Leon Kennedy X Reader

By _-Spyro-_

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☆~°Together in Darkness°~☆ ☆~°Leon Kennedy X Reader°~☆ ~°☆°~ (Y/N) Ortega was a normal person, they're living... More

☆°~The Beginning~°☆
1. First Day
2. Rookie
3. Re-Loaded
4. Close To Me
6. Mr Who?
7. Under Umbrella
8. Watch out
9. Alive?
10. Its you
11. Welcome to the Team
12. A new place
13 Whats Wong?
14. Deep Water Troubles
15. Inside Out
16. Queen Of The Castle
17. What Happened?
18. Ada freaking Wong
19. Down Down Down...
20. Ritual?
21. You again?
22. Still here!
23. Surrounded
24. Get Out
25. How To Start Again
26. As We Go
27. I Remember!
28. Just Breath God Dammit!
29. Out Of The City
30. Open Sesame
31. AGAIN!?
32. Oh No-
33. China?!
34. Little Miss Sherry Birkin
35. Who To Follow
36. what just happened
37. You're back
38. Not right
39. Best Day
☆°~The End~°☆

5. Cell Bound

15.9K 501 1.9K
By _-Spyro-_




Leon and I made our way through the tunnels and hallways, and finally came to some Jail cells.

I saw a man inside and stretched my shoulder before Leon and I approached,


The man said sitting up straighter,


Leon responded, I stood right beside him,

"I don't believe it."

The man smiled and stood up, he had a paparazzi badge on and some glasses,

"A real human!"

He cheered,

He leaned against the jail cell door,

His eyes were bright as he looked from Leon to me,

He gave me a wink and was clearly about to say more but-

Leon cleared his throat.

The man turned back to him,

"Have you... been here for a while?"

Leon asked, his tone was slow and annoyed.

"Long enough. Are we the last ones alive?"

He asked leaning away from the door,

"No, no there's a few of us..."

I said, finally speaking up but I didn't look at the two men as I spoke.

"Oh... that's good news I guess?"

The man shrugged,

"Unless Irons sent you."

The paparazzi said with a clear tone of distaste.

"Irons? You mean chief Irons? Is he still around?"

Leon asked,

"Who cares? Hopefully he's someone's dinner by now."

I looked up at the man with wide eyes,

"What do you mean by that?"

I asked,

"Well sweetheart-"

"Don't call them sweetheart."

Leon and the man had a small staring contest until the man finally broke his gaze and turned to me,

"He's the bastard that locked me in here."

"I'm sure he had a good reason."

Leon said matter-of-factly,

"He did."

The man nodded,

"I was about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass. I'd have done the same thing, I guess."

The man looked off to the side before looking at Leon and i again,

He opened his mouth to say something when,

We all turned to look at the corridor Leon and I had come in from,

Loud clashing and screams came from the open door,


The man leaned against the door, drawing Leon and my attention,

"I'll make you a deal... unlock the cell-"

He pulled out a key card,

"And I'll give you this."

We needed that key card to get out of here... damn.

"There's no other way out of that parking garage believe me."

He persisted.

"Sorry... I can't do that. I have to talk to the chief first."

Part of me knew the chief was most likely dead, but I didn't have the heart to correct Leon.

The paparazzi mans face became one of horror,

More scraping and screaming,

"Look, we're all prisoners here. Are you really gonna take the chance of not being able to save your partner?"

The man's eyes flickered to me then back to Leon,

Leon went stiff, but he didn't correct the man about calling me 'his partner', he just looked over at me,

"I can save myself..."

I said, gritting my teeth.

I looked at Leon, blushing a little,

"N-not that I dont appreciate the help..."

He smiled at me,

"I know."

Then there was some strange noise coming closer...

The mans face paled,

"Shit, it's coming."

"What-what's coming?"

Leon asked worriedly as the man backed up into the cell wall behind him,

"C'mon! C'mon! Don't be an asshole! You need this!"

He yelled, the key card shaking in his hand,

"Just get me the hell out of here!"

As he said that something smashed through the wall behind him and grabbed his head,

The man thrashed and screamed but inevitably was killed,

The monster had tried to yank him through the small hole in the wall, ripping his eye out of its socket and breaking the right side of his face,

The monster had moved on but at this point I doubled over hands on my knees and hurled my guts up,

Leon held my shoulder and turned me around so I couldn't see the horrid sight of the man as I finished vomiting up my guts,

I wiped my mouth on my sleeve, still a little shaky as Leon pulled me to stand up straight,

"Oh- oh my god..."

I managed to huff out,

Leon was about to respond but shut his mouth when we both heard footsteps,

He raised his gun and I gripped mine tightly in my shaking hands,

"Who's there!?"

Leon called into the dark tunnel,

Big surprise!

...it was the FBI agent.

"It's just me. So you can put that thing away."

She casually walked past us and looked into the cell, I kept my eyes on the floor.

"I don't even know what happened... it just- all happened so quickly..."

Leon explained,

"I told you to get out of here."

She looked from Leon to me,

"You wouldn't want your dead weight over there to end up like Ben would you?"

She gestured to me then looked at the man in the cell who I assumed was Ben.

I felt my cheeks heat at the 'dead weight' comment, but she certainly wasn't wrong.

I kept my eyes on the floor as I let them talk,

"(Y/N) is no dead weight, and I would appreciate it if you showed them some respect."

I smiled a little,

"...you knew him?"

Leon asked as he spared a look in my direction then turned back to the FBI,

"He was an informant. He had information for my investigation."

She said with crossed arms,

"So what he said was true?"

Leon asked a little surprised,

The woman didn't say anything, then turned on her heel and started walking away,

I reached out and grabbed her arm to stop her,

"Hey! You can't keep walking away from us!"

I told her,

"We don't even know your name!"

Leon said annoyed,

She pulled her arm out of my grip and I sighed,

"I'm (Y/N) Ortega..."

"Leon Kennedy."

Leon said, catching on to what I was doing,

"Find a way out, Leon."

She looked over at me,

"And keep the civilian alive. Before it's too late."

She turned back to Leon,

"Then we'll talk."

And then she started walking away,

"Names Ada."

She said over her shoulder, and then she was gone.

I watched as she walked away but Leon turned to the man dead in the cell,

"Well... I guess the deal is on."

He said, looking at the parking pass.


I said to him as he tried the lock, it wouldn't open. Guess we would have to find the power source.

"Im- I'm really sorry if i- uh if I'm a um..."

I cleared my throat and did air quotations,

"Dead weight to you..."

I told him, then I looked back down at my boots and crossed my arms, ashamed I was his 'dead weight'.

He stood up, and lay a hand on my shoulder,

"You're not a dead weight. In fact you're doing amazing given the circumstances not to mention you're freaking awesome with that gun."

He nodded at my hip where the gun was attached to my belt,

"You're really good at aiming."

I chuckled bitterly at his compliment,

"Its about the only thing I'm good at."

I said,

Leon retracted his hand,

"I'm sure that's not true."

I looked up at him, a little misty eyed,

"No- no it is. I tried to apply for college and they rejected me... three times. Every job I try out says I'm 'just not the right type', hell I can't even iron my friends clothes right! It's freaking clothes Leon! How do I screw that up!?"

I asked, I never really spoke about how bad I had been feeling, I felt like a burden to my parents for making them scrap together enough money to even think about getting me to college,

I feel like a burden to Sam, for living with her and not paying a cent... oh god... Sam...

And I feel like a burden to Leon, I'm dragging him down with me at this point...

"I'm... I'm pretty useless huh?"

Leon took me by surprise by pulling me into a hug,

"No, no you're not useless. You're amazing and you've survived this far when trained professionals couldn't, now that's a sign."

"But that was all you!"

I told him and I could feel him shaking his head,

"Who saved me from the licker and helped me take down the giant mutated eyeball monster?"

I didn't answer but my mouth curled a little at the edges,

"...thanks Leon."

He gave me one last tight squeeze before letting go with a gentle smile and dusty pink cheeks,

"Uh heh, you're welcome. Now come on. Let's go find the generator."

I nodded, smiling at my boots before following after him,

Maybe I wasn't such a dead weight after all...



A/N: Sorry this chapter is a little short??

Leon: It seems fine to me!

A/N: thanks leon!
Anyway that's all for now
Love u all my guardians

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