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Hey followers\Readers

I have a new book idea for you all, and i would like to see if you would like to read it it's called What if? *Dieletta & Ludeon*

I know it's not a very good time for some countries especially here in the UK with everything and this outbreak but I just want to say I will keep updating my books for you all

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I know it's not a very good time for some countries especially here in the UK with everything and this outbreak but I just want to say I will keep updating my books for you all.

I just have a question which book would you like me to finish or start next after I finish Love me like you do.

I hope you are enjoying my books so far and I have more coming very soon

Just stay safe and take care of your family and friends and mostly yourself

I love you all



Love me like you do *Leonetta Story* book 1Where stories live. Discover now