Our Love(1)

By SweetHeartMartina

28K 824 55

-Leonetta FanFiction✨ -STORIES: -Our Love(story 1 done✔) -I'm youres(story 2 writing) Everything is a continu... More

Piano lessons.
I care about you to!
I'm going to do it!
The auditions!
Lets start it all over again.
Its okay..
Can i go to Madrid?
Lets try it (again)
The date and a new couple?
We're lost!
The music hall and I still love you
On tour?(Last day in Madrid)
I'm going (sorry)
Writers Note:
After 3 years
It was fun<3
I cant forget you.,
Forgive me please
The end show

Moving back!and meeting a boy

2.7K 45 4
By SweetHeartMartina

Vio:This is so exciting

Herman:Yeah for me to,can't wait to be back.

-After the flight we finally went back home.And there was My brother Federico waiting for me.

Fede:Hey Violetta , dad!

-He walked over to us and hugged us.

Vio:How are you?

Fede:I'm fine thanks.Wish you would be so sweet everytime.

Vio:And you ruining the moment.

Herman:Okay okay that's enough.

Vio:Can i go outside?


-I walk to a park.And someone came behind me.I turned around and..

Vio:Oh hey.


Vio:I'm Violetta,I just came back in Buenos Aires.

??:Hey i'm Leon nice to meet you.


Leon:Shall we sit?


-After talking alloot and laughing.
I went back home.

Herman:Violetta we have a surpris e for you!

Vio:For me?!

Writers note:What will happen next?
Did you like it?This was my first episode!Sorry for short episode..

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