What If the Fox Wants the Wolf

By Ou_lan_er

84.4K 4K 601

[Completed] Two enemies who are in love with the same girl... two enemies who are forced to live in the same... More

1. The Punishment
2. Culture Shock
3. An Allusive Kiss
4. Revenge Mode On
5. "Friends"
6. A Disastrous Party
7. The Peace Deal
8. Breaking the Ice...Slowly
9. A New Hobby
10. Confused Feelings
11. Drooling over the Fox
12. Doomed
13. A Call from the Rival
14. I Care About You Too
16. Reality Hurts...Not Really
17. Rain in Paradise
18. I'll Take Care of You
19. Now You Know
20. Forget Me...Not
21. I Love Him!
22. Officially Mine
EXTRA (+18)

15. Happy B-day!

2.5K 148 27
By Ou_lan_er

"Order whatever you want, you must have missed out on eating at fancy restaurants," Mr. Yang said with a smirk, "especially you, Cheng Ming, as this feast is for you."

"Thank you, uncle," Cheng Ming kindly replied.

They were in a very fancy restaurant (as Mr. Yang already said, I don't know why I am repeating!) to celebrate Cheng Ming's birthday which was a week later. Every year, Cheng Ming was celebrating with his friends on the actual day so they started this tradition to celebrate together one week earlier.

"Here, have some," Mr. Cheng put some mutton chop on Cheng Ming's plate.

Before he reacted, Yang Jian exchanged his empty plate with his, "uncle, Cheng Ming doesn't like mutton."

Mr. Cheng and Mr. Yang exchanged a glance, happy with the progress.

"As you are getting along well now and the weather keeps getting colder, I think uncle Yang won't object me to give this gift to you, Cheng Ming," Mr. Cheng said while giving a car key to Cheng Ming "but it is for both of you, if I hear you don't share it, then I will take it back."

"A Honda?" Cheng Ming was quite disappointed. He thought his father would give him back his sports car.

"You don't like it?" Mr. Cheng reached forward to get the key back.

"No...no!" Cheng Ming hastily put it into his pocket before they got it back.

Yang Jian kicked his leg under the table.

"Uhm, thank you father."

Then Mr. Yang gave his gift which made Cheng Ming quite happy; money!

This time, Cheng Ming didn't need to be kicked, "thank you uncle."


As they were used to being enemies, Cheng Ming and Yang Jian never gave each other gifts. But this time it was different, as Yang Jian now had this huge crush on Cheng Ming, he wanted to give him a very special gift.

On Thursday, which was two days before the actual birthday, Yang Jian had no class while Cheng Ming had class from nine to four. Therefore, Yang Jian used Thursday to prepare his gift...

When Cheng Ming came at five p.m, he found the house in complete darkness. Thinking that Yang Jian was out, he went to his room, but opening the room, he saw Yang Jian was inside his room, holding a chocolate cake with a candle on it.

"Why did you born, damn wolf...Why did you born, damn wolf...Happy birthday to you," he sang while bringing the cake towards him.

Cheng Ming laughed so hard that his eyes got teary.

"Blow it, I'm tired of holding it."

Cheng Ming blew the candle then turned on the light.

"Tada!" Yang Jian pointed to the bookcase Cheng Ming never used, "it is your birthday gift, liked it?"

Cheng Ming went near Yang Jian to look at it. He saw the novels he already read and discussed with Yang Jian, and there were ten new books.

"Why did you put these?" he pointed to the books they read, "didn't we already finish them?"

"These are not my copies, I bought you new ones for your collection," Yang Jian smiled happily then he handed him a small box, "and this is the last item you need for your new hobby."

Cheng Ming opened the box and found out it was a book marker. He took it out, it was silver and on it there was an engraving of a full moon and in front of it, there was a figure of a wolf, howling.

"It is the best gift I have ever got, thank you," he suddenly hugged Yang Jian, sniffing his sweet smell.

Shocked, Yang Jian could only hug him back and wish that that moment lasted forever, "you are very welcome."


"Happy birthday to Cheng Ming, CHEERS!"

A, B, C, D, Ying Yue and Cheng Ming clinked their glasses. As usual, they were in their usual pub to celebrate.

First round...second round....third round... alcohol swallowed like water.

"Now..." B was already tipsy, "it is time to give the gifts to the birthday boy!"

A, B and C gave Cheng Ming a gift card from an apparel store, D gave him a box of cosmetic stuff and Ying Yue gave him a watch.

Nothing unusual.

A's mother was the owner of that apparel store, D was crazy about cosmetic stuff and Ying Yue's father was the owner of the biggest watch store in the city.

Nothing unusual.

Every year is the same.

Cheng Ming thanked them all although he didn't feel like it. Every year was the same but he never cared about this matter until that day. Even Ying Yue's gift didn't make him happy. Suddenly, he missed Yang Jian. Although the time he spent with Yang Jian was less than he spent with his friends in total, only Yang Jian understood him and gave the cheapest yet the most meaningful gift.

"Guys, thank you for the celebration, it was great but I need to go now."

He ignored the others' complaints and left the pub, quite satisfied with his doing.

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