Voice of the Mafia

By JanineJemmaJames

409 0 0

Sophia Black joins the mob out of desperation to get out of a bad situation. She has to make hard decisions t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Epilogue

Chapter 2

24 0 0
By JanineJemmaJames

Two Years Later

The fans adored my song. The more my body swayed to my beat, the more I could see their excitement. This piece was a tantric one that made even me feel a little sexy and seeing as how my dress was barely covering my thighs, I'm sure that some of the males in the front row were getting a good view of my ruby red panties.

I had grown used to their lustful looks and now I fed off it. I ate up their lust and adoration and used it to gain their attention, even from the other girls who were working at the club. Some were escorts, others just very pretty waitresses serving the rich or quietly famous.

As my song came to a close, I made it seem like I had just had sex and was left shaken and quivering, a preview of what they could get if I deemed them worthy. Putty in my hands.

My target for the evening was a middle aged man who was sitting a few rows back from the stage, his eyes never leaving my form even though he had three girls around him already, vying for his attention.

He wanted me, craved my body like a man without air. I could see it in his eyes as he tried so hard to turn his head away but couldn't. I was used to this. For two years now since I had started this job I have made people bend to my will, men and women alike. The first time Boss had sent me to sway a woman out of her money I had been confused but it became apparent that she walked on both sides of the street and had taken an interest in me.

"Thank you," I said with a lusty voice and put the mic back onto its stand and exited the stage. I kept my hips swaying until I was out of view of the audience, the aura I used to enrapture them slipping away as I did behind the curtain.

Once out of view I pulled my dress down a little and situated my breast to appear more plump. I would have an invitation to the target's room in less than two minutes and I wanted to be prepared. Boss liked when I was prepared.

My dressing room was not far from the stage and had a big star on it that had my show name Saraphine. Inside was decorated specifically with me in mind, a couch off to the side, a vanity in the corner and a bathroom connected with a full jacuzzi installed for my comfort and to lure men to me. Only once had I had a target come to my room instead of me to them, not by choice, and it hadn't been how I expected.

I had just finished washing myself, bubbles covering the surface of the water and hiding my body when he had come into my dressing room and bathroom to find me.

Genuinely surprised, I wanted to move to cover myself but I knew that if I did it would make me seem way too modest. I couldn't afford that. So I had pointed to my silk robe, not saying a word as I let him be the one to try to speak. Flustered, he reached and grabbed it for me. Once in his hands, I stood, my hair up and dry to keep it away from the smell of roses in the bath water that would cause split ends. But my hair was as silky and glossy as ever.

Covered in bubbles I made my way out of the bath and turned around, waiting for him to put my robe on me. Hurriedly he did.

That target had gotten me nearly 2.5 million in cash. I never did sleep with him but he had seen me naked. Boss had bought me a champion thoroughbred racehorse after that. His way of thanking me.

I entered my dressing room, and closed it behind me, locking the mechanism that was installed soon after the incident, and sat at my vanity, fixing my makeup as I glanced at the pictures all around the mirror.

Some were of me and friends, others of me and my gorgeous boy Julius who was now five years old and just as hot as the day I met him. Some were of me riding him around the track, not a care in the world in my eyes. Others were of the many races he had won. Where I brought money in for Boss by way of seducing men and women out of their fortunes, Julius did so by racing his heart out and winning.

Birds of a feather I supposed.

A knock came to my door as a letter was slipped under the wooden frame. Right. Back to my target.

I retrieved it quickly and took note of the room number that had been written. Number five this time. Last time had been eight.

Making sure that everything was in place, I exited the room after one final spritz of perfume and closed the door behind myself, appearing calm as I strode through the back halls of the club to where the private rooms were. Some people recognized me as I walked by and I turned the singer mode back on as I swayed my hips and gave them an overly dramatic wink. But I couldn't waste time with fan service. There was only one fan tonight that mattered.

Room five appeared before me and I did one last fix on my breast and even allowed for the hem of my dress to raise up a little. A strange calm settled over me as I took a deep breath and knocked twice.

The door opened to reveal my target for the evening, the amount I was to get from him greater than any so far. Boss wanted no less than 3.2 million. A greater feat than any I had done before. A challenge I felt I was prepared for.

"Miss Saraphine, welcome. Won't you come on inside?" I appeared blushing and like a ripe little cherry as I nodded and waited until he took a step back before carefully walking inside. He closed the door behind me and went to the large seating area meant for a party of twelve that now only sat he and a bottle of champagne.

"Won't you sit with me? There is much I would like to discuss with you." Most rookie mistakes would be to sit across from him in a way to distance themselves from the target. I learned quickly that the male labido reacts stronger if I were to sit a seat away next to them. And this man was no different. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the buldge he was trying to hide, his suit pants doing nothing to contain it.

"Forgive me sir. I do not meet with fans often." I reached for a glass that already had the bubbly in and sipped at it, showing that maybe I was a little nervous to be here. In reality I was buzzing with electricity. I was like a panther waiting for her prey to come close.

"Oh, please call me Dante Barthalamu. No need for sir here." He grabbed his glass as well and took a hearty sip, his eyes solely on me as he imagined in his mind what he could do to me. And I knew what he could do to me. But I also knew what I wanted to do to him. I am sure it isn't the same as his.

"So Mr. Barthalamu, you called me here this evening after my performance. Was there something you wanted?" Direct but innocent. Perfect. He reached for my glass and set both his glass and mine down onto the table once more so he had access to touch me with his hands.

"I wanted to give you an offer that I think you will be most interested in. If you accept I can pay you well." I knew his offer. But I don't think we were thinking of the same price tags at all. Mine was much steeper. I wanted to outdo Boss's limit. I wanted to reach for the stars and show him that his investment two years ago was worth it.

"An offer? Like a job or something?" He shook his head, his brown hair that I now realized was fake falling back and forth softly. He was balding.

"Oh no Miss Saraphine. My offer to you is that in exchange for money I will give you pleasure. Have sex with me and I will give you two-hundred thousand. Modest for a woman such as yourself." I stood and turned my back toward him, appalled. The price for my body had gone up in the world but that wouldn't be enough. As I started for the door I said,

"Do I look like a whore to you Mr. Barthalamu? I am a singer. I do no have sex with fans for money. That would ruin my reputation." I had just gotten to the door when he quickly came up to the door and held it shut so I couldn't open it.

"Five-hundred." Now we are moving in the right direction. I looked up at his eyes for a moment, fake tears in my own as I backed away from him and the door.

"Mr. Barthalamu, do you understand why I work here? My family sold me to a dangerous man so that they could escape the country. In return I was to be a slave and now I have to pay him back. If I slept with you, I would never be allowed to work here or at any club ever again. Five hundred will not cover my release." I sat back on the seats again and put my hands into my face, careful of the makeup and was gentle with the fake tears so that I didn't mess up the masterpiece. He sat next to me and took one of my hands, pity in his eyes.

Almost there.

"Miss Saraphine. I had no idea. I am so sorry to hear this. How can I help you escape from what your parents did to you? How much do you owe?" I reached for the champagne again and took a much bigger sip than last time.

"It is too much to ask from a respectable man such as yourself. I could never-"

"How much?" Just a little further. Just a little...

"Five million." It was like my hand burned him and he took a bit of a jump back. I knew it was reaching but it wasn't my first time baiting men and I was confident enough to do this. This man was a millionaire who had more than enough to cover that price fifty times over. But when he ordered this room and me he didn't realize that he would have to pay such a hefty price for sleeping with me.

"That is quite a bit of money. How did your parents get that kind of a debt for you?" I drank more of the bubbly and sat it down. Standing, I strode around aimlessly as if I couldn't believe it myself and was still processing it.

"They were wanted by not only the police but also the mob. So a powerful man said he would help them but in return I was to work my debt off. That was seven years ago now and I am nowhere closer to paying it off than I was when I started. All I want is to see my parents again. To ask them why they would trade me for their freedom." I let the last line quiver in my voice. Emotion was important in drawing them in and it got them involved emotionally too, appealing to their need to defend and protect.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His hot breath smelled of alcohol and a cigarette. He was already under pretty well.

"If you do this for me, I will give you the money you need to pay this guy off and even a little to live comfortably. Does 5.3 million sound okay?" I spun in his arms and looked deep into his eyes.

"You would do this for me? Someone you barely know?" His face came ever closer to my own.

"I want to get to know you. I want to know your body. I want to know it all." Excitement in my eyes I pushed forward and kissed the man deeply, feeling the need to gag when I tasted that he had more than just the fancy alcohol on his tongue. Burbon and a hint of whiskey if I wasn't mistaken. When I pulled back from his lips, I reached for the buttons on his shirt and started to undo them.

"Wait, do you have any protection?" He shook his head no. Perfect.

"I have some in my room. Can you write the check for me so I can put it in a safe place while we..." He nodded and went to his suit case and pulled out the checkbook. He wrote everything down and left the name blank for me to put it in my real name that he didn't know. He handed it to me with excitement in his eyes. Giving him one last peck on the cheek I whispered,

"Don't go anywhere. I'll be back with the condoms and we can spend the night together." He pulled me in for another deep kiss and then let me go.

"Don't keep me waiting." I went to the door and opened it, excited and hurried as if I wanted more than anything to sleep with him. Not. I blew a kiss to him as I closed the door behind me. Once closed, I double checked the check and felt immense pleasure at seeing the amount was as he said.

"I better get two new ponies for this." I stuffed it carefully into the bra of my dress and went back to my dressing room. My change of clothes was just off to the side, a simple black dress that was custom tailored to fit my curves to a T. I kept the check safely in my bra and put the other dress on, the heels I had to go with it glossy black with ruby red undersides. Leaving every other piece of jewelry in the safe off to the side I went to the door and put a dummy sticker over the top that said Melanie Corimer. That way if he came to find me that I wouldn't be here and he wouldn't suspect a thing. The girls here knew better than to assume what I was doing.

I closed and locked the door behind me, making sure that I had my small purse that had the burner phone in it as well as some other items a girl needed. In the farthest corner in the back part of the club was curtains that covered two elevator doors, a large man in front of them to guard the way down to the underground headquarters. Upon seeing me he nodded and stepped back, pressing a button that opened the doors for me.

"Thanks Bruce." As I stepped in, I pressed the doors for the level of Boss's office.

"Another victim down?" As the doors closed I said,

"Hell yeah."

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