By arniepearl002

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In a world where science rules, and new generations are created, science delivers new species of beings. gen... More

Writer's note
The Beginning
New Session
School's out; Power troubles
After Break
Tyson And Tyler (the accident)
The Search Begins
An Agreement
The New Guy And Some Trouble
Lenora's sight
Lenora in School
Strange things
The meeting
Answers to questions
Another Meeting
Confusion and fears
Stalking and A fight
The Note
Getting the Letter
Back to B. RAY LABS
Nakamura Twins
Katana Murder
Scarlett dies
knock out
Bonding and Anger
The tutor
Getting Along(Dante and Mae)
Getting Along ( Tyler & Danica)
Spring fling preparations
More Preparations
spring fling
Party and After party
Noisy Monday
Shocker locker
Training continues
Erica Miles : prison break
Trip to the past
Revenge 001
Another plan
Charlene :Missing
Charlene : Sister reunion
Charlene : still missing
Down in the sewers
Out of the sewers
Meltdown And Escape
Back Home
Prank Day
Officially # Tynica
Costume Party Preparations
Getting together
Sparring and Fusion
More test and Dinner
Dinner with the Santos
Fusion Test
Audrey and Mae: The robbery 1
Audrey and Mae : The Robbery 2
The Costume Party 1
The Costume Party 2
A Shocking Discovery
Cold Doll : Misconception
Cold Doll: The Fight
An hour from Jail
Authorities and Questioning
Camping Preparations
Creed and Basil
Camping Begins
Camping; a little fun
Camping; The race
Camping : drills
Camping; getting along
Camping : The sparring, The quarrel
Camping; Another Nightmare
Camping;Split Teams 1
Split Teams 2
Camping; Opening up
Camping : Natural Night
The Rival
More Drama
Reconciliation Drama
Birthday party
Lenora's Vision
Spies : Danica and Mae
Mixed News
A new threat
La Purga : Attack 1
La Purga: The attack (continuation)
Suicide and Power upgrade
Tension And Chaos
New Threats
Something Fishy
Autoimmune and Syncing
Train Mission
Mission Accomplished
Rush Day
Night Sin
Something Fishy
Mixed News
Complex Confrontations
Twisted findings
Breaking Out
The Hideout
Messy night
Drunken Mission
Trouble Monday
Patched Up, Messed Up
Helluva Night
Weekend Drama
Weekend Drama ;Surging Absorption
Double Findings
Progressive Findings
Chaotic Happenings
Fever And A Mission
Kidnap And Bomb Save
Investigations And Birthday
Sonic Ruined
Sonic Destruction and Investigations
Officer; Investigation, Murder
Mourning and Sonic attack
New Faces, New Feelings
Unraveling Truths; complicated findings
Dead End With Some Truth
New Mission
Infiltration,Discoveries and Musical
Perfect not so Perfect night
New clues, New metas
Triple Attacks

Golden Gate Bridge

6 3 0
By arniepearl002

" Now that's something" Randolf said as they watched Audrey freeze up a bowl of water.

" your abilities are quite impressive" Stephanie said.

Randolf wrote something down on a paper as he watched Jenna poof here and there.

" Mr Scott," Travis called.

" yes Travis" Randolf said as he raised his head up.

" Uh, take a look at this". Travis brought out his phone and showed Randolf a picture on his phone.

" that's the gravity guy, CCTV footage  close to B.RAY labs" Travis said again.

" my, this is unbelievable, Steph take a look at this" Randolf said as he handed Stephanie the phone.

" I can't believe my eyes" Stephanie said.

" what's that?" Audrey asked.

" it's Scarlett" Randolf said.

" Yeah his eyes and hair is sure like Scarlett" Jenna joked and then she and Audrey burst into laughter but stopped when no one else laughed.

" his name is Scarlett, he was one of the children Dr basil took for more experiments" Randolf explained.

" oh we are so in trouble" Stephanie lamented.

" but why? " Travis asked.

" Scarlett is one aggressive boy, for the first five years I watched him" Randolf added.

" can't we stop him or something?" Audrey asked.

" we can, but I need everyone's cooperation and that is not coming at all"

" perhaps we could gather the others and tell them" Jenna said.

" not all wants to be involved in this whole thing, they are scared" Travis said.

" Now that's bad" Audrey said.

" I'll work something out,  you both should get going, it's getting dark" Randolf said.

" yeah we should, come on Jenna" Audrey said as she held Jenna and they poofed out of there.

Randolf took out his jotter and started scribbling something while Stephanie and Travis watched.
5:45 PM,

Randolf stood in the middle of the teenagers with Stephanie and was pleading with them.

" please, you are the city's only hope, the cops cannot do anything Scarlett is really violent and with abilities like his, he'll kill us all" Randolf said.

" wait wait, I don't get it, you just said he's violent and you want us to go battle with him?, that's like murder, come on Mae, I'm getting outta here" Danica said as she made to leave.

" Danica, wait, this is your only chance to do something with your abilities not letting it lie in there" Lenora said.

" and get killed? I've got a mom and a brother" Danica screamed.

" reporting live from the  end of the Golden Gate Bridge, there's really something going on as you can see vehicles are floating and this is being caused by some figure in the sky,  terror everywhere,  folks I think this is finally it, doomsday right in front of us because whatever is up there is going to sink us all,  reporting for the last time  Sharon Melanie Stone ". The reporter on the TV said and this paused everyone.

" see Dani, you all are our only chance please" Randolf pleaded as he held Danica's shoulder.

" But sir, some of us don't even know how our abilities work and don't even know how to throw a punch if the  need arises" Charlene said looking really concerned.

" well, we don't have any problem throwing a punch now do we Jenna?" Audrey said to Jenna.

" Not at all,  but we just don't want to show up and save the city and they come after us later perhaps we need a disguise or something" Jenna suggested.

" Well, disguise isn't going to be that hard, in fact, I already designed suits for all of you"Randolf said.

" Now that's what I'm talking about bro" Tyler said and was about to bump fists with his twin.

" Uh, please no body contact between you two" Stephanie said.

" oh, sorry I almost forgot" Tyler said as he kept his fist to himself.

Travis brought a glass bowl full of black round objects looking like coins and dropped it on the table.

" these are your suits". Randolf said as  he showed took the bowl round for them to pick.

They looked at it awkwardly.

" so this is our suit Huh? " Charlene asked sarcastically.

" so what's this supposed to do?, protect our eyeballs?" Audrey added.

" actually, it's a transform-coin,  Steph and I have been working on it for days now" Randolf said.

" so what's the magic word?" Mae asked.

"there really isn't a magic word" Stephanie said.

" then how do we transform with this? " Elson asked.

" just place it on the left side of your chest, it'll attach itself automatically" Stephanie explained.

They placed the black coin on their chest and immediately it attached itself, their outfits transformed into black leather looking suits but with slight differences. The suits had belt straps with cartridges on both sides of the shoulder for the guys but running down the waist for the girls except Lenora who also had her belt strap on her shoulder because her suit had a pink shirt attached to the black overalls.

Tyson and Tyler's suit had a thick blue stripe running from the left shoulder down to the right part of their waists.

Elson's suit was also in the same design but had red stripe running on his own.   Charlene's suit was totally black no color running and her belt strap and cartridges were on her waist.

" cool, thank goodness it's all black" Charlene said with a smile.

" dark queen, looking good" Mae complimented.

" you aren't looking bad yourself" Charlene said as she eyed Mae's  green stripe.

Audrey had white stripe on hers while Jenna had purple on hers.

The suits also came with boots reaching their knees and gloves that exposed their fingers.

" those suits are made of polythime leather and carbranian metal" Stephanie said.

" no wonder it's all thick" Elson said as he touched it.

" the little button on the right part of your chest brings out the mask" Randolf added.

" they are also trackers and micro walkie talkies on the suits to enable you communicate with each other"

" cool, so let's get going, we've got a bridge to save" Audrey said.

" Danica, you sure you don't wanna come? " Mae asked.

" Uh, No I'll just stay here with Miss Walker and the guys" Danica said.

" Er, ok then I'll stay with you " Mae said

" stay focused guys and work together" Stephanie said as Randolf left with the other eight.

"come Dani, we've got some tracking to do,  I hope you are good with computers" Travis said to Danica.

" Now we are a team and we need to work as one" Randolf said.

" so, to Golden Gate Bridge" Charlene said.

" I'll race you there bro" Tyson said to Tyler and then energy burst out of his legs and arms as he took to flight.

" right behind you bro" Tyler said as he also took to flight.

" And how are we gonna get there?" Charlene asked.

" um, I thought you fly?" Elson asked.

" well,  yeah I do but when my power is activated" Charlene explained.

" then get activated missy" Audrey said sarcastically.

Charlene shot her a mean glare.

" well, I can't activate my powers without being triggered Snow White" Charlene replied.

" OK, ok, easy guys, I'll just teleport us there" Jenna said.

" I'll come with my bike" Randolf said. Jenna held the other three and then they disappeared.

" aaargh" Came the screams of people as their vehicles floated on air.

Scarlett focused on drowning every single person in the river.

" woah, Now that's something"  Tyson said to his brother as they floated together.

" where are you guys?" Tyler asked.

" right behind you" Charlene's voice came from his earpiece. Tyler looked back and  saw the others standing at the edge of the bridge and then came down.

" this is worse than I imagined" Charlene said.

" yeah, let's get down to business guys," Lenora said.

" yeah, Jenna see if you can teleport with Charlene into the cars and safely teleport them out and I'll see if I can take that dude out" Tyler said and then took to flight.

" got it, you ready? " Jenna asked Charlene.

" I guess" Charlene replied. Jenna held her and then tel sported into a floating bus filled with passengers.

" woah" Charlene said as they got into the car but we're upside down.

Audrey got set for action and then her hair turned white and then frosty smoke oozed out of her hands and then she froze the part she stood and then use her ice to cross the water to the pillar in the center.

" Uh, Drey, need a little help here" Jenna's voice came to Audrey's ears.

" I don't think I can teleport so many people out of this place and the force of gravity is so much"

" coming" Audrey's voice replied.

Tyson and tyler couldn't help as their hands glowed with energy.

Scarlett heard them coming and then smiled and immediately they came closer the gravity force hit them so bad that they fell to the ground.

" Woah, wasn't expecting that" Tyler said as he got up.

" Audrey, what's up?" Tyler asked as he heard Audrey's voice in his ears.

" Jenna can't teleport people out of there, the gravity force is way too much, she is in a bus with Charlene and from the look of things the bridge pillar is beginning to crack". Audrey said.

" Listen guys, tyson and tyler see if you can distract him because if he's distracted he loses hold" Randolf said over the earpiece.

" OK,  got it" Tyson said as he and his brother flew up again this time getting closer to Scarlett but their flying wasn't stable due to the gravity. They shot at Scarlett and it hit his right arm.  Scarlett turned his attention to them hence flinging them left and right.

" OK, Jenna I'm going to make ice stairs leading up to the bridge and then you get them out of the bus and help them get to the safer side.

Audrey froze a part of the water and then began to build stairs up to the bridge.

" Nora, call for  back up"

" OK,  on it" Lenora said and then called the house.

" come on Dani, you need to go out there" Stephanie said.

" oh, I don't know" Danica said.

" come on girl, please you need to go out there" Mae pleaded.

Danica went into her head as she was confused and then in the process she began to float.

" Woah, you are flying" Mae said.

" Huh, I am?" Danica looked surprised and then she fell to the ground with a thud.

" you can actually move your body with your mind"  Travis said.

" I really don't know"

" try concentrating again" Dilian suggested.

" ok"

Danica then tried concentrating and she began to lift herself little by little.

" I'm doing it, I'm doing it" She said happily but still bumped her head on something

" now  try telling your mind to make your body lighter" Stephanie said.

And like magic,  Danica was stable on the air.

" wow, I'm flying I'm really flying" Danica said as she moved around.

" no Danica dear please, go help out at the bridge" Stephanie begged.

" hmm ok" Danica said.

" remember stay focused" Travis said and then Danica nodded and made for the door.

Jenna had succeeded in getting them out of the bus and down the ice stairs Audrey had made.  Audrey used ice to hold the crack in the pillar while Elson and Lenora helped the people get to a safer place.

Lenora saw Danica flying in and then a smile graced her face.

" Danica's here" She alerted the others.

" About time" Audrey said.  Danica flew close to Scarlett and surprisingly she wasn't affected by the gravity for she started moving the vehicles with her mind.

" Good girl" Randolf said.

" Hey Santos" She said to the flopping twins and helped them gain their balance.

" Thanks Garcia" Tyler said and then winked at her before firing at Scarlett with more force. 

" my baby" A woman cried pointing to a crying girl in a car still floating"

"  don't worry ma'am, I'll get her" Jenna said and then poofed out and returned with the girl and handed her to her mother.

Scarlett let go of the gravity and then the vehicles came falling on the bridge with full force and he took off.

" where did he go? " Elson asked.

" guess he's off to somewhere else" Audrey said.

They helped the people get out of the bridge and out of the ice covered part of the water Audrey had frozen.

" hey guys, he's heading for B. RAY LABS" Stephanie's voice came.

" oh jeez" Lenora said.

" come on let's get going" Randolf said as they left for B. RAY LABS

hey hey guys
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Love ya.. 😍

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