Black Magic (Yu Yu Hakusho; H...

By xMetrik11Thunderx

6.7K 229 25

We were bonded to each other like the sun was to the moon. In a way, I was the sun and he was the moon. My he... More

00. Conundrum
01. Vexations
02. Seized
03. Heroics
04. Incursion
05. Dawning
06. Subsequently
07. The Proposition
08. Composition
09. Interception
10. Contemporary
11. The Procedure
12. Farewells
14. Amends
15. Trial & Error
16. Marred
17. Servitude
18. Conniptions
19. Fascination

13. Burdens

136 6 1
By xMetrik11Thunderx

The Fire Demon hated the human for what she had done the other night, the effects of her actions as she celebrated her last moment with the humans she held close. Hiei's mind was fogged and he couldn't think straight because of Katara's choices, distracting him from his goal in training. He tried to block it out but unfortunately, it didn't work for him. The Forbidden Child concluded that he was going to train her hard on her first day as payback.

As he stared at her on the ground in a bloody mess, he could feel her energy vanish. Blow after blow, her energy decreased. He could feel her anger coursing through her veins, and had a knowing feeling she hated him.

Hiei had the same damage to his body that matched Katara's, yet as a demon, he held the pain well. This amount of pain was nothing to him. After all, he was a demon who knew pain all his life.

Katara breathed deeply, grasping for all the air around her. The pain her body received wasn't what she thought she'd have to endure on her first day. She thought they were going to go easy on her to build her up. Well, that's what Genkai and Yusuke had said before they started.

Yet as Katara had gotten ready, Hiei made a few choices on his own; choices in which he had planned since the next day after Katara's unknowingly foolishness. With the help of a couple of Mukuro's demons, they had kept the former spirit detective and old former master of the spirit wave busy.

Yusuke had been fighting one a few miles away as Genkai had gotten knocked out earlier, which would have been a lot harder if she hadn't given her power to Yusuke during the Dark Tournament.

The demon who had knocked out Genkai stood by the side of the fight, watching as Mukuro's second plummeted the human girl. Katara breathed fast and hard, her lungs not grasping all the air around her. She thought she had a few broken bones, but Hiei wouldn't be as dumb to waste the two months time on her healing.

'On second thought,' Hiei thought to himself as a smirk came to play at his lips. Preparing for the blow himself, he transported to Katara and kicked her in the ribs as she was lying on her stomach. Both Katara's and Hiei's ribs cracked on impact, yet the Forbidden Child already knew what was coming and he had prepared himself for it. As for Katara, the poor human girl couldn't even scream at the action, her breathing stopped as she flew in the air from the force.

She landed in the bushes that bordered Genkai's temple from the woods, a good eight yards away. Hiei wasn't stupid, he knew it'd be dumb to go harder on her like he originally wanted to. And yet the temptation is still there, begging for it to be released.

After a few minutes waiting for Katara to relax, the fire demon began to run towards her. Maybe one more blow would make her think twice about her actions. As he raised his fist in the air, only inches from his target, an image appeared in front of him and a hand had been outstretched, palm facing up with an orangish-red aura surrounding the source.

Hiei flew back from the force of the attack. An attack he expected, yet didn't think would happen at the same time. The figure breathed deeply, the human air confusing the demons lungs as it tried to adjust in the last ten minutes from transporting worlds.

The fire demon rolled after his hard landing, annoyance coursing through his veins. With a new sense of balance, Hiei stood up with clenched fists. A low growl came from his lips and his eyes became slit, glaring death to the attacker.

Mukuro brushed off his attitude just like she had countless times before. One glance to the human girl and Mukuro would make sure Hiei would be the one to heal her. With a sigh, the orange haired former demon King suspected the girl to be passed out by the force of the attack she had just given because of the bond. She then looked towards Hiei, eyes turned into the same slits as his.

"You know Hiei," She started with one leg in front of the other as she began walking towards her second in command, "one would think the babysitter needed to be babysat."

Hiei spat blood and got into a fighting stance, hands at his side to reach for his sword. She was the last person he needed right now. Partially being the reason why he kept this a secret when he blackmailed the two men from her army earlier this morning. Like Hiei, those two demons would be dealt with once Mukuro's lesson was done with the fire demon.

"Go back to demon world, this doesn't concern you."

Mukuro smiled, stopping two yards away. She glanced behind him to see one of her men had been bowed in respect.

"This mess you created," she started as she made eye contact with Hiei, "is my concern. I trained you better than this. And you fail to realize, Forbidden One, the Spirit World still has a law where no demon shall harm a human, even if bonded." She growled at him, her own hands clenched into fists.

They eyed each other for a few moments, neither one making a move. Both of the demons knew if they had begun to fight, Genkai's massive property wouldn't exist anymore. And so, with a defeated sense, Hiei stood up and took off in a blur leaving Mukuro to clean up his mess like usual.

Yusuke emerged from his battle to find Katara and kill Hiei, as much as the bond would allow him to. The former spirit detective prayed the bond would allow him to carry out his threats from earlier. The demon he had been fighting unconscious.

At the sight of Mukuro, his footsteps became lighter and came to a stop. Confusion ran in his brain but Mukuro didn't pay him any attention accept to glance at where Katara had been lying. Yusuke caught her interest and started walking towards the human girl. Once he spotted her in the bushes, he dropped down and muttered a threat to Hiei under his breath.

"I'm sorry for my part in this," Mukuro spoke lightly as Yusuke picked up Katara, eyeing her wounds and noticing how fragile she is. The anger in his veins were calm, like a storm yearning to be set free. This was unforgivable in Yusuke's opinion. And once the bond was broken, when they figured out a way, he was going to send Hiei to Hell himself.

*Later That Night*

Katara woke up with a pounding migraine in a dark room. She looked to her left attempting to locate her alarm clock to see what time it was. After not finding it, she searched frantically for anything that resembled her bedroom. Nothing was here besides a table with four drawers and what seemed to be an old style of a bed on the ground.

Panicking started to set in and she wanted to scream, afraid she had gotten kidnapped again. There was a light under the door that she had just noticed and started to calm her racing heart. As she listened intently on what was going in, she could hear voices but couldn't make out the words.

The human girl tried to remember what had happened last before getting in this situation. After a few moments of linking things together, rage burned inside of her. She then stood up with ease to walk to the door. As she slid it open, a thought had struck her. Didn't she just get her ass kicked by Hiei? There should be pain, yet she felt nothing. With a mission in mind, she needed to figure out what was going on.

Katara walked down the dimly lit hall towards the voices. Upon entering the living room, she noticed Kurama talking with Yukina and some tea in front of them and she stopped. One cup in Yukina's hand and the other set on the table. The red head was deep in thought about his friends' actions that he didn't feel the need for tea.

"Um," Katara softly spoke to the two demons. They both looked back at her in slight surprise.

"You're awake." Kurama stated and the human girl nodded. Kurama switched to the other side of the table and offered her his warm seat.

"Thank you," She shyly muttered. Kurama nodded and reached to his other side and grabbed a blanket, offering it to her. Katara smiled small at him, gently taking the blanket from him and wrapping it around her.

"How are you feeling?" Yukina asked as she grabbed an empty tea cup and started to pour the tea. Katara felt like a zombie, her mind not in the right state. She waited patiently for the tea as Yukina finished and passed it to her. It was a bit chilly in the room.

"Thank you, Yukina." The brunette gave her a kind small smile and the said girl nodded her head with a smile of her own.

"I don't know how I feel." Katara started in slow words as she brought the cup to her lips. She could feel the heat through the cup and noticed there wasn't much steam left. Figuring it was a warm liquid, she took a sip to make sure. And then she took a few more sips.

Katara's eyes roamed the table in a state of haziness. She took another sip and held the cup in her hands, thankful for its warmth. A small iced blue marble caught her attention and her eyes locked on it. Kurama and Yukina noticed where her eyes had gone. Kurama looked at Yukina while the Ice Apparition gently took it in her hand with a gentle closed fist.

The other two watched where Yukina held her hand out next, turning her hand upside down and opening her fist closer to Katara.

"When I was healing you, I couldn't help but to cry. I can't imagine why Hiei had done that to you." Katara's right hand left her cup, mimicking Yukina's hand.

"It's beautiful. But why would you give me this?" At Katara's question, Yukina smiled kindly. The human girl brought it closer to her eyes as she admired its beauty. It reminded her of pearls for some reason.

"I cried for you, so it's yours." Came Yukina's reply. Kurama watched Katara's eyes light up.

"I'm sorry that you had to cry. You didn't do anything to me."

Kurama couldn't help but to smile small, noticing Yukina's words not enough to capture Katara's mind. He cleared his throat softly.

"If I may," the red head glanced at Yukina and she met his eyes. With a small smile she nodded. Kurama then turned his eyes to Katara, "Yukina is from a place in Demon World where when they shed tears, they turn into these gemstones."

Katara looked at Yukina, eyes slightly widening.

"Your tears, turn into these?" Katara asked in disbelief. Yukina shyly nodded as she poured herself more tea.

"You shouldn't have to cry for me, Yukina. I'm stronger than I look," She joked with a small smile, "but thank you. I will treasure it and protect it with my life." Katara and Yukina made eye contact as they both smiled. Yukina nodded and the topic changed to what time it is.

Kurama knew deep down that this gemstone was a bad idea, especially since Hiei is bonded to Katara and Yukina's brother. The red head prayed Hiei wouldn't do anything like he had done earlier today when he found out about Yukina giving the human her tear.

After a short talk about how time flew by and what everyone else was doing, Katara's eyes started to water thinking of her life back in the city. Her family, friends and school. She thought about the event today and it overwhelmed her. And then the tears started to pour out of her like a waterfall.

"I want to go home."


So, I didn't like how I started this chapter originally, so I skipped two days in the story cuz it didn't appeal to me. Even though readers already knew the plan for the rest of that evening, I wasn't going to write the scenes cuz to me, it just seemed boring to write-like no interest in it at all. Anyways, with trouble continuing that first draft, I was dealing with a family cat being put down. I cried, we put her in a casket that my older brother made (its really beautiful, if you want to see pics it's on my Instagram and my username is saraslyinstagraham). But yeah, it was hard. I drove to work the next day crying. But after we got her paw prints before we buried her in the backyard, I got them tatted on my hip. It was the best I could do lol my family and I tried to get good paw prints, and I know there was an easier way but no one wanted to go out shopping for a better product during our emotional day. Anyways! Another thing I was going to mention, I know my updates are scarce and I haven't been adding more like I used to when I first started, and I sometimes feel like I don't want to write because of how many votes or comments or likes I have. It kind of demotes my confidence but hey, I'm going to post it no matter what. The process might take a bit longer because of my lack of confidence, just so you all know.

Please like, comment, share and vote! But don't forget to Yu Yu Hakusho on!

With much love,
xMetrik11Thunderx 😘

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