An Introvert's Guide To Findi...

By _shorthairloudmouth_

14.1K 519 451

Pari, holds secrets that makes her who she is, a person scared of love but will she overcome her past when sh... More

one | introduction |
two | mumbai |
three | first encounter |
four | scallops and pizza |
five | dinner |
six | hues |
seven | utopia |
eight | denim shorts |
nine | beach day |
ten | revelation |
eleven | new friends? |
thirteen | reverie |
fourteen | haldi ceremony |
fifteen | wedding festivities |
sixteen | feelings |
seventeen | more feelings |
eighteen | wedding |
nineteen | plans |
twenty | shimla |
twenty one | heartbreak |
twenty two | movie marathon |
twenty three | old friend |
twenty four | jealousy |
twenty five | to the bar |
twenty six | pain |
twenty seven | the night |
twenty eight | decisions |
twenty nine | here we part |
thirty | past-life |
thirty one | chasing dreams |
thirty two | stood up |
thirty three | accomplice |
thirty four | primrose park |
thirty five | rain |
thirty six | london |
thirty seven | the end |

twelve | regrets |

338 14 8
By _shorthairloudmouth_

The next few days after the movie night went the same as the past month, now the only difference being that previously Siddharth was being ignored by Pari but this time they both had decided to ignore each other and they had mutually not tried to initiate any conversation with each other. They have crossed each other's path's several times in the apartment building or on the set working with Varun and Karan but they both had kept their distance from one another. They would indulge themselves in their own works but that didn't stop either of them from stealing glances at the other, only thing was that they had not got caught. They had not even spoken to one another save for situation like when they were in a common group like that with Alia, Varun or Karan that they would nod or fake a smile at each other to not seem absurd.

It was an off day from the sets, there was still time for the shooting to end but the cast and crew had planned on utilising it to the fullest. She was sleeping in late that afternoon, hardly ever getting up only when she needed to pee and why not? She deserved this break, work and Siddharth had been stressing out on her a little and she needed to sleep on it. Pari had again slipped into a slumber only to be woken up by the intense and continuous vibrations of my phone.

What's the use of putting your phone on silence when the vibrations itself is so loud?

Pari groaned waking from her sleep, mentally cursing at whoever had decided to wake her up, she sat up taking her phone in her tiny hands to see that she have had a missed call, then unlocking it she was greeted by 20 such calls from different persons, Harpreet, his mother, his sister and Louise.

Has someone died?

The worst was on her mind, quickly running to the bathroom and washing her face, coming back dialling Harpreet back.

"Hey, I am so sorry, I had been sleeping." Pari said rubbing her eyes trying to see more clearly

"Yeah, we are sorry too," Harpreet said apologetically which made Pari what was going on. "We forgot you are in an entirely different time zone. But listen, this is important."

"Yeah what's wrong?" Pari said sitting upright her full attention on the speaker.

"Soni's marriage date has been finalised."

Soni was Harpreet's elder sister, she had welcomed Pari, the very first time they had met, in their family like her own little sister. She had helped Pari with every possible, showering her with desi advices whenever she needed them. Even though their family was staying away from India, they carried a little of India in their heart, making Pari a part of their family too. And Harsh was Soni Di's boyfriend for the last five years, engaged for one and couple like them are made only in heaven. Recollecting everything Pari nodded at Harpreet's question only to realise that he couldn't see her.

"That's great." Pari said excitedly.

Harpreet was silent for some time before clearing his throat. "His family is settled in Mumbai and mummy was wondering if we could rent apartments in the same building as you are staying for the wedding preparations."

The mention of Harpreet's mum warmed Pari's heart. She longed to see her and be in her loving embrace again, she had been like a mother to Pari and just like their family have looked after her in everyway possible, to the extent that she took on to the role of being her mother and she referring to her as her mum, but that didn't make Pari miss her own mother any less, it just filled a void that had been in her heart.

"How many rooms do we need?" Pari asked breaking away from her memory.

"Two would do but I think many of the guests are willing to coming down there so four just to be safe." Harpreet answered.

"I'll see what I can do." Pari assured him and at this point Pari could hearing loud noises and shouts behind him and Pari knew that Harpreet's mother was trying to convince him to let her talk to Pari while he shouted back in Hindi that he wasn't going to because he wanted to talk more. A few more background words and then a deep sigh on the other end of the phone and Pari knew Harpreet had in given in to his mother.

"Pari?" the mother said with love.

"Yes, mummy ji, Sat Sri Akaal, Pari greeted her in her native tongue

"Sat Sri Akaal beti." She greeted Pari back, then telling her to take care of herself.

"How are you?" Pari asked grinning at finally being able to talk to her mother.

"I am good. Have you settled down well? She enquired

"Yes mummy, stop worrying." Pari instructed her mother knowing very well that she tends to worry unnecessarily.

Pari strolled around the room talking to her mother than moving onto her balcony only to see Siddharth's car enter the premise and she instantly knew he must be inside returning from a meeting or some promotions as her mother kept repeating all that Hardeep had already told her before. And by the time she was done Pari had already assured her 10 time that she will do her best, and that she would take care of herself, eating properly and on time. Her mother was also worried about Soni's wedding and she knew it was normal for anybody to freak out and she very well knew the reason she wanted to get the apartments in the same building as her, she just wanted to be near Pari while she was here and she couldn't love her any more for thinking about her.

After the call had ended Pari immediately dialled Daniel to take the apartment owners number from him because it was he who had rented the apartment and also give him the news about Soni but to her utter disappointment the phone was unavailable, which wasn't something new cause he often isolated himself from people in far away places where Pari doubted even electricity existed. She then called Manish, her driver hoping perhaps he would be of some help but to no avail. Finally giving it much though she decided something she had not thought she would, but anything could be done for family, she knew she would have to visit the only other person she knew who could help her in this situation, her neighbour, Siddharth Malhotra and she was certain that he would definitely know the owner or at least have his number.

After much contemplation Pari finally knocked at his door, to hear shuffling from inside the apartment and she knew at least he was home. Pari broke away from her trance once Siddharth opened the door and she from his looks that he was astonished to see her because he hadn't expected her to be there.

"I need help." Pari blurted out before Siddharth could even ask her something and she saw his demeanour change instantly, his eyes grew softer and tender and he stood erect, his attention on her.

"Is everything okay." He asked impatiently with a soft voice, care evident in them.

"Yeah." Pari say then telling him about everything that was going on and how she would have waited for the next morning but since she was in a hurry, as the date was just weeks away, she had turned up that late at night. Pari was nervous to be around him and not even thinking twice she kept ranting everything that was in her heart, almost as if she was panicking. "And mummy said that if I could arrange the rooms here as it would be nice for both of us. But then Daniel's phone is out and he knows the person but I don't."

Siddharth quickly understood that Pari was uncomfortable being there, which was obvious considering they had not been on talking terms for over a month now but that didn't stop him from doing what he did next. He placed his finger on Pari's lips to keep her talking anymore because it was clearly wearing her out. Electricity ran through his body the moment his finger touched her soft luscious lips, his heart beating faster only to be increased when he used his free hand to take hers in his, trying to calm her down. This was the moment that Siddharth had feared, the moment that he won't be able to control his heart from falling for someone. He had tried to avoid this moment but now it was here but only to be ruined by a female voice calling him from inside his apartment. He instantly knew who it was and a sense of guilt filled his mind. He looked at Pari and he could see hurt in her eyes.

"Who's at the door baby?" The voice called.

Pari instantly knew who it, of course, it was his girlfriend Jacqueline and she could feel her eyes tearing up but she knew that it wasn't the place to be vulnerable, she quickly tuned to face the floor but not before noticing that Siddharth was looking at her. He had stiffened up at her voice before finally replying back. "Baby, it's just one of the neighbours." He called out.

So, he cannot even take my name now.

"Okay, come soon, I am waiting." Pari heard Jacqueline say before Siddharth turned around to face her.

"I do have the number of the owner." He said his face now grim.

"Great thanks." Pari said shifting on my feet hurrying to leave.

"I think it's better I call him and put forward the request because he hardly even knows you." He said and Pari nodded in agreement. "Meet me here tomorrow morning."

Saying that Siddharth suddenly slapped the door on Pari's face as she stood there feeling nauseous, wanting to throw up, she knew it had been wrong to ask him for help, something she regretted. She felt as if she had made a mistake going there, she knew they had their differences but she hadn't expected him to change so fast from caring to not giving a shit. Pari felt my legs become jelly, unable to stand or walk, a sinking feeling deep in her heart. She stood their frozen trying to comprehend everything that just happened but miserably failing to do so.

She took long stride back to her room as she felt my heart falling and crumbling on the floor.

Just this one-time Pari, this one help, the one wedding and then you will be done with him forever.


Please guys, do vote and comment if you like the story and if you feel like you can also share this with your friends to read. And please don't be a silent reader , it breaks my heart to not know who my supporters are. I would love to know who you are and support you like you have supported me. Thank you

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