Ninjas & Princesses (TMNT Boo...

By TurtleWolfLover

5.4K 112 9

It's been a year since the girls discovered their powers. They have lived happy lives with their families and... More

Knicks Game
For The Love of Family
TCRI & Casey Jones
The Purple Ooze
The Truth And Fights
Out of The Shadows
Good Vs. Evil
Heroes of New York

They're Not Monsters!

407 8 1
By TurtleWolfLover

Third Person's POV

Down in the lair, Leo is practicing his katas. While he is doing that, Mikey is talking to Raph who is lifting weights. Mikey is telling Raph about what he saw with the purple ooze, when he watched Donnie pour it on his hand and gave him five fingers.

"I didn't believe it, but then Donnie showed him it could really work. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen. It gave me hope. Maybe we don't have to be stuck down here forever, you know. We could be out during the daytime with our girls." When Mikey saw the purple ooze work, it gave him hope. To see that the ooze can make him human, and he can be with Addie out in the open.

"So, Leo told Donnie to keep it a secret. Not only from us, but from the girls too?" Raph asked as his anger starts to rise. Mikey was starting to say 'no' being nervous about what Raph might do. 

"Who does he think he is?" Raph says as he got up from the bench and stormed angrily over to Leo. Mikey followed him trying to stop him. "No, wait. Hey, look, if you tell Leo that I told you that Donnie told him..." Mikey tried to calm Raph down, but he just pushed him aside. Mikey fell to the floor, but got up on his knees. "We'll never finish our hip-hop Christmas album!" Mikey yells, but whispers to Raph.

Raph goes over to Leo and says, "Pop quiz. What are the three most important traits of the ninja?" Raph asks Leo who stopped for a brief second. Leo grinned and answers back while continuing his katas. "Speed. Stealth. And..." "Honor." Raph finishes interrupting his brother. "Where's the honor in keeping secrets from your brothers? And the person you love?" Raph asked Leo, giving him a stern look.

Leo shrugged that question away and said, "I don't know what you're talking about." He continued his katas as Raph kept arguing with him. "So now you're adding lying to the list?" Raph asked as they walked in circles. "If you're referring to what Donnie told me about the purple ooze, it's called "compartmentalization of information."" Leo says as he puts his katanas back in their holders, and continues his katas with just his hands. 

"If there's even a chance that ooze can make us human..." Raph says, but then Leo says, "We're turtles, whether you like it or not." Reminded him what they are. "It's not about what I like, it's about what people up there are willing to accept." Raph argues. "True acceptance only comes from within." Leo argues back. "Don't give me that fortune cookie muck! You should consult with us before you decide to do something like that!" 

"I consulted Donnie. And we decided..." Leo starts to say, but then is interrupted by Raph, who shoves him. "And what about Mikey and the girls? They don't get a vote?" Raph was very upset that Leo wanted to keep this a secret from their girlfriends. "There's only one vote that counts in this family! Mine!" Leo growls at him, as he glares. Raph glares back at his older brother. 

Donnie interrupts their fight. "Leo, an alarm just tripped at the Hayden Planetarium. We have to get uptown." Donnie informs him. "Gear up Donnie. You two stay here." Leo orders towards Mikey and Raph, as he shoves Mikey out of his way. "You're benching me?!" Raph yells. "Call it what you want." Leo fires back. "What'd I do?" Mikey asks. "Sorry guys." Donnie apologizes to them as he follows Leo.

"Well, that went well." Mikey says. Raph was just boiling with anger. "The nerve this guy has. Big timing us! He may be fine with the status quo, but that don't mean we can't make our own decisions." He says as he storms around. 

Mikey agrees. But is confused about what he's talking about. "Yeah! Wait, what are you saying?" Mikey asks. "It means there's more where that purple ooze came from. And we're gonna get our hands on it." Raph tells him, as he thinks of a plan to get the ooze, so that he can become human, and be with Ember during the day. "Yeah. I still don't know what you're saying." Mikey says, still being confused. Raph sighs, being frustrated, and goes to text the girls and to text April to bring Casey. "Are we... Are we doing something?" Mikey asks following Raph.

A few moments later

Raph called Ember and told her to bring the girls and April and Casey to the lair to talk about a plan to get the purple ooze from the police. 

Once everyone was down in the lair, they gathered around the kitchen table. Raph tells them the plan about getting the purple ooze. 

"So, you want break into police headquarters." April asks a little skeptical about the plan. "Raph are you sure about this?" Ember asks her boyfriend, a little concerned. "Uh, yeah babe. Donnie said he needs more of the purple ooze to track Bebop and Rocksteady. And April, you said the cops would've logged it into the Evidence Control Room by now." Raph says. 

"Okay, and Leo is good with this plan?" Sapphire asks as she wonders where her boyfriend was in on this plan. "Actually, I'm in charge on this one." Raph says. Everyone looks at Raph in disbelief. "You're in charge of the plan?" Daisy asks, not fully believing that Raph can lead. Raph looks at the purple haired girl and says, "Yeah, ain't that right, Mikey?" 

"Y-Y-You're right." Mikey stutters, trying to keep a straight face. Addie stares at her boyfriend weirdly. She felt that Mikey wasn't telling her the whole story.

Raph then grabs blueprints for NYPD Headquarters, and unfolds it onto the table. "So, Mikey and I can take the elevator shafts and vents. We need you two to stay on the ground, while the girls can go in and distract Ember's dad." Raph stats, but Casey is not all cool with the plan. 

"I... I can't just walk right into police headquarters." Casey says. Raph rolls his head and scoffs. "What are you, chicken." Raph growls at him. "Hey! Who you call chicken, turtle?" Casey says, getting up from his sit, sounding threatening. The girls roll their eyes at the two. 

"Look, do you want to find Bebop and Rocksteady or not?" Raph says glaring back at him. They had an intense stare down. Casey was the first to break. "So, we're breaking into police headquarters." Casey says then sits back down. The girls try not to giggle. 

"We got one last boondoggle. We need to find someone to sneak you two past security checkpoint. Only plan I got so far may be a tad less than appetizing." Raph finishes and everyone was wondering who was going to sneak April and Casey past security.

*Skipping after to when they go and get Vern*

So, Raph's plan was to have Vern distract the cops so he can hack into the system so the guys can get April and Casey in. The girls walked in first, casually being themselves. Ember walked up to the desk and asked the officer where her dad was. The girls walked in and see Ember's dad, but he's not only. The girls also see Ember's mom, and Addie's and Daisy's parents as well. What were they all doing here? Sapphire turned to them and said to not panic and to just stick with the plan. 

"Hey Papi. Hola mami." Ember greeted her parents hugging them both. Addie and Daisy hugged their parents too. "Hey what are you girls doing here?" Antonio asked. "What I can't come down and see my dad at work? Who I love." Ember said smiling. 

The parents gave her a weird look. "Anyhoo. Um, April is out on a date, and we just decided to go out for some frozen yogurt, since we had some leftover pizza and my place." Sapphire said. "Hey, when Mr. Garcia's shift ends, why don't we all go out together for some frozen yogurt?" Daisy adds. The parents nodded in agreement.

So far, the plan has been going smoothly. The girls felt that nothing could go wrong. But then as soon as they thought that, the fire alarm went off. The girls had worried looks on their faces. Something was wrong. Then the saw two Foot Soldiers attacking the police. The girls saw that they had the purple ooze. The girls and their parents' all hid under desks, then a most horrible loud shriek sounded and it hurt everyone's ears. The police tried to fight against the Foot, but they were no match. Raph and Mikey saw that the police were getting beated bad. 

Raph wanted to go help but Mikey pulled him back. "What are you crazy? We can't be seen." "That purple ooze is our only shot at being normal and being with our girls during the day. And it's heading for the front door. You with me or not?" Raph says to his little brother. Mikey nods and they crash out from the vents and follow the Foot. 

The girls saw Raph and Mikey and they chased after them. Antonio was slowly getting up from the ground after he was beaten badly by one of the Foot Soldiers. He saw his daughter and her friends run off and he got up quickly, along with his wife and the other parents and they all ran after their daughters.

When the girls caught up with Raph and Mikey they saw Leo and Donnie crashing through the window. The crash knocked the Foot out and Raph grabbed the purple ooze. 

"Raph what are doing with that?" Leo asked him but the police came running in and pointed their guns at the turtles. "FREEZE! Don't move, don't move!!" One officer said. "NO, no, no!" Raph tried to protest to them while he put his arms out. 

The girls' parents came up behind them holding their girls back and stared at the four giant turtles in front of them. Antonio joined the other policemen and pointed his gun at the turtles too. 

"Get down on the ground!" Antonio yelled to the turtles. "Wait Mr. Garcia, we're the good guys. We're friends of Ember's!" Mikey tried to tell them. "Get down on the ground!" An officer repeated. Raph and Mikey slowly get down on the ground. Antonio was confused. These things knew his daughter? Why didn't she tell him? 

"What are those things?" An officer asked. 

"Their monsters! Their MONSTERS!!" Another officer yelled. The girls couldn't believe what he just said. Mikey was almost in tears. Being called a monster for the first time hurt him. 

"We're not monsters." Mikey said sadly. The girls couldn't believe that that officer had the nerve to call their boyfriends monsters.

"They're not monsters!" Daisy yelled trying to get out of her parents grasps.

"Don't you dare call them that!" Ember yelled being held back by her mom.

"Don't call our boyfriends that! They are good people!" Addie said feeling sad that her wonderful boyfriend and his brothers were just called monsters.

Then they girls saw April and Casey running towards them, holding their arms out and yelling at the police to not shot the turtles. April turned to them and told them to go. 

The turtles looked to their girls one last time and ran out of there. 

Some of the officers ran after the turtles, while the rest stayed behind and arrested April and Casey. "Put those two in holding. Officer Garcia, take your daughter and her friends into an interrogation room." Chief Vincent ordered. 

Antonio did as he was told and took the girls to the room. As they were walking Antonio was furious with his daughter. "Ember do you have any idea how much trouble you and your friends are in?" Ember didn't reply. Her mind was only on Raph. All the girls' minds were on their turtles. 

"When we get into that room Daisy Violet, you and the girls are going to tell us everything you know that those turtles." Garrett said as he looked at his daughter with such disappointment. He couldn't believe she kept a secret like this from him. The girls knew that there was no way out now. They had to tell their parents the truth about their boyfriends. They just wish that it was in a better situation.

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