17 - The Final Chapter

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True love is to love fully and never let go. No matter how hard it gets.


Warning : This chapter contain explicit sexual content (18+) do not proceed if you are underage or not comfortable with this content. You’ve been warned.


Shen Wei opened his eyes this morning with the feeling of joy

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Shen Wei opened his eyes this morning with the feeling of joy. He indeed wanted a fresh start after all the things that he’d been through, all the good and bad happened so fast. Sometimes he wanted to give up, sometimes he ended up with cry but it was over now. At least in his point of view, especially after last night he and Zhao Yunlan talked a lot. They agreed to start a new page for their love journey. Because no matter how much they loved each other back then, they knew that the reason behind their decision to be together was because they used it against the villain. So what happened after they beat the villain? They couldn’t continue their relationship because they would always remember the reason behind this. It would never work.

But their love was greater than the world, even thought they separated they will always find each other. Shen Wei knew that because no matter how hurt he was because of Zhao Yunlan, he knew that he would give up eventually. Some people might think that Shen Wei is the stupidest and naive person in the world because he forgave the man that hurt him badly in the past, but his love for Zhao Yunlan conquered everything, to the point that Shen Wei couldn’t control it anymore. And now he gave his heart for Zhao Yunlan completely. He indeed had a fear of something bad that maybe would happen in the future, and if that happened, he would surely die because nothing’s left in him that he didn’t give to Zhao Yunlan. But then, you wouldn’t give someone everything if you didn’t trust them.

From what happened last night, Shen Wei decided to trust Zhao Yunlan.

Shen Wei didn’t find his men on the bed so he decided to looking for him. He found Zhao Yunlan in the kitchen, he was cooking breakfast. Shen Wei couldn’t help but smiled. To hell with the future, for him now, he just wanted to enjoy the moment. Being in Zhao Yunlan’s arm completely. He hid behind the bookshelf and watched Zhao Yunlan cooking.

“Zhao Yunlan, what are you doing son?” Mrs. Shen came to the kitchen and surprised to see her used to be son-in law was cooking in the kitchen “Where is Xiao Wei?”

“Good morning mother” Zhao Yunlan smiled at Mrs. Shen “Xiao Wei probably still sleep. We were talking a lot last night and went to bed very late”

“So how are you? Did you catch a cold?” she touched Zhao Yunlan’s forehead “Oh, good. You don’t have fever. Just sit there son, let me cook for our breakfast”

“It’s okay mother, I want to do it. Let me cook for you, father, and Xiao Wei” Zhao Yunlan smiled “I’m so happy today mother. I really in a good mood”

“Seems like you finally reconciled with Xiao Wei” Mrs. Shen said and helped Zhao Yunlan with the vegetables “I’m glad. Both of you love each other dearly. There’s always a way to solve every problem. You just need to have a faith in each other”

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