm her nerves, “I’m Mage Detective Claire Dunsworth and this is my partner Detective Raven Black. We’re from the MPF.”

        “MPF?” Mr. Brown crossed his arms as he stared at them up and down, “Never heard of them.”

        “We’re a fairly new department Mr. Brown, dealing with crimes of magical consent or contact,” Raven pulled out his badge once more and handed it to Mr. Brown, “You can see for yourself we’re legitimate.”

        He studied the badge up and down and slowly gave it back, “Fine I believe you, but what is this about?”

        Raven gestured to the chairs in the neighboring living room, “Please, let’s have a seat.”

        The Browns were reluctant at first but finally consented as everyone sat. Claire remained at a loss for words as Raven took the stead, “Mr. and Mrs. Brown, we’re here about your daughter-“

        “Emily?!” Mrs. Brown grabbed her husband hands as she begun to shake, “You’ve found Emily?!”

        Raven pulled out his notepad, “Has she been missing?”

        “Y-Yes,” Mr. Brown’s voice shook as he spoke while his wife grabbed a tissue and dabbed her eyes, “She’s been missing for 3 weeks.”

        “And you didn’t file a missing persons report?”

        “No,” Mrs. Brown sniffed as Mr. Brown tightened his grab on her hand, “She’s run away before but she always came back. Please…did you find her?”

        Raven was quiet as he spoke, “Yes ma’am we did.”

        “And?” Tears begun to run down Mrs. Brown’s face as she waited his answer. Mr. Brown begun to shake as Raven didn’t immediately answer.

        “I’m afraid ma’am…she’s dead. I’m so sorry for your lost.”

        His words of apology were drowned out at the screams of a mother crying for her child. Claire forced herself to watch as mother and father collapsed into each other’s arms, their cries cutting into her heart. Claire felt her own tear sliding down her cheek as her hands curled into fists on top of her knees, vowing to bring the killer to justice.


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