Belong With Me

By tehyaannh

1.5M 45.8K 4.3K

Cameron isn't your typical girl, she's slightly more sarcastic, wears a large amount of graphic tees, loves A... More

1:Brothers and Birthday Presents
2:Bacon and Twinning
3:Smoothies and Accents
4:Bowling and Big Foot
5:Strikes and Storms
6:Doorbells and Luck
7: Football and Windows
8: Whispers and Theories
9:Wonder Woman and Barbie
10:Half Streaking and Truth or Dare
11:Dallas Fans and Manning Girls
12:Skirts and Cheese
13:Babies and Movies
14:Aaron and Matt
15:Saturday School and Sleeping Together
17:Rocky and Coffee Tables
18:Kryptonite and Feelings
19:Netflix and Book Stores
20:Pain and Rooftops
21:Hangovers and Hickeys
22:Idiots and Scars
23:Scratches and Pick-up Lines
24:Tears and Him
25: Caleb and Punches
26: Awkward and Navy
27: Stores and Pjs
28: Scooby-Doo and Sparks
29: Falling and Pants
30: Candles and Condoms
31: Presents and Kissing
32: Chain Reactions and Revelations
33: Deep Breaths and Heartache
34:Smart Cookies and Weeks
35:Love and Super Powers
36:Baseball Pants and Blind
37:Wet and Odd
38:Ride and Naked
39:Screwed-Up and Complete
41: Authors Note
43: Special Update, 1 MILLION READS Edition

16:Shopping and Book Boys

34.4K 1.1K 230
By tehyaannh

"Boy do I love shoes!" Sierra says as she tries on yet another pair of shoes.
"Really? I couldn't tell." I yawn tapping my chin. After rolling her eyes she frowns at the shoes and puts them back in their box.
"Ok I'm ready to go." She stands up, brushing the imaginary dust off her jeans and heading to the front of the store. I snatch my shopping bag from the floor beside me and follow her out the shop's front doors. In the store I had found a pair of brown leather Oxford looking shoes and I just had to get them. But Sierra on the other hand found like 5.
"Cameron! Come on!" I snap my head up and spot her just as she disappears into Forever 21.
Yes! That's my place, cheap and mostly my style. I glance at my phone as I rush to the store, causing me to smack head on into a hard chest. But before I can fall a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Oh sorr-" my words die in my mouth at the sight of the smirking face above me. Aaron. But I'm pleasantly surprised to see he has a serious black eye.
I try to step away from him but he doesn't budge.
"Aaron, let go of me." I say my voice stony. His arms tighten.
"Now why would I do that?" He brings his head closer to me.
"I swear to god Aaron! Let me go!" I push against his chest but he only chuckles. He buries his head in my neck and presses his lips to my collarbone. I gasp, that little-!
I bring my knee up as fast as I can, right into his family jewels.
He jerks away from me in pain and his eyes glisten. With tears and anger.
"You little bitch" He hisses, but I've already scooped up my bag and made it to the front of Forever 21. I glance back at a slumped Aaron before rushing into the store.
I quickly spot Sierra with already loaded arms, and I rush towards her.
"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" She chuckles slightly but I can only shrug and look over my shoulder again. No Aaron. I let out a relieved breath and continue to look through the clothes with Sierra calming my racing heart all the while. Can the damn guy not get a freaking hint!?
We exit the store with multiple bags, and I brace for the worst.
And the worst is what I get.
Aaron is nowhere in sight, instead I see Matt exiting Hollister with his arm wrapped around a blonde's waist. She is giggling at whatever he has just said, and she runs a hand down his chest. Shuddering I look away. Why does it even bother me? I mean its not like I like him or anything.
I start to follow Sierra until I see she is headed for Hollister. Of course!! I sigh before raising my head- and see a beautiful blue pair looking into mine. Matt's eyes flash with something close to guilt, and he drops his arm from around the girl's waist. I'm confused but none the less follow Sierra. When we get closer he gives me an apologetic look. Why would he be sorry? It's not like we are dating or anything. I pass him with a small forced smile and no words, the girl oblivious to us, instead focusing on shopping and exiting the store with a couple of new jeans.
I bet I'm breaking my bank account right about now.
"Sierra I don't care where you go next but I'm going to the book store and then the DC store." I heft my bags up and start in the direction of the Book Nook after she informs me she is going to go to Maurice's.
So I not only like to draw and watch and wear superheroes. But I'm also a book lover, like no joke I've read way too many books.

Entering the store, the first thing that catches my eyes is the stand at the front of the store displaying the new book in The Mortal Instruments series.
I mentally die.
I mean how much more perfect can Jace and Clary get?! The second thing that catches my eye is the boy behind the counter. A hot blonde with a just as hot body, and beautiful green eyes that are looking down at the book open on the counter. He doesn't so much as blink when the bell goes off above my head signaling someone entered, he's so engrossed.
Man a hot guy who reads..... Hmmmm hmmm.
Have I died and gone to heaven?

I grab the book off the display case and continue to look through the books. I find Ignite Me, which is the last book in the Shatter Me books, I've already read it but I've been meaning to buy it so Ill have the whole series.

I make a note in my phone of books I see that look good so I can get them at the library before buying. I'm starting a small library, speaking of which I need to unpack my books.
My thoughts start to wander and soon I'm back on Matt.
Why was he with that blonde, and furthermore why do I care?!
I mean its not like I have any feel-
My mental rant drops when I feel eyes on me.
Without moving my head I glance up to see the boy at the counter looking my way.
But it's not long before he's looking back down at his book. I decide I've spent enough money and start to head to the counter.
Placing my books on the counter the boy finally looks up and gives me a shy smile.
"Hi I'm Logan, is there anything I can help you with?" His voice is mild but I can tell he's shy.
Funny for someone so attractive to be shy, people must stare at him all the time.
Returning the smile I answer, "Nah except for ringing these up." I point down at my small stack. He blushes, I guess not having seen the book before.
I smile at him, I mean he's just too adorable.
While he scans the books and puts them in bags, his arm muscles flexing nicely, I lift the front half of his still open book. Seeing the dragon on the front I smile.
"These books are so good!" I tend to get a little excited about books.
"You've read the Eragon series?" He look at me in disbelief. His green eyes squinting.
"Duh, more like three times. They are some of the best! Have you read The Ranger's Apprentice? Small but good." His face lights up in a smile.
"Yes! What about Witch and Wizard?" He asks getting excited.
"Brilliiiiaaannnttt." I sing. "James Patterson I'm convinced is perfect."
"I know right I mean The Maximum Ride series, who would of thought of kids with wings?!" He leans against the counter.
"Right! And all the little plot twists, you're like wait-what! And I'm convinced the author of the I Am Number Four series is him. I mean he's an unanimous writer, and who else would have come up with that?" I rant.
"oh my god Yes!!!!!" He starts laughing and I can't help but join him. Pretty soon we are both clutching our stomachs and gasping for air.
"My names Cameron by the way." I say when I finally regain my breath. He smiles, causing dimples to pop on his cheeks.
"Mind if I call you Mer, I'm kind of a sucker for nick names.?"
"As long as I can call you book boy." We both smile before I glance at the hanging clock behind his head.
"Oh fish sticks! Well it was awesome meeting you, call me some time and we can have a real talk, but I've got to go." I ramble barely getting the words out as I quickly grab my bag of books and head to the door.
"Wait! I dont have your number!" He yells as I get closer to the door.
"670" I yell, "528" I shoulder the door open. "2885! Se ya book boy!" I yell as I finally exit the store. People give me strange looks but I only rush towards the food court where I told Sierra id meet her. I take my phone out of my pocket and see I have 8 new messages. All from Sierra except one.
'Mer! It's Book Boy! See ya around!' I smile and reply with a definitely.
I think I just found my new best friend.
I spot Sierra pacing ahead of me at the food court. When she spots me she gives me a stink eye.

"Where have you been young lady?" She sounds just like a mom.
"Uh sorry, I got carried away talking to Boo- Logan, and I lost track of time." I point over my shoulder towards the Book Book for emphasis.
Her eyes widen.
"You mean hot book store boy? He talked to you!?" She looks astounded.
"Yeah.... Uh why wouldn't he?" I'm confused now.
"I've tried to talk to him for years, well maybe not years but you know months. I've tried talking about sports and stuff, cause you know how I like my sporty men, but anyways. What did you talk about that got him so excited? I need to know!!" She drops her bags and shakes my shoulders. "Tell me!!"
"Uh... Books." She frowns and drops her hands. A confused look scrunched up her fair face.
"Oh..... Well I guess you can have him." I hold in my laughter. I guess she doesn't like book boys....... Hmmm too bad.

*all books in chapter are real and AMAZING! Comment and vote!*

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