By LittlePumpkinWriter

2.8K 187 48

**HIATUS** ~Dare to Fall In Love With Her~ "Oh love, if you are Persephone, I can be your Hades." His smirk... More

Beware of Persephone
1 | Welcome to the Underworld
2 | Burn the Witch
3 | Game. Set. Match.
4 | Under the Future King's Gaze
5 | Persephone's Temptation
7 | When Fireballs and Snowballs Meet
8 | The Voice of Temptation
9 | Who are you?
10 | Do Not Drop the Bomb in the Queen's Castle
Writer's Note
11 | Test the Boiling Water
12 | When The Gem Tasted Fireworks
Important Announcement
13 | Unknown Waters, Unspoken Thoughts
14 | The Devil with Pillows and Blankets
15 | Champagnes and Confessions
16 | Playful Banters Laced with Honesty
17 | Commanding Temptations
18 | The Poisoned Apple
19 | Summer Heat
20 | The Kidnapping of Persephone

6 | When Lips Are Sealed

126 14 2
By LittlePumpkinWriter

6 | When Lips Are Sealed

Emerald's POV

The sun hitting my eyes, blinding me by its rays peeking by my curtains. The wind blew softly making my white curtains dance and the air caressed my skin. I hummed and groaned, feeling my body sore and my head heavy. What did I do last night?

"Shit!" I gasped remembering a few moments I had last night. Why the fuck did I have to drink so heavily?! Stupid! I groaned again as I rose up from my bed and got out. I noticed that I haven't changed. I bet my make up was a mess. I sighed pushing myself to go to the bathroom and do my business. Who took me home last night? I was relieved that I haven't slept with anyone particularly a prince because that would be the death of me. I really need to control my drinking habits. My growing headache was killing me now and the impending doom of not knowing what I did last night was weighing me down. I really hope I did nothing that would affect my dignity. As I entered the bathroom, I went to the sink to wash my face.

"What the fuck?!" Who the fuck removed my make-up?! I must be hallucinating to see myself in the mirror with no make-up when it would be impossible for me to remove my make-up wasted last night. I touched my face clean of make-up. Like I was thoroughly cleansed out of make-up. I hurriedly did my morning routine before changing my clothes. Who the hell took me home last night? I walked out of my room and to the kitchen to find who I was with.

"Oh! You're awake." I stopped dead on my tracks and turned to my left praying this man didn't do anything inappropriate to me last night.

"Yeah. You took me home?" I asked the man who was relaxing in one of the winged chairs with coffee on the table and newspaper in his hands.


"Why?" He placed the newspaper down on the table and stood up. He was already in his black suit that was clearly made for him. Why was he so early?

"It's my job." He replied.

"Ah!" My head spun again and I mentally cursed myself for drinking too much.

"You were wasted last night."

"No shit, Sherlock." I groaned while he chuckled. Great. He was entertained by my suffering.

"Come on. Let me help you. I have painkillers." He offered his hand for me. As much as I hated to say this, I needed help. I grabbed his hand and let him take me to the kitchen. My head was so heavy like it was filled with water.


"No problem." He spoke and he pulled a chair for me to sit on. I slowly sat down feeling like my brain was going to drop any moment.

"Here. Take these," I heard him say and placed a glass of water together with the painkillers sitting on the saucer. He could have just given it to me instead of putting the pills in the saucer. Jeez.

"Thanks." I spoke before drinking the pills.


"Yes please. I think I'm going to die." I groaned again resting my head on the table and I heard him chuckle.

"I'm glad you find it funny." I shot him a look and he just shook his head, a smile clearly visible on his pretty face. Silence filled the room between us and all I could hear was him preparing the coffee.

"Who removed my make-up? Is it one of your staff?" I couldn't help but ask.

"No. It was me." I pushed myself to make me look at him. Hmmmm... He raised a brow at me as he gave my coffee.

"What?" He asked as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you gay?" He looked at me in horror before his laughter filled the room.

"No. Do I look like one?"

"Hmmm... It's okay if you deny it. You should go out of the closet. You're not alone?"

"What are you talking about? I'm straight."

"My best friend is gay so don't be embarrassed to admit it."

"Emerald, I am not gay."



"100% sure?"

"Why would you think I'm gay?"

"Because you removed my make-up perfectly. Like seriously, there are no remnants on my face." I gestured on my entire face and he shook his head.

"Why would removing make-up make me gay? Is that a measurement you, ladies, have to see if a man is straight or not? Can't a man remove make-up?" Welp. He's got me there.

"Hmmm... You have a point although I am really impressed that you have done it perfectly."

"Having your make-up removed by me doesn't make me gay, Emerald."

"Sure sure." I waved a hand and he shook his head again, chuckling. I began drinking my coffee and surprisingly, he's got it right for me. I could feel my system energized. All I needed now was to lie down and rest.

"Do you have any plans today?"

"No." I replied and he nodded before grabbing his phone and began typing.

"You should rest."

"Planning on doing that." I agreed with him.

"Good. You can go back to bed. I'll bring breakfast to you." He said before going through my refrigerator.

"Okay. You know, you are a good man." I remarked and he stopped what he was doing to look at me. A genuine smile drew on his face and it made him more handsome and more friendly.

"Thank you."

"Can I hire you once you're done with your job with me?" I half- joked and he chuckled.

"You plan on hiring me? What for? You already have a secretary?"

"Charm is my secretary in my business. I need someone for both my personal life and business life."

"You mean a personal assistant?" He stood straight and crossed his arms across his chest making his muscles bulge against his suit.


"No." He replied before going back to rummaging in my refrigerator.

"It would be less stressful than your job right now." I tried convincing him but I knew judging by his character that he was the kind of man who decides and stands by his choices.

"Go back to your room and relax, Emerald."

"Fine!" I grabbed my coffee and left him there to make me breakfast.

The day passed by with Axel just coming into my room to check in on me. He really gave me breakfast in bed, snacks and even my portfolio of my designs of the Queen's crowns. He was being kind and I didn't know what had gotten into him. It was the first time to see him less tense and more approachable. When the sun set, he knocked on my door again. I set down the book that I was reading and got out of bed to open the door.

"Hey." I greeted him before letting him in.

"Hey. Are you hungry?"

"Yep!" I replied popping the "P".

"Great! Let's go out for dinner."

"Where are we going?"

"Do you have any food in mind?"

"Friend chicken. A lot of those." I grinned and he nodded, his green eyes growing darker as he looked at me.

"Fancy eating a bucket full of fried chicken?" He offered with a smile, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Hell yes! Let's go!"

"I'll wait for you outside." He said before going out of my room. I was feeling better now and I felt refreshed. I needed some time off with work and Axel gave it to me today. I quickly changed my shorts into yoga pants, grabbed my coat and wore white sneakers. I took my phone, keys and purse and didn't bother styling my hair as I went out. I always look good even in a messy bun and today was not the day to give a fuck about what people say about my style. Axel was waiting for me outside on the door and when I got out, he checked around the house before he got out and locked the door. As we were walking down to my front gate, he began asking me things.

"Why do you have such a big yard? Did you really plan this?" He asked, gesturing at the big covered in grass. I have three gardeners to maintain the lot and the garden alive. I don't talk much to the gardeners as I only arrive at nighttime. I don't even have a housekeeper. Either I clean the house or I have the automatic vacuum cleaner to clean the house 24/7.

"Yeah. I really planned this. I wanted space and privacy. I really don't like neighbors near me."


"I don't know. I just like it. S-P-A-C-E." I spelled out for him.

"So you like to live alone?"

"That is a hard question. I like having a peaceful home but I also like people around me. I just don't find it comfortable for people to stay in my house. I don't know why." I heard him hum his response.

"Do you find it living in the house with me uncomfortable?"
"To be honest, at first, yes. I don't really like strangers coming into my home. But now, I think I am beginning to like it." He's helping me in a way but I didn't want to admit that to him. Silence fell between us after that and it wasn't awkward between us. In fact, I found it comfortable. I guess it was understandable to be comfortable with your bodyguard. When we got out of the front gate, he locked the gate before running to where I was at the passenger's side.

"Here. Let me open it for you." He said before opening the door for me.

"Thanks." How many times did I thank him today? He just smiled before closing the door. He rounded the car and I realized that he looked happy today. Not his usual intimidating, moody ass attitude. What was wrong with him? No. What was even wrong with me?! First, we couldn't stand each other and now we were complimenting and having a good time. He got in the car and wore his seatbelt. That reminded me of wearing my own seatbelt and I hurriedly put it on.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as he started his white Mercedes- Benz car.

"Do you like Papa's Chicken Place?"

"Oh my God! Yes! I haven't been there for a long time." I beamed remembering the times my family would go there to eat. Papa's Chicken Place was a family restaurant serving the best fried chicken I have ever tasted. Nope. Scratch that. My brother's fried chicken recipe is the best but except for my brother's food, I'll put Papa's fried chicken on the number one spot for best fried chicken.

"Let's go then." He said and he drove us to the main town.

"Axel?" I broke the silence as he shifted gears. We were getting near the place and the thoughts I have in mind are making me overthink.


"What did I do last night? Why are you so kind to me?" He looked into my direction for a second before his eyes went back on the road ahead.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we haven't fought or even had any disagreement today."

"Well, you need a break from everything that is happening, Emerald. I have worked with other people and you're the most entertaining one."

"Wow. You're welcome." I retorted and he chuckled.

"I'm serious. Today is your relaxation day and I did everything to make your day less stressful."

"Thanks for handling my calls in the office earlier."

"You saw that?"

"Yeah." I was going to the kitchen to get a bottle of water when I heard him in my office handling the calls for me. It was not necessary for him to do that but it was thoughtful.

"You're welcome."



"Did I do something last night that's why you're treating me this way? Did I do something that might blow up tomorrow over the tabloids?" I was worried about what I did last night because I don't want my face in the newspapers and tabloids again for being the rich spoiled party girl they have labeled me in the Italian society. I noticed him stiffen gripping the steering wheel tightly. Oh no. That was a bad sign for me.

"You don't remember?"

"Not much of it. No. I can only remember talking to Max, doing some shots with my staff and party. That's it." He sighed, and his grip on the steering wheel loosened a bit.

"It's okay, Emerald. You didn't do anything bad last night. You can relax."

"Really? That's the truth?"

"Yes. Trust me. You had fun."

"I'm glad." I spoke in relief and I smiled at that. He looked at me, his eyes a little bit dark and I noticed something in his eyes but I couldn't tell because he looked away.

"Me too." He replied and continued driving.

Hey! Another Update! Don't forget to comment what you think about this chapter. Who did Emerald kiss last night? ;) Clues everywhere. Please don't forget to vote. Thank you! 

Love lots,


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