BNHA x Reader ~One Shots

Bởi WishingEros

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As the title says, oneshots 🙌👏 This is all thanks to my editor @rainisolophobia Here's a few extra details... Xem Thêm

🌺Tamaki x Reader🌺
🥀Shinso x Reader🥀
🌺Human! Tokoyami x Reader🥀
💞🥀Nishinoya x Reader🌺

💞Bakugo × Reader🥀

8.2K 71 147
Bởi WishingEros

Bakugo Katsuki
× Reader

Gender Neutral

One Shot Type:
Soulmate AU 💞

Soulmate AU:
Like Your Name, you and your soulmate can write on your skin and it'll appear on your soulmates


Thoughts of Suicide

(Check out my husbando @rainsolophobia who made this one shot book possible!
He is my editor and helped out on this)

×Reader's POV×

I groaned as I flopped onto the couch at the dorms.
"Y/n," Tsuyu poked my side. "Whaaaat?" I asked, my voice being muffled from the pillow I was on.

"Dinner's ready," she croaked.
"It is?" I asked with excitement as I looked up.

She nodded and I rushed up, glancing at my wrist.
There was nothing on there, there never had been.

I decided that my soulmate was either very shy or they didn't even care about me.

Since I found out soulmates were even a thing, I was curious on who mine was.
But since, well... yeah I'm the shy type I just mentioned.

I walked side by side with Tsu as she talked to me.
"Have you thought about talking to them?" She asked, looking at my wrist.

"Nah, they need to make the move first," I told her, smiling.
"What if they never make the mo-"
"Don't think like that! I'm sure they will," I said with a wide smile.

I knew she had sparked up a conversation with her soulmate.
But I could never figure out who that was.

Tsuyu and I walked outside where we were having the cook out.
I rushed over to Kirishima.

"Give me a huge burger, Eijirou," I told him with excitement.

He chuckled and nodded.
"One huge burger for Y/n is coming up," he smiled.

I wish my soulmate was as kind and manly as Kirishima.
That would make life easy.

Yeah, these are the thoughts I have on a daily basis.

I grinned as Kirishima gave me a plate with a huge burger on it, like I asked.

"Thank you," I said, taking the plate from him.
"Have they?" He asked before I could asked.

Kirishima was my best friend.
We were tight ever since I got to UA.
So of course, he knew about my longing for my Soulmate.

I shook my head simply to him before going over to the Dekusquad table and sitting down.

And just as I did, writing appeared on my wrist.

I tried so hard not to scream.
Like, dude, I was excited.

I checked my wrist, only to be dejected to the words that lied there.

I don't want a soulmate, not now or ever.
So if you've been wondering, fuck off.

I banged my head on the table with a groan, hiding my wrist.

My soulmate was a bastard.
A rude bastard.

Time Skip×

I responded to the bastard right when I got a good enough sharpie.

I decided to ignore they're message.
Maybe they were just in a bad mood.

As I pressed the sharpie to my hand, the writing before disappeared.
"Woah... that happens..." I muttered to myself.

I wrote out simply.

Who are you?

And waited for a response.


The damn response didn't come until I was taking a shower.

Doesn't matter.
I want nothing to do with you.

I frowned.
They clearly were a jackass.

I didn't want to look at it anymore, but I did.
And that only broke me to tears.

I sat down on the ground as water patted my back.
The water from the shower head and my tears clouded my vision.

I knew I was being too sensitive to this topic...
But I wanted to know my soulmate ever since I was small.
And now, after all those years of hope, I find they want nothing to do with me.

Well, I hate to say that wasn't my only time crying in the shower that year.


I tried to connect with my soulmate, but that only ended up in getting insulted.

Over time, I decided not to do anything...
The result was the same.

Many words covered my body.
So I had to keep myself covered most of the time.

Which was hard when we were sparring as a class or something like that.

I knew who my soulmate was.
Well, if I guessed correctly.
Bakugo Katsuki.

But I'd never confront him.
I liked him ever since I saw him st the Sports Festival, so that didn't help anything.

At the moment, I was sitting on my bed as more tears ran down my face.
Kirishima was next to me, trying to comfort me.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" He asked softly, looking at my skin.

"It's so hard, Kiri... I look like an idiot," I said, an even showed him my shoulder that had idiot written on it.

He rubbed my back, a sad look crossed his face.
"You don't look like an idiot! You're as manly as ever!" He smiled.

I smiled back, and it felt great when I did.
"Thank you, Eijirou."


But everything just got worse.
And I felt like giving up.
The writings soon stopped, but I was covered in the hurtful words...

Every time I even looked at my body, I felt ashamed.

I sat on the couch downstairs, playing on my phone quietly.

I then flinched as I heard Katsuki's voice.
My feelings towards him were the same.

I wasn't head over heels, but my heart always jumped when I saw him.

I turned over to him from my spot on the couch.
Only to find him staring at me.

"Geez! What?" I asked.
"Nothing," he grunted.

I looked at the popsicle in his hand and my eyes lit up.
"Where'd you get that?" I asked.

"Freezer," he replied.
I was surprised to how calm he was.
He bit off a huge piece of his popsicle making me blush madly.

I was about to get up and get one but he opened the freezer and grabbed one, heading over to me.

He threw it to me, and with my luck I caught it.
"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"It's nothing," he grunted before sitting next to me.

It was hard to believe this guy would be my soulmate, well at this moment.
I ate my popsicle in silence as did he.

I caught him glancing at my wrist were a couple words were written.

I don't want you.

Then he quickly looked away.
I sighed once I saw him look to his.

I took a deep breath, gritting my teeth as I turned the tv on.

Bakugo left shortly after, which only made me feel more empty inside.
I glanced at my wrist once more before tears flooded down my face.

I hated this constant rotation.
Every day only more tears ran down my face as I looked at my body.
My body full of horrible insults.

It was horrible, this damn feeling.
I wanted a soulmate so bad...
My whole life. Everything I made myself to be was based on what I thought my soulmate would want of me.

But to find out my soulmate doesn't give a single shit about me...
It was worse than a million needles piercing through your skin.

I rushed up to my room to hide myself from any possible person that could walk in the main room.

I wanted it all to get better.
I wanted to tell Bakugo everything that he was doing was wrong.

But I didn't.

I had become so numb...
My eyes were always swollen.
I wanted that to end.
I wanted the pain to go.
I was going to act on it...
For once and for all.

I pulled out my phone and went to text Kirishima.
But I stopped in my tracks and got out my sharpie.

There on my wrist, I wrote a few simple words.

You're getting what you want.
I'll die.

I knew from that point, I wouldn't be able to save myself from the hole I fell in.

This was my conscious speaking.
Telling me to end it.
If my soulmate didn't want me...
My soulmate was who I lived for but if they didn't want me...
What purpose did I live for?

There was nothing...

I looked back at my phone after I threw away the sharpie.

"I'm sorry, Eijirou..." I muttered to myself before typing those exact words out to him.

I shut off my phone after that and fell asleep, knowing exactly what I would do the next day.

×The Next Day
3rd Person POV×

Kirishima looks at his phone in shock.
No. Is the only thing that runs through his mind as he rushes to find Y/n.

He goes to the main room in a hurry.
"Where's Y/n?" He asks Mina.

"Y/n just left," she responds.
"Why?" She then asks.

Kirishima turns around in panic.
"And Bakugo?" He asked.

"Kitchen," she says.
"Kiri, what's wrong?" She then asks with worry.

Kirishima runs into the kitchen.
"You shouldn't have pushed Y/n too far! Y/n isn't doing well," He exclaims.

"So what? I don't see what the big idea is," Bakugo said calmly with an eye roll.
In his eyes, he had been nice to his classmate so far.
Tokoyami and Todoroki were present in the kitchen.

Kirishima grabbed his hand and and showed it to him.
Bakugo's eyes widened slightly but that was for a quick second.

He quickly changed it to a calm one.
"Whatever," he said with an eye roll making Kirishima more agitated.

Kirishima then sighed and went to get his stuff.
School started in about 30 more minutes, and Kirishma guessed that's were Y/n would do it.

But, Bakugo was ahead of him.
He walked out of the dorms and then ran to the school.

Damn it, Y/n.
If I knew it was you–...

His thoughts stopped as he made it to the school.

×Reader's POV
UA Roof×

I took a deep breath as I climbed the stairs to the roof. I looked down the side and was instantly filled with fear.

"No... no no," I muttered in fear, looking away and sitting down.

I then built up my courage.
They don't want you.
No one does.
What difference would it make if I'm gone?

I left the note inside my shoes and took a deep breath before I climbed the fence.
I stood up and looked at the sky.
Why does it have to be so beautiful when I leave...?

The pain I felt was horrible...
It hurt worse now, like a dozen knives to the chest... that's the best I could describe it.

They don't want me.
No one does.
This is better off.
Way better off.

The pain hit me worse, like a shock to my thoughts.

"Y/n!" I heard someone shout.
The shock hit me once more and I fell. I caught a glimpse of Katsuki as I did.

A whimper left my lips and tears rolled down my face.
I lifted up my hand, reaching out.

Only to be caught.

I looked up to see Katsuki holding my hand tightly.
"Don't let go. You better not let go," he told me as he tried to pull me up.

I helped him by trying to pull myself up, my legs scraped against the wall.

Once Katsuki got me up, he wrapped his arms around my securely.
"T-Thank Kami..." he muttered.

I took a deep breath before we both collapsed onto the ground of the roof.
"I-Im sorry..." I said softly.
"It's okay... okay," he said before I lost myself to the dark.


I woke up in the infirmary with Katsuki at my side.

"Oh dear! I'm so glad you're awake," Recovery Girl smiled.

I looked at her when my vision cleared.
"Poor Kirishima found you too unconscious on the roof. Poor thing was so worried," she told me, touching my forehead tenderly.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.
"Better... I think," I said.
"And Katsuki?" I asked.

"You both had no injuries. He's all right," she told me.

I laid my head back with a nod.
"Thank you," I said.

But the question ran through my mind.
If Katsuki hated me so much, why did he save me?

"I'll leave you two be then. Press the button on the bed when he wakes," she told me as she scurried out of the room.

I turned my head to Katsuki.
I wasn't sure why he was on the same bed as me, but the reason might've been because our hands were still linked.

Although, Recovery Girl or Kirishima could've still removed us.

Katsuki woke up a few minutes later.
He seemed shaken from what had happened.

"Are you okay?" Was the first thing he could muster.
"Y-Yeah... thanks to you anyway. We're in the infirmary, thanks to Kiri," I told him.

He let out a breath of relief and wrapped his arms around me.
Which made me deeply confused.

"What are you doing?"
"Hugging you, dumbass. Take it," he responded.

"Why?" I asked.
"I'm sorry... for everything. I never thought you would be my soulmate," he started.

"Let me finish," he stopped me.

"I hurt you. I thought if I told my soulmate I didn't want them I could be with you. But that clearly was one of the stupidest things I've ever done," he explained.

"I-... ugh. I l-... l word you," he told me.
I chuckled, "What?"
"Don't make me say it," he groaned.

"Say what?" I asked innocently as a smile came onto my face.
"I... I love you," he said and his face erupted into red.

I felt all my previous emotions fade away.
All the sadness and pain.

He loved me.
He truly did.

"I love you too, Bakugo.." I smiled
"Katsuki," he groaned a correction.
"I love you too, Katsuki."

He smiled before connecting our lips together, placing one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist.

It was a gentle kiss, way far from what you'd expect from such an angry man.

I kissed him back and suddenly felt complete like I wanted too.

"AHHH! We'll come back later!" Kirishima exclaimed, shutting the door.

Katsuki and I both looked up in confusion.
"Whatever," he shrugged before kissing me again.

I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.


Requests are open!
So go ahead and request all you want

Word Count] 2427

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