Voice of the Mafia

By JanineJemmaJames

409 0 0

Sophia Black joins the mob out of desperation to get out of a bad situation. She has to make hard decisions t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Epilogue

Chapter 5

12 0 0
By JanineJemmaJames

Two Years Ago

"Come back next week once your flow ends and we will go ahead and get you that implant. I know you've probably heard a lot of bad things about it but with the amount of men in the group and you being such a young woman yourself, I really do believe that it is the best choice." The doctor handed me her card with a date and time written on it so that I could remember when to come back in.

"Thank you. I'll go ahead and put it into my phone so I don't forget. Anything else I should know before I go?" I grabbed my purse as she was escorting me to the front of the clinic. When she reached for my hand to pull me back, I had to refrain from pulling away. I had gotten to know her and she had just felt part of my body from the physical but I was still jumpy about anyone associated with the group.

Looking strait into my eyes she said,

"Keep your eyes open and an ear to the ground. The more you know and see, the safer yet more in danger you are. Do you understand?" I swallowed and nodded. Good advice from a good lady.

"Understood. Thank you." With her final words of warning, I departed and headed to the night club that the Boss said I was to work at.

The club wasn't far from where I knew Boss's compound to be so when I arrived before a light tan building with no windows and a sign that simply read Dreams met me. The front door was locked as it was still relatively early for customers on a day like this. I called the last number in my new phone and a very tired sounding voice answered.

"Dreams. Can I help you?"

"Um, yes. I am supposed to drop by and get fitted today?" There was shuffling on the other end of the line followed by a sigh.

"Dorian's girl. Gotcha. What time will you be here? I can't wait all day to get you in. I have to get ready to open up 'ere in a few hours for the early birds." Early? It was late afternoon. How is that early?

"I'm actually outside right now."

"Oh. Alright, give me a minute." A beep signaled the end of the call. Bringing it down from my ear I wiped at the polished screen and put it back to sleep mode. No sooner had I put the phone in my purse than an older middle aged woman opened the door before me. She was wearing a black bustier, rouge leather jacket and black skinny jeans that went with her ruby heels. Her hair was a crazy fire color that I couldn't pinpoint the true color it was supposed to be and her eyes were the shade of moss rolled around in dust.

"Come in darlin'," she waved and took a step back for me to enter. I had been in many clubs before and seen singers and stages but seeing one I was to work in was another story. It didn't feel like a club but instead where I was going to be working. A different type of office.

"So let's get this outta the way. I am the club owner and manager Pamala Davis. You will call me Pam. None of that Mrs. Davis stuff. Not that kinda lady. I know your real name but Mr. Boss Man told me that you were to be called Seraphine. Cute and kinda on the nose if you ask me but what the big man says goes. Anyways, he tells me that you have a good voice. Since this is a business, I need to hear you as well before I decide anything for sure. Can't go against Boss but I have to make profit somewhere in this investment." Her spunky attitude made me smile. She and I would get along I hoped.

"Sure. Is there anything you wanted me to sing?" Pam wandered up to the stage and grabbed the microphone on the stand and motioned for me to go up. Complying, I took the microphone from her and felt my pulse spike.

Karaoke is one thing when singing in front of people but professionally is another story. She went up to a booth looking area and watched as she hit a few buttons. Bright lights like high beams lit up the stage, my eyes going blind as music started from all around.

"Do you know this one?" I heard her ask over the speakers.

"Not this song," I answered into my own mic. Abruptly the music stopped and switched to one that I was familiar with. I nodded along with the beat as she asked again if I knew it. I didn't have the chance to respond before the first verse started up and I sang along with the music, no voices to follow along to or words to read off of a screen. This was my audition.

When the second verse came up, she froze the music and lowered the lights so I could see again. Pam wandered down from the DJ booth and came up to me with a grin on her face.

"I see what he means. You got good pipes. I need to teach ya how to use 'em but I think it will work. I can see the regulars's faces now. Boy will this be a shock to them." She chuckled and grabbed my hand, leading me behind the curtains of the stage and through a doorway that opened up to a hallway. A door nearby with no name in the plate was opened and she pulled me into the room.

It was small like a child's bedroom but also big enough that it had a couch, a personal bathroom that I could see through another adjoining door and a vanity that had large bulbed lights all around it. To the side I could see a full rack of dresses and other assorted outfits that looked like they could maybe fit me.

"I'm guessing your pants size is a six to an eight and your bust is a twenty eight C right?" I gaped. She was good.

"An eight and the bra was spot on. That's amazing how you did that." She shrugged and started to pull dresses off the rack, laying a few on the couch nearby.

"When you been in this business as long as I have, you pick up a thing or two." She handed me a white glittering dress that reminded me of fresh snow and pointed to the bathroom. I went in and closed the door behind me and began changing.

"This will be your dressing room from now on. No one but you is allowed access unless under special circumstances and the bouncers will patrol the halls to make sure customers don't just wander in on ya changin' or showerin'. Don't need them getting more than they paid for." I involuntarily shivered at the thought.

"Your costumes will be personally picked by me or Boss Man or if you have one you would like to try that is fine too. Because of this special circumstance, some girls will get jealous and try to help you with a dress or recommend one to you that they may have tampered with. Stick with what we give you and politely decline. We open at five and close at three. You personally will be here doing what you do from eight until one. That way you can handle the other part of your job for Mr. Dorian. The back door is right down the hall and to the right so you will enter from there every night. As soon as you do, sneak up to the DJ booth and put in your playlist for the night. You will be here for four hours yes but you won't be singing non-stop. Don't wanna hurt those pretty pipes of yours. Once checked in and set with music, you will come back here and get ready. Your first performance of the night will be exactly at eight. So come in early and be ready to sing. Call offs will go through me. You already have my office number so just call that if you are sick or have an emergency." She paused in her list of things for me to remember as I came out in the dress she had pulled for me.

"Perfect. I am the best. Anyways, no customers in here unless Boss says so and you will discuss with me about clients he sends your way and how you want to deal with them. They could come here or we have private rooms for you to do your business in. Either way is your choice. Just know that our cleaning lady doesn't do cum stains. She had to clean her own mess the first time she cleaned it up. So just do that later at home or clean up after yourself." Standing before the mirror I looked like a star shining as bright as day. My dark hair stood out against the white of the dress and gave my eyes an almost lavender shade. Pam started holding dresses up against me, my guess gauging whether they went with my hair and eyes or not.

"Got some pretty colored eyes there. Gotta be careful with those. Customers like different." Setting a few back on the rack and one or two she deemed not right for me on the couch.

"Now, those are my rules. Boss Man's rules are that your customer of the night will be escorted to your room preference after your last performance of the night. You have the choice to change into another outfit to better draw him in or you can stay in the same outfit and do it that way. He prefers if you didn't have sex with the customers but if you do that he reminds you to wear protection and the birth control. Your songs should be ones that should entice a guy to tear off your dress and ravish you. No songs about the country roads that take you home. Sex is what we sell and business is booming. Next rule: Be on time with the payments to Boss. Directly after every customer you take care of, you will head to Boss Man's office and turn over the money you got from the customer. Do not take any off the top or keep some for yourself. All of it goes to him and he will know if you took any cash. Same for checks. You may see repeat customers if requested to but you will not meet them outside of work or engage in relationships with anyone from either the club or its customers."

Pam motioned to the rack for me to pick any that I liked.

"It seems like he knows what I'm going to do before I do it. I still am not really sure what he wants me to do." There was a look in her eyes that made me feel uncomfortable. Pity maybe?

"There are business men with good families and more money than they know what to do with. Even though they have wives and kids, they are simply men. Men have needs that sometimes aren't met and they will do whatever they can to get it. Even pay an outlandish amount. My girls sometimes sleep with customers to get some extra money from them but they only get the small fish. Bass, carp, clown... that is what they aim for. Better to prey on and swindle a few extra dollars for. Boss Man has a plan to make you into a beauty beyond comparison. Make you desirable so men will be drawn to you. And these aren't the little fish you will be drawing in. You darlin' will be getting the sharks, barracudas, and tuna. The biggest fish around. The ones dominating the sea of this city will be the ones you will bait in with your voice and body. And just when they think it is safe, you drop the amount you want for such a ride and they will be helpless against your whims." I understood now.

"So I will be tempting men to bed for money to give the Boss." She nodded and picked up the dresses from the couch that she deemed not good enough for me.

"Exactly. Now you go ahead and get changed back into your clothes. Once you are done we can go over music Boss Man wants you to know and see which ones we can make sound like you are about to cum on everyone's faces." I couldn't pick up my jaw after she said that and strode out as if she hadn't just said that.

The rest of the time I spent at the club, I got to pick up on Pam's southern accent more and more. She had a certain drawl to it but sometimes it would switch over to a more city friendly touch.

It was nearly opening time when I finally left, passing a few girls on my way out who looked both confused and annoyed at me. For what reason I am not sure but I was glad to get back home to my kitties who welcomed me home with meows for food and attention.

If this was my new life, it was going to be exhausting.

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