Checkmate {Book 3} [COMPLETED]

By Alliewritesjazz

639 22 11

Book 3 of 5 Tessa Stark and Peter Parker were two of the unlucky millions to be dusted away by the infamous s... More

Twisted Reality


68 2 4
By Alliewritesjazz

A/N: Remember, there is still another book AND one more chapter of this book left! I haven't seen Far From Home yet because life has been so hectic, but I'm going to try to watch it this weekend to get the breakdown. And I decided to include the last Spider-Man film coming out next year to the saga as well, yay! Stay safe everyone and happy reading!

Everything was white for a moment as Tessa panted, fear overriding her system. She could finally see a moment later, and turned to see an alien with a spear raised at her, about to throw. The body suddenly began to turn ashy, cracks filling up the surface. She took a step back and watched as the alien's cracks slowly rose into the air, the spear dropping to the ground.

She looked all around to see the enemy's army turn to dust, hundreds disappearing before her eyes. She craned back and met eyes with Thanos, who had a look of utter despair. But now was no time for her to smile at the victory. They gazed at each for a moment, his mouth agape. He suddenly turned and walked over slowly to a large piece of rock, sitting down on it.

She watched as he put his arms on his knees, leaning forward with defeat. She blinked once, her eyes now red, and went into his mind.

I underestimated them, I couldn't beat them when they're united. And it cost me everything.

He began to turn a light pewter as her eyes faded back to cauldron, cracks spreading all about his body. His right shoulder went first, the wind pulling to the left. The rest of the right side of his body went as he looked down with a deep sigh, and soon all of him was gone.

Thanos was now dust.

Tessa held her breath as she heard the landing of a suit nearby, and slowly turned around, lips parting. It was Rhodey, and he was in front of her father, who had limped to a nearby rock and sat down against it, and put his hand on his cheek. She stared at the sight with tears building up in her eyes.

Tony Stark's right side of his body was black and burnt, crawling up and hugging the side of his face. The gauntlet had melted into his hand, making it one with his skin. His armor was broken in numerous places, jagged pieces sticking out and some digging into his body. She couldn't help but whimper. She could feel the pain that he was feeling. She could feel his heart on fire.

Rhodey mumbled a few words to Tony before slowly slipping his hand away and taking a step back as Peter Parker sprinted forward and fell to his knees in front of his mentor, putting a hand on his shoulder. Tears were already framing his eyes as he leaned forward.

"Hey Mr. Stark." Peter breathed shakily, "Can you hear me?" He gently gave him a little shake to know that he was still. . .

"It's Peter. Hey." He said while grabbing both of Tony's hands, putting them in his, "We won, Mr. Stark. . . We won, Mr. Stark. . . We won, you did it Mr. Stark, you did it." Tears began to flow down his face like a river as he breathed in shakily, pausing for a moment. "I'm so sorry, Tony."

Pepper gently began to shake Peter's arm, and after a moment he let go of Tony, standing up while putting a hand over his mouth, unable to hide his tears. Pepper looked over at her, and they met eyes for a moment before the blonde nodded, allowing her to go first.

Her steps were slow as she walked over, and it felt as if time was stopping right before her eyes as her feet felt heavy. She kept her head up, eyes blurry with tears, but not daring to let them shed.

Because now was no time to mourn.

Tony's eyes were wide open and unmoving, his lips slightly parted as she came over. She sighed and bent down in front of him, gently touching his shoulder, "Dad, can you hear me?"

His deep eyes moved a centimeter over to look into hers, he was growing increasingly tired as the seconds ticked. The girl reached down and touched the emblem on his chest, gazing into his eyes, "I love you Dad, so much. It's going to be okay."

"I love you, too." He breathed without blinking, his life fading before her eyes. She sighed again and leaned forward, putting her head against his, her hand never leaving the emblem, "God, I know you're going to hate me for this." She mumbled with despair.

The team gathered around her and watched with tears as her hand began to glow a harsh crimson, their foreheads illuminating as well but being more dull, her entire body instantly flaming up with the color. Peter sniffled, not entirely sure what her plan was. Pepper stood beside him, her arm wrapped around his shoulders, comforting him while watching her powers blossoming before her very eyes.

"Don't." Tony mumbled to her, and she closed her eyes as a tear slipped from her pewter orbs and cascade down her cheek, the grime from her face coming off. "I love you so much," She whispered to him, "I'm doing this because I love you. I'm so sorry, Dad. I'm sorry I couldn't save you before."

"Please." He whispered, and she opened her eyes to see his filling with tears as he gained energy from her, "It's my time."

"You have a wife, Dad, and an apprentice. I'm not letting you leave them. We won, Dad. The fights are over." She responded as the glow got harsher, nearly blinding her vision. "Your time isn't up yet. You're earth's best defender. Dad, your life has just begun."

The energy began to sink into Tony's body, and he slowly began to light up ruby as hers dwindled. "Please, don't do this." He whimpered to her, and she she shook her head, theirs staying together, "I'm so sorry, dad. Please, please forgive me, please."

His head was officially full of energy, forcing their foreheads to part. She breathed out heavily and panted after, gazing into her father's distraught chocolate eyes.

"Theresa." He begged, trying to push her away as his energy increased through his veins. Once he knew she wouldn't budge, he powered up his suit, putting the palm against her shoulder. She quickly put her second hand on him, and with a burst of energy she shut down his iron man suit, tears blurring her vision.

He looked up despairingly at her, whispering, "No," while his lips quivered, "Pumpkin, no, please, no."

"I love you." She said as she felt her energy draining from her veins, her panting increasing, "I - I love you, Dad. So much."

"I love you too, pumpkin." He whimpered, reaching his arm up shakily and cupping her reddened cheek.

Her father watched as Tessa's iron eyes slowly bloomed into cherry, her head and hands beginning to shake. She was gritting her teeth as she let the last bursts of her energy into him, making his wounds heal and his heart beat normal again, the metal from the gauntlet separating from his skin, the charred ashes of his suit slowly turning back, a new layer of healthy skin forming.

"I love you, Daddy." She breathed, and the scarlet abruptly violently lit up her entire eyes, and a moment later, they were back to their original cool color. Her hands were still as the crimson shimmered away from them, flourishing into Tony. The last bits sunk into his blood, tears pouring down his cheeks.

Tessa's eyes glazed over as she slowly fell into her father. He caught her and shoved her into his chest, kissing her forehead while his tears poured onto her, "No, no, no! I love you pumpkin, it should've been me. It should've been me. . ."

Her body rattled as he kept an iron grip on her while sobbing. Pepper turned to Peter with glossy eyes and saw tears flowing from his cheeks as his body began to convulse as well. He lifted his hand to cover his mouth as a heart wrenching sob escaped his quivering lips, and he turned around and walked away, breathing in shakily with more tears.

Pepper moved closer and bent down next to Tony and put her hand on his shoulder, saying, "It's alright, Tony."

"It's not!" He cried, "I just lost my daughter, Pepper! She sacrificed herself for me so I can be alive right now! I. . . I got her back just to lose her again. . ."

Even though her dad felt so much pain, Theresa Stark knew she would sacrifice herself over and over again for him. He was her first ever anchor, and she was his. They've been together since birth, him immediately taking custody. They were by each other's side throughout life.

And it was only right to be by each other when one's ended.

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