Blight - [JJK]

By PrayForTay

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Jungkook never asked to be bound to someone. You only ever wanted a familiar. Suppose it was destiny that mad... More

XI [Final]


694 33 20
By PrayForTay

"Babe, we have to get up," a distinctive voice grumbled from behind you after their fit of arm swings to knock the alarm clock off its perch on the bedside table ended. Although a sentence of action, both you and the man laying behind you were reluctant to move a single inch. The mattress too soft, the morning sun from the window too warm and the small, soft hum of the music playing from his phone too tempting to fall back asleep to.

You felt him move around behind you. His legs that were between yours like zipper teeth moved to untangle and left your skin cold. You grumbled when he moved and took his arms away from your waist next and rolled so the warmth of his chest left your back.

The box spring whined under the weight movement on the mattress as he sat up and stretched behind you. He planted his hands beside him as he looked at you, still not moving. He was tempted to set the alarm back off. It used to take an army to get him up, but after living with you and sleeping beside you for so long- he's learned that you were harder to wake up than he was. He chuckled and you heard him and pushed your chin under the blanket that was over your shoulder. Content on ignoring him and going back to bed.

"Y/n, seriously. We have to go to Jimin's today. If we don't we may not see our son again for another week," Jungkook teased behind you. You finally squint open your eyes as you looked over your shoulder to your dragon husband. His golden, shirtless body fresh of sleep gleaming too brilliantly for the early hour.

When you both finally graduated, Jungkook had already been making plans on where you would live after you both got booted out of the dorms after graduation. Yoongi had already moved back in with his dad until he got his own place and Jimin also joined the little family in the small cottage. You didn't want to impose on Parrish- who you finally stopped calling Uncle and started calling dad- and overfill the house.

Instead, Jungkook offered to get a place together. It wasn't so surprising seeing as Jungkook had been your boyfriend for 3 years by that time. It took nearly two weeks before you both were sitting down and signing a lease for a suburban house in the city. Along with that, you both chose to take on typical human jobs in the city you lived in as opposed to magic-based jobs most bewitched graduates aim for.

When you first started moving in, Yoongi and Jimin had come to help. Jimin helped you set things up while Yoongi and Jungkook carried in boxes and furniture. Jimin quite enjoyed it, so much that when he convinced Yoongi to move to the same city as you and Jungkook with him, he applied to a company in need of an interior designer. Yoongi got a small-time job at some edgy-teen shop but was somehow contacted by some clothes designer to be used as a model. He's been with them ever since.

Now, later and you still lived in that same house you got with Jungkook. You were currently out of a job, since your last one laid you off- the assholes- and Jungkook worked at a small daycare about 10 minutes down the main road. You never actually knew the extent of how much Jungkook liked kids until you went to bring him the lunch he forgot at home on the counter and saw him with two kids tucked under each arm, swinging in circles like an out of control carousel.

He was also one out of only a few men who worked there, the remaining staff of females all had nothing but good things to say about your hubby. He was good with kids and they said he had a special knack for getting them to stop crying. Some say it was because his rosy pink hair made the kids feel like their talking to a superhero. Of course, the staff also knew about him being a dragon- he accidentally let it slip when he was caught blowing fire into the oven to heat it up faster- not the wisest idea.

However, his dragon traits worked out- especially in the case of the little girls who wanted to play 'princess' in the fake, plastic castle outside by the sandbox. Jungkook was always the dragon and was always being 'slain' by the little boy who came to rescue the princess. They gave him a cookie each time they played though- as a reward.

To follow, you remember when you got engaged to Jungkook who was right now nudging your shoulder to wake you up. He had dressed up to impress- an ironed button-up shirt in the softest shade of yellow, tucked into light jeans that complimented his lower half almost too well. The belt around his waist reminded you just how small it was. His hair was brushed and pulled just out of his face enough to show his forehead- you knew he had to have gone to the salon for that.

He urged you to get dressed because he was taking you on a spontaneous date with the reason being 'he just wanted to'. You, having no reason to argue, went with him before he was taking you outside and walking around.

Down past downtown, there was a giant park for people to visit and walkthrough. With hedges of flowers, to circles paths with fountains and benches, a playground for kids and even a small theatre for outside performances. Of course, the entire place was littered with trees and being the middle of autumn at the time, leaves of all colors were being blown off branches and onto the ground for someone to step on them with a satisfying crunch.

He asked you to marry him when he stopped you in front of one of the fountains with a small, silver ring to offer you. You cried and so did he before he was calling Jimin to say that you had said yes to him. Of course, all he got from Yoongi was a short congratulations and a threat to not do anything to you or else the warlock would be after some new, shiny pink scales.

However, when Yoongi texted you later that evening, he unraveled a long, heartfelt congratulations to you. Ending it with the fact that you deserved to be happy and if it had to be anyone, he was glad you were marrying Jungkook.

"Oh please," you slurred, finally starting to wake up against your will. "Jimin loves Eli," you finished. For the past three days, Jimin and Yoongi had been babysitting their nephew, your son, simply because Jimin whined he didn't get to see him enough. With the argument of 'what if he grows up and doesn't know me, that cannot happen!', you yield and allowed the sleepover for 3 days to commence. It had been an extended weekend, so your 6-year-old son didn't have school until tomorrow. Which is precisely why you needed to pick him up to bring him home today.

"I know," Jungkook chuckled. "That's what worries me. If he spends a fourth day over there, he's gonna get re-adopted by Jimin."

You rolled your eyes, but nonetheless, started to get up. The possibility of Jungkook's joke is a little bit too accurate. Jungkook moved swiftly, grabbing under your arm to lift you to sit up as he held your hand. He had this thing about looking at your wedding band every morning when he woke up. He still laughs remembering the fit you put up when you realized you couldn't put a wedding ring on your left hand if you don't have a left hand. So, he had to swap out your engagement ring with your wedding one on your right hand.

You yawned again, checking the time. Almost 9am. You run your hand over your face before flipping your hair out of your face and beginning to scoot out of bed, inch by inch. Jungkook bounded out of bed quicker than you did as he jogged to your side and helped you stand.

You had pretty much got used to your life with only your right arm. You've had many people say that you could always work something out to get a prosthetic or even a whole new arm with magic, but you always refused. You had made a decision a long time ago, and your price was paid. You wouldn't go back on that- you're too stubborn.

Jungkook had you on your feet in moments as he pushed your hair out of your eyes and behind your head. He could still see the sleep clouding in your eyes as he smiled and kissed your forehead.

"Take a shower first," he told you as he moved to take you out of the bedroom with a hand on your back. "We can go get Eli and take him out for lunch or something, I'll call Jimin to tell him." You wordlessly nodded, biting back another yawn as you both separated in the hall as Jungkook pat your ass. You went to the bathroom as Jungkook went to the kitchen.

You washed your sleepiness away in the warm shower that steamed up the bathroom before you were washing your hair. An everyday chore that became a talent when you learned how to do it all one-handed. You had to relearn a lot of things one-handed, but you thought of yourself as a talented woman if you could do all that and more with one arm.

When you got out and wrapped a towel around your chest, you padded back into your bedroom to go through your clothes to get something decent to wear out. You've been a bum the past 3 days. Without Eli begging to go somewhere and not picking him up from places, as well as Jungkook being the only working parent at the moment, you had no reason to leave the house. So it had been pj's and messy hair for 3 straight days.

Slipping on the least sexy pair of underwear you owned, but the most comfortable of all, you clipped on your bra and paraded around your room to your closet with your hair up in a towel wad. It was warm out now, the threshold between spring and summer getting closer each passing day.

Shrugging, you pulled out an off-shoulder white blouse with ruffles along the top of the fabric and a pair of black and white, pen-stripped shorts you had practically drooled at the moment you saw them in the store. Your blouse made it openly obvious to any onlooker you were missing your arm, yet the frills that hung off the sleeves and across the chest were just long enough to hide the scar left behind where your arm used to be.

The open shoulders also let anyone who happened to look at you see the bright, white tattoo on your shoulder and down your chest. An open display of your connection with your husband who happened to double as your familiar.

Pulling on some black socks one by one, you took your brush from your dresser top (you had two, one you kept in the bathroom and the other in the bedroom for your random urges to brush your tangled hair) and made your way to Jungkook. Following the sounds of clanking dishes in the kitchen along with the smell of borderline burnt toast.

Walking around the corner, you saw Jungkook snatch the toast just as soon as it popped up out of the toaster. Plopping it on his plate and smearing on an absurd amount of butter that melted almost immediately, you almost rolled your eyes. You eyed his back in silence, looking at the large, blotched scar on his back. The same scar you have nightmares about- the scar from the thunderbolt your father threw into his back all those years ago.

You also moved to look at the large tattoo of white on his left arm. Looking at it always made the vile bitterness in your mouth fade with the memory of his scar. That tattoo made you feel like there were all sorts of candies in your mouth as the butterflies fluttered in your gut.

"I can feel you staring at me," he chuckled as he turned around. He bit into the corner of his toast, crumbs falling and catching onto the tassels of his sweats he wore as pjs. His face nearly split in half as he smiled and chewed, giggling between bites before the entire piece of bread was gone. He still gets as giddy as he did the first day he saw that tattoo each time he sees it.

"Can you tie my hair up for me today?" you asked him, a small pull on your lip as he was starting to move around the island counter towards you before you stopped him. "Ah! Wash your hands first, butterfingers." He just rolled his eyes and made a dramatic scene of him washing his hands, using wayyyy too much soap and then drying them off before he was making grabby hands for your hairbrush. "You are such a child," you laughed at him as you handed it over.

"I know," he confirmed as he led you to a stool and sat you down, going behind you to pull your hair back and out of your face. "That's what makes me such a catch." He took a hair tie from the handle of the brush and put it between his teeth as he brushed with both the brush and his fingers. "How do you want it?" He asked.

You shrugged. "However? Just off my neck please." He nodded, not that you could see it. He knew that you didn't like your hair on your neck when you were going out in what would shape up to be a hot afternoon. Pinning it up first, he pushed your shoulders down when you moved to get up presuming he was done.

"M'not done," he murmured in concentration. He had gotten a lot of practice doing hair from playing with the little girls at work. Working with hair from sleeky and blonde to frizzy and untamable and curled beyond belief. You just sat still, letting him work. He ran off once to grab something before he was back and was twisting and twirling your hair around his hand. He was pinning it with something before he was stepping back and clapping for himself for a job well done. "Alright, you can get up now."

You did so and automatically moved to the living room where a small mirror hung beside a photo of Jungkook, Eli and you from last year's family photo shoot. He had rolled your hair up into a bun behind your head and pinned it up with chopsticks. Well, one chopstick and a No.2 yellow pencil. You bit back a laugh and just smiled at him.

"It's lovely, Jungkook," you complimented. The smile on his face made you happy to wear his chopstick and pencil hair-do. "Go, get dressed and shower now." You told him before he was kissing your cheek and running off to get ready for the day.

Coming back out with a white t-shirt, jeans and boots that made him at least 3 inches taller. Along with a black bomber jacket on. His hair only partially brushed, but whatever. It worked.


"Jimin! Hey, we're here! I hope my son is too!" You called into the house as you and Jungkook walked inside. You had a third key to Yoongi and Jimin's apartment- Yoongi giving you one when he lost a bet with you. What bet? Well, the bet that Jimin wouldn't ask him out on a date before valentine's day. You bet that he would Yoongi was doubtful, but on February 13th, Jimin asked him to go on a date to the zoo (of all places).

Of course, the relinquishment of their third key wasn't all that bad, I mean Yoongi lucked out with a hot, hellhound boyfriend by the end of the day. He wouldn't miss that key anyways.

"Of course he is!" Yoongi yelled back. "He's coloring with Jimin on the balcony!" He shouted in addition. You and Jungkook took off your shoes as you both waltz into the familiar apartment. Yoongi sat at his desk out in the living room, open tabs with words and photos on it. You padded up behind your brother, peering over his shoulder. Pictures of him in leather jackets and fishnet ripped jeans showing on the screen.

"Oh, are these from your last photoshoot with- uh, what's her name?"

"It's, Lily, and yes, it is. She wanted to do a greasy look, not sure how I'm feeling about it though." He hummed as he pushed his knuckles into his cheek, bouncing his opinion of himself in his head.

"I think it looks really good on you." You told him as Jungkook popped up on his brother-in-law's other side and smirked.

"You look like a playboy," he teased as Yoongi glared over his shoulder. You nudged Jungkook with a hushed 'don't be mean'. "I mean it in the most attractive, positive and encouraging way possible. I promise."

"Whatever, snake boy." Yoongi moved from his desk, closing the pictures and other windows before he was getting out of his chair and moving to the glass doors to the outside balcony. It was surprisingly spacious and large. Big enough for a small round table, two chairs and a little toy box with outside toys the boys kept at their place for when Eli does come over.

He knocked on the glass to get the attention of the two boys outside that were out of sight. He opened the door a bit before sticking his head out.

"Hey, little man. Mom and pops are here for you," he spoke, a smile on his face. Yoongi opened the door fully as from around the corner, a small little ball of fury ran inside. Jimin came into the glass door's view right after. His previous silver hair from school turned jet black due to his True Contract he formed with Yoongi. His eyes a permanent shade of silver as well.

"Mama! Papa!" Your son, Eli, shouted as he ran from outside to inside and caught sight of his parents. Jungkook knelt as Eli ran full force into his father's arms as Jungkook didn't hesitate to pick him up and swing him around. Lowering him back down to sit at his waist and against his chest, Jungkook chuckled as Eli clung to him, wrapping his small arms around his dad to hug him.

Jungkook set him down then as Eli turned to you as you knelt, hugging him on the ground. It was harder for you to pick him up with one arm now that he was growing. When he was younger it was easier.

Jungkook and you both decided to adopt Eli 3 years ago. When he was 3, he was chosen to be a part of your family. He wasn't a full human, but he was bewitched just like the rest of your family. He wasn't a Shifter like Jungkookor Jimin and he wasn't a witch or warlock like you or Yoongi. Instead, he was a sunsprite half-blood.

His full head of blonde hair and golden eyes were enchanting and innocent to look at with his child demeanor. His nose and cheeks dotted with freckles as his skin was tanned even darker than Jungkook's. He was the sweetest boy and you were happier every passing day that he was yours. Eli knew that Jungkook and you weren't his real mom and dad, but he still loved you anyway.

You let go of your son as he moved to run back to Jimin outside who was talking to Yoongi at the glass door. Jimin looked down at him, smiling as he bent down to talk to him as you raise yourself back to your feet.

"What's up?" Jimin asked.

"I have to clean up my toys!" Eli chirped. He was such a well behaved boy. Jimin nodded as he stood back up, taking Eli's hand.

"Alright! Uncle Jimin will help you!" He giggled as the two disappeared behind the wall and ran back and forth with the toys that previously littered the balcony. Yoongi moved to sit on the couch and picked up a book he had bookmarked on the coffee table next to a mug of cold coffee. Or, well previously cold coffee that he heated up with magic as he took a sip.

For such a well-rounded warlock, graduating the top of his class and getting the rank of A-Class warlock, he sure decided to forego and use his magic for mundane things. Heating up his cold beverages just being one of the many things he does.

Jungkook moved to sit down on a recliner as you moved to sit beside Yoongi, asking him about his book before asking how Eli was over the course of his stay.

"He's been fine, Y/n. You and Jungkook do a good job teaching him things. He's not a hard kid," Yoongi reassured. You often wondered if you were doing a good job raising Eli, seeing as you didn't have the best upbringing. The fear always struck hardest when you were waking up in the middle of the night or just randomly jumping into pain in the living room. The moments your arm burned with phantom pain and when Eli was crying holding his sun warm hands to your arm as Jungkook held you. You son asking over and over 'is mama okay?'. That's when it was hardest.

Jungkook always reassured you every time though. "He always went to bed without a fuss and Jimin read to him when he wasn't sleepy. He picked up after himself and he didn't splash when he took a bath. All is well with the world and Eli," Yoongi finished.

"Okay. I just get worried, you know." You smiled. Yoongi pat your leg before he was pinching your cheek.

"I know," he told you with that flat, soft smile that pushed at his cheeks he only gave to you- his little sister.

"Hey," Jungkook interrupted the conversation, getting you and Yoongi to look at him. "We're gonna take Eli to lunch, do you and Jimin want to come with us?" Jungkook offered. You smiled before looking at Yoongi. It took a long time for Jungkook to actually get accustomed to Yoongi's presence once again. After you and him began a couple and the True Contract was finalized, Yoongi seemed to glare at him every time he saw him. Jungkook was the teensiest bit scared of the overpowered warlock and his overkill familiar- not that he'd admit it.

Him asking your brother and his boyfriend out to lunch with you- his wife- and his child was a big step from where he was years ago. Yoongi seemed to think a bit before he smiled and shut his eyes, shaking his head.

"Nah, we'll let the happy family have their own lunchtime together. We spent 3 days with him, you can have him back." You felt a little disappointed. A big family lunch was always fun, but you didn't force him. You missed having quality time outside with your husband and child anyways. So, you won in the end regardless.

Soon, Jimin came back inside with Eli on his back. The toys picked up and back into the box outside. The glass door was shut and locked, the yellow drapes being pulled shut as Jimin let the young boy slide down his back to his feet. Yoongi got up off the couch as he started to make his way down the hall into the bedroom Eli had been staying in.

"Come on, little man. Let's get your stuff. Your mom and pops are gonna take you out today." Eli's little face lit up with a glow that mimicked the sun as he ran to his uncle's side and grabbed his hand. Holding it as they walked into his room and started getting his things together. Yoongi denied it, but he was so good with kids.

Jimin walked to you, plopping down beside you, opposite of where Yoongi was sitting before. He smiled, his wrinkled t-shirt obviously the same one he woke up in and never changed out of.

"You look nice today, Y/n." He complimented as you smiled.

"Thanks. You look comfy."

"I am!" He laughed as he slouched back on the couch's arm. Jungkook behind him rolled his eyes at his best friend's lazy behavior. The three of you started talking and somehow the conversation devolved to one about Yoongi's photoshoot far too quickly. Jungkook told him about how he looked like a heartbreaker and how you thought he looked nice. Jimin began to go on and on about how he thought the look in question looked great on him and that leather looked especially good on his boyfriend.

"'Cuse me, how about you stop this conversation now," Yoongi piped up with a heated face as he came back into the room with Eli. A small, ninja turtle backpack on his shoulders and a spiderman lunch box filled with coloring books and crayons at his side. Yoongi never did take compliments well, especially when they're coming from his boyfriend about the way he looks in leather.

When Jungkook started teasing him, Yoongi told Eli to cover his eyes, in which the child did promptly, and then slim ribbons of black lifted Jungkook to the ceiling, hanging him upside down until he apologized. To which, Yoongi unsympathetically dropped him on his back. When Eli uncovered his eyes, he laughed loudly at his dad upside down on the recliner.

Soon, the trio were standing at the front door. Eli helping his mom put her flats on, even if she didn't need the help and Jungkook strapping on his boots. Jimin and Yoongi stood with them, Yoongi's arm casually around Jimin's shoulders.

Eli pulled on his shoes, singing a little song he learned at school on what shoe to put on which foot. The weak, led lights under his feet when he stomped lighting up a shade of red when he stood up and hopped. Eli waved to Yoongi as he high-fived Jimin's outstretched hand.

"Bye-bye Uncle Yoongi and Uncle Jimin!" Eli cheered as he was soon ushered out the door by Jungkook who was already starting the car and racing Eli to the back seat to put him in his booster seat. He was still too small to be without one. You turned to the two men.

"Thanks for watching him, I think he enjoyed himself," you giggled. You had no doubt lunch and the car ride home would be filled with stories of what he did with his two uncles.

"I love having him over, any longer and I would've just adopted him myself," Jimin joked.

"Yeah, Jungkook said that too," you told him. Jimin opened his mouth in offense as Yoongi laughed. Shooing you out before Jimin really does march outside and take your child from Jungkook and locks the front door.

As you knew, once you were in the passenger seat and Jungkook started driving, Eli started yammering on about all the fun he had. He talked about the shadow plays Yoongi put on about fairy tales. Or how Jimin would shift into his hellhound form and would carry Eli on his back- something Jimin would need to stop doing before Eli got too much bigger.

You watched him through the rearview mirror as Jungkook was part of the conversation while diligently watching the road. One hand of his was on the wheel, the other in your lap.

When you three pulled up to Eli's favorite little fast food place with a giant play area, he was nothing but cheers and promises to behave. While you and Jungkook were easy-going parents, you've taken him home a handful of times due to his behavior or the occasional temper tantrum. Jungkook turned off the car and turned in his seat to look at the sparkling, gold eyes of his son.

"You promise not to be a bad kid? You're gonna listen to Mama and Papa today?" Jungkook asked as Eli nodded fervently. Jungkook reached out to him, offering his pink. "You promise Papa?" Eli quickly promised his dad with his pink as Jungkook smiled. "Alright. Then, let's go eat and have some fun." You got out of the car as Jungkook unlatched Eli from his seat and the three of you went inside.

Eli spent over an hour playing with the other kids who were playing in the play area. Climbing walls, going down slides, and speaking through connected, plastic bullhorns. He loved coming here and you didn't mind him blowing off his energy. He'd sleep well at least. Jungkook sat beside you on the bench for parents that ran along the room's perimeter, his arm over your shoulders long the top of the bench.

You both spoke with other parents about how the kids always had fun. Even a few staff members spoke to you, you both being here often due to Eli's love of the place you got familiar with some staff. You've even gotten a few coupons for your next visit too. Sometimes it pays to be a regular.

When Eli was done playing, Jungkook drove to the park when Eli asked if he could go see the flowers. He loved the flowers in the park because that's where his mama and papa adopted him- or so they told him. He was too young to remember- only being three.

When the three of them got out Eli watched as Jungkook walked to your right. Eli opened his mouth, but shut it and whined. You turned around as your son was soon motioning for Jungkook. Jungkook looked at you before he knelt and let his son whisper in his ear. Jungkook rolled his lips over his teeth as he smiled and ruffled his son's sunny, blonde hair.

"Of course you can hold Mama's hand, silly kid." Jungkook chuckled as he poked Eli's stomach. He had left his backpack and lunch box in the car as Jungkook locked it up and Eli jumped to your side. He grabbed your right hand with his left before he reached out his empty right hand. He smiled.

"Papa can hold my hand too!" He cheered as Jungkook nearly fell to his knees. The sunny smile of his cute son almost too much to handle. He took his son's hand as the three of you started walking through the park. The two of you swung him from time to time before he wanted to sit down because his feet hurt.

The three of you sat on a bench in front of the same fountain Jungkook asked you to marry you at. Before long, Eli- still holding both of your hands- hand slumped against your chest, falling asleep. Before long he was passed out in a small nap as you just smiled at him. Jungkook brushed his child's hair from his face before he leaned over and kissed his head.

"I think he had fun today," you softly spoke. Jungkook nodded.

"He'll be out for a while, but we'll wake him up soon so he can sleep tonight," Jungkook recalled he had school and ran through a checklist of what to do when they all got home. Empty out his backpack of fun weekend toys and storybooks and refill it with his pencil box and letter books for school.

"That's true," you replied. "You get to wake him up through," you teased. Leaving the job of 'bad parent' to Jungkook. He gasped lightly before he sneered at you with a smile. His nose scrunching up before he was kissing your cheek again.

He leaned his head on your shoulder as he kept brushing his fingers through his son's blonde head of soft hair. Poking his freckled cheek on occasion as Eli kept a firm hold on both yours and Jungkook's hands.

"Are you happy, Y/n?" He asked out of nowhere. You looked at the crown of his rosy dragon hair. You smiled as you kissed his head to which you felt his cheeks lift as he smiled against your shoulder. "I'm making you happy right? We're making you happy?" He gestured to Eli.

"You both make me more than happy. It's hardly even a question." You assured as he relaxed more on your shoulder. Before long you were having to wake up both your son and your husband who fell asleep on your shoulder on the park he proposed in. The park where you started your own family.

Yes, you were oh so happy. 

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