Wolf Blood (Book 1)

By pdean22

225 52 17

Arlee has lived with her pack for many years and lives with her father figure and best friend in a house hidd... More

Chapter 1- Arlee
Chapter 2- Donovan
Chapter 3- Arlee
Chapter 4- Donovan
Chapter 6- Donovan
Chapter 7- Arlee
Chapter 8- Dovovan
Chapter 9-Arlee

Chapter 5- Arlee

22 6 0
By pdean22

Schools was over as quick as it started. Cole has picked Andy and I up after school in my ute. He had asked to borrow mine cause his car had been crashed by our alpha. Zack had been my alpha for as long as I can remember. He was like my second father, if that was a thing.

Zack broke the news to Cole yesterday while we were having dinner out by the fire place on Zack's property. 4 of our pack members lived with me. Me, Andy, Cole, and a dude called Paul.

Our pack lived in different houses so that we could all look after a certain place, but the houses were still close to each other.

The surprising thing about the destroyed car that Zack has crash was that Cole wasn't even mad. He had told us that he looking for an excuse to buy a new one anyway.

Once we got home, Cole told Andy and I to do our homework and then come outside.
"What homework do you have?" Andy asked, unzipping his brown bag.

"Science, how 'bout you?"
Andy slid a think workbook across the table to me with a smirk. It was maths. I smiled, taking out my science book.

Andy and I had this deal where I would do his grade 11 maths homework and he would do my grade 10 science. So I was always ahead in maths, not that I wasn't to start off with. I had always been good a the subject.

I gave my book to Andy and picked up my pen, opening his messy maths book. When it came to science, I had always been bad. My teacher sounded like a dying whale with asthma and it made my tired almost every lesson.

I can count on Donovan to wake me up, if I fell asleep, before the teacher sees. Slowly Andy and I made our way through our homework and packed up.

"Race ya!" I sang as I pushed my chair back and rushed for the door. I heard the scrape of Andy's chair on the floor boards. I pushed through the door and ran barefooted across the grassy yard to the tin shed on the corner of the property. I felt the speed we were granted with from our first change kick in when I heard Andy's rushing footsteps close behind.

I laughed as I stopped in front of the shed leaning against it on my hands.
"That's unfair! You got a head start." Andy whined as he stopped next to me, a frown ruining his face. I laughed again and so did Cole as he came out of the shed, bright red paint and black grease on his old clothes.

"Excuses, excuses." He chucked, pulling out a rag and wiping his hands. "I have a surprise for you two. Over the weekend while you were out, I found a little toy and fixed it up."
Cole was always getting broken cars or some other thing to fix, he called it his secret power.

I felt my smile grow as Andy and I tried to peek in the shed but Cole jumped in front of us, telling us to shut our eyes. We did just that.

When Cole finally let us open our eyes, I gasped. In front of me stood a shiny red quad bike.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed as I took a step forwards but Cole stoped me.
"The paints still wet, I'll show you pups how to ride it tomorrow. Paul's been helping me."

As if the mention of his name called him, Paul stepped into view, his clothes also dirty with paint and grease. His sanding blonde hair hung in locks around his face as he attempted to push it behind his ears. The tips of his hair were dyed pink and it reminded me of when we went into town together to get it done. His boyfriend had come as well.

Paul had only been turned a few years ago when he was 18. And he lived with Cole Andy and I, in our two story house. We could have more of our pack in with us but Cole had asked for a private house. And since he was Zacks beta, that was granted to him. No one had wanted a newbie in there house so we took Paul in.

"Hey Arl's, hey Andy." He said and smiled, I grinned back and was just about to ask him how he's been when I heard a bloodcurdling howl, followed by a scream to match.

I knew that howl, that howl started all our howls, it was Zacks.

I ran out of the shed and pivoted in the direction of the screaming. It sounded nearby, but I couldn't be sure with human ears. I might be able to get to him in time if I hurried. Just as I was about the shift a loud snap echoed around the forest.

I felt like someone had punched me in the chest, like something just died inside of me. I turned to Andy and he was clutching his chest, he felt it too.

I watched the edge of the forest as a shaggy grey wolf strode out, coved in a dark, red liquid. Wolf blood.

His muzzle dripped with it as the wolf came to a stop. The wolf's green eyes flicked to each of us, pausing on me. I tensed up as his eyes raked down my body. By the time his shifted into a man I have never seen before, I was seeing red.

"Get out of our territory!" Cole snarled, pushing Andy and I behind him.
"You mean my territory?" The stranger smirked, cocking his head.

I covered my mouth in disgust. He killed Zack. Our alpha. That makes him....
I clenched my fists as Andy grabbed my waist. My eyes met his as he shook his head.

"How dare you!" Paul spat, stepping beside Cole, fighting the shift. His wolf was angry, all of our wolves were angry.

The man smiled.
"Stand down Paul." Cole whispered but Paul did no such thing.
"I challenge you!" Paul spat and I gasped, Andy's arm tightening around me. Paul's was going to die what was he thinking?!

I had only ever seen one werewolf challenge an alpha and it was a jerk of a wolf. Zack hadn't even killed him, just exiled him from our pack and the ones around us.

"Paul, no!" I yelled bring the new alphas gaze on me again.
"If the boy wants a fight," The man smirked, "he'll get a fight."
He wiped Zacks blood from his jaw, preparing for Paul to come at him.

Zack had been my one and only alpha, he was there with Cole when I first shifted.
An animal sounding grown erupted from Paul's throat as he threw his head back and changed. A brown wolf stood where Paul had been, it ran at the man who started laughing.

He caught Paul's neck in his ginormous hands and squeezed. I cried out and fought against Andy's grip. A whimper was the only noise that Paul made before the alpha snapped his neck.

"PAUL!" I screamed as his neck rolled back along with his glazed over eyes. The man threw Paul lifeless body to the dirt and stood back as I broke free of Andy's arms and sprinted to Paul's broken wolf corpse.

"Arlee, get back here!" I heard Cole shout as I reached Paul. I cradled his head as I looked up at the man, tears pooling in my eyes.
"Arlee." He said, testing my name on his tongue. I almost gagged at the word, he doesn't deserve to know my name or Paul's. "A beautiful name for a beautiful young girl."

"Go to hell!" I cursed and spat on his bloody boots. He laughed and gripped my face, I felt Zacks blood still on them.

"A feisty young girl it seems." The hideous man chuckled as I twisted my head out of his grasp and stood up, gently placing Paul's head back on the dirt.

"How could you kill them, how?!" I demand and before he could reply I gripped his shoulders and dug my knee into his groined. Yelped and stumbled back, clutching his man parts.

"You little bitch!" He bellowed and straightening up. Andy yelled a warning that I couldn't process as the new pack leader's fist collided with the side of my face.

The world tipped and I heard my name being called. Warm hands wrapped around me as the world around me darkened, and everything went black .


Thank you so much for reading this.
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