Nap Queen

By _ItsMaiya_

2M 72.5K 12.9K

Charming and elusive Evie Walker is certifiably the cutest girl at Somerset High, yet there is something off... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Nine
That's it people!
Rose King
Other Projects

Thirty Eight

31.9K 1.2K 103
By _ItsMaiya_

Liam tells me that he wants to take me to visit his mom the day after Christmas, since he wants to spend Christmas in a lighter mood. I have to remember that Christmas Eve is tomorrow, and I still haven't gotten Liam a gift yet.

I scour the shops at the mall, desperate for something befitting him. Nothing speaks to me. In this whole process, I realize that despite what he's shared, I really don't know much about him. I can't help but feel like if I'd known him longer this wouldn't be so difficult. I mean, I have everyone else's presents. Even Audrey Rose and Sam!

I'm so done with shopping. Nothing I could buy will be good enough for him. Maybe I'll make something.... Yeah. I'll make him something, it will be really special that way. I march out of Zumiez and almost trip over a stroller.

"I'm so sorry, Ma'am!" I apologize to the woman pushing it and her husband. The baby just laughs.

Right away I freeze. The couple moves on, but I swear that was Audrey Rose. When she peeks her head out the side I see her near-white hair and I know. Liam did say Asher's parents were back in town.

I'm not supposed to know about her though so I don't introduce myself. I practically sprint for the doors and out to the Jeep. Brandon agreed to bring me so he could get Mia's present as well.

I slide into the passenger seat and open my phone to see if I have any messages from Liam while I wait. Sure enough he's texted.


What's ur favorite color?

Depends, what is it for?

I can't tell u princess

Now u have to

u don't get the concept of a
present do u

nvm I'll ask ur mom, I don't
trust u little spy


We still going to Lewis's new
year party? He's asking

Ofc id go anywhere w u

Speaking of which... I
remember u saying you'd
take me to a fight.


He doesn't answer me and I'm so caught up in overthinking it that I scream when Brandon taps the window by my head. I unlock the car for him so he can put his armful of bags in the back.

"Sorry I scared you." He chuckles. "Find what you wanted?"

No in fact I did not. Christmas Eve is tomorrow night and I don't have a gift for my boyfriend. I would be a vixen and tie a bow to my naked body but he'd made it clear how revolting I am so that's a no go. I'm crafty, I'll figure out some way to make him the perfect present.

I give Brandon a shrug instead of answering.

Hours later and elbow deep in modge podge and tiny paper scraps, I think I've made something he'll really enjoy. I spend the rest of the evening prepping for Christmas Eve dinner with mom.

I'm clumsier than usual dropping things and bumbling about. To be honest, I feel a little light headed and dizzy. I can't tell mom though or she would turn into the grinch and have me in a hospital bed faster than I could say jingle bells.

When I finally go to bed, I can't sleep well. I'm nervous about Liam coming to dinner and about my gift for him. I'm a little more than worried about my newly adopted symptoms. Waves of nausea roll over me and I wish to go to sleep so I can feel better.


Mom wakes me up around noon and sends me and Brandon all over the city fetching things for the table. Liam texts me merry Christmas Eve and tells me he loves me, still not addressing my question from yesterday. I worry at my lip, pulling it between my teeth and tuning out the world.

Something feels wrong. I didn't get much sleep which isn't unusual, but I have a major headache. I keep it to myself and wonder if this is some early warning sign of an attack. I wouldn't know what my unconscious tells are. My files are zipped so tight.

I've been taking my medicine just as told, but I have no idea what's going on. I breathe deeply and focus on whatever Spotify playlist Brandon is tapping along to in the driver's seat.

"Evie!" I blink.

"What?" I hadn't heard him talking to me.

"Since no one was able to get together before Christmas, Mia told me that we'd exchange gifts at New Years." He says.

"I'm going to Lewis Coleman's party with Liam." I scrunch my nose. "I'll still bring everyone's presents by though."

"No way in hell, Evie." He frowns, straining to keep his eyes on the road.

"Excuse me?"

"Coleman's parties are cesspools for drunk college kids and hardcore drugs. A single breath of the air will have you down and out. The whole school goes to those parties to get fucked over and high out of their minds. You aren't going." He says firmly.

"I don't want to fight with you Brandon. Let's just finish picking up the tablecloths and get home." I decide not to push the issue today of all days.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up skeptically.


What time should I come?

6ish? Idk ur welcome
to come anytime, I'm
out with Brandon now
but we should be home
in an hour or so.


Say merry xmas to
Sam for me ❤️

Ily see u tonight

I love you to princess

We text ily all the time, it's a casual way though. We've never actually said 'I love you' not over text and definitely not in person, no matter how badly I sometimes want to. I turn to my side away from Brandon and stare at the trees going by. My head hurts in more ways than one and I need to stop thinking so much.

My little trip with Brandon ends eventually and before I know it, six has rolled around. The doorbell rings and my mom opens the door for Liam.

He walks in and flashes me a smile, handing some roses to my mom. Breath leaves me for a moment because he just looks so gorgeous standing in our entryway with a big grin on his face.

I give him a hug and pull his lips briefly to mine.

"Merry Christmas, Liam." I say.

"Merry Christmas, Evie." His eyes shine with what I hope is affection and he leads me to the kitchen and promptly greets Brandon.

It strikes me how much different he seems now that I know him. That first day in English nearly had me ripping his head off, and now? I want to attack him in a very different way.

We laugh and stuff ourselves full, we play games and watch movies and even take a break to play in the thin layer of snow that began to collect on the street. Liam dances with me to some old vinyls and I'm happy that we could do this for him. Drunk on his joyful expression.

When the clock chimes twelve times, mom calls it a night and tells us to get to bed so Santa will come. I walk Liam out and stand with him on the porch. I sway on the spot a bit, my head is pounding.

"Thanks for having me, it was really fun." He smiles, brushing a stray curl back behind my ear.

"Thank you for coming." I bite my lip, avoiding his gaze. He pulls me into a hug, holding me to his chest, petting my head and kissing my hair.

"I can't wait for you to meet my mom," he whispers. My heart melts and I sigh.

Before I can answer he pushes away from me frantically. "I almost forgot!"

I raise a curious brow and he walks to his motorcycle and pulls out a white helmet. Running back over, he holds it out to me. There's a big red bow on it and he's written 'Merry Christmas, Princess' on it with a sharpie.

Tears prick my eyes. I swipe at my face and mumble about the cold air. He got me my own helmet. He'd said that he would be I didn't think he would follow through.

"Does this mean you plan on having me around for a while?" I laugh away the tears.

"You aren't going anywhere." He wraps his arms around me again and bids me to look up at him. "You are the most honest and real girl I've ever met, I'd be a dumbass to let you slip away."

Another kiss pressed to my lips and this time I shed a tear not for joy but for guilt and sadness.

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