His Devil,His Angel

By Kawaiisakura1993

115K 7.9K 2.1K

From his childhood Wang yibo had understood one thing.People shouldn't be trusted no matter what. For this re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 20

2.7K 201 131
By Kawaiisakura1993

Xiao Zhan woke on the floor of an almost dark room. His head was bursting in pain.

"Where am I----ouch!"

As he tried to sit up a pain shot through his waist and he gasped, his hand reaching automatically for the pain spot.

It was still blurry but snippets of memories started to return to him.

He remembered being led to the car by one of Wen Chao's bodyguard and the sudden stab of pain as he was about to enter.  The rest was a blur.

"That must be an anaesthetic injection.... but what's the use of drugging me when I was already their slave?"

The memories were flooding his brain now, The auction, Yibo's arrival and him harshly rejecting Yibo...

Xiao Zhan sighed.

Wang Yibo.The person his logical mind was least expecting to come... Because that is normal, that is how it should be... Any sensible person who has the least self-preservation instinct should have left Xiao Zhan in his own world to deal with his own trouble. Not to mention someone who had almost died in the hands of one of Zhan's past enemy.

And he had tried to' bore' this into Yibo's head too, the night he left the Wang Mansion for the final time. And as far as Xiao Zhan knew, he wasn't being kind when he did that.

"Stupid kid" Zhan mumbled softly."Do you still want to drag me back and play your kid's idea of master and slave game like before, without even realizing the changed situation now?"

When he entered the auction for the first time his thoughts were only on how to obtain a bit of money to make the ends meet for his family. But with the arrival of Yu Qing it has now turned into a battle of survival and a quest for truth, because no matter what he can't let history repeat itself. This was his own battle, and Yibo must not get caught up in that.

Yet at the auction, there was something in his voice which was so pleading, so heart touching that Zhan felt something building up in his own throat.

"you don't have to go through all this. Just go and sit in my car, I'll take care of the rest. "

In his heart, he knew that he owed Yibo an explanation for his decision to leave Wang mansion so suddenly. But doing so will involve him and that is precisely he had to make sure doesn't happen.


Cool night wind swept Zhan's hairs as he leant on the railing of the terrace of the fifty story building known as the Wang Medical Facility looking at the brightly lit city. 

"Mr Xiao?"

Zhan turned back to find Meng Yao

"Mr Haikuan sent his thanks for taking care of second master these days," he said bowing

"It's nothing really"

Meng Yao came and stood beside him

"Mr Haikuan also wants to know if he can help you with something in return"

"It's okay, there is nothing at all. " said Zhan "Thank you "

"Are you sure?"

Zhan looked at him inquiringly

"They say the best way to strike the enemy is when they are unprepared, and like it or not Mr Zhan, your battle has already begun. We can help you in your quest. Don't tell me that in these long years you have never even once wondered what caused your Mom's accident or what the last creation of your mom might be. "

"How did you---"

"Forgive me for probing a little into your past Mr Zhan, but what the woman said while leaving got me curious. And as the Secretary of the Wang Corporation, it is also my job to make sure that there is no impending harm on my masters."


"So tell me do you want help or not?"

Zhan turned his gaze to the shining city lights again.

"I take that your "help" is not entirely free right?" said he "What do I have to do in return?"

"I guess that is why they call you a genius Mr Zhan. Yes, your guess is correct, there is a price too. And without it, the Wang Corporation won't provide you with any help."

(Flashback end)

"I hope you stay safe" Zhan mumbled again "Don't get yourself into this little fool"


The lights turned on before the door opened. Someone was coming.

"So the slave is awake"

Zhan looked up to find Wen Chao with a couple of bodyguards and a woman.


"Are you dumb?" snapped the woman to Zhan " Don't know how to respond to your master? where is that dumb Zhao Zhuliu... somebody ask for him to come and teach this dog some manners! "

"Boss has given him some works maam" said one of the bodyguards

"Then you go!" she barked.

One of the bodyguards yanked him on his feet up by his collar and the other jammed his foot on his waist from behind. Zhan tried to muffle his cry of pain as he slammed hard on the cold tiles.

"That's better... that's much better," beamed Wen Chao "You surely know how someone must be taught my darling LiangJiao."

"I just cannot see anyone insulting you, sweetheart. It makes my blood boil. Now can we take him with us to have some fun tonight? I'd sure love to see him licking you clean after we are done for the night. "

Immediately the sound of a stern voice crossed Wen Chao's thoughts.

"Okay, that's a deal. But remember. if under any circumstances, you forget...."  

"Um..about that.."Wen Chao hesitated

" Aren't  you  going to keep your promise to Liangjiao?" Linagjiao pouted "I want him ... I want him to please you...you told that this slave is going to be a  present for me before leaving for auction.

"I know I did my darling. And that was my intention too...But try to understand, A little something happened  and right now we can't..."

"What happened? What something? Why can't we have him now?....

As Zhan listened to their bickering a thought crossed his mind.  

"It seems like Wen Chao is interested in women only. Should I consider myself lucky that this part already took care of itself?.... But wait... If Wen Chao is interested in women only... Then why on the earth did he buy me ?" 

Something was not right 

Something was definitely not right.

"Anyway, I don't want to listen to any excuses." Shouted LiangJiao"GUARDS, TAKE HIM AWAY TO----"

"To?... Who has become so desperate like a bitch in heat?

"A deep dark voice rang at the door and an older man in a soft cream coloured suit entered.

And immediately all of Zhan's senses produced a fear much greater than anything than he experienced in this life.

 This man was never born with a feeling of compassion towards others. In fact, Zhan was sure he could massacre a thousand men women and children and never bat an eye. 

 His deep-set eyes inquisitively landed on LiangJiao and Wen Chao.


"So it's your bitch son?"

Liangjiao's face turned red but she knew she could not lose her cool in front of this man. After all, pleasing him was like a ticket she could use to fulfil her dream to enter the Wen household.


Ruohan caught hold of the girl's face

" Listen, whore. It is enough fortune for you to play the slut of my son. but do not dream more than that. If I ever heard you forgetting your place I'll personally see to it that you are given a new lesson in relationships in a way that will also cure your little heat, understand?


"Now fuck off  "

As soon as he released his grip on Lingjiao she scrambled outside desperate to get away from the room.

Wen Ruohan turned to his son

"I-I'll go now too," he said nervously before leaving hurriedly

Now it was only him and Zhan in the room. 

"Ah," said Wen Ruohan coming closer to Zhan." Now that we are alone Mr Sean Xiao, let's formally introduce ourselves to each other. shall we? Or should we start with the real mission that dragged you here tonight?

A chill ran down Zhan's spine.

"Oh no...He knows...he absolutely knows"

He knows why I'm here...

Ruohan laughed.

"I see I've left the great hacker son of Xiao Sanren dumbstruck. Poor him... Now what should I do, what should I do...."


"Ah! how about bringing you a friend? See if you can recognize...?

"My friend?"

Ruohan clapped his hands.

Four of Ruohan's henchmen entered carrying something that looked horrifically like ...

"A... Deadbody?"

Icy numbness was spreading through Zhan's spine. He didn't want to see anymore. Clutching his hand on his heart he knelt beside the body.

They lifted the shroud from the face.


Hi Kawaiisakura1993  here, How many of you are seeing the new anime "The Emperors Strategy" on weTV? I started seeing just a few episodes and I'm hooked. The plot is so well written so far. and I hope it turns out to be a BL.It is the best anime on weTV so far. Please do watch it if you have time

Again I am late with the updates...sorry. My eye infection is to blame this time. Both of my eyes turned into a puffy itchy and watery red mess making me look like I've been crying for days. The doctor said probably it was some kind of allergy. She gave me eye drops and advised me to stay away from the screens until it is completely healed. So I had to say goodbye to my Laptop, phones and computer for a while and no means to replay your messages as well. (I'm so sorry)

Now a huge thanks to @TrushaJi @KavyaAgnihotri @Mehraa and @Hajabarbie for nominating my story His Devil His Angel to  Yizhan  Reader's Choice Awards. I'm so happy to know that you love this story so much. Your love will forever inspire me to write. 🧡🧡🧡🧡

And now,

Thank you so much @1996lovexzwy for your comment on my previous chapter. I hope you read this too. I wish your health and safety. @Trushaji

@AvantiKunal senpai, please read this chapter as well. I hope you are okay and healthy . Stay safe.

@TrushaJi I'm gonna read your chapters and your new novel as soon as I can and don't worry now that I'm recovered again I will publish my challenge story as well. Thank you for your love and support for me. Here, sending you a virtual hug.

@KavyaAgnihotri thanks so much for the love and support you are showing to my story. I really appreciate it meimei. sending you hugs and lots of  virtual sweets🍭🍭🍭🍭🍬🍫🧁🎂🍪🍩🍨. Continue to smile always, sunshine.

@Danity2016 thank you so much for giving the previous chapter a read. I hope you read this chapter as well. Love you please take care. 

@sohmeiyi and @YukiCrosszeria4  Sorry to keep you waiting I was halfway through this chapter when my Eye  Infection came along. I am apologising for being so late. please give this chapter a read as well.

@NatalieTaehyung thank you for being one of my most wonderful readers. I really wish you like this chapter as well. Though the update is a bit late this time I'll be waiting for your comments. Please please stay safe and well.

@YaKIMHongJoongX,@mjeddu, @Sisneth  Thank you so much for reading the previous chapter and commenting on it. I hope this chapter finds all three of you in good health and you read this one as well. Love you guys, please take care and stay safe. 

@pricelessjew I read your story My Bundle Of Joy. I really loved and enjoyed it. It with started so much emotion and at the end the emotion remained intact, I almost cried with joy when Wei Ying gave birth to the little child of theirs. I felt it was beautiful. Thank you for writing such a story.

@GandalfofspaceAnli I am very sorry I could not reply to your sweet comments on my previous Chapter.It's all because of that stupid infection.  I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you. Please read this Chapter as well when you get time. Stay safe take care and stay healthy.

@Firlz92 thank you for adding my story to your reading list I'm so glad that you like it . thank you so much. Please stay safe and take care.

Okay then. I really have another reason to be happy...Guess what?...He is back!Our dear charming, sweetest Zhan gege is back!!! Oh, how I wish I could squish his cheeks right now! although it is late  I wish him all success in 2020 and please please please please please don't disappear again! 

Okay I'm done with my ranting! Thank you so much, guys 

Love, Kawaiisakura1993💕


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