Could You Love Me? || Ms Vena...

By honeypaulson

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**** "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philisophy." - Hamlet, ac... More

new story.


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By honeypaulson

"How all occasions do inform against me, and spur my dull revenge."

(Hamlet, act 2 scene 4)


I woke up to the most loveliest and most warmest feeling in the world. The love of my life in my arms.

Peering down, I noticed that Ms Venable was still asleep, her breathing was shallow and her nose was ever so slightly scrunched up, one of the cutest expressions she owned. I didn't move or say anything for a moment because I just wanted to savour this precious and tender moment.

"You're staring, it's creepy." She mumbled, and I chuckled, realising she was awake.

"That's your fault for being so beautiful." I grinned cheekily, gaining a little laugh from her. But then it faded.

"You should go....I'm sorry." Ms Venable spoke sadly, avoiding my eye contact, but I understood.

"It's okay Mina, I understand. What matters to me right now is you. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." I took her hand and kissed it gently, making her smile.

"I love you."


At breakfast I was ready to start eating, but then I felt Ms Venable's hand under the table, and heard her whisper, "We can go to the library."

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling in front of everyone. It was like things had finally gone back to normal. So I nodded discreetly.

Suddenly I felt eyes on me, but it wasn't Ms Venable's. Looking up, I realised that it was Gallant. Why was he looking at me with that expression? It was almost as if he'd come to some sort of conclusion in his head.

Before I could hang around the dining room so I could take my plate with Ms Venable to the library, Gallant walked up to me.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" He spoke quickly and tugged on my arm, indicating for me to follow. I glanced at Ms Venable who was still seated, knowing that she was watching. She gave me a slow nod, so I reluctantly followed Gallant down a few corridors until we were completely out of earshot and eye sight.

"What are y-"

"I know your secret." He cut me off with his statement, making my eyes widen in utter shock. He couldn't mean....

"I don't know what you're talking about." I shook my head and folded my arms defensively.

"Of course you do. You and Ms Venable? Ring any bells?" He sighed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Look, if Coco said anything to you, it's not true. There is nothing going on between me and Ms Ven-" But he cut me off again.

"Just be quiet for a moment, jesus. Maybe I can see it because I'm an expert in this area, but I see the way she looks at you, like you're the only woman in the world. And then I see the way you way you watch her like she's your goodness. It's really quite cute actually." He chuckled and ran fingers through his platinum white hair.

"I...." What was I to say? He'd cracked it right on point.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone, but I just wanted to tell you to stop being so obvious. The others have noticed that Ms Venable seems to treat you a little....softer than the rest of us. I know that technically there's nothing against you being with her, but I know that she probably want to keep up her cold reputation, and she'd be a bit hypocritical, you know, breaking her own rules."

I was surprised at how much Gallant actually knew, and how caring he genuinely was being. I certainly didn't expect that to come from him.

"Wow....thank you, thank you for telling me this." I thanked him and he just laughed, batting his hand in the air.

"Anything for true love. You two look so head over heels, it's the most exciting thing that's happened since the apocalypse. But I can't believe Ms Venable of all people, falling in love with a purple. How scandalous."

After another few minutes of laughing, I felt reassured. Obviously we'd have to be even more careful than before, but knowing that Gallant and Coco were now aware and on my side, it was a relief.


"Gallant knows." I spoke with my mouth full, incredibly hungry. I was with Ms Venable in the library, eating lunch. I didn't have breakfast in the end because Gallant had taken up most of my morning.

"What?! How?" Ms Venable spluttered, almost choking on her water.

"It's okay, he was actually really nice about it. He just said to be a little more careful, apparently we look at each other too much." I giggled as she blushed.

"Then you should stop being so cute." She grumbled, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Then then she stopped eating to look at me properly. "I love you Karinya."

My heart warmed and I grinned widely, "Maybe you should stop being so cute."


"Hello there precious." Dinah grinned at me, leaning against the wall with a smirk. I looked up at her in disgust, how dare she even approach me! We were in the main room, all the other purples congressed in the other side of the room, whereas I was sat in the corner, pulled out of my thoughts by this woman.

"How many times do I have to tell you to go away?" I mumbled, so sick and tired of her annoying face cropping up everywhere I went.

"As many times as it takes for you to give in." She laughed and lent dangerously forward, making me cower in my chair.

Suddenly there were four sharp and angry thuds that rung out, silencing everyone in the room, even Dinah. I sighed in relief, knowing that it was Ms Venable.

"Ms Stevens, step away from Ms Aldean at once."

Dinah scoffed, standing up straight, seemingly ready to have a verbal stand off with the purple dragon.

"It's not like we were breaking the rule of copulation. What me and Karinya love to do in our spare time is none of your damn bu-"

A loud slap cut through the air, and it took me a second to register what had happened. Ms Venable stood there, her arm outstretched as a shocked Dinah covered her cheek.

"Are you fucking insane?! You sadistic bi-" Dinah yelled, stepping forward to return the attack, but Ms Venable completely lost it, slamming her cane the hardest I'd ever heard in my life. I wouldn't have surprised if she'd dented the floor.

"Ms Mead, take her to the basement. NOW!" She screeched, her free hand clenching into a fist. I wanted nothing more than to hold her hand and whisper comforting words and calming her down, but I couldn't. Ms Mead happily came along, dragging Dinah away with two other guards. Her yells and attempts to break free were useless, and her protests soon became distant, finally leaving a heavy silence in the room. All the purples were shocked at the sudden outburst. They hadn't seen Ms Venable as mad as that in a while.

Ms Venable left the room as quick as lightning, thudding her cane as she went. I was torn, I wanted to run after her but everyone else might have been suspicious. I looked over to Coco and Gallant for support and Coco raised a hand, indicating five fingers, presumably meaning five minutes waiting time.

After staring at the clock, it finally seemed safe to leave quietly, exiting the room mumbling something about the library. I fast walked my way to Ms Venable's door and knocked a couple of times, holding my breath. There was a silence, then the door opened a little, revealing a pair of darkened eyes.

"Can I come i-" I was ready to reason with her, expecting Ms Venable to hesitate in my company, but she reached out and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me into her room. I barely had enough time to hear her lock the door because she'd suddenly slammed me against the wall, attacking my face with hungry kisses. I immediately gave in, my arms falling limply to my sides, inner submissiveness taking over as usual in situations like this.

"Bed. Now." Ms Venable demanded, and I could only comply, but one hundred percent willingly. Oh god, I was already a hot mess. It was absolutely clear that all her rage that had built up with Dinah was now being remoulded into a rough sexual craving, a side of Ms Venable I'd always dreamt of meeting.

"Stay here and don't move." Ms Venable turned her back to me, rummaging through her drawers until she found what she was looking for. A smirk grew on her face when she neared me.

"You won't talk unless I ask you to, and when you do, you will only address me as 'mistress', got it?" Ms Venable whispered huskily into my ear.

"Yes mistress." I breathed out heavily when I saw what she'd retrieved from the drawers. Velvet restraints.

Had she kept these in her drawer since he day we arrived at the outpost? You know what, I don't even fucking care. To be honest, I didn't care about anything but the need for Ms Venable's touch.

"I'm going to restrain you, it's that okay baby?" She straddled my hips and brushed her lips against me, not quite enough to kiss me though, to my dismay.

"Y-yes mistress." I had to stop myself from moaning at Ms Venable simply carrying out the action of tying my wrists to the bed posts.

"You're such a good girl for me." Ms Venable reached out and pushed some stray hairs out of my face before ripping off my dress and throwing it across the room, not caring where it landed.

"You're mine. Only mine. Not Dinah's, not any other bitch, mine." She whispered, beginning to nibble on my ear, making me elicit soft moans. My body felt like it was on fire and I couldn't help but close my eyes. But Ms Venable didn't seem to like that because she hissed, "Don't close your eyes, look at me."

I nodded quickly, biting back the urge whimper when her hands roamed down my body that was now exposed. And along with her hands, her lips followed, kissing every little patch of my pale skin, starting off light and sweet, to rough and passionate. The lower she got the more excited I grew, tugging slightly on my restraint. It frustrated me but turned me on by the fact I couldn't move. I wanted nothing more than to pull in her hair, something I knew was a turn on for her, but then at the same time something about feeling helpless and exposed made me feel a rush of pleasure.

"Mhm, so wet." Ms Venable commented huskily, rubbing on my sensitive clit through my panties. My mouth dropped open, letting out a silent moan.

Suddenly she pulled off my panties and unclipped my bra with one swift motion. Now I was fully exposed.

"You're so fucking beautiful." Ms Venable's eyes darkened as she pulled away to admire my physique with lustful eyes. For once I didn't feel insecure, in fact, the way she looked and touched me made my self esteem boost up, knowing that she really meant it all.

"T-thank you mistress." I owned a hint of plead in my voice, silently begging her to touch me. She chuckled darkly and leant forward, her lips coming into soft contact with my nipples, making me gasp as she sucked snd swirled around my buds.

It was so hard to keep my eyes open and to not struggle against my restraints, just willing to touch my girlfriend. Her tongue dragged slowly down my stomach and finally reached my inner thighs. I pushed my hips forward and Ms Venable smirked.

"Tell me how much you want me." She demanded.

I groaned at the loss of kisses on my skin, but hastily started talking, "I need you more than I e-ever needed anything before. F-fuck me." I begged, my hands twitching around in defiance.

"Don't worry baby, I'm going to fuck you senseless." Ms Venable growled and pushed three fingers into me very suddenly, at the fastest pace I could have imagined.

I let out a muffled scream, pain shooting through my body, but it was soon replaced by intense pleasure. I even found myself pushing my hips at the same rhythm of Ms Venable's thrusts.

"Holy shit....mistress!" My body thrashed around, hopelessly trying to grab fistfuls of Ms Venable's hair, but to no avail.

"Stop trying to move, it's not going to fucking work."

I couldn't even sigh or verbally protest because my legs started to shake, toes curling and my back arching as I felt myself being pushed into the edge of release.

"M-mistress I'm going to cum!" I gasped, the pitch of my voice growing higher and higher.

"Then do it, angel." Ms Venable whispered, curling her fingers, driving me to hit my orgasm with such intensity that I screamed.

"Oh my f-fu-fuck!" My body trembled, Ms Venable letting me ride out my high.

I heaved, gasping for air and trying to collect my scrambled thoughts.

"T-that was the best I've ever f-" I tried to speak but Ms Venable cut over me.

"Oh, sweet girl, we're not over here, we've only just begun."


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