Voice of the Mafia

By JanineJemmaJames

409 0 0

Sophia Black joins the mob out of desperation to get out of a bad situation. She has to make hard decisions t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Epilogue

Chapter 4

12 0 0
By JanineJemmaJames

2 Years Later

My presence in Boss's office was like an omen that was saying that either something bad has happened or will happen. But when the head of the Dorian group saw me he waited patiently for me to hand over the check. He smelled like fresh cologne and his hair seemed to be damp from a shower.

"What has my little Saraphine brought for me today I wonder?" Taking the check safely out of my bra I unfolded it and set it before him. The fruit of my labor just before us.

"You never cease to amaze. This is more than I had asked for." I sat on his desk next to the check as I lit a cigarette of my own up and took a deep draw of it.

"I wanted to impress you Boss. I know how you like gifts." His devilish grin did not go unnoticed. He was far beyond pleased. I just gave him 2.1 million dollars extra than what he had requested. Boss took out a folder and opened it to show a picture of the man I left upstairs and his information. I didn't care about any of the info, just the man. He put the check safely into it and put it back in his drawer.

"I don't think a pony will suffice for what you have brought in this time. You just single-handedly just finished the money we needed to move onto our next phase for the group. If I had ten more like you I would never need footmen." I grinned and took another drag.

"I am glad you like it." He set a hand on my thigh and moved the slit the dress had going up to my thigh to the side so it showed my bare legs that were perfectly tanned thanks to tanning booths and an amazing skin cream.

"You are irreplaceable Saraphine. Keep up the good work. I will send your reward to your apartment shortly." I went to stand but his hand was still on my leg. It was like he hated to let me leave anymore. And I didn't blame him. Two years he had watched his investment grow until now it shined like a sparkling diamond before him.

"Is there something you wanted to say boss?" He looked like he snapped out of his haze because a moment later his hand left my leg.

"No. You may go now Saraphine." I stood and left with little more than a,

"Yes Boss. Until next time."

I headed back to the apartment where my little fur babies were waiting for me. I had just gotten off the elevator and buzzed into my front door when who hungry meows rang out into the room.

"How are my Donnie and Perse doing this evening huh?" They meowed and circled around me like crows to a kill. I set my bag on the counter and got them some snacks that I knew they would really like.

"Sit, circle?" They spun in a circle and sat down, offering me their paws before I even asked for them. I chuckled at them and gave the kitties a few treats each, checking their food bowl to make sure they had some before going to change into something more comfortable. Sweats should do it after being in a skin tight dress and heels all day.

I had just finished changing when a ring came to my door. My hair up to keep it off my neck and my makeup gone, I felt a bit naked but then again no more so than when I was on stage. The door opened to reveal a young man no older than maybe twenty. He looked like fresh blood, especially with the still fresh tattoo of the Dorian group on his neck.

"Miss Saraphine?" I smiled and nodded.

"Here you go," he said hurriedly and rushed back to the elevator. In my hands now was a yellow envelope that was surprisingly thick. Was this another target or was it my reward for today's efforts?

I closed the door before my fur babies could get out and got comfortable on my large 'L' style couch that could fit all of my friends and probably a few more people as well. Adonias and Persephone laid at my feet and next to me as they drifted comfortably off to sleep.

Boss had sent many envelopes before so I was not unused to receiving them but this time I was not sure what it held. So in anticipation I opened it and pulled out its contents, excitement flowing through me.

"No, way." Three plane tickets for Brazil and a note that read in Boss's handwriting, Choose two friends to accompany you. You leave in two days. All expenses paid.

"Finally I am paid what I deserve." Working two years to get money from rich old men had really paid off. My phone appeared in my hands and I sent a message to the group chat for my friends.

Karaoke anyone? It is Wednesday... Everyone responded within five minutes and soon there was five people going tonight. And two of them would be going with me to Brazil for an all expenses paid vacation.


"I want it that way... tell me why!" My friends, the goofballs they are sang in off-tune voices in response to my words. Maybe one of them had a voice on pitch but I enjoyed their company more than their singing.

When the song came to an end, I moved to choose a song that I knew would help to present my surprise.

"So as you five know, I have been working really really hard these past few years at my new job and I wanted to ask you guys something." One guy and four girls sat before me, Johnathan's arm around Sadie's shoulders in a loving way while the other three, Amber, Lexi, and Kaitlyn all took a seat from singing.

"You mean the job that has taken you away a lot and made you move across town?" Lexi hadn't been happy with my new change in appartments and job concidering I had lived in the same building with her and worked next door to her job.

"Yes that one. Well, my manager has finally seen my abilities and has given me a gift and I wanted to ask you guys who is busy the next two weeks?" I continued to flip through songs until I found the one I was looking for. When I glanced back to my friends, I saw the couple look at each other with a knowing glance that said they were busy.

"Jonny and I are out. We are going to visit my parents in the country." That left Lexi, Amber and Kaitlyn. Kate, the quiet one, raised her hand.

"I'm free."

Amber shook her's. "I have work and we are in our busy season." I looked over to Lexi, hope in my eyes. She seemed as if she wanted to say she was busy too but the look on my face gave her the push she needed.

"Nothing I can't call off for. What's up?" I clicked the song and said,

"You two are coming with me on a vacation. And this song will give you a hint as to where we are going." Once the guitar started up I grabbed the microphone and started to dance around the girls who stood with excited looks on their faces.

"Oh, I love it when you call me Senorita!" They chimed in with me and we sang our hearts out, their faces growing more and more with each passing moment.

"South America?!" Even though the song still played behind us I smiled and pulled out the tickets from where they were hidden in my bra pocket. I learned to put those in a while ago.

"More specifically Brazil." Kaitlyn and Lexi swarmed me and we all squealed in excitement. The other three looked sorry to say no but I winked at them promising souvenirs.

"Pack your bags, we leave tomorrow morning. I will call us a cab to pick us up. No later than 8 a.m. Cool?" They hugged me again and nearly squeezed the air out of me. With what air I could manage I said,

"I'll take that as a yes."


*I do not own the songs mentioned or written about.*

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