Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 23: Rolling Punches

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By Wingerz17

Song for chapter is Torches by X Ambassadors


Noah's POV

It was the evening now and we'd finished dinner around an hour ago and were all on the coach heading to the place where we would begin our rollerblading around Amsterdam.

This was going to be a fun evening.

I'll check back and let you know how it's going.

Keane's POV

This traffic wasn't shifting, and neither was my headache.

  "I feel sick," I said, opening my window,

"Babe, just take some deep breaths, have you still got your headache?" Tayte asked, leaning right into the front, I nodded and then groaned,

  "I'd love to have Ron's flying car right now," Arlo said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Me too," I said closing my eyes,

  "Maybe we should pull over at the next possible opportunity?" Tayte said,

"If this traffic decides to move, then of course," Arlo answered,

  "No" I said opening my eyes, "Let's just get home, I'm sure it'll go, the pain killers will kick in, or you can just give me a kicking to divert the pain," silence met me, "I was kidding," they didn't look happy.

I fell asleep.

Therefore the pain went.

When I awoke we were home.

Dad had also just pulled up.

"Good day?" he asked, as Tayte and Arlo came around to open my door,

"Great thank you," Arlo responded.

  "Is Keane okay?" He then asked,

"Keane is fine," I said as Tayte wrapped his arms around me,

  "He has a killer headache,"

"Besides that," I closed my eyes, "I'm good," Dad looked concerned,

  "Don't be showing me any concern Dad, I'm fine," and I headed inside.

I wasn't fine.

This headache was one of my worst.

My shoulder was on fire.

And I still felt sick.

I flopped down on the sofa and shut my eyes,

"Babe I think you should go and lie down," Tayte told me,

  "I second that," Arlo said, I rolled my closed eyes, "Don't roll your eyes at us," I smiled and opened them,

"How did you know when they were shut?" I said,

  "I know you," He smiled, "Get upstairs with Tayte and go and rest, I'll bring you both a drink up,"

"Keane, if you're not well you should go..." Dad began,

  "If you say the H word I'll start throwing punches," Dad held his hands up in surrender,

"Fine, just take it easy okay, if you need me I'll either be in my room or in here, Talina and your mother are out having dinner together, think your mother is trying to get to know you more through Talina," he then said and headed off upstairs,

"Where is Angelo?" I asked,

"Night shift, he'll be back early hours of the morning," Arlo answered, "Do not make me call him and tell him to get his ass home because of you," I saluted Arlo with a wink and dragged Tayte upstairs. I flipped off my shoes and led on our bed,

  "How you really doing?" Tayte asked looking at me carefully,

"Been worse, been better," I responded, he gave me a look, "Come lie with me," he smiled,

"That isn't getting you out of answering the questions," I grinned, but he came and led next to me, I rested my head on his chest and he began to run his hands slowly through my hair,

  "I'm feeling better already," I said softly, "I just think Alfie on my shoulders all day didn't help my shoulder at all, but I'm sure it'll be okay in the morning,"

"Is the pain bad? Do you want to take something?"

   "Which pain? My head feels like it's going to explode at any minute, the pain is so intense babe," he sat up and I moved and looked at him, he kissed me like we were never going to kiss again. All of my pain floated away. I floated away.

When we broke for air I smiled and kissed him again before saying,

"I fucking love you,"

Noah's POV

Currently we were skating past buildings, pubs, restaurants on the road. It was like we were in a roller skating race or some type of film where some of the roads were closed which meant we had free reign to do as we please. We had already had some casualties, a few scrapes and cuts for those less advanced on these things, because I mean, this was pretty hardcore skating around the city, in the dark, at night. It was awesome though.

We didn't realise how far we were actually skating and many had dropped out and turned back, but Harlun, Zuri, Bryleigh and I, who were all relatively confident and able skaters were going to the end. Brody had promised if I completed the route that he'd buy me chips when I came back, so there was that also.

It was a cool night. The sky clear. Starry. Bright.

"It's so pretty isn't it," Zuri said, skating up beside me,

  "It is," I answered.

We all sleep beneath the same stars, I thought and smiled.

We got back to the park at 10.30pm. Two hours after we left it.

Brody was the only one there.

"You four are the last four standing" He said, "Everyone else has gone back to the hotel,"

"Pussies," I said, and Brody just smiled,

"We are the four musketeers," Harlun said,

  "I thought there were three of them?" Bryleigh then said,

"A fourth one joined in the BBC series," I said, and everyone laughed,

  "Forgot you were an English boy," Harlun winked.

We got a taxi back to the hotel, paid for by Brody, after we stopped for some chips. I was not letting him IOU chips to me when I was hungry.

It was 11.30pm before we were all settled back into our rooms. We were going to the University of Amsterdam tomorrow, attending some lectures, having a tour, basically life in the day of a Dutch or non-Dutch student at UvA.

"You excited for tomorrow?" Harlun asked, we were led in bed in the dark. It was way past midnight.

  "Hells yeah I am, it's going to be awesome," I knew he smiled, because how could he not.

"Night Noah,"

  "Goodnight Harlun,"


The next morning I was up with a lark, I was showered and dressed before Harlun even dragged himself out of bed.

  "Dude how are you so awake when we went to bed so late,"

"Sleeps for losers and also I just have a whole lot of energy," I retorted, "So hurry up and wake up because I don't want to have to kick your lazy ass into shape," he smiled and got up.

  "When we leaving?" Harlun asked.

"Coach leaves at 9am on the dot,"

   "And what time is it now?"

"7.45am, plenty of time to get ready and have breakfast, we're also meeting the girls at 8am for breakfast,"

"So I have 15 minutes,"

"That's exactly what I'm saying honey," I said with a wink and he laughed heading into the bathroom. I messaged Angelo a have a good evening I love you millions and goodnight message as it was around 8.45pm yesterday back home. I messaged Keane a I love you and hope you're staying out of trouble. Tayte a, hope your keeping Keane out of trouble message and Arlo a, I love you big brother and make sure you keep Keane and Tayte out of trouble text.

Nothing exciting happened at breakfast.

There was almost an accident on the way to the University.

But we all arrived in one piece.

As we all stood outside next to the coach for a second I was scared and then I remembered that I was Noah Carson Linkoln and I was fucking awesome!

Keane's POV

"I come bearing drinks," Arlo said, coming into the room. We were led on the bed topless, "You feeling any better?"

   "I always feel better when I'm around the ones I love," I smiled, "Thank you for the drink,"

"Don't worry Arlo, I'll make sure he's okay,"

  "I know you will," Tayte nodded with a smile, "I'm going for a late-night run," I sat up,

"Along the beach?" I asked,


"Please be careful okay,"

   "Aren't I always?" he said, "Actually, don't answer that, Bud I'll be fine, I'll call in when I come back okay," I pouted at him and he laughed, "See you later love birds," and he disappeared out of the room.

"Want to find a film on Netflix?" Tayte asked and I nodded taking a thoughtful sip of my hot chocolate.

Arlo's POV

Was I okay?

Truthfully, I wasn't feeling my best right now.

Today was amazing, don't get me wrong and I know I shouldn't be feeling like this after the day I've just had but...

I'm still not used to and this is going to sound so ridiculous. Being happy, being around people who love me more than life. It takes me back to being on tour in Afghanistan and Iraq, being with my brothers, losing my brothers. It also takes me further back, to the days where I was alone and the only one to watch my back was myself.

I left the house, making sure to take my phone and I dumped a few notes in my back pocket, clocking the time as 8.30pm.

Keane's POV

"He's going to be okay right?" I asked midway through the film,

  "Why are you all of a sudden so worried about Arlo?" Tayte asked me,

"I don't know, just a feeling I guess," I got off of the bed,

  "Where are you going?"

"To the toilet babe, chill," I replied, though if I was being honest I did think about going after Arlo. I was back on the bed snuggled up with him within a few minutes,

"Are you really feeling better?" he then asked,

"Headaches gone," I answered, and it really had. He looked at me and I knew he could tell I was being truthful,

    "And your shoulder?"

"1 out of 2 ain't bad," I winked and he rolled his eyes, there was a knock on our door, "Come in" I hollered, it was opened to reveal Dad,

"Just checking in on you" he said,

   "All good in the hood Dad," I responded,

"Sounds like it," he retorted and I smiled,

  "Did you want anything?"

"Do we have any popcorn in the cupboard, the buttery sweet one? If so, then that please," I grinned, he chuckled,

  "And if we don't have any?"

"Then Corrigan's do-good food," he full on laughed this time, "I'm joking Dad, if there is no popcorn then some Doritos will be nice thanks, cool, love you, bye," Both Tayte and Dad rolled their eyes.

Arlo's POV

The run felt good, the cool breeze, late night air. It filled my lungs and I exhaled all my fears, anxieties and worries.

I'd gone not too far in a short period of time.

Or so I thought, it was 10pm, the sun had fully gone down and the twinkling stars and mellow yellow lights from houses along the beachfront made it somehow brighter. I decided to do a final 5-minute sprint and then turn around and head back, if I ran hard and fast which I usually do I would get back within the hour, even if I took it slow I would be back before midnight.


I paused and sat up on the wall and replied:


I took off a few minutes later.

I was around 15 minutes away from home when I felt a sharp pain ripple through the back of my head and glass shatter, I spun around dazed,

"What the fuck?" I said, but it didn't come out as I wanted it. I then dodged another attempt to hit me and floored whoever it was that hit me, "Who the fuck are you?" I pinned him to the sand, hands above his head, I was about to pull the hood down when someone ploughed into me, I got up again dazed, I could feel the blood oozing down the back of my neck.

"I told you he was strong, just bloody leave the note and bounce, we didn't get paid enough to get beat up," a voice said, I threw a punch and I heard them curse. I felt another blow to my head and I stumbled to the ground, "Bastard nearly broke my bloody jaw,"

   "Leave him, let's get out of here,"

I lay on my back, breathing heavily for a few seconds and then sat up slowly, knowing if I did it quickly I'd be too dizzy and probably pass out. I had blood dribbling from the front and back of my head.


I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Angelo,

"Hey what's up? I'm heading back home now


Arlo? Are you okay?

I'm on the beach, about 15 from home...I'll...I'll be on the wall...

What's happened? You okay?

I don't know...some fuckers jumped me. Left a note, just...

Don't move, I'll be there ASAP" he hung up.

I groaned as I stood up and grabbed the piece of paper and walked over to the wall, sitting down.

"Fuckers," I mumbled as I unfolded the piece of paper:


"Jesus Christ," I heard a car pull out and footsteps running towards me,

  "Arlo," he reached me and I looked at him, "Fuck sake Arlo," he said, there was worry in his voice, he took my head in his hands carefully and I winced, "Glass bottle?"

  "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"There's still glass in your head, these are going to need stitches brother," he made me follow his finger,

"Brother, that's making me feel even more sick, than I already feel" I groaned.

   "Definite concussion, I seriously want to take you to ER right now, but I know what you're going to say,"

"You're my doctor, just take me home, I'd rather deal with Keane and Tayte then go to the ER,"

  "It's your funeral," Angelo said, I stood up and he steadied me as I was light headed and dazed, I then turned and puked up. Christ sake!

"I'm fine," I said after composing myself, wiping my mouth and climbing over the wall and into Angelo's car.

  "You aren't fine and that isn't just because of your head or the fact you were just sick, you run when you have things on your mind, so do you want to share those thoughts before we get home?" I couldn't help but smile,

"You kind of scare me sometimes by how much you know me,"

"It's a gift," he responded starting the engine. I looked at my phone properly this time and saw a few missed calls and texts from Keane. Shit. "I'm waiting,"

  "I had a really good day today, really good, we went to the zoo as I told you and everyone got on, the sun was shining, there were plenty of laughs and smiles and Keane was just amazing with Willow and Alfie. Seeing and living such happiness makes me sad, because I think to what I used to have and..."

"You don't feel like you deserve to be happy," I was glad Angelo said it and those words didn't come out of my mouth, I nodded,

"Which is ridiculous I know but... I can't help it,"

  "It'll get easier someday,"

"And to top that off, those dick heads left me this note," I read it out to Angelo,

  "Shit, maybe it's best not to tell Keane and Tayte about that quite yet, your head is going to be bad enough, I'm not working tomorrow so maybe you and I can talk to Joey and your Dad about this?"

"Sounds like the right thing to do," I answered, "Thank you,"

"I've got your back brother, we all have your back,"

We were home before I knew it. Home. It still sounded odd to me, I had many buildings I lived in, houses, but never a home. Angelo came around and helped me out. The front door opened and Keane and Tayte were stood there,

"Arlo," Keane said, his voice cracking and I wanted to breakdown right there, his voice went straight to my heart.


All my love


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing 2020

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