Find You

By ShanLaoshi

23.9K 1.2K 825

Because of his father's last wish, Zhao Yunlan had to find his fiancée. Someone he had met when they were lit... More

Happy New Year
17 - The Final Chapter


1K 68 79
By ShanLaoshi

Obsession is the single most wasteful human activity, because with an obsession you keep coming back and back and back to the same question and never get an answer. -

NORMAN MAILER, American Way,


Worried, that was the look on Zhao Yunlan's face right now.  Shen Wei, someone he really loves was in danger and he didn't know where Shen Wei was.  From the start, he didn't like Guanying, he had a feeling that Guanying wasn't a good man.  However, he still respected Guanying because he was Shen Wei's best friend.

Shen Wei once told him that Guanying was the one who helped him to open a coffee shop.  He owes Guanying a lot and Shen Wei also said that Guanying was a good person.  So what made him change?  Was it possible because Shen Wei prefers Zhao Yunlan over Guanying?  If that was the case then what Guanying was doing right now is ridiculous.

Shouldn't Guanying be able to accept Shen Wei's decision?  If he loves Shen Wei then he should do everything to make Shen Wei happy.  And if Shen Wei is happy with Zhao Yunlan, Guanying should be able to give up on that, because seeing people we love happy is more important than anything.

Well, that is easy to say, but in fact it is difficult to do.  Everyone will be more concerned with his ego than other people's feelings. Zhao Yunlan certainly understood that. However, does it have to be this way?

If he is man enough, he should face me, not take away Shen Wei like this ... Zhao Yunlan said to himself.

Of course, Guanying should have known that his main enemy was Zhao Yunlan.  Until whenever Shen Wei would not love him if Zhao Yunlan was still there.  Love can not be forced.  That will only hurt Shen Wei.

Right, hurt Shen Wei.  That was Zhao Yunlan’s main concern right now.  He was very afraid that something might happen to Shen Wei.  Zhao Yunlan will not forgive himself.  He dragged Shen Wei to his problem.  It was his fault but at least he wanted to protect Shen Wei with all costs.

What if Guanying touch him?  Zhao Yunlan surely would kill this man. For Zhao Yunlan, Guanying's love has turned into an unhealthy obsession.  Of course he would do anything that could make Shen Wei his.  Zhao Yunlan was very scared.  During this time, Zhao Yunlan was known as a fearless man, but this matter was the one that scared him the most.  For that he must immediately find Shen Wei.

Wangji sent a message containing an address to Zhao Yunlan and at this time, Zhao Yunlan was on his way to Guanying's home.  he kept watching the road while talking to someone on the phone.

"Lin Jing, track where Shen Wei is via the GPS on Shen Wei's cellphone," Zhao Yunlan said

5 minutes later Zhao Yunlan finally arrived at a quite magnificent house.  In front of the house Wangji was waiting while sitting on his motorcycle.  When he saw Zhao Yunlan get out of the car, Wangji then approached him.

"Is this the place?"  Zhao Yunlan asked and Wangji nodded "You arrived earlier, did you find something suspicious?"

"No, but you see" Wangji pointed at the black sedan that parked at the garage "Seems like Guanying is home. That car is his car  He used this car when he fetched Shen Wei from the coffee shop"

"Let’s go inside" Zhao Yunlan commanded as he entered the house.  Wangji followed with his gun on his hand, just in case ...  when they arrived at the front door, Zhao Yunlan knocked it and shouted "Guanying open the door you bastard!"

It didn't take much time for someone to open the door.  It was Guanying but he looked confused.  Zhao Yunlan was so angry when he saw Guanying's face that he pushed Guanying, he barged in and searched in all the room.

"What's going on?" Guanying asked as he followed Zhao Yunlan "What are you looking for?"

"How dare you ask me that question!"  Zhao Yunlan stopped and turned his body towards Guanying "Where is my wife?  Where is Shen Wei?"

"Shen Wei?  Is he not home yet?  Well, I admit Shen Wei was here but only less than an hour.  He went back home already" Guanying answered

"Don't fucking lie to me!"  Zhao Yunlan shouted "Wangji find my wife!  Search all the rooms here!"

"Sure" Wangji nodded and left

"Let me ask you once again!  Where is he?  Where did you hide my wife?"

"I don't understand.  Hide your wife?  What for?"  Guanying frowned

"I've told you don't fucking lie to me!"  Zhao Yunlan grabbed him by his collar “You sent me a message and said that you want to claim my wife.  You fucking threatened me, didn't you?"

"Someone sent you a message and you think it was me?  You know my number!  Hold on, did someone kidnap Shen Wei?"  Guanying looked worried "Should we report this to the police?"

"Don't act innocent with me!"  Zhao Yunlan shouted again "I know you are behind this!"

"It wasn't me!  How can I hurt someone that I love?"  Guanying defended himself "How can you blame me?  I love Shen Wei, but I won’t risk his life by this!"

"I don't believe you!"  Zhao Yunlan pushed him to the ground "Don't play with me!  Where is he?"

"I DON'T KNOW!"  Guanying shouted and stood up "Well if you don't believe me, go ahead search for him here and tell me if I hide him"

Moments later Wangji approached Zhao Yunlan, he shook his head.  They did not find Shen Wei in this house.  That made Zhao Yunlan even more angry.

"See?  I didn't kidnap Shen Wei. Do you need CCTV footage too? I've been here since Shen Wei left. My daughter is sick.  You found her in her bedroom right? Wangi?"

"I still don't believe you!"  Zhao Yunlan said

"It's up to you if you don't believe me.  You accused me of something that I didn't commit.  I can sue you!  But right now Shen Wei's safety is the matter for me.  I will find him and then after that I will take him away for real because you, his husband failed to protect him!  If something happens to my Shen Wei, I will kill you Zhao Yunlan!"

"Your Shen Wei?  Huh" Zhao Yunlan chuckled "He is my wife!  Remember that,  Stop your obsession!  He will never be yours"

"Wife?  You can't even protect him!  You dragged him to this dangerous path!  It's all because of you!  He was fine before, he was happy and safe.  But since you came, his life turned upside down!  He is now a target of your enemy.  You kill him slowly and you still dare to call him your wife?"  Guanying snapped "What kind of husband let his wife live in danger?"

"YOU!"  Zhao Yunlan was about to punch Guanying but Wangji stopped him

"Don't get provoke, we can deal with this man later. The most important thing is we find Shen Wei as fast as we can," Wangji said

"But this man hides me wife!"  Zhao Yunlan said

"You don't have a proof!  How many times I should have told you that I didn't kidnap Shen Wei!"

"Do I need a proof?  It's obvious!  It's ..." A phone suddenly rang and Zhao Yunlan picked it up "Lin Jing ... "

"Boss, I've got the location where Shen Wei's cellphone is.  The location is the same as where the sender's location is" Lin Jing informed.

"Good send me the location!"  Zhao Yunlan said and hung up his phone "We did not find Shen Wei here but if Shen Wei's disappearance has something to do with you then I will kill you!"

"And if I am innocent then I will take Shen Wei away from you!"

"In your dream!"  Zhao Yunlan said "Wangji let’s go"

When Zhao Yunlan had left his home, Guanying then called someone.

"Is he awake?"  Guanying asked to someone in the other side "Alright, I'll be right there.  Make sure that there are no suspicious people there. I've sent you the picture of all of Zhao Yunlan’s allies.  Be careful and make no one get close to Shen Wei, no one can touch him except me"


Zhao Yunlan and Wangji went to the location sent by Lin Jing but they found nothing there except a road where the right and left of the road was only a meadow.  There was no one there, not even one building there.  Zhao Yunlan was increasingly frustrated.

"Where is he, Wangji?"  Zhao Yunlan groaned "Where is my wife?"

Wangji checked around them and he found 2 cellphones.  He then gave the cellphone to Zhao Yunlan.

"It's Shen Wei's phone," Wangji said

"They tricked us!"  Zhao Yunlan sighed "Does someone watch Guanying right now?"

"It's on the way, they will arrive at Guanying's house in 10 minutes" Wangji said "Zhao Yunlan, I'm sorry.  I can't protect Shen Wei"

"It happened. It's useless to blame yourself.  What did you do exactly after my wife left with that bastard?"  Zhao Yunlan asked

"We found the CCTV footage and I've submitted that proof to the police. They said they will investigate that footage before the open investigation of Rumei"

"At least there's a good news" Zhao Yunlan sighed "What we should do next?"

"I have the same thought as you.  I feel that Guanying hides something from us.  Also I believe that it is related to Rumei and Suzhi"

"They know each other?"  Zhao Yunlan frowned

"Maybe, because my brother said that he saw them together once.  At one of cafe.  My brother didn't know Guanying tho, but when I gave him Guanying's picture earlier he recognized him instantly" Wangji explained "I gave his picture to my brother just in case he saw Shen Wei with him. Since they don't know each other, I believe that he can help us with spying"

"But why Lan Xichen?"

"Because he is a doctor, it's just precaution.  I'm afraid that they hurt Shen Wei or maybe Shen Wei hurt himself when he tried to escape and then they might go to the hospital" Wangji replied "So I think that we need to watch Rumei and Suzhi closer from now on"

"Why I didn't realize that before" Zhao Yunlan groaned again "Sure they have the same purpose.  To destroy me . Clearly that they use Shen Wei to achieve their goals.  Rumei wants my money and Guanying wants Shen Wei, their only obstacle is me and now they got Shen Wei and look at me now......."

"That's why you need to be more careful.  Rumei won't hurt Shen Wei because Guanying won't let her tho" Wangji said "We need to find Shen Wei that's for sure but you have to believe that Guanying won't hurt Shen Wei.  He loves Shen Wei.  We should calm down first and make a plan"

"Do you know what I'm afraid of the most?"  Zhao Yunlan said "I am not afraid that Guanying will hurt Shen Wei. But what if he touches Shen Wei? I can't let that happen. He is my wife!"

"I'm worried about that too but Guanying is a man full of plan, he won't do anything reckless like that before everything is settled.  You see how smart he was when he tricked us like this?  So smooth and he even left all of this without traces" Wangji said "So I think for now, Shen Wei will be fine.  Let's go back to the shop and make a plan.  Let our spies do their job first"



Shen Wei opened his eyes slowly, he felt his head very dizzy.  He didn't remember what happened before.  But he knew for sure that he was currently in bed.  Wait …… Shen Wei was fully awake when he looked around the room.  This was not his bedroom.  This place was very unfamiliar to Shen Wei.  He paused to remember what happened before and why he was here.

There wasn't much that Shen Wei remembers.  He only remembered that Guanying was the last person he saw before he passed out.  At that time he and Guanying were drinking coffee.  Shen Wei reached into his pocket to look for his cellphone but he did not find the phone.  He began to panic and rushed to the door of the room but the room was locked.  There are no windows in the room.  Shen Wei knocked on the door repeatedly and hoped that someone would hear it.

"Hello ... is anybody there?"  Shen Wei shouted "Please open the door!"

There was no one who answered.  Shen Wei tried again

"Help! Hello! Guanying! Open the door !!"

Shen Wei tried to break the door but failed and instead made his hand hurt.  Shen Wei is really scared.  He looked for other objects to protect him, but there was nothing on the bedside table or dresser.  Shen Wei then crouched down and hugged his knee

"Yunlan, help me ..."  He cried.

Half an hour later, someone unlocked the door and entered the room.  It was Guanying.  Shen Wei looked at him with furious but Guanying just smirked.

"Hello, Xiao Wei. Are you okay? You must be hungry. I bring food for you" He said as he placed a plate on a table "Don't be afraid. You will be fine"

"Why?"  Shen Wei asked "Why did you do this to me?  Is that because of Yunlan?"

"Bingo!"  Guanying smirked again "He ruined everything, he stole you from me, he made my daughter sick!"

"Guanying, this is not right.  Look, we can talk.  You, me and Yunlan.  Don't be like this" Shen Wei tried "Please let me go, and I'll explain this to Yunlan"

"No, why should I let you go?  You're mine now.  And I can do anything to you" Guanying grabbed Shen Wei's hand and pushed him to the bed.  Pinned both of his hands above his head.  He straddled Shen Wei "You know I've been waiting for this too long.  Finally I can get what I want"

"No ... don't please" Shen Wei struggled to escape, he even cried "Don't do this, we're best friend ..."

"Sh ...  sh ....  my love don't cry" Guanying kissed Shen Wei’s cheek "I'm not gonna hurt you.  I love you so much how could I hurt you, right?"

"You hurt me already by this.  You also betrayed our friendship "

"I never want to be just a friend with you" Guanying said as he tightened his grip "I want you"

"I'm married.  You can't do this to me"

"Married?"  Guanying forcefully took off the ring from Shen Wei's finger and thrown it away "Not anymore"

"Do you think that my married ended just if you thrown away that ring?" Shen Wei said "I hate you so much"

"Of course not, Your marriage ends when Zhao Yunlan dies"

"What?" Shen Wei's face turned to pale "What are you gonna do?  Don't you dare to hurt him. I won’t let you!"  Shen Wei struggled again but Guanying pushed him down harder.

"I'm not gonna do anything. My job is to steal you and make you mine.  I don't want anything. Let them kill Zhao Yunlan as they want "


"Yes, your lovely mother in law and her son" Guanying whispered to Shen Wei's ear and then licked it "You should have chosen me instead of married with that bastard.  He destined to die no matter how hard you try to save him"

"YOU! FUCK YOU !!!"  Shen Wei yelled "You even work with that evil woman!  YOU BASTARD! "

"Uh uh ...  my angel that's bad word.  Beside, fuck me?  I will fuck you instead" Guanying said and kissed Shen Wei's lips rough and forcefully.  Shen Wei tried to move his head but Guanying was stronger.  He did that for awhile until he stopped and looked at not only Shen Wei's swollen lips but also swollen eyes because of crying "Well, I still try to respect you. I won’t touch you more than this for now.  Let's just wait until everything is settled shall we? Please don't cry babe..... You'll be fine with me "

Guanying let go off Shen Wei and got out of the bed, walked toward the door.  Shen Wei chased him but too late.  He closed the door and locked it from outside.  Shen Wei shouted again and hit the door repeatedly.

"Guanying open the door!  You bastard !!" Shen Wei cried and then rubbed his lips so hard until the corner of his lips bleeding.  He tried to erase the trace of that kiss.  He cried "How could you do this to me !!  Yunlan help me please ... help me" 


Don't hate me because of this chapter please *puppy eyes*

Because actually I want to kill this man too!! Please Yunlan please save our Weiwei 😭😭

He will save him before that bastard touch him more right?

Well you'll find the answer in the next chapter. That's all for today. I know you probably mad because of this chapter but I still hope that you will like this.

Thank you for read, vote, and comment. Have a nice weekend and see you later ❤❤

Ps. Have you seen our Weiwei new photo for Elle Magazine? This april our Weiwei will be the cover or this magazine (he actualky the first man who is on the cover like in more than two year)

Actually this campaign called The L project is the collaboration from Elle with WWF and our Weiwei as their ambassador. They hope that with this project people will more concern about the environment.

And they decided to release this magazine on april also as Zhu Yilong birthday's gift.

Here's some of the photo

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