nct dream imagines

-jisungpwarkk द्वारा

148K 2.8K 2.6K

yo dream! jjeoreo juja, fighting. अधिक

nct dream imagines
l. donghyuck - puppy love
nct dream - halloween
l. mark - the dream plan
l. donghyuck - crushed
z. chenle - tired boy
l. jeno - fake boyfriend
p. jisung - clingy
n. jaemin - rainy day
h. renjun - leather jacket
00 line - sleepover
n. jaemin - notes
p. jisung - falling
chensung - falling pt. 2
l. mark - the baby project
l. jeno - blonde
nct dream - reload
h. renjun - brother's best friend
l. donghyuck - secret
n. jaemin - heather
l. jeno - pinky promise

p. jisung - out of my league

5.9K 129 118
-jisungpwarkk द्वारा

category: fluff
pairing: park jisung x reader
word count: 4.7k
plot: despite you being the head cheerleader and jisung being the captain of the basket ball team he still believes that you are totally out of his league.

"THIS is kind of sad to be honest." Donghyuck tutted, shaking his head in pity.

Jisung blinked a few times before turning his head to his friend. "What?"

Renjun chuckled. "He didn't even hear us Hyuck, too busy staring at the love of his life."
Jisung rolled his eyes at his two friends.
"Was not."

Renjun and Donghyuck shared a look.
"You know Jisung, you could at least try and make it less obvious." Donghyuck smirked knowingly.

Jisung rolled his eyes, directing his attention to his sandwich to avoid the teasing from his two friends.

"Look! She's coming over here." Renjun said suddenly. Jisung's eyes widened as he looked up and quickly ran a hand through his hair in a poor attempt to make it look less messy.

"Where?" He asked.

Meanwhile Donghyuck and Renjun were practically on the floor laughing.

"Not funny." Jisung deadpanned.

"What's not funny." A voice came from behind Jisung, one that made him turn almost instantly as his heart began to race in his chest.

"Oh it's nothing Y/n." Donghyuck answered sweetly, since Jisung couldn't.

Whenever you were around Jisung usually became quite tongue tied.

You were standing beside your best friend Hina, both of you dressed in your cheerleader uniforms.

"Okay." You answered unsurely. "Anyways Hina and I came over to ask you guys if you were coming to the pep rally later."

"Well obviously, we are star basketball players." Renjun smiled at you.

"Stars? You can call yourself stars if you win the final next week." Hina scoffed.

"You mean when we win." Donghyuck retorted.

Before an even bigger argument could start between the trio you handed Renjun and Donghyuck flyers. "Well tell all your friends please and try and encourage others to come. There wasn't much of a turn out at the last pep rally."

You turned to Jisung after and handed him a flyer, a soft smile adorning your features.

"And I'm sure you'll win anyways with a captain as good as Jisung."

Jisung couldn't stop the bashful grin that tugged at his lips. The boy was usually a shy mess when he was complimented by anyone, so the fact that it was you complimenting him had his heart beating rapidly.

Renjun and Donghyuck snickered at Jisung's red face and you raised a skeptical eyebrow at them.

"What are you two giggling about?" Hina asked what you had been thinking.

"Nothing just our Jisung is so cute." Donghyuck cooed teasingly.

"Hey! I'm the captain." Jisung re-informed them crossing his arms and pouting in a way that made him look undeniably adorable.

"Yeah, but you're also the youngest on the team." Renjun reminded him.

You and Hina watched the banter go back and forth for a while. It almost felt as if you were watching a tennis match, before the two of you exchanged a look and decided it was time to take your leave.

You waved a quick goodbye to them that you weren't even sure they noticed and then walked off. Hina nudged you. "What?" You questioned.

"Flirting are we?" She joked. "I was not flirting." You protested. "You so were Y/n! You're not even subtle about it either."

You let out a small sigh, "Well I must be if he hasn't taken the hint yet."

"So what I'm hearing is you were flirting." Hina gasped as your cheeks became rosy. "I knew you liked him."

Before leaving the cafeteria you noticed Jisung face plant onto the table and laugh to yourself as you and Hina make your way back to your lunch table.

"You guys are so embarrassing." Jisung groaned.

"Jisung you were too busy focusing on that to realise that Y/n is totally into you." Donghyuck said excitedly.

"No way." Jisung denied, not wanting to let his friend get the best of him this time.

"He's not joking this time Ji, did you see how she was smiling at you." Renjun backed up Donghyuck's point.

"Yeah. Just like she was smiling at the two of you. Stop digging into things, she's out of my league." Jisung said quietly, standing up whilst he put his sandwich back into his lunch bag.

"I'll catch you guys later. I'm gonna go find Chenle." Without another word the youngest amongst the three left the cafeteria.

  Donghyuck turned to Renjun stifling a laugh. "Guess we're benched for the next game."

The turnout for the pep rally was great. Way better than last time and you could only thank the basketball team for that.

It was an hour or so after the pep rally when you were cleaning up. The rest of the cheerleading squad were too busy and you took it as your duty as captain to clean.

As you were picking up some streamers you heard the door open. You turned around, slightly frightened wondering who would be here at this time.

A slow clapping sounded from the other side of the hall.

Soon out of the corner emerged Sihyeon who was head cheerleader of the team you would be playing next week. You rolled your eyes as you threw some streamers into the bin.

"What do you want?" You sighed.
"Just here to congratulate you on your shitty performance." She smirked.

You were definitely not in the mood to be dealing with this girl after your long day.

"You know it's crazy how you actually think I care about what you have to say." You said your voice sickeningly sweet with a venomous undertone.

Sihyeon shrugged. "Pretend you don't all you want but I'm pretty sure you should be taking advice from the 2 time champions. Your basketball team isn't going to do well with your terrible routine. How're you supposed to get the crowd hype when you use the same three moves every two seconds."

You tried to act as if her criticism didn't affect you but you had honestly thought the same while choreographing the routine.


"You know I'm right." She said as she picked up a discarded pep rally flyer from the floor. She tossed into the bin from afar and smiled to herself. "She shoots.. she scores. See you Y/n."

You ran a hand through your hair and went to sit at the bleachers. You hated how she always managed to get to you before a big game.


You looked up and saw Jisung with a comforting smile on his face. "I heard the last of what she said, don't listen to her she's just trying to get under your skin."

You turned your head to Jisung as he sat beside you. "She's right though. My routines are getting so boring and repetitive. I don't know what to do. I mean I want to give you guys the cheers and crowd full of spirit you deserve, but recently I've been focusing on school and I just- I don't know."

You sighed.

Jisung wasn't very good at consoling people, but for you he decided to try his best.

"Well there's still time for improvement right. If you feel like you can make it better, do it I know you can." He smiled softly at you and you couldn't stop your heart from fluttering at his kind words.

"Thanks Jisung." You gave him a warm smile. "But I don't think I'll be able to think of anything in time."

As Jisung scanned your downcast features he debated on whether or not to tell you about his hobby. He decided he would, "What If I helped you."

"How would you be able to do that?" You questioned, confusion evident in your expression. "No offence or anything."

"It's okay, not many people know besides the team but I actually do dance outside of school with Jeno." Jisung explained.

You were surprised to say the least.

Suddenly getting shy he smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, cheer and dance are pretty similar in some ways so I would probably be able to help."

"Would you really do that?" You asked. Jisung nodded without hesitation and smiled, "Of course."

You threw your arms around him in a hug, head clouded with happiness. "Thank you so much."

Jisung's heart was thumping wildly and he was scared that because of your close proximity you could hear but he managed to stutter out a,
"N-no problem."

You pulled away from the hug, a light blush colouring your cheeks. "Well I um better clean the rest of this up."

Jisung nodded standing up. He gestured around. "You uh need any help?"

"Nah I'm nearly done, you head on out. Can we talk tomorrow at school about the routine?"

"Yeah, see you then." Jisung said as cooly as he could.

As soon as he had gotten outside though he did a little celebratory dance.

This was his chance to get closer to you.

"Hey guys." Jisung dropped his bag beside his desk and slid in next to Chenle, a wide grin on his face.

Chenle shared a dubious look with Jaemin and Jeno.

"Why are you in such a good mood it's like 8am." Jeno wondered as he unconsciously tapped his pencil in a rhythmic pattern against his desk.

Jisung shrugged. "I'm just happy, you know it's a nice day."

"Yeah.. I don't belive that." Jaemin chuckled. The other boys hummed in agreement.

Jisung shrugged, "Well you don't have t-."
The boy stopped mid-sentence as soon as you entered the classroom.

When you arrived your eyes searched for him and you waved. Jisung's ears went red as he could feel his friends eyes on him.

He waved back and you went to sit beside your friends.

"Are my eyes deceiving me, or did you and Y/n just wave at each other?" Chenle asked.

"What? That's not weird we're friends. She is the head cheerleader." Jisung defended, taking out his notebook.

"Yeah, the head cheerleader that you have a huge crush on and can't even form a coherent sentence around." Jeno said.

Jisung spun around to look at the boy,
"Yes I can!"

"Donghyuck told us you were a blushing mess yesterday when she complimented you on something." Chenle smirked.

The boys chuckled as they remembered the story Donghyuck told them.

"I think I might be a little late to practice today, so could you maybe sub in for me as captain for a bit Jeno?" Jisung asked, changing the subject.

Calming down from his recent fit of giggles, Jeno nodded. "Yeah sure. Why though?"

Jisung shrugged.

Luckily the teacher finally came in before he could be asked anymore questions.

If the boys found out they would tease him endlessly and probably out his already obvious crush.

Jisung thought he had gotten a good night sleep the day before but he found his eyes slowly closing.

Until the girl in front of him turned around and practically jabbed him in the shoulder.

He jumped and rubbed at his eyes, giving her a questioning look. She shoved a piece of paper into his hand.

The dark haired boy looked down at it.

It was neatly folded over and you had written 'to Jisung' 'from Y/n' on the front.

He moved his eyes up and looked past the girl and noticed you turning, you gave him a small wave before swivelling back around to pay attention to the lesson before you were caught.

Chenle moved closer to Jising to try and peer into the note but the younger swatted him away.

Chenle pouted and shifted away, Jisung took no notice of this as he opened up the note.

Hey! Can we meet outside later to get started, I won't keep you long I know you have practice. (:

Jisung grinned and looked up at you, you were looking back again. He gave you a quick thumbs up and you smiled giving one back before turning again.

He ignored his friends prying gazes as he tried to focus on the class Mr. Kim was trying to teach and not on the fact that he would be spending time with you after school.

The day managed to fly by quicker than Jisung had expected. As he and his best friends left their last class. Donghyuck jumped in front of him.

He took off the chain around his neck that he always seemed to be wearing these days and swayed it in front of Jisung's eyes.

"Tell us where you're going." He said slowly and monotonously.

"Donghyuck you must be on something if you really think that's actually how you hypnotise people." Jaemin shook his head in disbelief.

Donghyuck shrugged. "I mean.. It was worth a shot."

Jisung let out a little chuckle. "Okay since you guys are so nosy. I'm going to meet up with

"Yeah, no shit we aren't stupid. But to do what?" Renjun said.

"To hang out. I'm going help her with cheerleading." Jisung explained.

Jeno and Chenle pat him on the back.
"Wow Jisung making big moves."

Jisung shoulders raised slightly as he shook his head quickly. "No it's not like that, just a friend helping a friend." He found himself saying even though he knew he wanted to be more.

"Well make sure all you do is help her with the routine." Jaemin winked dramatically.

Jisung gasped as a blush coloured his cheeks.

"I'm leaving now." He sighed. His friends wiggled a few fingers in his direction. "Toodles, say hello to Y/n for us." Donghyuck called.

"Toodles, I-." Jisung muttered, smiling fondly at his friends stupid antics.

He rushed outside and saw you waiting for him on a bench. You were swaying your legs back and forth cutely and he had to bite his lip to prevent himself from smiling too much.

"Hey." He greeted, letting you know of his arrival.

You turned and hopped up from the bench. "Hi. Ready to go?" You asked excitedly.

He nodded and put down his bag where you had placed yours on the grass.

"Okay so why don't we start off with you showing me your original routine." Jisung suggested.

You did as he had asked. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as soon as you had finished. Worried as Jisung remained silent.

"I know, I know it's bad, but your here to help me right."

Jisung, scared that he had upset you, placed a hand on your shoulder. "No, no it's not bad. Sorry I was just trying to think of things we could add."

If there was anything you had learned about Park Jisung recently, it was that he was full of surprises.

All the moves he was suggesting to add were new and fresh and in about forty five minutes you had come up with the bones of a new cheer routine.

"Stone High aren't gonna know what hit them when we do this cheer." You grinned excitedly. Jisung smiled back, "Yup."

"I've got to head back to practice but we can do some fine tuning tomorrow." He said, the last bit sounding more like a question.

You nodded eagerly. "Thanks again Jisung."

He nodded at you and didn't know whether to pat you on the shoulder again or just kind of walk away.

You once again however pulled him into a hug, just like you had done before except this time not on impulse.

He wasn't as stunned as last time and found himself returning the hug almost immediately.

He couldn't help the slight frown that appeared on his face as the hug quickly came to an end.

After a moment of trying to hide both of your rosy cheeks and exchanging shy goodbyes, you were walking away.

Jisung didn't want to get his hopes up but he was starting to feel like maybe you actually liked him too, especially as you turned around one more time to wave at him, sending him a charming smile.

"Come on coach." Jisung begged sadly.

Coach Seo shook his head, "I'm sorry Jisung, but you can't miss another practice, the team needs you to guide them through the plays."

"Can't Jeno do it, I only missed like thirty minutes yesterday."

"Jeno wasn't able to teach the plays as well."

Jeno looked a bit offended behind the coach as he waited for Jisung outside his classroom.

Jisung stifled a laugh before getting back to the problem at hand.

"Isn't there anyway I could miss even a little bit of practice?" He asked desperately.

Although anyone could tell Coach Seo felt pity for the boy, the final was too close. He couldn't jeopardise this win for the team. He shook his head.

Even if Jisung didn't want to admit it he knew that it was selfish to leave his team at a time like this, although it was just for a little while every moment of practice counted.

"Okay." Jisung sighed, defeated.

Coach Seo pat him on the back and left to teach his gym class.

Jisung followed Jeno solemnly. "I need to help Y/n today though, so she can teach it to the cheer squad tomorrow and they can perfect it before the finals."

Jeno felt bad for his friend and decided to offer his help. "Well since coach needs you at practice why don't I help Y/n fix up the routine."

Jisung didn't really like the idea of that, but he would do anything to ensure you were confident enough to teach your team the new routine for the next day.

"Would you?" He asked.

Jeno nodded and Jisung thanked him gratefully. They both agreed to tell you about it at lunch.

When lunch time came around, although disappointed you tried not to show it as you thanked Jeno for stepping in to help you.

You were sad you wouldn't be able to spend time with Jisung but reminded yourself this was for the team, not your own personal benefit.

At the end of the day you and Jeno met up and you showed him the routine.

"Wow, it's really good there isn't much to work on." He praised.

"I owe it all to Jisung, he came up with like everything." You waved off his compliment humbly.

Jeno smiled knowingly at you.


"You like him." He teased. Your cheeks flushed red. "Is it that obvious."

"To everyone except Jisung." Jeno chuckled.

You sighed, "What do you think I should do."
"Just tell him how you feel, I mean you both like each other."

You looked skeptical. "Are you sure?"

"Oh I'm more than sure. In fact I'm absolutely certain." Jeno assures you.

"Okay, then it's settled I'll tell him after you guys win the final." You said pointedly.

"That's right, SM High is taking the win." He raised his hand up for a high five, which you gladly gave.

"Okay let's get started."

You and Jeno spent much longer than expected working on the routine. Well you worked on the routine for the first twenty minutes and then you began discussing how you were going to confess to Jisung.

"Oh shit I never got to get back to practice."

You apologised, feeling extremely bad.
He shrugged, "I don't need the practice I'm a natural anyways."

You chuckled at his cockiness and smiled once more.

"Thanks for everything." You smiled sincerely pulling him into a brief hug and heading off.

Jeno smiled pleased with himself for finally convincing you to confess to Jisung. He then grabbed his own things before leaving the school.

The two of you hadn't even noticed the basketball team exiting the school.

A frown made its way onto Jisung's face as he watched the smiles and hug exchanged between you and Jeno.

He watched from afar sadly as he thought that maybe he had gotten it all wrong. Maybe you didn't like him at all.

Jisung couldn't stop himself from thinking about how you and Jeno would make a picture perfect couple.

His heart sank. Jaemin looked back at Jisung who had halted in his tracks as they were leaving. "Hey? What you waiting for?"

When Jisung didn't answer he looked in the same direction he was and raised an eyebrow at you and Jeno.

"They are only done practicing now?" Jaemin asked surprised.

Jisung tried to act as nonchalant as he could.
"I guess."

Jaemin knew his friend too well and could hear the deflated tone in his voice. "You okay?"

Jisung shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be. I just wanna go home." He sighed and began to walk off.

Jaemin watched as you and Jeno went your separate ways. There was no way Jeno was making a move no matter what it looked like.

Jeno wasn't like that. He was aware of how much Jisung liked you just like everybody else.

He was certain that you two were just finishing up practicing.

To avoid fights and a successful game he sure hoped he was right.

Hina adjusted her ponytail before turning to you. "Y/n come on! You've got to at least act happy. The routine is great and the basketball team are gonna kill it today."

You sighed and got up, as you watched the basketball teams warm up. Your eyes immediately falling on Jisung who had been blatantly ignoring you for the past few days.

Once he passed the ball to Chenle, his eyes shifted to meet yours for a moment before he quickly looked away.

You took a deep breath and turned to Hina. "You're right. Sorry."

You glanced over at Sihyeon who was already starting to get a cheer started.
"Here we go Stone High, here we go."

You cleared your throat and the rest of the squad looked to you. "Alright let's start of with  our chant, we should leave our new routine for a bit before the game starts."

They all nodded and stood behind you as you began to stomp and clap your feet in a rhythmic pattern.

"You may be good at football, you may be good a track, but when it comes to basketball, you better watch your back. SM High Attack!"

You and the squad repeated the chant a second time this time the your school joining in too.

At the end the crowd erupted in cheers and the smile on your face wasn't as fake anymore. As you tried to stop thinking so much about Jisung.

Sihyeon rolled her eyes at you as you smiled back. You couldn't wait to see the look on her face once you pulled out your new routine.

"Five more minutes." The referee announced.

"Y/n do you think we should start now?" Your friend Yeji asked you. You nodded smiling.

Some of your team members looked slightly nervous. This routine was much different to your usuals and you had all learned it so recently.

As captain it was your job to help them feel confident and ready.

"Come on you guys. We got this. We practiced and we are gonna raise the excitement of the crowd for the boys, okay?" You said encouragingly.

Looking more uplifted they all nodded and you went to get the music. "Ready? Okay!"

The routine went greatly. You smirked after noticing Sihyeon's surprised face. Even the opposing basket ball team had stopped to watch the cheer.

Everyone looked impressed and you couldn't have been more proud of your squad.

At the end you made your way up to the top of the human pyramid, finding your balance easily.

"Let's hear it for green and white, we will fight and win this right!"

The crowd was up on there feet and the excitement for the game was crazy.

You could tell everyone had a feeling this was going to be the time that SM High took that trophy home.

As you got back down to solid ground, you hugged Hina and then the rest of your team.

"Well done guys! I knew we could do it."

"It's all thanks to you captain." Yeri smiled at you and you smiled back, although you were thinking 'actually it's all thanks to Jisung'.

"We all did it as a team." You grinned back.

You could tell Sihyeon was threatened by how well the crowd reacted to your performance.

She immediately started her own routine with her squad, it wasn't as well hyped up as your own though.

"Y/n?" You turned at the sound of your name.

"Oh, hey Jeno." You greeted.
"Just came to say good job and good luck." He winked.

"Good luck on what? I should be the one saying good luck." You asked obviously confused.

"On you know the whole Jisung thing." He whispered.

You chuckled awkwardly. "Oh yeah... that. You see the thing is I'm not that sure I'm actually gonna go through with that."

"What, why not?" Jeno wondered not even bothering to hide the disappointment in his tone.

"He's been ignoring me for days, if that doesn't say 'sorry but I don't like you' I don't know what does." You explained.


Before Jeno could finish his sentence, Jisung was beside him. "Jeno stop flirting with Y/n, we've got like a minute to the game." He sounded annoyed.

"I wasn't flirting." "He wasn't flirting."
You and Jeno said simultaneously.

"Yeah sure." Jisung scoffed.

Jeno gave you a sympathetic look as he rushed off to the court. Renjun greeting him with a pat on the back as he arrived.

"Good job on the cheer by the way." Jisung compliments giving you a tight lipped smile before trying to leave.

Surprising yourself you grab his hand. "Wait."

Jisung looks up at the clock. 45 seconds.
"You're gonna have to make this quick." He tells you.

So you decide to just ask him right up front.

"Are you ignoring me?"

Jisung shrugs and shakes his head. "No."
But his voice gets a little higher and he fiddles with his fingers a bit. Obvious indications that he was lying.

Once he sees the look on your face, he sighs. "Okay maybe I have. But only because I didn't want to interrupt anything with you and Jeno."

You were beyond confused. "There's nothing  going on with me and Jeno. I like—." You stopped yourself and glanced up at the clock.

10 seconds.
What did you have to lose.

"I like you." You finally admitted.

Jisung's eyes widened. "M-me?" He blubbered.
You nodded a soft smile gracing your lips at his reaction.

"I like you too." He said quickly after. The two of you just stood there smiling for a moment before Jisung boldly said.
"Isn't this the part when we kiss."

The buzzer signalling the start of the game went off and you shot him a mischievous grin.

"You'll get your kiss when you win the game."

He pouted and you were tempted to kiss him right then and there but held back as you shooed him away.

Hina squealed at you as you walked back.
"I knew he liked you back."

It was useless trying to wipe the huge grin of your face. "Hush we can squeal about it later, right now we've got some cheering to do."

The atmosphere was great and if you were being honest you think even Stone High knew that they were gonna lose. As SM High got hoop after hoop they seemed to become more disheartened.

"Yes! Let's go SM High." You cheered along with the rest of the squad.

"And with another score from captain, Park Jisung, SM High have won this game by 15 points!" The commentator announced.

The buzzer goes off and the crowd goes wild.

You even see Coach Seo shed a few tears.
It's been so long since the school has won.

The team was celebrating , Jisung is perched up on their shoulders as they parade around happily.

All their hard work had payed off.

As soon as his team dropped him down Jisung made his way over to you and engulfed you in a hug.

When you were finally released he smiled down at you. "Can I get that kiss now?"

He didn't need to ask you twice.

You leaned in and kissed him, just like you had always wanted to.

As the kiss deepened Jisung was finally able to convince himself that maybe you weren't so far out of his league after all.

he's the cutest boy🥺

thank u sm bibbubs for requesting this i really hope you enjoyed. sorry for the long wait <3

thank you all for reading!

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