I wasn't even there

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So the day it all went whack:

It started bad and progressively got worse, and that means a lot coming from me. Dad got drunk by 10 am and I had to clean up his mess (it's a miracle his liver hasn't quit it's job yet) Maeda forced me to cook some fancy breakfast she saw on tv, and then I went to meet my so called friends.

We agreed on meeting up at the shopping centre just down the road for 12 pm. I got there, they weren't there, as usual, they probably decided last minute they wanted to go drinking under some desolate bridge and didn't think of telling me, yet again.

I got home and shit hit the fan, Maeda had somehow gotten into an argument with dad and I walked right in at the pique of it: bottles flying everywhere, banshee screaming, something about Maeda cheating, and she was trying to justify it. Honestly I couldn't blame anyone for cheating on my dad, except this was Maeda and nothing she does is excusable to me so...

Anyhoo, me being me, tried to stay out of it and I walked round the back of the sofa and tried to go up the stairs, but nope, a bottle just barley skimmed my head, followed by frantic screaming from Maeda, literally demanding me to back her up, which didn't really make sense considering I had no idea what had even happened anyway.

"But like, I wasn't even there so I have no idea if you actually cheated or not" apparently wasn't the right answer, because she stormed right on over to me and served me a nice hot plate of bitch slap.

It was roughly around this point that my dad just full on fainted because he was too drunk, but Maeda didn't really care at this point, because for some reason I was to blame now. So here came the onslaught of slaps and kicks.

I can't remember much from this except that I just wanted it to stop, and I felt defenceless, until she just stopped.

I looked up and saw Maeda looking at me with tears in her eyes, but it was like she couldn't see me, like she was daydreaming. I stood up and half ran/ half limped out of the house and I just kept going until I got to an alley.

I slumped down and tried to make sense of what the fuck just happened, it was then I saw it, some weird ghost thingy that was wearing black combat clothes and a really cracked smiley face mask, it's exposed skin was grey and it just stood there

"Well that's... a thing"
I just sat there, staring at it, and it stared back.

"So... what are you?"


"Damn okay I see how it is then "


"So are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna do something?"

"You alright there mate? You're talking to the air."

Some how some old man had come into the scene without me noticing.

I pointed at the... thing (?) I front of me and opened my mouth to say something, I looked to the thing and back at the man and he was just standing there with an expectant look on his face.

"Can you not see it?"

"What? The wall? You aren't really making too much sense right now, do you want me to take you to the hospital or something?"

"No! ... no sorry, there's a thing there, you're bound to be able to see it.


That was when I heard sirens, but it wasn't like  police sirens, or even an ambulance, so what the fuck was it?

Jesus Christ this is my first time actually writing something so I have noooooo idea what I'm doing, I'm just hopelessly praying that I've done a good job here.
Please feel free to let me know about any grammar mistakes I've made.
Anyway, til next time y'all~

[REWRITE SOON] Unforgettable - Josuke X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now