Growing Up With Hunters (A Su...

By normalsxboring

57.4K 1.5K 245

Violet has always had a hard life. Whether it's the constant torture of knowing that she will probably be kil... More

A Woman In White
Asylum; part 1
Asylum; part 2
What the Hell is a Ghostfacer?
Bring it.
Oh shit!
Hospitals, Ghosts, and a Reaper
Alone at last
Update on the story.
Violet, I love you.
Dresses and Jealousy.
I'm grounded.
Fighting is their Happiness.
The Truth is what kills us.
Finally hunting again
Love and Destruction.
Not So Serious After All..
I Hate You; I Love You Too Princess.
Q&A/this shit just got real.
Alive but not well.
Could it get any worse?
Christmas Presents.
Sounds Like You're Avoiding Me..
I'm the Man that has Your Girl
How Long Are You Going to Take?
No Way Out.

The Yellow Eyed Demon

2K 64 0
By normalsxboring


Violets POV:

There she was, dead. 

Meg, or whatever the poor girls name was, was lying there on the floor. She had just told Dean everything about where John was.

"Sunrise? What does that mean?" Dean kept asking to himself.

"You guys may want to leave before the cops get here." Bobby chimed in, trying to get Dean's attention.

"Well what are you going to tell them?"

"Do you think you invented lying to the cops? I'll figure something out." Bobby said practically shoving us out the door.

"Thank you." I whispered, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I always knew you were my favorite. Make sure those two idjits don't get themselves, or their daddy killed." I smiled a bit and nodded saying goodbye. 

I plopped myself into the backseat, we were off before I knew it, off to go find John.


Right after Dean and Sam shoved the two demons into the closet and put the salt around it, we went looking for John. 

Dean started pushing open one door slowly when he suddenly stopped. His eyes got wide and he didn't move.

"Dad?" he muttered.

"What?" I asked surprisingly. Dean ran up to him, trying to untie his hands and feet.

"Wait." Sam said. Dean and I both looked at him like he was crazy.

"What do you mean wait."

This is John for god's sake, what the hell does he mean wait? 

"He could be possessed for all that we know." Sam said gently to Dean and I, explaining himself.

"He's right Dean. He could be, there is a possibility, knowing how many demons it took to get him." I looked at Sam, and then over to John. I didn't want to admit it, but it was true.

"We have to check." Sam said, quickly pulling out the holy water from the inside of his coat pocket. He splashes it onto Johns limp, dead like body. 

No smoke.

"Sammy? Why are you throwing water onto me?" Sam and Dean both chuckled a bit as John mumbles his words, squinting his eyes. I just gave him a sweet, some what fake smile.

We heard a noise and Dean and Sam both quickly untied John. They got up from the bed and climbed out of the window. 

First Dean, then John, Sam, and last me. 

I slipped on the wet ladder at the very end, but thankfully Sam was there to catch me. His hands on my waist, as he whispered be careful into my ear with a  smile, then with that he quickly turned and looked the other direction, walkin over to Dean and John.

 I gave him a sweet smile, but that smile soon turned to a blank expression. 

I fell to the ground with a deep throbbing pain in my head.

Everything was black.

I felt my body go limp as I fell to the ground.

Sam's POV: 

Violet had slipped on the second to last step on the ladder.

I caught her carefully, slipping my hands firmly around her waist, and turning her towards me.

"Be careful," the last thing that we need was for Vi to be breaking her ankle. 

I turned to and saw that Dean was having trouble getting dad into the back seat of the car. 

I walked over to help, when we heard a noise.

I turned to find Violet laying on the ground, her head slightly bleeding. 


A demon walked out from behind her limp body. 

He was walking towards Dean and I. 


He turned my way.

"Wheres Vi?"

"On the ground, bleeding, why? Do you have to talk to her right now?" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at his stupid question.

Were you expecting her to be on a vacation?

If she's not up and here with us, it's obvious where she is.

"Shut up Sammy, right now we need to take care of what really matters." He said quickly pointing at the demon that way almost to us. 

SmashI hit the ground with a thud, hitting my head on the ground, making my nose bleed a bit.  

He lifted me up, but with that I heard a shot. 

I looked over to see that the man with the demon inside him was on the ground, a faint orange glow was coming from inside him. Dean had shot him right in the heart.

The Colt. 

"Sammy are you okay?" Dean asked pulling on my arms, trying hard to lift me up.

"I'm fine." I told him. 

I didn't care about my well being I cared more about Violet than anything. 

I rushed over to her body laying on the ground. I shook her awake. 

"Wake up, no sleeping on the job." I chuckled a bit at her groaning.

"Shut up, I bet I look like shit huh?" She said bluntly with a small smile.

"You look beautiful." Did I really just say that out loud. 

 A small smile escaped from her lips. 

God, she really was beautiful. 

What am I saying, Violet was gorgeous, but what about Jess.

 Jess just died, I cant do this to her. 

Can I?

Violet's POV:

"You look beautiful." Sam said staring into my eyes. I couldn't help but smile and blush. 

Dean came running over to see if I was okay and lifted me up, pushing me into the back seat with John. 


"Where are we going?" I said looking at John. 

Only he would know a good enough hiding place from Meg and the yellow eyed demon.

"Turn up here." John said telling Dean every direction to a safe house where no demon could find us apparently. 

I doubted that, but I guess that every time that he stayed there when he was hiding no demon ever found him. 

The car jerked to a stop; Sam and Dean got up quickly, both opening the back doors as quickly as they could.

Dean grabbed John, helping him walk, where as Sam grabbed me by my waist yanked me out of the car, and into the cabin setting me down onto a seat asking me if I was okay.

I just nodded my head and gave him the slightest, fake smile. 

I wasnt okay.

 I was terrified.

 What was going to happen? 

Sam and I went to check around and see what we could find in the cabin.

We turned the corner and saw Dean holding the gun up towards John. 

"Dean, What the hell." Sam said, standing up and staring towards his brother, just like me.

"Hes not dad."

"If you're so sure, why don't you shoot me?" He said still staring at Dean. Dean stood there thinking for a moment until he put the gun down and looked as if he had almost teary eyes.

"Damn, you should've shotus when you had the chance." John said looking up from the ground, for a second I could swear his eyes were. 


Hello there you lovely people.

How are you?

Thanks for reading.

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I love you.

Carry on my supernaturalers.

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