[REWRITE SOON] Unforgettable...

By big-tiddy-milky-man

13K 469 521

THIS BOOK IS GETTING REWRITTEN, READ THE LAST CHAPTER Hey queen!! this story is kinda cringe so you should go... More

Stands and stuff
I wasn't even there
Need for Speed
Everybody needs good neighbours
*angry italian screeching*
Wheely Chairs are cool
Daddy issues
Trendiest cop in Morioh
Two goofs just goofing
A/N holy shit
A Challenger Approaches
Kira: bird edition
Time stop go brrr
2 cool 4 skool
woop woop, haitus
fr fr

To Moriooooooooh (finally)

922 32 68
By big-tiddy-milky-man

The room went all ripply and all of a sudden I was sitting across the room and my stand went flying. It hit the wall and I could just feel the air being knocked out of my lungs.

Big angry tall man just looked at me with just a little tiny twinge of sympathy in his eyes. "Probably should've mentioned, you feel everything your stand feels, so if my stand chopped off your stand's arm, yours would fall off too."

He could have used a different example than that, because there's one thing worse than not being able to breathe, and that's having a sense of impending doom whilst not being able to breathe.

After I got my breathing pattern back to normal he taught me all the ins and outs of stands, and he was actually starting seem like he didn't want to stomp on all my bones every time I spoke. That may have partially been due to me calming down a bit and not being a hyperactive piece of shit.

"You should name your stand you know." I sat their for a second thinking about what I could name her, but nothing came to mind. "Hmm...what do you think I should name her?" "Well you could name her with tarot cards, like mine, or a reference to a song, or even just a name you like in general, it's really up to you."

I looked over at my stand, giving her a look up and down, trying to find a noteworthy feature of hers. Hmmmm... grey, hood, chain, boots... boots... the boots are pretty cool. Songs with boots in the title. "BOOT CAMP!" I shouted a little too loud for anyone's liking. "Jesus kid calm down." "Sorry dude, but boot camp is a pretty good name for her don't ya think?" He looked at her for a second before smiling and mumbling a quiet 'good grief' "Yeah that sounds pretty good." Smiling at my accomplishment of making a good stand name, I thanked him.

"We should probably work on you controlling your stand now and figuring out why it made some old geezer cry." "Alright chief."

After having led me down a maze of corridors into what looked like a gym, he finally showed me Star Platinum. He didn't even give me time to look at his stand before Star tried to punch me. I froze up and didn't do anything, closing my eyes and bracing myself for the punch. But nothing happened, I opened one of my eyes to see Boot Camp holding Star's fist in both her hands.

"Well, at least she reacts when you're in danger, how did she first come out?" I really didn't want to explain my fucked up family to anyone, especially Jotaro, but it seemed like I had to be truthful because he was helping me. "Uhhhh... my parents got into a fight and my step mum threw a bottle at me. She just kinda materialised and then Maeda started crying and looking off into the distance, like the guy in the alley."

Jotaro took everything I said in and looked at me, sympathy on his face in full this time. "If you don't mind, after we've got your stand controlled could you explain your family life to me, it might be important regarding your stand." I just silently nodded and got on with the training.

Time skipppp

Now having a bit of control over Boot Camp I found out she had some weird ability to make people have flashbacks after Jotaro made me test it on this really happy guy in the lab. I felt really bad about it because he was all happy then next thing you know he's crying on the floor in a ball.

And after explaining my family situation, and a lot of shed tears, I felt like I could trust Jotaro, enough to nickname him Joot.

"Y/N, I can tell you don't like talking about your family, but is there anyway we can help you with them?" I sat in silence for a second, Joot just offered to help with my family. "Uhhh, I mean it would be nice if I could just get away from them to be honest." Joot looked at me like he was a protective dad for a second "I'll try and see what we can do, I can't promise we'll be able to get you away from your parents though."

Fast forward 3 months

The speedweed foundation had worked their magic and somehow won custody of me, not sure how that worked but it did. (It's jjba, don't question the logic of anything.)

I stayed with Joot for a while in his rented apartment until he told me he had to go back to Japan to see his family, so I had to find somewhere to live.

That's when the idea popped into my head: Nonna Mari. I hadn't seen her since my mum's funeral, and she lived by herself in some small town in Japan called Morioh, it was wayyy out in the sticks.

I brought the idea up with Joot and he immediately sweat dropped. "Wait you said Nonna, right? She's an Italian woman in Morioh." "Yeah? What's so weird about that?" He looked like he had seen a ghost "I swear if you're talking about Marinetta I might cry." How the fuck did he know my nan? "The foundation found her when we were monitoring stand users and she fought off one of the workers with her stand because she thought he was stalking her, she unleashed all hell on any worker that tried to talk to her about her stand. Eventually they had to send in my gramps because he was so senile that there was no chance she'd be scared of him and we got the information we needed." It took me a good minute to process all that. "Wait when was this?" "God, like 17, 18 years ago. I was roughly your age at the time. I remember my grandma was worried because he disappeared in Morioh for a few days and she thought he was having an affair."

"Well, your gramps sounds like quite the character, but getting back onto topic, can I please move in with her?"

And that led to a phone call through the swf headquarters

A lady picked up speaking Japanese
"For the last time I did not smack that child with my stand would you people stop calling me-

"Nonna ?"

"Y/N? Oh my goodness dear I haven't spoken to you in years how are you doing?! Wait why are you calling from the speed wagon foundation? Did you get in trouble? Are you hurt? Did they stalk you?"

"No nonna, I'm not hurt, and they didn't stalk me either, they actually saved me."

Yet another skip bc I cba writing

I had just gotten off the plane at Tokyo with my very own speedweed bodyguard, we were to drive to Morioh with rental cars that the headquarters in Japan had organised.

Together me and my bodyguard struggled to drag the massive suitcases I brought with me towards the car, and she visibly huffed a sigh of relief once she had hauled the last case into the boot and slammed the door down.

"Right kiddo, let's get you to Morioh"

And we spent the entire car ride trying to decipher an outdated map and singing badly to various sound garden and pearl jam songs.

Having navigated our way through the town by asking unsuspecting townsfolk directions to Nonna's house, we eventually got there.

I eagerly hopped out of the car, slamming the door just a little too hard and sprinted up to the door to ring the bell, my bodyguard following behind me at much calmer pace.

I screamed in excitement as the door opened and my Nonna came out to hug me.

"I've really missed you dear"

"I really missed you too Nonna."


1329 words. Man I really am not vibing with this chapter, it just doesn't seem right and I've gone through it multiple times and I just don't know what to fix, but it's fine guess.

Also, words of wisdom from the art slave

I leave you with this, until next time

Mildly peeved Cass

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