Love me like you do *Leonetta...

By Rebeccaxchapman1

17.1K 198 123

This is the beginning of the book where Leon and Violetta met, Violetta was dating Diego and she was very hap... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 *Final Chapter*

Chapter 18

550 8 8
By Rebeccaxchapman1

Leon pulled away from her and pulled him closer.

Leon: Let's walk baby.

Violetta: Okay. *Takes his hand*

They were walking and holding hands while walking then they came to the amazing place ever as Violetta let go of Leon's hand to walk ahead of him.

Leon: So, I'm guessing you like it here.

Violetta: It's an amazing place, it's just like the place you took me.

Leon: Where I took you? Where did I take you?

Violetta: Don't you remember?

Leon: No baby because I haven't taken you anywhere.

Violetta: Oh, well it must've been with Diego.

Leon: *Sighs* There's the name again.

Violetta: Oh, come on Leon you know Diego and I were together for a while.

Leon: Babe, I'm done I can't keep pretending anymore is it true Diego sent you a video while I was asleep?

Violetta: Well...

Leon: No, baby don't well just give me a yes or no, I don't want a long answer just a simple yes or no.

Violetta: Okay, then yes, he did.

Leon: I'm so done.

Violetta: *Holds his hand* What do you mean?

Leon: Do you still have feelings for Diego?

Violetta: No babe, I don't like Diego anymore especially not like that.

Leon: Why is it whenever he's around you blush?

Violetta: I don't, I'm blushing because of you.

Leon: Don't act innocent Violetta, it doesn't suit you.

Violetta: How am I acting innocent?

Leon: I don't know ignore me; I'm overacting I'm sorry.

Violetta: No, Leon it's not that easy to ignore you when you're like this.

Leon: When I'm like this, be serious, okay then fine answer me this why did you propose to me when we were in Madrid when we haven't even talked about getting married?

Violetta: Wait a minute, you think I proposed to you to make Diego jealous?

Leon: I don't know did you?

Violetta: No, I proposed to you because I love you, if you have doubts then why did you say yes?

Leon: Show me the video that he sent.

Violetta: What?



Leon: Just show me for f*ck sake.

Violetta: Fine.

Violetta got up on her phone and gave it to Leon when Leon watched the Video he saw Diego singing a song to her which made him clench his jaw of rage.

Violetta: There happy?

Leon: Wow, you didn't even delete it, I can't believe this.

Violetta: Your so dramatic Leon, it's just a stupid video.

Leon: Oh, it's just a video isn't it? Not something you can look at every time you miss him.

Violetta: Urgh Leon...

Leon: Oh, you mad at me now? For being the jealous boyfriend, oh now I remember you didn't like Diego being jealous with me and you but now I know why he was jealous all the time.

Violetta: What's that supposed to mean?

Leon: It means you're a player and you don't know what you want, Violetta.

Violetta: Diego said something hasn't he?

Leon: No, but it's been pretty clear to me since the mishap in Madrid, you know when he kissed you and you lied to me when you told me you pushed him away straight away but you didn't, did you? instead, you kissed him back put your arms around his neck and then you pushed him away so the whole holding me and crying was just guilt right?

Violetta: ....

Leon: Figured as much, which is why your always bringing him up in conversations accepting videos from him and kisses, there I am being a complete idiot by defending you and believing you, and you know what Diego's right you still love him and you love me you love us both, but in the end, Diego will be with you and I will be with somebody new which is fine because you both deserve each other here *Takes the ring off and puts it in her hand*

Violetta: *Looks at the ring* NO, Leon I love you and I don't want to be with Diego.

Leon: You love both of us, but I can't be with you while you still got him on your mind.

Violetta: Are you being serious? Wait a minute are you breaking up with me?

Leon: I'm sorry, but I know who you're going to choose between and it's going to be Diego where you have more history than with me.

Violetta: What? I knew it had something to do with Diego what did he say to you?

Leon: *Sighs* When I stopped him for looking for you, he told me that he was going to let you choose in other words he knows your going to choose him where he knows you still love him.

Violetta: Leon, I'm not going to choose Diego because I don't love him as much as I love you, can't you see how much I'm in love with you because if you think about it if I still had feelings for Diego don't you think I would've left you for him, but I haven't I'm still here because that's how much I love you.

Leon smiled at her.

Violetta: And Diego's not going to ruin this what we have because I love you.

Leon: I'm sorry I guess he got in my head.

Violetta: It's okay, he tends to get into everyone's head but please don't let him ruin what we have.

They hugged, but then Diego turned up which made Leon pull away and Violetta looked at him.

Leon: Diego?

Violetta looked at him.

Diego: *Shakes his hand* I can't believe it we meet again.

Leon: There's no need for you to be here, you're not her boyfriend.

Diego: No, but she still wants to be with me.

Leon: She doesn't want to be with you.

Diego: How do you know that hmm?

Violetta: Because I told him, Diego, I don't want to be with you the kiss was a mistake and you should move on really because you're just going to get hurt if you don't, I chose Leon because he treated me like a girlfriend where you didn't, you just treated me like I was an object and only paid attention to me when you felt like it. Where Leon doesn't do that, he treats me differently and he always notices me all the time there's never a time when he doesn't.

Leon: Now do you doubt her.

Diego: But You and I have history and you've known me longer than this pr*ck, so your going to go out with someone with who you don't have a history with but that's pathetic you know barely know the guy.

Violetta: I know him enough to know that I'm in love with him and I'm going to marry him whether you f**king like it all not.

Leon stroked her arm while she was talking as Violetta took his hand and put the engagement ring on his finger.

Diego: *Gags* Right you think your in love with him, and I think I'm a rock star but I'm not.

Violetta: I am in love with Leon I'm not lying.

Diego: I bet you haven't done it.

Leon: How do you know we haven't?

Diego: Well, have you?

Violetta: You know what Diego Leon and I have had sex more than I have ever had sex with you.

Diego: I'm leaving because you two are making me sick.

Leon: Good and stay away from Violetta.

Diego left as Leon and Violetta went to Leon's house and chilled.

Violetta: Why you staring at me like that?

Leon: No reason baby it's just your beautiful and I love looking at you.

Violetta: I love you, Leon.

Leon: I love you too baby.

They cuddled and fell asleep after a while.


Thank you for reading.

I love you all.



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