I'm his chaos

By harrypotterships1

517K 13.4K 2.1K

Harry overhears a conversation in the headmasters office that changes his life. He now starts to doubt his so... More

1 ~ Tournament
2 ~ Decisions
3 ~ Explanations
4 ~ Acting
5 ~ Feast and sleep
6 ~ Train
7 ~ Flashback
8 ~ Flashback II
9 ~ Flashback III
10 ~ Back in the hellhole
11 ~ Dumb-as-door appears
12 ~ A manor
13 ~ Lunch and dinner
14 ~ Oops
15 ~ Meeting
16 ~ A dog and a wolf
17 ~ Explanations
18 ~ Twins
19 ~ Duel
20 ~ Mirror
22 ~ Mates?

21 ~ Is this theft

13.3K 405 72
By harrypotterships1

Finallyyyyyyyyy! I've had a terrible writers block but now I think it has disappeared a little at least, so while I have the inspiration I'll try to update as much as I caaaan:)

When Harry later that evening entered his room he changed to a pair of very comfy, quite short shorts and a t-shirt Harry got an idea. He put on a cloak and left his room. Harry had never been to his masters room but he felt that tonight was the perfect night for a little visit

Toms private quarters weren't far away, the thing was that Harry had the closest bedroom possible to his master. Sneaking up the staircase that were to the left of Harry's door, he mentally cursed when he realised that the floor obviously weren't unguarded, there much be some kind of wards that alerted his master that someone entered. He knew that Tom was still in his office so he had to be quick, he rushed over to the bedroom door and tried to open it, much to his surprise the door swung open and he entered

If Harry would have seen his master right now he would see that the man had taken a break from his paperwork when he felt someone entering his floor. He felt that it was Harry that were there and was just about to apparate there to kick the boy out when curiosity got the best of his. What did his little horcrux want from his bedroom. Due to a handy spell he could watch the whole floor from his office and followed Harry's every step

Harry, being completely obvious to the fact that the bedroom was unlocked and that no one had arrived to see who had entered the floor was. Harry stopped in the middle of the room looking around. The room was big but not to big, it had a very big bed with two windows and either side, a bookcase and a window with pillows in one corner, in one of the other corners where two loveseats and a fireplace. On the left wall was two doors. He opened the door he guessed lead to a walk-in-closet but wrong, a bathroom. It was in black marble, one big shower and a bathtub. The sink was on top of a counter ish thing. Trying the next door he found it, he hurriedly made his way inside and picked out three of Toms shirts. Quickly still hoping not to be noticed Harry ran out and down the stairs and into his bedroom again

The dark lord were highly amused by the boy, he had all his life thought he'd never find someone he would like. He of course had found both girls and boys attractive and alright in bed but no one could really please him. Harry on the other hand, he were attractive and all that but he was different. They had a similar background of being played by the headmaster and growing up with muggles, they thought quite similar and Harry's power and ability to do dark magic made the dark lord want him by his side. That the boy were one of his horcruxes were only a plus, he wanted to protect his little horcrux and that was much easier to do when he was around, he actually had a few things to discuss with the boy so he decided to take a break from his paperwork and pay the boy a visit

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