The Risen [John Seed]

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》they call her an angel. then she met him... 《 Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

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"Rachel! We need to go now!" a woman called her daughter as they were supposed to leave their house already. They were invited for supper by their family.

"I cannot with her... We are always late-"

Teenager walked down the stairs with a smile on her mouth. She had really deep blue eyes and dark blonde hair. Her height was around 5'6' but with her heels on, she seemed much taller. She came closer to her mother and admitted "Easy, mom. I'm ready"

"Hey, hey, hey. You are not gonna go out like.. that" a man with brown beard, and same colored hair (except some huge parts which were getting silver), who just walked in the house, stated.

"Mom, tell him something" she begged her mother, after what he said.

She had just glared at her from up to down and agreed "Maybe, you should wear something longer. Like, I know it's my old red dress but.. You know that uncle isn't really.. modern"

A young girl sighed and went back to her room to do what her parents said. Despite everything, she was taught to listen to them, even though she usually did not agree. As she opened her wardrobe, she took some long white dress and put it on herself.

"Dad, when will we go?!" suddenly on the ranch sounded little boy's yell from the car.

The man assured him that they were coming soon. He took the keys and turned to his wife with words "I told you that you will look gorgeous in this dress. Even though you look beautiful in everything"

Her eyes stopped on his deep blue ones. Exactly the same as their daughter's. Her lips formed a smile when she realized that after so many years he was just as charming as then. She put her delicate hand on his right cheek, bringing her face closer to his and whispered "And you look pretty hot, Mr. Seed"

Chills ran down his body and on his face appeared smirk. Both of them exactly remembered phrases from their first date. With his hands, he embraced her neck to bring her lips to his, and he joined them in very passionate kiss. A woman kissed him back and smiled through the kiss.

"Lovebirds, come on" their daughter mocked them with a smirk, walking out of the house.

The man looked at her, and admitted "Now, you look absolutely beautiful. I mean-"

"I know what you mean, dad. Come on! They won't wait for us forever"

After she jumped in the car, he laughed and let his wife pass him. The ranch looked beautiful at this time. The sun was near to set and gave warm rays towards the wooden building. Angelina looked around before entering the car. The surroundings have been empty for several years. Empty and safe as never before. All members of the cult had their own families. The Holland Valley has never been as extensive as it was then. It did not mean that John did not have a job or any of his siblings. The collapse was still awaited. Nobody would never thought that it will look like this. So beautiful and peaceful. Every fight taken in the past was worth it.

As she was in the car, she looked at the back to brown-haired boy with light blue eyes and ordered "Jonathan, fasten your seat belts"

"But daddy never do that" he rebelled with a visible grimace on his face.

"Be smarter than him and tell uncle Jacob that you are. He will be proud of you"

Every time Angelina used Jacob in her argument, sparkles appeared in boy's eyes along with the smile. It seemed like his goal was to earn the uncle's respect. He said that one day he would like to be strong like him. John usually pretended not to hear it. But when he did not, he showed that he is sad that he liked Jacob over him. The boy every time convinced him that he might not be as strong but he would always be his number one hero. It always melted John's heart. Sometimes he would do that, just to hear these words from his son.

After that, John got into the car and started the engine. Just like they used to be, their rides were quiet (unless Jonathan was unbearable and he was asking about something all the time). Rachel probably inherited her mother's character, but she had something of Jacob's strength and John's sarcasm. She could be as sweet as Faith when it was needed. You can see exactly who she grew up with. Jonathan, on the other hand, seemed to have nothing after Angelina. He was behaving like a mixture of John and Joseph. When the oldest ones should have the most important word at home, he had it. He had leading skills as his uncle did. Often, he couldn't stop talking.

The woman looked at her legs. John's hand rested on her left thigh, squeezing it lightly. On his hand, she put her right , on which two rings shone, and gently stroked it. As her gaze landed on him, the corners of his mouth slightly rose up.

After a while they were at Joseph's house. Before Angelina and John could get out of the car, Jonathan and Rachel were already at home. Angela shook her head and followed them. When she came in, Rachel was already in Faith's arms, and Jonathan was telling some story to Jacob.

"Be careful, sweetie!" Faith's words echoed in the room as little girl ran through Angelina's legs and went out. A woman chuckled at this and then, she saw a silhouette of man standing right in front of her.

"Hey, Angel" he greeted her and hugged her as tight as he could. His face looked tired but it was not weird. He was always at work, trying his best to keep his family safe, even though they told him that he did not have to anymore.

"Hi, Joseph" she responded, hugging back a man, who had more than one silver on his read. Every moment with him felt like a home.

John also came in and greeted with him, and then with a smile, turned to his eldest brother "What's up, grandpa?"

Jacob just gave him a warning look and shook his head. The fact was that he was the eldest and maybe it could be seen by his appearance, but he certainly had more strength than any of his brothers and bragged about it in every way.

"Babe, take it easy. You still look great" a woman, who sat beside him, assured his husband in calming tone. He looked at her, and he could not help but gently smile at her innocent impression.

"Jonathan!! Come up!! We have new comics!!" suddenly two ginger twins, shouted from upstairs. At their voice, the boy moved like a firecracker and it was not a second later that he was no longer in the living room.

Jacob's wife, Celeste, assured them that she will control the situation upstairs, and Rachel went outside to play with little Katherine, Faith's daughter, before it get dark.

In the room were those who started everything. Those who fought for this beauty, what is happening now. For own families and safety. The same room and the same people, but they seemed different. Older, calmer and smarter with a smile on their faces. None of them expected it to happen this way.

Angelina broke the silence, and asked Faith "Where's Andrew?"

"Oh, he is a little bit sick and didn't want to infect anyone, so he stayed at home" she stated with her mouth curved into a smile.

Joseph gave her a nod and added "Wish him a lot of health from us"

John sat next to Angelina, having his arm around her waist. Jacob after noticing this asked "Pup, I admire you that you have withstood so much with him. I would not cope after one day with this idiot"

Angela shrugged, giggling and put her gaze on his face, which wanted to kill Jacob at that moment. A family meeting would not be a family meeting, if not these two, roasting each other.

The only one about who Angelina was worried was Joseph. When everyone found a loved one and started a family, he had no one. He did not seem sad because of that. When the girl asked him that, he assured her that theirs happiness is most important to him and that he has God, so he is not alone on a daily basis. Angelina, however, knew deep inside that he loved the woman, which he had tattooed on his forearm too much to love another one. It was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. For who but Joseph deserved love.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Rachel filled with energy entered the room where everyone was sitting exchanging different everyday topics.

"God, you're so pretty, just like your mom" Joseph stated with his mouth curved into a huge smile, as he saw how familiar they both were.

"Oh, so you're talking about me. Do you mind if I join in?" a girl asked, sitting right next to her parents, who made her some place to sit.

Joseph, who felt like a leader of this conversation, responded "Of course not. I have actually a question for you"

Rachel frowned with curiosity. Before the man explained, he stared at John with a smile and announced "Two weeks ago, I saw you with one boy"

Everybody in the room put their glare at John. They expected not a good reaction from him and they were not wrong. As she saw it, she admitted with begging tone "Please, don't"

John put a serious stare at her. He would never expect to hear it at this time. For him, she was still too young to have a boyfriend or anyone. She was sixteen but he reacted like she was much younger "Rachel?"

"H-He is just a friend of mine" after she looked back at her father, she tried to defend herself.

Her mother was actually happy to hear that she have some contacts with boys. Angelina trying to hide her smirk, assured her husband, with sarcastic tone one the last word "Well, John, I think she can has FRIENDS"

"Also, not every romance starts with friendship, right?" Jacob added a fire to the conversation with these words. Especially, as he glared at John and Angelina.

"Mom? Dad?" inquired Rachel, frowning.

Angelina trying to get out of this situation, told her "Well, that's... topic for another time.. I-"

As Jacob saw that they are not gonna say a word about it, he took control of the helm and said everything "Listen, pup, your mom hated your dad with everything she had. If you would hear those quarrels.."

"You're overreacting" responded John. At this time Joseph together with Faith and Jacob had a great fun time, exposing their past.

"You were the one who came to me like a rejected puppy when she called you pathetic, so who is overreacting?" added Jacob, what made John even more embarrassed and confused.

Rachel has never seen a quarrel between her parents. They seemed to have always been in love with each other. She could have given their love as the first sight one, which is why she reacted, so "Impossible"

"I guess it might have some truth" Angelina with a little smile on, agreed. She knew how the beginning with John looked like. And she knew that it was mostly because of how much she hated him. But she was not ashamed of it. It has built their relationship, even then.

They talked about many topics and ended their meeting as usual late, that is around twelve o'clock at night. When they were on their way back home, they received a lot of questions from Rachel regarding their love. Angelina tried to explain everything to her, but at the end she added that they will talk about it the other day.

When they were at the place, the children hurried home and when their mother wanted to do the same, John grabbed her wrist. She turned to him with a questioning look. But he just looked at her, with no explanation. He put his hands on her hips, then gently brought her closer. Finally she was so close that she could feel his breath on her face. Her hands embraced his neck and began to reach his lips. His eyes were closing, and his..

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

i kinda cried writing this... it would be so beautiful to see them happy like this. like for real ❤️

have a good day / night ❤️

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