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By Yoohyeon_Namu

89.5K 5.5K 1.6K

Yoohyeon is a lonely person. She isn't talking to many people and she doesn't have many friends. She doesn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (M)
Chapter 23 (TW)
Chapter 24 (TW)
Chapter 25 (TW)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (Special)
Chapter 46 (Thank You)

Chapter 29

1.6K 107 42
By Yoohyeon_Namu

Yoohyeon's POV

And just like that a whole month was passed by. Me and Minji were going on dates almost every day. The rest of the days that we weren't going for dates we were hanging out with our friends. It was so good to be with people who loved you and cared for you. And people who you loved and cared for. But good things are always for a little time. That's how life had taught me to at least...

One morning Minji was supposed to pick me up. We were going to go to Dami's house and have breakfast all together. But... She never showed up. I tried to call her but I couldn't reach her. I called everyone and they didn't know what was wrong with her. Bora said she was going to stop by her house to see what was wrong.

We were at Dami's house when Bora came. She was looking tired and also a bit... Well, weird.

"What is it? Is she alright?" I asked her worriedly. She didn't answer me.

"Tell me Bora. Is she alright?" I asked louder this time. She nodded. She sat down and signaled us to sit down too. She took in a few deep breaths and started talking.

"She is at her house. I barely got to see her. Her father is really strict and wants her to have a relationship with an old friend of hers who came yesterday night to town. She was studying abroad for some years. Her parents left this town a few years ago to live in Russia. So she doesn't have a home here. Her father and Minji's family were really good friends so Minji's father said he would take care of her. So she will live with them. And he and them agreed for Minji and that girl to be in a relationship. Her father believes she's the best mate for Minji. She is her friend so she knows her, Minji also used to have a crush for AleXa back then and she is from a really rich family too. So... That AleXa girl is the best option. Minji disagreed though and told them that she is in a relationship with you. He got mad and locked her to her room. And he said he is going to come and talk to you. To make you break up with her. He told me to tell you to break up with her before he comes to you. You won't like him Yoo."

"I'm sure I won't like him. Who is he to ruin his daughter's happiness just so he can have more money? No, I'm not going to break up with Minji." I said determined. I stood up and went straight to Minji's house.

I knocked on the door and when I told the bodyguards who I was a man around his fifties went outside and signaled them to let me in.

"You must be Kim Yoohyeon, right? My daughter's friend." He said. His voice was empty and cold.

"Yes. I'm her girlfriend." I said proudly. He cleared his throat ignoring my statement.

"I'm her father. Come to my office. We have some things to talk about." He said. And that was my first time watching Minji's house. Even if I didn't see it all. It was a really big one. And a really expensive one I could say. I immediately felt so small. Minji was right. But I was also feeling small cause I was without her. And her father seemed so cold. It stressed me so much.

We went to his office and we sat down. He arranged some files and then he crossed his arms. He took a deep breath and took out a pack of much money.

"Is that enough?" He asked me. I looked at him confused.

"You want more? I can give you more." He said and was about to give me more.

"What are you talking about Mr. Kim?" I asked him thinking for the worst.

"I'm saying that you had fun with my daughter. Yeah. She use to do that. Having crushes and affairs. But now it's the true world. And she won't be with you. You are nothing. So what I'm saying is, is that money enough to break up with my daughter and leave her alone?" When I understood what he was saying I was about to faint, choke on my own breath or even vomit.

"You are asking me to break your daughter's heart just for some money?" I asked him disgusted.

"You want more? You can have more then. I can give you more. My daughter will be sad for just a few days. She will get over it. I can give her a lot of presents and she can forget it easily." He said coldly once again.

"No. She won't get over it so soon. She loves me. Love and happiness can't be replaced with money. So, no. She will not get over it. Even if you buy her a new island. She will never be fine. And no! I don't want your money. Cause I'm not going to break her heart. I love her. And I'm going to stay by her side!" I said sternly. He fixed his tie and then put some more money.

"Are you sure you don't want them?" I nodded my head. Money was never my thing.

"Fine. If you don't break up with my daughter I'm going to take her away from you by myself. We will go to our other house in Australia." He said strictly.

"You have to choose. Break up with her now, or I'll take her with me. And she won't see you again. Nor you nor her friends."

"She won't come with you. She can stay here. She isn't a kid anymore."

"Then, you'll leave me no choice." He said and called someone. In just a few seconds there were four men wearing all black. He signaled them something and they immediately started hitting me. And I sat there getting beaten by them. Even if I knew how to defend myself. I didn't want to fight them. After a while they stopped. I was hurt pretty badly.

"So... What are you going to do? To kill me?" I asked him sarcastically.

"Yes. And I'll tell her that you killed yourself because you were so sad, heartbroken, jealous and... helpless." He said coldly.




That word hit me so hard. I was always feeling like that. And it was something I could do. Kill myself because I was feeling helpless without her. I looked at him shocked.

"You think I haven't read your profile? I know everything about you. Your mother, father, step father. Everything. I can also free your step father and bring him to you. He would be really happy to see you! Your choice." He said. He waited a bit and signaled them to beat me again. And they did. I was beaten so badly. My bones were indeed broken same goes for my ribs and sides. I was feeling so weak, my lungs were so hurt. I couldn't breathe. Almost.

"What's your choice Yoohyeon? We won't leave this place till you choose. Or till... You die." He said.


"Fine what?"

"I'll break up with her. Just unlock her room. And give me just one day."

"I'm the one setting the rules here. Not you." He said.

"I'm just asking you one day. I didn't ask much. I need time to think of a lie." I said. He thought about it and nodded.

"Now, get out of my house." He said and looked at me like I was a trash. They were all right after all. He was an awful man...

I stood up and started walking. I could barely walk and stand up. While I was heading outside a short girl was sitting at a bench.

"Hey. Are you Kim Yoohyeon?" She asked. Her accent was deep and foreign. She had sharp deep blue eyes and her hair was long and ash blond. She also had a perfect body. I could tell she was that girl Bora was talking about.

(Well, her hair here seems more like purple. And her eyes aren't blue but meehhh. I only wanted the stare so, here you go!)

Her stare was cold like her I could tell already without even knowing her.

"Yeah..." I managed to say.

"Wow. I wasn't expecting to meet my rival at this state. You look terrible!" She said sarcastically. I didn't say anything.

"What did even Minji find in you?" She said mostly to herself. I was feeling like shit once again.

"What do you think she will find in you?" I asked her back.

"Hello!? I have everything you don't! I have money, I have fame, I have lots of friends, I'm beautiful and sexy and I'm bold and confident." She said confidently.

"I hope you took your lesson in there and that you'll break up with her."

"Yeah... Don't worry."

"Good. Glad I met you. And that we had a really good communication!" She said sarcastically once again. I nodded and left.

When I managed to return home I just fell on the floor unable to move a muscle. And that's when everything became black.


When I woke up, all the girls were there taking care of me.

"Yoohyeon? Oh my gosh! You are up! I was so worried!" Bora said.

"Who did this to you?" Dami asked.

"I think it's obvious." Siyeon said a bit frustrated.

"Yooh, what happened? What did you tell him? What did he tell you?" Bora asked.

"There is no point. In the end... I'll break up with Minji. I have no choice." I mumbled.

"There is always a way." Bora said looking at Siyeon. They had a similar situation.They could help me. But things were too serious. They really just couldn't help.

"There isn't."

"We can help you." Bora insisted.

"You can't."

"There might be a way. Just tell us what he told you." Bora said once again.

"There is NO WAY! He said he will KILL me!" I yelled. Everyone stopped talking and stayed quiet. It was shocking, yes.

"Now, help me cover up my injuries. I have only a few hours to see Minji and break up with her." I said frustrated.

"Are you really going to do this Yoohyeon?" Dami asked me. I looked at her. My eyes felt teary. I wanted to cry. So bad. I was so hurt. Not only on my body, but my heart too. I looked away nodding. I had already something in my mind. They helped me cover up my injuries pretty well and then I called Minji to come over. I was at the verge of breaking into tears when I called her. I could tell she understood it. But I tried to hide it wearing my cold attitude on.

When she came home, the girls had left. Only Dami was there, hiding at the kitchen. I had told her to stay cause I was going to need her after Minji was going to leave my house. I sat with Minji on the couch. I didn't talk at first.

"You won't ask me where I was?" She asked me a bit hesitant.

"Bora told me you had some stuff to arrange." I told her what she had told Bora exactly. She nodded.

"And you weren't worried?" She asked me.

"I mean... I haven't told you. It was so sudden." She said again. I knew why was she asking all that. She was sure I had talked with her father. Fortunately I had put my hood on and I was wearing long jeans and shirt so she wouldn't see my injuries.

"Minji, I didn't call you here for that." I said coldly.

"Then... what? What is it my puppy?" No, don't do this to me. Not now unnie.

"I... I can't continue this."

"What this?" She was clueless. Or... she was trying to be.

"I can't continue this relationship. I don't love you Minji. I don't love you like how you love me. I'm sorry. I can only have friendly feelings for you. I thought I could love you. Or that I had a crush on you. But no, it was nothing of that. We should break up Minji. I don't want to hurt you by being with you but not loving you." I said. My eyes were teary.

"Yoohyeon... you are lying. And I don't understand what kind of joke is that. OK, where is everyone else? Where is the hidden camera? It was Bora's idea, right? Or Siyeon's? I don't even care anymore. This isn't even fun!" Minji said. Her voice was weak. But she sounded frustrated.

"That's not a prank Minji. Please. You need to believe me. I'm tired of this." I said this time trying to sound actually tired. Which wasn't hard. I was. But not for that reason. But because my whole body was aching in pain and all I wanted to do was go to my room and cry.

"So you're tired of me? OK, tell me my dad made you break up with me.Or was it AleXa?"

"What? AleXa? Who is this even that AleXa? Your dad? How? Minji, I don't know what you are talking about. But you need to believe me. And yes. I'm tired of you. You are being so Lovely and Good to me! It's frustrating! Cause I'm trying to feel the same but I just can't!" I tried to lie.

"I don't believe you."

"I'm not lying to you. You know I hate it. I was just hiding the truth from you all this time." It was true. I hated lies. Even if I had lied in my life. I still hated it. And hated myself for this. But here I was lying to her. I hated myself so much at that moment.

"Then,... I want you to tell it to me straight to my face. Looking at me in my eyes. " Fuck! I knew this was going to come. How was I going to tell her that now? 


Author's note:
I'm sorry AleXa!!! I love you so much girl!!! I haven't saw her in any fanfic yet, and here she goes. Appearing in mine as Yoohyeon's rival. Nice start! I'm sorry again AleXa!!! And to all the A.I.Troopers! I love her so much by the way. I really do. 

Also, I have to announce one more thing that I forgot to say to the previous chapter. But here I am. Better late than never, right? 

So... I am writting a new ff lately. It's about Loona and Dreamcatcher. If you haven't noticed it already. It has a really different style and it's an adventure , supernatural one. It's called 'Fairy Tale or Lullaby?' and I would appreciate it a lot if you gave it some love too. Thank you so much!

(This is the cover of the book btw)

Anyway! Remember that English is not my first language so there might be mistakes. I hope you all liked it! Don't forget to like the chapter, and comment, if you want. It helps me A Lot. Bye! See you on Friday! Dream of Dreamcatcher!

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