Mexico Headcanons


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Da motherland. Honestly I hope Hima makes Mexico because Mexico has been referenced before by America and Br... 更多

Personality + (Dis)Likes
Loyal Companions
Lovely Garden
Drunk Mexico
NAFTA's Early Years
Arab Blood
Ultimate Weapons
Swimming Lessons
Mañana & Ahorita
Languages Spoken
Imperialism & Influence
Mexican-American War
Conference Meetings
War Weapons
Couch Potatoe or Outdoors Explorer
Stamina & Pain Tolerance
Germany, Japan, & Mexico
Lazy Stereotype
Taco Tuesday (+ Friday)
Tiger to Kitten
Who's the Birthday Boy?!
The Prince of Song
His Singing Icons
Gifts of Gratitude
Hierarchy & Respect
Reinforcing Friendship
North American Trio
What a Hetalia Character Does at a Party
World Academy
Peak of Rebellion
Clean Freak
Seme or Uke?

Flirty Boi

174 8 0

Mexico loves cheesy pickup lines that either compliment himself or other people. He likes both the fluffy ones and the smexy ones.



Mexico looked at Japan longingly with a smug smile plastered on his lips as his old friend did some paperwork. Typing his fingers away, his dark brown eyes never leaving the screen. The raven-haired male leaned closer to the table, his smug smile never faltering. His tanned hand resting on top of the smooth surface of the table, supporting his head.

"Japón, I want to treat you like how you treat your homework." Under the Mexican's breath he started to giggle as he struggled to contain his laughter. Biting his lower lip to stop his laughter from erupting the room.

The Japanese man didn't bat an eye at him however Mexico could tell that he knew. Japan raised an eyebrow slightly, continuing to jot down his ideas and words on the digital copy of the paper.

"What do you mean by that, Mexico-san?" His accent laced around his tongue soaring out his mouth like silk. Mexico chuckled and leaned closer to the Japanese man in front of him. His hand pushing the back of his laptop forward, masking the screen from him.

Japan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before his hand landed under his chin, gripping it securely to prevent him from turning away. The older nation blinked a couple of times before the younger nation spilled out his accented English words.

"It means I want to slam you on my desk and do you all night long." His index finger and thumb caressed his cheek softly grazing the surface. His tongue licking his lips, lubricating them in a shimmery glow.

The words of the Latino settled into Japan's mind before he immediately bursts into a deep red hue as he fell back on his chair. Shocked, Mexico gets up and scurries his way over to the shorter male currently having a nosebleed.


"You wanna bet, Chiquito!?" Mexico yelled at Romano with a teasing undertone clear in his voice. His frown slowly twitching from the evergrowing smile he was trying to hide. The Italian looked at him with a scrunched up face, his curl compressed against itself as his hazel eyes twitch in annoyance.

"Si, Bastardo! Do it. You-a don't-a have the-a balls to-a do it!" Romano screamed in the Latino's face to of which he never flinched at his friend's yelling and his not-so-hidden insult. Not backing up now from the deal at this point, Mexico gave one last huff before leaving Romano behind searching for one specific personification.

His dark brown eyes scanning the room filled with many diverse personifications. The one he was looking for nowhere to be in sight. Frustration slowly grew inside of his chest, small grunts rumbled within his throat. Before scanning the room a couple of more times, the large golden doors behind the Mexican opened.

The ebony-haired nation fixed his stature and turned around to look at who entered the room. His brown eyes lighting up with joy, stars appearing in his brown orbs. Quickly running up to the nation, he held his hand and looked up at Veneziano, a suave look glowing in his eyes. Veneziano hummed with confusion as his curl bobbed up and down. Mexico caressed his fingers against Veneziano's smoothly, grazing against the Italian's soft pale hands.

With the most smooth sounding accent, he spoke, "Oh Veneziano, I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art." All the countries immediately stopped what they were doing and paid attention to Mexico and Veneziano, a rather odd pair.

A few of them started to blush at how he enunciated the pick-up line to the auburn-haired male. Mexico soon followed the cheesy line with an alluring wink and a slowly leaned his head to the auburn's hands where he laid a small peck that had many of the nations melting to their core from the Latino's actions. Romano meanwhile widened his eyes a little, arms crossed in front of his chest.

Moving on to the nation receiving the compliment, he just 'stared' at Mexico for a few seconds. The silence embarking the room raising tensions and a somewhat awkward atmosphere. Mexico soon started to grow a tiny bit weary at the small bet.

'Did he not understand the pick-up line. Chingada madre.'

Not long after, Veneziano's cheeks turned into a vermillion hue perfectly complimenting his pale complexion. His curl bobbing up and down with more haste as his smile slowly transitioned into a smirk.

"You must be a pretty good thief because you stole my heart as soon as I came in." It was now Veneziano's turn to kiss Mexico, his pink lips softly pecking his knuckles. The largest smile plastered his face on the Mexican's face, his cheeks turning into a light pink hue however it wasn't that noticeable.

Throughout their entire break, both Mexico and Veneziano were saying really corny pick-up lines to each other. While that was happening, Romano just stood there with wide eyes, his curl was all compressed again in the worst way possible, shock just radiating all over him.

He groaned under his breath, mumbling insults. 'Per l'amor del cielo! Now I-a owe him-a fucking money!'


Silence embarked the atmosphere as the men stood there embracing the quiet environment. Mexico stood there somewhat tense, shoulders high, high heart rate, and an awkward smile adding its final touch. On either side of him were two of the taller nations; Sweden and Denmark.

The Dane is alright as the two party and chat with one another from time to time but Sweden is an oddball. He never spoke and never responds to anyone verbally but with head shakes and grunts. It was rather offputting, to say the least. Mexico's brown orbs traced up the Swede's broad and muscular body, masked and veiled with his navy blue frock coat hugging him comfortably. The blonde's icy blue eyes staring at nothing, shining behind his glasses.

Not long after, Denmark left the elevator space and soon it was just Sweden and Mexico. The quiet music playing only added to the tension which Mexico hated. One could cut the atmosphere with a knife.

'Damn, I feel so tiny next to this poste.' His eyes flickered back at the Swede and to the front of the elevator door, watching their own reflections. This went on for a couple of more seconds before his brown irises landed on Sweden's icy blue ones staring deeply into the pools of brown. A small jolt escaped Mexico not ever thinking Sweden was gonna look at him. 'Creo que ya me cague.'

The Swede's eyes never removed themselves from Mexico's gaze, a small low huff escaped his lips, scaring the brown-eyed male. Shivering in his boots, he looked back at Sweden with an awkward smile.

"Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?" Silence. Their staring contest never ceased to end and at this point, Mexico was dying on the inside trembling in his boots. 'What in the bloody hell is wrong with me?! That is what you say Mexico?! Estúpido!' He yelled at himself internally questioning all of his life decisions as of this moment.

While Mexico was having his mental breakdown, Sweden continued to stare at him curiously with no ill will. Silently grinning at the shorter male's choice of words, he kneeled down still not catching the attention of the Latino. Nearing his face to Mexico's, he sweetly pecked his cheek, silencing the Mexican's thoughts. Sweden's lips lingered a little longer before retracting himself away. The elevator dinging and the doors opening.

The two exchanged eye contacts for the last time before Sweden spoke, "Söt." Mexico caressed his right cheek before watching Sweden leave. His eyes fluttering in disbelief. The friendly giant took his leave and left the elevator and walked away, not before glancing back at the shorter male.

His cheeks were ablaze and he started yelling in Spanish, "Hay pues wey! No tenias que hacer eso pero lo hicistes! Chingada madre ya me traes hasta la verga wey!" Sweden watched as the elevator doors closed with a screaming and blushing Mexican with a frightened Korean and Prussian.


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