My little accelehearts

By Gogeta900

810 1 1

Hi my name is yuki and I am a Displaced. But its not just me but my familey. Me and my family are characters... More

chapter 1.2
chapter 1.3
chapter 1.3 part 2
Chapter 2.1
chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
chapter 2.6
chapter 2.7
chapter 2.8
chapter 2.9
chapter 2.10
chapter 2.11
chapter 3.1
chapter 3.2
chapter 3.3
chapter 3.4
chapter 3.5
chapter 3.6
Chapter 3.7

chapter 2.5

27 0 0
By Gogeta900

30 minutes earlier

Nolo and gang were still watching the mane six after a rescue team was sent to help a mysterious pony in the forest. Terra was in siting down looking at the tree that twilight enter to then he saw twilight coming out with her friends. Hey guys heads up they coming out. Terra then got up dusting off all drit he can get off. The group notice that they had the elements of harmony on them then were getting into a circle. The mane six elements start to glow and they started to float up with a bright light happening.

The group cover there eyes as light become a rainbow swirling around after that a figure came out. A creature that resembles differt types of animals the creature name is DISCORD the god of chaos. The team saw him in a bathtub that discord was using. Geez at least would the elements gives him a heads up. Wylde said trying not laugh at the event. Then discord started to speak to the main six. Now, Twilight, you know Princess Celestia said that you were to give me a heads up before you summon me with that little spell she gave you. In case you haven't noticed, I was--. Discord suddenly stop and notice the group they froze when discord saw them. Crap he notice us! Vert said whispering to them to there surprise that discord just gave them a wink. --in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower. Discord finishing his sentence. The team was confused all of them tilting there heads. Um--- ok then I have a feeling I
We might have to talk to him later. Porkchop said shaking his head.

5 minutes have passed as the mane six are arguing with discord to free the princess and treating him saying they will turn him back to stone. Then they notice discord using his magic to magic one of the vines and knitting it to a arrow to the forest. And what came out forest was zecora then group realize that was the one who cried help in the forest. Zecora! Twilight said running up to her.

( heads up I cant do riddles that zecora does so I will put them in words that you will understand. I hope your okay with.)

I had to flee my home the forest has grown way to wild for me. Zecroa said sitting down. As the mane six were talking to zecroa Nolo notice something touching him he turned around to see a chicken hand poking him and gave him a letter. The group notice and were shocked by it but they knew it was discord playing around with them. Nolo took the letter and saw that hand dissapeared. Hey Nolo are you going to read that? Kurt asked recovering the shocking event. Yeah let's read it. Nolo stared to read the letter. 

Hello heros I know why you are all here. I will talk to you later after you twilight save celestia. Madam equis told me that 31 heros will come and help us and just for you know I know about the timeline. I will continue the events that will happen.

From discord

P.S the cave you were looking for it. All of you were close to it.

After they read that the group were surprised that madam equis told discord about why they are here. Huh I guess then discord knows us. But what does he mean that we were near the cave we were trying to find? Monkey asked scratching his head trying to figure that out. I do not know monkey we will find out later. Tork said puting his hand on monkey shoulder. Then they look back at the group still talking to zecroa. As I was trying to leave my home I got surround by timber wovles-- the mane six gasped as zecroa was surrounded by Timberwolves. And on also surround by mysterious black creatures as well. Twilight gasped in shock as zecora told them that were other creatures in there that they dont know. Twilight then went up to zecroa asking her questions. What did they look like?! How many were there?! And are you all right.?! Zecora then answer every question that twilight. I dont really know what they look like there body was pitch black and have yellow eyes and when I look in there eyes I froze in fear I never seen anything like that. And how many were there I couldn't tell there was alot of them I couldn't count of how many.

The mane six were shocked about it. Discord thought it was funny but he look at Nolo and the group telling them that it not funny. Wow I never seen discord so serious about anything. Taro said then look back at the group. And yes twilight I am ok I was saved. Twilight and the others were gald about some pony saved zecora. Who was the pony that saved you? Rarity asked zecroa look at them gvieving them a confused look. I relay do not know I thought that I was going to done for. I closed my eyes wait for them to attack but the next thing heard was somepony yelling fire. I open my eyes seeing two werid looking wepons flying thougth the air and destroying the balck creatures. Then out of the bushes came mysterious figures they were moveing so fast I couldn't count how many.

I saw that they were attacking the black creatures and the timber wovles I saw my chance to run and get out of the. Apparently I wasn't alone  i being followed by more Timber wolves and they were about to attack me then next thing I saw were blur's going back and forth destroying the Timber wolves. I look back and I caught a good look of them I saw them standing tall as minotaur and were Black cloaks covering their faces they were tall. But there was one small one with big looking ears. Rainbow dash then immediately asked zecora how many were their. Well I saw 10 of them in black cloaks and-- before she finished rainbow dash then interrupted. Ha they must be bad guys. Then Nolo and groud fell down of what rainbow just said. Applejack then tug rainbow dash tail hard to make her land on the groud. Really rainbow dash you saying that the figures that saved zecora are evil. Apple jack said angrily. Well duh think about it they destroy the monsters they have black cloaks they must be guys trying to look like there heroes. I bet that they were the ones who summoned those black creatures! Rainbow said fly in the air.

Porkchop looked at rainbow giveing her a dead pan look. Ok when ever they find about us i am going get rope and tie her wings and leave in the Ever free forest. The group then agreed that they should do that. Zecora then cough loudly at rainbow dash to let her finish. As I was say there was another one. There one in white with a snowflake symbol on his back. Zecora finished. Tork then realized that the figure in the white cloak must have been Yuki. After zecroa told them of what happened she gave twilight a potion to drink to see what is caused g the ever free foesrt to attack. The group then realized it's best to team up with the other and went to the forest.

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