Chapter 19

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Leon could hear sniffling beside him when he turned onto his back and looked beside him Violetta was shivering while crying as he whispered to her she didn't answer.

Leon: *Whispers* Baby? Are you okay?

Violetta: *Sobs* Just go to sleep Leon.

Leon: *Whispers* Babe I can't sleep with you sobbing.

Violetta: I just want you to pretend I'm not crying.

Leon: *Leans over her* Violetta, tell me what's wrong.

Violetta: Nothing it was just a dream.

Leon: Mm, what kind of dream?

Violetta: I just want this dream to be true.

Leon: What dream do you want to be true hmm? Tell me.

Violetta: *Leans her back on his chest* Doesn't matter, just can you do me a favour?

Leon: What, baby?

Violetta: Can I cuddle you?

Leon: Sure baby, come here then.

As Leon falls onto his back Violetta was about to sit up but she looked at him.

Leon: What?

Violetta: I didn't mean you cuddle me I meant me cuddle you, so your head is on my chest not my head on your chest.

Leon: Oh, I thought you wanted a cuddle from me, not I give.

Leon cuddled Violetta while she was stroking his head as he slept, he felt a kiss on his head they both fell asleep.

Violetta: I love you, Leon.

Leon didn't answer because he was asleep.

The next morning.

Leon rolled off Violetta in the night and fell asleep on her pillow beside her, so she still felt him close to her, as Violetta woke up while she was about to get up Leon stroked her leg before getting up.

Leon: *half asleep* Where are you going baby girl?

Violetta: I was going to get in the shower and to let you sleep since I woke up in the middle of the night.

Leon: *Pulls her close to him* Hmm, why you being like that with me?

Violetta: Leon, let me have a shower or at least get dressed.

Leon: Why are you in a rush to get dressed? Hmm, planning something, are you?

Violetta: I just want to get up where I can't sleep anymore.

Leon: Who said anything about sleeping when we could do something else.

Violetta: Please Leon I'm tired and I just want to get up and have breakfast.

Leon: Shh, baby come here I won't do anything.

Violetta sild down the bed to level her head up with his shoulder and she rested on him for a while.

Leon: Are you worried about Diego?

Violetta: No, Leon I just didn't like my dream yesterday.

Leon: Baby, how about we get up and we go out for breakfast hmm?

Violetta: No, Leon I think I need time alone for today.

Leon: Okay, well if you want me to go then I will.

Leon pulled away from her and got dressed but as he was dressing, she was talking to him.

Violetta: What, but I don't want you to go Leon.

Love me like you do *Leonetta Story* book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora