Faith Prevails, Just Believe

By Shazk80

28.9K 1.6K 158

This is a spin off from My Hijab,Jake and I. Natasha Jackson was a wild party girl in her younger days..peopl... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
New story sneak-peek


1.4K 65 15
By Shazk80

3 years later.

I recited the Shahada and looked around the familiar faces surrounding me. I was finally complete. Today was one of the most important days of my life.

The Imam looks at me in with a smile on his face. His an elderley man and he has withnessed many of these special occasions. In fact he says he can remember each and everyone of them very clearly as it's not only special for the one who is reverting but also for the people who get to take part and withness it. Well, I'm glad that everyone who is important to me are here to see and share my moment with me.

Tears are streaming down my face as Mamma comes and embraces me , Medina and Sarina are soon engulfing me in a huge embrace and my fellow muslim women approach me one by one.

The immense joy and happiness I feel at this moment is hard to describe. I've talked to many people who have reverted to Islam and everyone has a different opinon on how they felt. Each person’s individual journey is just as special as mine. 

It took me a while to get here. The journey hasn’t been easy but somehow I knew that I was on the right path and my destination was pretty clear. I guess you can't change what is written in the stars. Or more importantly what Allah has instore for you.

Who would have thought that Party girl Natasha Alicia Jackson would become Alicia Hakim Jahan. A happily married woman, a mother of four beautiful children and a Muslim.

I look at my children who are sitting amongst themselves, The girls Shalina and Jannat are looking after their two year old twin brothers, Musa and Yusha. 

My boys are beautiful just like their sisters. The fact that Musa has my eyes and Yusha has his father’s makes them extra unique in their looks as aside  from that they are the spittin image of each other. They are so identical in looks that if it wasn't for their eye colour , no one can tell them apart.

Alhumdulilah. I thank the lord everyday. Praying five times a day brings me closer to him and soon I’ll be learning the Quran in Arabic. The english translation has been devoured by me several times but I feel the original text that it has come in will make it feel extra special for me.

“Tasha Loohri, Mubarak. I’m so proud of you”. Mamma kisses me on both cheeks and wipe away my tears of joy with her Hijab.

“Hey girl. You finally did it. Welcome to being branded a terrorist every once in a while.” Sarina laughs loudly. Mamma smacked her on the arm. 

“Ouch. I was only kidding Mamma. She knows I was joking.”  She then winks at me and I can't help but laugh in return.

Well, I know it's going to be a testing time for me. But nothing fazes me. Growing up with Medina, I used to see the nasty things that she and Sophie had to go through sometimes. Jake, the boys and I would always have their backs and Medina would never back down or be ashamed of who she was.

My role model has always been her. She never used to falter in her belief. She would always say that Allah only burdens you with a load than you can manage. Sometimes I would think maybe she had lost it, that she was talking nonsense. How can she believe so intensely in something that she can't see or hear. How can she put her whole hearted love and trust in something that’s not visible. I shake my head at my ignorance. I know now how it's like. Yes we don’t see Allah, but he’s there nonetheless. Just because your prayers don't get answered the first time , know that there is a reason why Allah chooses a certain time when he answers them. Allah will always know what’s best for you. Patience’s have to be learned. Things happen for a reason whether we like it or not. You just have to open your eyes and heart to the knowledge that whatever Allah does he does it for a reason.


Assalamu Alaikum, my dear wife. “ Hakim encircles his arms around me from behind as I try to wrap my hijab around my head turban style. 

“Walikum Assalam, dear husband and don’t even think about it”. I continue with wrapping my hijab. He looks at me in the mirror and I see his eyes twinkling with mischief. 

Once I’ve finished with my hijab I continue to apply eyeliner to my eyes. He follows my every move and pushes even further up against me, a smirk playing on his lips when I gasp at the sudden movement and realise that something is poking me in the back.

“Hakim. Stop. You know the girls have planned this for a while now.” I rub at the smudge left by the eyeliner and reach for a subtle lip colour.

“What? I'm not doing anything.''He innocently replies, his smirk turning into a huge ass grin as his hands start to rub my tummy ever so softly.

The groan that comes out of my mouth can't be stopped as that damn man knows very well what he is doing to me. He continues to pepper kisses along my neck and bites down gently but firmly on a sensitive spot.

My body instantly reacts as my breathing picks up speed and I give him extra access. Damn it. I can't help myself. Each and every time he comes near me, I'm lost. We both seem to have this intense affect on one another.

He's getting his own back. Yesterday he went into work late. Let's say my slow, wickedly sinful seduction techniques had him practically begging me to finish what I'd started. Well who was I to not put him out of his misery or shall I see sweet torture.

“Ummmmm, baby you taste and smell so good.” He continues to suckle on my neck, slowly moving up to my jawline. 

“Hakim. The girls are waiting next door. Please let me go. I promise I'll  make it up to you.” I make to escape his grasp but he tightens it further.

“How about you  make it up to me now? You do owe me.” He grins at me in the mirror as he know doubt is remembering yesterday.

I turn in his arms to face him. Damn! He looks fine..his barefoot, in his low hung black sweats and white t- shirt. His long brown hair reaches his shoulders now, his beard is thick and neatly trimmed. He looks so sexy and mouth watering that I have a good mind to cancel my dinner dates with the girls and give in to him.

I encircle my hands around him and bring him closer for a hug. He instantly wraps me up in his huge arms and I feel his chin on my head. 

The noise of the mobile ringing breaks our moment and Hakim reluctantly lets me go to answer it in my dresser. The caller ID shows Medina’s name.

“Hey baby girl, what is taking you so long?” Her soft voice is full of humour, no doubt Sarina and Kelly are all waiting next door.

“Your brother.” I throw Hakim a look as I see him lying in our bed, appraising me very slowly, clearly liking what he sees as his eyes darken. I feel the heat on my face as he grins at my reaction.

“Tell Hakim, he better not think about making you cancel. We've finally have Kelly here and you know how we barely get to see her these days. So choppity chop, we are waiting.” She then hangs up the phone.

“Okay sexy, your sister is gonna kill us both if I don't show up, so how about we take a raincheck.?” I walk up to him and lean down for a quick peck him on his cheek.

“Oh darling I think you can do better than that.” He quickly grabs me and brings me crashing against his chest. Soon his lips are on mine and we are fighting for dominance, our passion equally matching the others.

 Damn that man.. he knows what his touch does to me and soon kissing leads to other pleasurable things.

 Well, I guess dinner with the girls will have to wait as I have a very hungry man here, who is starving just for me.


“Will you quit staring at me like that, I said I’m sorry.” I sip on my water and avoid the stares the girls are giving me.

“We should have left you behind.” Sarina huffs. You know perfectly well that we had this planned for months. “ she digs into her food aggressively but I see her lips twitching.

“Leave her alone guys, Hakim and her are still in their honeymoon stage.” Kelly’s eyes twinkle as she gives me a wink.

“They've been married for over three years, had twin babies , have two more kids to cater after, and they still manage to make time for the naughty stuff. Girl , I envy you. I don't know how you manage.”  Sarina’s serious face makes me smile.

“Hey, I've learned from the best, isn't that right Medina? “ I send Medina a sultry look and she almost chokes on her drink of water.

Dabbing away at her face she turns to me, a look of horror on her face. “ What!!. Why are you looking at me off all people?” 

“Medina dear, you and Jake are the perfect couple goals and don't be modest, we know you and Jake are constantly at it at bunnies, why would he send the kids over to ours every time he wants some me time with you” I love the blushes that adorns her cheeks, guess somethings will never change, eh.

“Look at her face, she’s so cute.” Kelly throws her arms around Medina and draws her in for a hug, giving Medina the perfect chance to hide her face away from us all.

“Well at least she has some shame.  Have you seen the state of your neck. It looks as if my brother was sucking you dry of blood.” Sarina throws a napkin my way, catching it, I laugh out loud.

“Oh baby, that was not the only thing he was suc….”.

“PLEASE DO NOT FINISH THAT SENTENCE.” Both Medina and Sarina shout at me in unison, totally horrified.

Kelly and I burst into laughter..ignoring the looks we were receiving from fellow diners. I love it when us girls get together. We can talk about anything and everything. Our bond has grown stronger over the years. My marriage to Hakim has straightened it even further.

“So Kelly, tell us about this fella of yours,”All three of us turn to her and we can see from the look on her face that she is serious about this mysterious man of hers.

“Well. I think he may be the one guys. “She screams ecstatically. 

“Really. That's great, baby girl.” 

“Oh my Allah, finally.”

“So when will we get to meet him?”

“Woah guys.” Kelly looks at our excited faces and laughs happily. She then quickly looks over and her eyes widen in surprise. We follow her gaze and see a very good looking man approaching us. He’s probably six foot two, Dark skinned and extremely good looking. We watch as he approaches the table, not once taking his eye off Kelly.

When he reaches our table , he stops and smiles at all of us in turn but his gaze goes straight back to Kelly. Kelly has finally snapped out of her daze and stands up. Walking around the table she makes her way to the equally enthralled man and the two are left  gazing at each other.

Sarina takes this opportunity to give out a very exaggerated cough. The two love birds finally break contact and turn to face us.

“Baby girl, aren’t you going to introduce us.” I bite down on my lip as the girls and I share a look amongst ourselves.

“Sorry ladies, forgive me, where are my manners.  My name is Denzel Omar Harrison. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” He puts an arm around Kelly’s waist possesively, bringing her closer to him. 


“The pleasure is all ours”


Damn. He is one fine looking man. I’m so glad that our little Kelly has finally found someone special. She deserves it as it hasn’t been easy for her as she has had her heart broken before, but something about Denzel tells me that he may be the one for her. It's the way he is so openly affectionate and attentive towards her. 

“Would you care to join us Denzel?” I indicate a seat next to Kelly’s. The others agree with my invitation.

“I'm afraid I have to decline. I have dinner reservations with my Aunt, and trust me when I say I hate to be late as she will literally clip me around the ear for tardiness.” His deep laughter has all off us laughing with him.

Turning to Kelly , he pulls her closer and places a lingering kiss on her lips. He reluctantly pulls away and puts a strand of hair behind her ear.

“I'll see you tonight.” He quietly states to Kelly and she nods her head shly. Turning to us. “Ladies it has been a pleasure and good evening.” He then pecks Kelly on the cheek one more time and turns and leave.

A flustered Kelly finally sits down and turns a shade of pink when we all stare at her open mouthed.

“Stop staring at me. I’m blushing mad already.” She takes a sip of water to side herself behind the big glass.

“Kelly William White!!!. Why on earth have you been hiding a man like that  from us” Sarina nudges her , almost ,making her spill her water.

“Well, we’ve only met a month ago. I wanted to take things slow.” She quickly replies defensively.

“Well I don't know about you,but the way he was staring at you I bet he doesn't like taking things slow with you, if you catch my drift.” I winked at  her seductively, grinning at her crimson face.

“Tasha , stop! People can hear you.” Medina whispers at me, smiling.

“Oh let them. Did you see the look on their faces when Denzel Walked in. It was a mixture of envy, resentment, lust and appreciation amongst other things. “ I scoff, looking pointedly at some people in question.

“Just leave it baby girl. Denzel sure knows how to dominate a room and I don’t think he gives a flying fudge what people think. He is one fine looking man, aside from my Jake that is.” Medina turns to look at Kelly who is smiling with pride.

“Uh, the last time I checked , my Hakim is the hottest man alive...especially when he walks around butt nak….”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” Medina and Sarina once again raise their voices and turn deathly glances my way.

“What ? It’s true! It’s not my fault that your brother is sex on legs.” I wink at them suggestively.

“Tashaaa! Stop! Seriously. You can discuss anythinggggg with us, but pleaseee do not talk about my brother and sex in the same sentence.”. Medina throws a napkin at me, I catch it playfully.

“Okayyyy!. How about we continue this at the local ice cream place. My treat.”. I get up and see all three sets of eyes on me.

“What?”. They have huge ass grins on their faces and not long after I have one spreading across my face.

“PREGNANT”. All three of them shout at me happily.

“Yep, I just found out a few days ago.  I Wanted to surprise you all..I just told Hakim earlier.” I look down at my tummy and put my hand on it.

Looking back up , I see tears glistening in three sets of eyes. They were happy tears and soon my eyes started to water too.

They know how much having a family of my own means to me. I was an only child in more ways than one. My childhood hasn't been a happy one, if it weren't for the beloved Jahan’s , I don't know which path my troubled self would have taken me down. 

Family is everything to me. From a lost, lonely girl to a woman who is surrounded by the most beautiful, loving people on earth , I know that I'm truly blessed. 

I've finally found myself. Love and family means everything, just like  hope and faith does. I’ve finally found the family I’ve always wanted with my Faith completing me as a person.

In the end, Faith Prevails, you just have to believe.


Salam and hey guys,

Sorry for a very belated epilogue. I had it written weeks ago but couldn't get to

editing it properly. Anyhow I hope I've haven't disapponted you all. This story

is now finalllyyyy complete. yayyyy.

I'm currently writing another story. I want to have atleast 10 or so chapters done

before I put it up. I hope you will read it and show your support.

I THANK each and everyone one  of you who have been reading and voting

on my stories. Your support means a lot to me.

I hope to see you in the other story very soon.

Thank you and love to you all.

Stay safe and May Allah protect us all.


Shazk80 xxxxxx

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