He's No Friend Of Mine [Lolen...

By PetaMinter

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[A Lolena story] Hayley Is a tomboy. she prides herself on being better than the boys at everything she can... More

Chapter 1 -In the begining.
Chapter 2 -Put a shirt on.
Chapter 4 -Hales.
Chapter 5 - I'm starting to like you above me.
Chapter 6 - Death by a sadistic kitty.
Chapter 7 -Half naked pervert in my house.
Chapter 8 -You have a sex life?
Chapter 9 - Can't take you anywhere.
Chapter 10 -If i wanted to kiss you, you would know it.
Chapter 11 -Did you just call me a cow?
Chapter 12 -Crash and burn.
Chapter 13 -Tylers P.O.V
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 The Single Life
Chapter 16 Friendship Goals
Chapter 17 Oh Crap!
Chapter 18 Even my heart wants to leave me.
Chapter 19 Is it steamy in here or what?!
Chapter 20 Towels are thin.. :/
Chapter 21: First Date
Chapter 22: Perfect to un-perfect
Chapter 23 - Pain & Gain [HUGE TWIST]

Chapter 3 -Busted custed.

663 21 4
By PetaMinter

Chapter three

The wind was blowing in my hair as we drove down a long dark road on our way to Claire's house. Claire was the school's party girl she always threw the biggest parties every Weekend, Everyone who was anyone was there, her mom and dad were rarely ever home, always off on some new safari or something. What more could a girl ask for, she had all the money she could ever want, a large house all to herself and party's every weekend.

Putting my hand out the window I let it surf the wind as I closed my eyes. I've always loved doing this.

Adam reached over and placed his hand on my thigh rubbing little circles with his thumb. Looking over at him I took in his boyish blonde short hair, his light pink thin lips, his hazel eyes and his strong nose, he was cute. We have been dating for just over two years, he knew me better than anyone else and i knew him better than anyone else.

We met at school, he was a transfer from a high school in Michigan, we shared several classes together and we were lab partners for a few months before he finally dared up enough guts to ask me out, for our first date we got take away from Taco Bell and ate it in the back of his truck that was parked at the lookout, the view was amazing we could see everything, the town lights lit it up like stars, it was like the night sky mirrored on to the town.

After talking for hours he turned the music up in the truck and asked me to dance, that's when we shared our first kiss - my first kiss - after that we were inseparable, we spent almost all of our time together, we went to parties together and he even came shopping with my mom and me. His dad taught me how to fish and I taught his dad some teen slang, everyone commented on our relationship calling us cute and it got to the point where people were telling us to stop being cute because we were making them sick. This only made us do it more.

You know that one couple that everyone hates watching, the ones that go on and on about who loves who more? Yea well that's us. I loved him with all I had.

I reached over and turned the radio on, turning it up loud over-taking the sound of Adam chuckling at the song that came on. I started bobbing my head getting into the groove and when the chorus came on I belted out the lyrics to 'Call me maybe' by Carley Rae Jepson, using my hands to signal that I was crazy he laughed and shook his head, after nudging him a few times he let loose and belted it out with me making me laugh painfully, when it ended we both couldn't stop laughing as the next song played.

Pulling up to the curb you could tell the party was in full throttle, music blared from every open window or door that was open, people were walking up the walkway to the door from the street laughing and talking loudly and from a distance you could see the backyard lit up like a Christmas tree accompanied by the loud muffled voices of many.

Walking into Claire's house hand in hand we were greeted by several of our friends before i draged Adam onto the dance floor where we begun grinding up against each other to the music, Adams hands played on my hips pulling me in close to him, we danced like this for a few songs before we were interrupted by our friends Jonah and Tim who tried to dance with us before laughing and motioning us to the kitchen for refills.

"Babe you want a coke?" Adam asked reaching for the refrigerator door.

"Yea I'll have one." I replied waving at some other people across the room. Returning with two cokes he picked me up and sat me on the bench easily, leaning between my legs he ignored the guys and wrapped his arms around me bringing my mouth to his. We were fine with PDA we actually like annoying people with it. My tongue dancing with his it soon became a race to see which would win.

"Haley! What the hell? Take it somewhere else!" We broke apart and snapped our heads to the voice to see my brother Jake with a disgusted look on his face. Behind him leaning up against the door frame looking at me, scrunched up eyebrows, Tyler.

"Fine, we will. Come on Adam, plenty of rooms upstairs." He turned around and I jumped on his back laughing at jakes new disgusted face and went to pass Tyler.

"Nice, thanks for the over share!" Jake yelled.

Next thing I know Adam is soaring up the stairs, me on his back, I didn't even hear what he said back to Jake. We burst through the furthest door into a well lit empty room, cozy. Adam threw me onto the bed as I giggled hysterically then he was on me, his mouth crushed down onto mine and before long our tongues were dancing again.

It didn't take long before we got hot and heavy. Forcing myself to pull away, I laughed seeing Adams face looking like he was two years old and I just snatched away hiss favourite toy. So yea we have been dating for two years but we haven't.... You know... Done.. 'It', it's not that I don't want to do it, I just haven't felt like it was the right time and I can tell it was frustrating Adam to no end.

We have talked about it countless times but I always find myself saying 'soon' but soon never comes and even though Adam is frustrated he still understands and accepts that I am not ready for us to take that step. He's good like that.

I sat up on my elbows facing him, his eyes were closed and he was breathing heavy, gently I reached over with my index finger and slowly traced the lines of his face, I know it annoys him but he never says anything about it. I don't know it sooths me or something, I love doing it and also running my fingers through his thick locks of hair it calms me down and sets me at ease.

"I have to get home soon." I told him removing my hand from his face and sitting up.

"Kay, let me just go tell the boys, I will meet you at the car."

The drive home was nice, barely any cars on the road, if Adams truck wasn't so loud I bet I could hear the crickets chirp. Pulling up to the curb a few houses up from mine I kissed Adam goodbye and promised to call him before I went to sleep. Running up to the house I snuck around the side gripping the flower lattered wall and begun my climb, masterfully placing my hands and feet where I knew they would hold and pulled myself up and onto the roof, tip-toeing to my window reaching over to pull it up only to grunt when it wouldn't budge, looking into the window I soon realised why. It was locked. What an ass bag my brother was.

Banging on my window I sighed and started my climb down only to slip and land on my butt with a oof receiving an hysterical laugh from behind me. Snapping my head to the sound I fumed with embarrassment. Tyler was clutching his stomach bent over in his driveway. Standing up I covered my embarrassment with anger.

"Oh shut the hell up, you jerk." This only made him laugh more. Dusting my pants off I ignored the moron and stomped inside in a huff slamming the door loudly only to cringe when I remembered I was meant to be sneaking.

From upstairs my dad came running down with a bat in his hand rubbing his eyes and flicking on the light. Realising it was me and not a burglar he put a hand over his chest and let the other one holding the bat fall to his side glaring at me with anger before he started yelling.

"Hayley what the hell are you doing?" From behind him my mom came out to find out what all the noise was.

"Hayley you snuck out? Where in gods name have you been?" She joined in on the yelling.

"Jeez calm down I was out with Adam, it's not a big deal!" I crossed my arms across my chest defending myself.

"Calm down? Calm down? My sixteen year old daughter has been out with a boy half the night and you want me to just calm down?" My dad looked at me like what I was saying was the stupidest thing I'd ever said. I looked back at him with a matching expression.

"He's not some boy it's Adam, you know the guy I have been dating for two years?"

"That's not the point here Hayley, you went out without telling us and if that wasn't bad enough you almost gave your father and me a heart attack." Mom copied my stance and crossed her arms showing me she meant business. I hated it when they tag-teamed.

"Jake snuck out too you know, why aren't you yelling at him?" Okay yep I tried to pass the smack down torch...

"Don't even try to lie your way out of this, Jake has been in his room the entire night working on his history essay for school." My face instantly switched to my smug look.

"Prove it."

"Excuse us? Mom asked raising her eyebrows like I just swore at her.

"Just prove that he's been here all night writing his essay and then I will accept any punishment you give me without any negotiations." I knew he was flunking history so there was no way he could finish his essay tonight especially since he was at Claire's.

After they agreed they both went into Jakes room, I could hear their muffled voices and I smiled in delight waiting for them to start yelling at him and I would be off the hook. I waited and waited and finally they came back out.

"Told you didn't I? I will take half of the punishment you already picked out for me in your teenager handbook. Final and only offer." I still got busted but at least I don't get the full punishment.

They looked at each other and then back at me.

"How about we give you the punishment we were going to give you except now we are going to add on to it for lying, Jakes essay is complete and well worth an A plus. go to bed we will tell you what it is tomorrow." And then they walked back in thir room shutting the door leaving me with a stupid look on my face. What the fiddle just happened?

Stomping up the stairs I burst into Jakes room to see him sitting on his computer chair looking at me with victory.

"How did you do it? I crossed my arms again.

"Let's just say our neighbour let me borrow their essay." Tyler, I have to remember to whack him next time I see him.

"Well I'm telling mom and dad."

"Do you really think they are going to believe you now?" What a butt monkey! "Check mate sis." With a grunt I stomped out of his room and into mine

"And stay out of my room!" I yelled before slamming yet another door this time not caring who heard it.

PetaMinter © 2015


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