A wolf's vampire imprint

By HarliLawson1996

524K 12.4K 978

Abigail Black is the Twin sister of Jacob Black. She ends up phasing a little bit before Jacob and imprints o... More

00: AJ
01: Bella Swan's moving where?
02: Bonfire at Sam's
03: Isabella
04: Cliff Diving?
05: Visiting Bella
06: Chilling with Quill
07: Dance
08: Birthday Party and Phasing
09: Healing
10: Free
11: Movies with Bella and Jessica
12: Jacob phases
13: Bye-Bye, Laurent.
14: Wolf Out of the Bag
15: The Death of an Elder
16: Opperation Clearwater Werewolf
17: Jasper
18: Attacks in Seattle
19: Victoria?
20: First Time
21: The Chase / Pack Meeting
22: Bella in La Push
23: Rosalie's Story
24: Abigail's Past
25: Apologies and Forgiveness?
26: Bonfire
27: Little Wolf
28: Major Whitlock
29: Disaster in the making
30: A crush's kiss and a broken hand
31: Mastermind
32: Investigating in Seattle
33: Graduation Party
34: Pack Meeting
35: Some training
36: Proposal
37: "When did Leah join the pack?"
38: Pain
40: A Cullen / Swan wedding
41: 100% Pack
42: Chilling with Paul
43: Ness
44: Bittersweet Nineteen
45: Catching Snowflakes
46: Meeting more family
47: When the snow sticks
48: The Red Coats Are Coming
49: Beginning of an end
50: Epilogue

39: Forks bound

6.5K 183 8
By HarliLawson1996

         Abigail lays in some pain in her bed. She's not in agony like she was at first, she's finally able to sit up now. Jacob is laying beside her and is holding her hand reassuringly. Jacob hates that his twin sister is hurt.

Jacob's phone rings and he steps outside. "Bella."

"How's Abigail?" Bella asks, she genuinely wants to know.

"She's sitting up now, and off morphine," Jacob replies; he doesn't really want to talk to Bella right now. "She's recovering well... Jasper is supposed to come get her today so she can heal the rest of the way there." Until after the wedding, Jacob wanted to add but decided against it.

Bella looks at Alice, who is nose deep into wedding decorating. "I'm glad your sister's doing good, Jake."

Jacob hangs up and watches Jasper walk in, Billy opened the door and invited him inside. Jacob and Jasper actually shake hands before Jacob shows Jasper to where Abigail is, she's in Jacob's bedroom.

"Hey, you!" Abigail greets, her voice isn't as full of pain as it was when Jasper first visited, the elders finally granted Jasper full permission to pass whenever since he is marrying Abigail. "You're finally here. I've been waiting."

"Rather impatiently and driving me crazy," Paul growls as he walks in. "Hey, man. Thank you for taking this thing off our backs."

"Hey!" Abigail gasps.

Rachel comes skipping in and she hands Abigail an envelope. "Jacob, dad wants you." She eyes Paul, she kisses their relationship, and she leaves the room.

"You're welcome," Jasper finally replies to Paul.

Abigail gasps as she sees the invite. "I was invited to Bella and Edward's wedding. I thought... doesn't Bella hate me?"

"No, of course not," Jasper replies. "She thinks you hate her. You seem to always phase and run off when she's around. You can't do that in the house, Alice and Esme will go crazy." 

Abigail nods. "I should try and have a conversation with her."

Jasper he,so Abigail stand and she stretches, moaning.

"Stop with that noise," Paul growls. "It's not fair."

Abigail smiles and she removes her shirt, she's in a grey sports bra. There is only a purple-ish bruise across her ribs now. Carlisle warns her to wait to phase at least until the bruising is gone. Once a wolf, she will heal the rest of the way. Supposedly, according to elder Quill.

"You're looking better," Paul says. "I'll tell Sam. He's been pressing me for updates every time I come over."

Abigail smiles and she nods before she grabs a black tank top from her closet, and slips it on. "You ready, Jas?"

Jasper nods and they go out to his Porsche.

Alice has so much set up and it's only been three days since Abigail showed up in Forks. She finally was able to phase and run for about an hour a day ago, the bruising on her skin was finally gone.

Abigail watches Alice fail to get Bella to break in the new heals. They've been working with those shoes for the past three days.

The vampires are getting the ceremony area ready, the seats and tables, along with the stage. Abigail watches as the Denali coven from Alaska arrive. Eleazar, Carmen, Kate, Tanya, and Irina. Eleazar approaches Abigail immediately, he has always had an interest in wolves, especially one whom is a mate to a vampire.

"Eleazar Denali," the vampire introduces himself to the engaged wolf.

"Abigail Black," the wolf introduces herself. "Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine," Eleazar comments as Carmen walks over. "Abigail, this is my wife, Carmen. Carmen, this is Jasper's fiancée, the wolf I was so eager to meet, Abigail."

Carmen and Abigail shake hands before Carlisle calls them inside to show them where they are to be staying. Tonight is the bachelor party between the vampries, they even invited the party animal Jared Cameron. The wedding is tomorrow.

"You must be Abigail," one of the blondes says as she approaches the wolf. "I'm Kate."

Abigail shakes Kate's hand. "Yes, I'm Abigail."

Kate holds Abigail's left upward and she awes over the engagement ring. "Jasper us one lucky fellow. You are stunning, Abigail Black. Congratulations."

"Thank you, Kate," Abigail says and she meets Irina's glare.

"Ignore her," Kate says as she sees it. "Laurent was her mate."

"If it weren't for him trying to kill Bella... I liked Laurent," Abigail admits. "But my brother would slaughter me if I let anything happen to that girl."

Kate smiles and she crossed her arms. "I see us becoming good friends, Abigail Black."

"What's your special power?" Abigail asks. "I'm sorry if it's...."

"No, no, not intrusive at all," Kate muses as the girls head inside themselves. "I can electrocute with touch. That's why I wear gloves always."

"Oh yeah, we can be friends," Abigail gushes and Kate laughs.

Esme and Rosalie watch in amazement. Kate doesn't really make friends, especially with wolves. But the Cullens are glad she is with Abigail.  Abigail and Kate go up to Jasper's room to gossip about boys in Washington and boys in Alaska.

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